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Inspection of Machinery.-Mγ Rob.* ?f U M eai ! haS beea a PP°»t«i Chief laspeS ie of Machinery. r e »»iot y Bankruptcies.— There were eight banu *, laptciea last week, a briokmaker, a £' , manager, a wheelwright, a contract* , 1 tobacconist, a rarmer, and two etorekeenL ,S ROBBBRT AT MRTMVRN.-Oluriug guffi 3 night or early on Monday morning Mr W? ' 1 Rowee a Canterbury Hotel was broken i£ • and.notes, silver and cheques to the tl £ v oi £83 were stolen. ' AGRICULTURAL AND PasTOBAL AssOQi y TION.— The annual general meeting otu« 3 members of the Canterbury Agncultun) aud Pastoral Association will be held iv ti ' > rooms of the Caledonian Society, HerofoM 2 street, on Friday next, at 8 p.m. [ Fire Hkioadk Ci)MrET.moN.--Tlie fim j day-a competition by the Brigades no» visitine Chriatohurch will take pl RC » «n ' Thursday at Laucaster Park. An «* 3 cellent programme of events has IZ. j arranged. x StaVmore Ba.yd Art Union , The drawing of the Stawmore Band Art Uuion will take place on Thursday evening at th« £ Polo.—A team from the Aahburton Voh 5 Club will arrive this morning to play 1 , team of the Christchurch Club on the ground 1 of the latter this afternoon. i > Cultivator Trial.— Oα Friday, at Mr ' Chilton'e Farm, Ea»t Eyreton, a very sao . oeesful trial was mado of the Mftssey-Havrit Company's combined cultivator and seedier . The teats were very severe, but the machine went through them admirably, and wu , purchased by Mr Davies. Orders for several other machines were booked. 1 Weddinci—At Mount Lofty, South Atu« tralia, on February 22ad, Miaa Joauaia i Gurr, of Sea View, was married to Mr W, ■ T. Robinson, of Cheviot. The pretty little church had been decorated with flowers and ferns by girl friends of the bride. The happy pair received many presents and cheques, including a valuable present from t the oride's grandfather. Photo. Section.—The Photo, section of the Philoeophicallnstitutenotify elsewhere that the annual meeting will be held n«x6 Tuesday instead of to-nighc. The Committee meet this evening for the purpoee of deciding where the annual meeting shall be held and what form it shall take ; probably it will take the form of a social to which the friends of members will also be welcome. The Tbdman Rewkf FtrND.—Afc the final meeting of the Committee jt hearty vote of thanks was passed to the Director* of the Sefton Town Hall for the use of the hall, and also to the Chairman, Seoretarj and Treasurer. Messrs Smiller, Wallace and Brown met Mr Truman on Baturdayevening and handed over to him the amount' collected, viz , £160 9s, and also goods promised and received amounting to £4 16e 6d. There are still a few subscriptions to be collected, which will bring the fund up 7* to about; £170.. ■■' Rivffa Board,—The South Waimakariri River Board met yesterday afternoon. Present—Messrs W. Boae (chairman), H. W. Peryman, H. Crooks, C. F. Money, J, C. Atkinson, R. W. England, T. Wilson and R. M. Taylor. The* report of the Surveyor was adopted. It was decided to " obtain a report concerning the reserves most suitable for planting in marram grass, aud Mr Peryman was requested Lo get paiticu«.!i lars as 'to cost', &c. The Board passed; , accounts amounting to £80 2e. '- Letters Patent.—Complete specifics- t tions relating to applications for- Letter*: r Patent have been received from Willi&in Henry Trengrove for a chain adjustment, -- &c, in the frames of bicycles; Laverua Nelson Dyhrberg, Vy"alter William Curtici,, - and Albert Crum for driving meohaniani for ' eafety bicycles; Edward Smethurat, for/ means of turning a vessel ab sea; Marj v Hindley, for hooka and eyes; and Speight, for lever-pedal for oyclea. P»*,,jJ visional specifications have been received,.! from P. C. K. Young for a rabbit gate; 15. J. T. Ford for writing-„; tablet and door for telephone W. J. Daviaon, for a steam wool-drier; end.*■;'_ Joseph Speight, for crank lever for oyolee." Rielk Shooting. — The Asaocietioa i,, match, IS Battery v Christchurch' CJtX.;/ Rifles, was fired on Saturday, March 7th,»f Bromley range, and resulted in a win for. r the City Rifles by 13 points. The foliownjjfr :, are the scores and conditions, ranges 209, s J SGO, 600 yarda, aeven shots at eaoh, oQt/V atghter :—City Rifles—Corporkl Japkson Private Dodd 79, Sergeant Trebilcoek Sergeant Parker 78, Lieutenant Fairbeimly 78, Private Taeker 77, Private Cork 76,|u; Sergeant Nichoils 66, Private Chapman so,'p?, Private A. Dodd 71, total 746. EHatter/—4*-S Bombardier Letter 87, Lieutenant ./-' 83, Sergeant Treleaven 78, Cropp 73, Bombardier Rose 75, Gaanet "* Butler 71, Gunner Maine 75, GdW - lizard 64, Gunner Hickey 63, Sergeant [ Weir 62, total 733. - .. ,* '

