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• ".U-ial*—Sports Committee —Messrs F. Wilding, H. McCardell, A. X-, MeOormack, E. R. Web!.. C. A. Krupp, T. l>. Condell, L. A. Caff and Dr. Jen•i!.!<**. Referee— Mr F. Wilding. Stewards— Messrs W. J. Cotterill and C. G. Matheson. .ludifes at Finish—Messrs C. A. Knapp, T. l>. ('••