The Volonteebs.—The annual meeting, ■;■: of the City Kifles was held laat ntghV - •- Captain Hobday presiding. The balance- ' < Bheet showed receipts £23113s 10d, abd c* \, penditure £227 2s lid, of which £127 7« Sd :!, was for uniforms. The credit balance wa»' -.: £4 11s lid. The Company's «*■»!£',/ amounted to £219 Iβ sd, and its liabilities, v to £7 13s, leaviug a credit of £211 8s $d. ,-" The balance-sheet was adopted. The elto* . tiou of officers resulted as fo/lowe:—Seere* "J, tary, Colour-Sergeant Bean j Finance- Com* mitfcee, Sergeants Trebilcock aud Hopkins t ; Auditors, Lance-Corporal Wd'odfieid *p4 •!■ Corporal Jackson ; custodian ammunition;.;,; Sergeant Trebiloook; Shooting Committee, - ■ Sergeants Trebilcock and Nicholis and f Corporal Jackson ; delegates to Association- , Corps Committee, Sergeant Parker «sd Corporal Jackson; Orderly-room Commi6tee r *\; Quarter-master-Sergeant Millar, Sergeant '_. Hopkins and Private Foster. SergtanfcParker and Corporal Jackson were .; to represent the corps at the Rifle Ass&otav" , tion's meeting at Oamaru. Votes of v,i were accorded to Sergeant Trebilcook »»* Corporal Jackson for their services in nectiou with shooting practice, and to the;/' retiring officers, after which the proceedings terminated. Lkws Tenwis.—-The second of a series ql matches arranged between the Canterbury - and Linwood Clubs was played on the courts of the latter on Saturday, and resulted in a win for Linwood by 26 ganiea. Afternoon tea was dispensed by Misses Ker ana - McGregor. The following are the scores;—: Singles—Burns (L) beat Rutherford [Vh i 9—B; Bristed (L) beat Seager (C), 9—2* > , J. Tμ t (L) beat Appleby (C), 9-5; w. , Tait (L) beat McGibbon (C), 9—l; fer- . guson (L) beat Garsia (C), 9-4; Cox (OJ beat Blybh (L), 9—4 ; Liurie (C) beat Bntoliffe (L), 9-3 ; Styche (C) beat Barlow [L)i - 9—B. Doublee—Burns and Sutcliffo {uf beat. Laurie and Rutherford (0). 9—7; Fer ,V au««n and W. Tait (L) beat Appleby and MoGibbon (C), 9—2; Bristed and Barlow (L) beat Gareia and Seager (C). . a "~'» « BrisSed and Barl .w (L) b»t[Bt«h» »«l B«ager (C), 9-6; J. Tait and W. T«« (M \ beat Appleby and MoQibbofl (OJ, 9-<>. Cox aod Styohe (C) beat Blyth and Iff. , Tait (L). 9—B; Laurie aud Rutherford (Cj beat Burns aud SutcHffe (L), 9-5; Cox ana - Gariiia (0) beat "Blyth and Ferguson (Lfc 9—7. ; $■'& It'will be noticed in onr advertieinjc i;,| oolumns that Mr Howes, Massaur, has f 6 moved from 177 Worcester etreot new premises, 235 Gloucester street. «»W .£;

A New Zeamndbr in* Ameiuca.—Else- .- where will be found a very interesting £ interview, by our *prcL%l reporter, with ' Mr George Humphreys, of Fteicher, Humphreys and Co.. who h*s ju»t relumed from a trip to America. Ln'SCHEKS' PIIOTKCTIOS ASSOCIATION.— The annual meeting ot the above will be liel.l at the Chamber of Commerce Hal), at co,.ncoud with the b..udentt oI ruih will be held this evening i« he fcoeialHall, to corner the j.>in«u U tether id one tody. PoiiTicAU-Mr Kueeell, M.H.R. for J hft Town Hall, IMtesD. to-morrow evening. AiAeowa-The St. Augustine Lodge, No. a NZC will hold its legnlar meeting toliibl, when a large muster of viiiiioff brethren is expected. Ihe Conyers Lodge, 1916 E C. will meet on Thursday eveniug, when the R.W\.Di«r. G.M. and G.L. officers will pay »d official visit. AMPmiHEATiiB or \aiubties.—There was'a very good attendance last night at the Amphitheatre of Varieties opposite the Theatre Royal, when the programme of th urevious oveuiug was repeated successfully, 'ihe Company will appear again thia evenmo when an attractive programme will be nteVnted. A* the prices are on a popular baiif, no doubt tlie,e v, , 11 ** a large attendance. A New Bicycle Record.—At Lancaster park last evening Mr Henry Tho.npaon, of the Pioneer Bicycle Club, was succesaful in an attempt to lower the half-mile bicjele record for New Zealand, covering the distance in lmin ssec. As, howuver, Mr Thompson had ouly two timekeepers, this perfoimance is therefore not an official J^cufd; but procuring a third holder of tlie watch, Mr Thompson made another »tt«npt, and succeeded in lowering the jeoord to lmin 5 3-sth ccc. The timekeepers were Messrs F. Denby, J. W. Jones and A. T. Washer. Mr Thompson, who rode an A talanta machine, was paced by Jfeasra Franklin find Casoolton a tandem. MoßKis Titbe fc'HOOTiNir.—On Friday evening the members of the Christchurch Working Men's Cub Rifle fired off another competition at the 200 yards range for prizis kiudly presented by Messrs Mason, Stnithere and Co., Vincent and Co., Ashby, Bergli and Co., T. Cpes, and W. W. Collins, AI.H.R. The following were the highest scorns :—E. Barlow, 1, 35; G. H. KodiuiM, 2, 34; VV.A. CuldurelJ, 1, 33; D. JJarkland, 1, 33 ; A. J. Lummis, 1, 33; \V. 6. Munford, 1, 33. Union Rowinh Ci-üb.—A meeting of the Executive of chid Club was held at the Boathouse on Friday evening. Present—Messrs F. D. Kestoven (iv the chair), G. H. Cooper, \V. G. Atack, F. E. Hymnn, 1). Lee, A. Allan, li. Harding, C. allard, and A. E. Craddock. It was decided to hold the Annual Smoke Concert and Presentation of Prizes on March 27th. Messrs Lee, Allan, and Craddock were appointed a Committee to arrange. The Secretary waa instructed to forward the names of some members who had not paid their subscriptions to the Sports Protection Association to be dealt with. The question of again holding Assemblies in connection with the Club daring the coming winter was considered, aud Messrs Kesteven, Hyman, Harding, 'Wallace, and Collins were selected a Committee to make arrangements in connection therewith. Rifle * Shooting.—The City Guards meb the Canterbury Engineers on Saturday at Bromley for the Associated Corps' Shield, ' when iho Guards were returned victors by 153 points. The ranges were 200, 500, and 600 yards, seven shots. The following are the scores :—City Guards, Lieutenant Sandford 78, Private Batchelor 75, Lance-Cor- . poral Thompson 74, Corporal Meddings 73, Private Bentley 36, Private Bradley 62, Private Teague 59, Sergeant Butcher 59, Corporal Ward 57, Sergeant Steere 56: total, 659. Engineers, Corporal Morrow 63, Sapper Parker 60, Lieutenant Anderson 54, Corporal Smith 54, Lance-Corporal Taylor 62, Lieutenanb Bridgman 50, Sergeant Smuigtoii 49, Sergeant Evans 48, Corporal Boutin 38, Sergeant Watts 38 ; total, 506. Akaroa Races.—Owing to the action of the Little River Licensing Committee the ■' license for a publican's booth at the Akaroa races cannot cc granted. At the quarterly licensing meeting the Committee was equally _ divided on the question of granting and re- ». 7 ftual, there being six present, and the . "tcUug-iChairman did not Rive hw casting ' vote, and it was decided to refer the matter to the Chairman, Mr Bishop, S.M., who if, however, powerless to act as he was not present at the meeting. The upshot is that no license is likely to he granted, unless the minister of Justice might advise the Governor to comet the action ot the Committee.

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Press, Volume LIII, Issue 9361, 10 March 1896, Page 4

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NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume LIII, Issue 9361, 10 March 1896, Page 4

NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume LIII, Issue 9361, 10 March 1896, Page 4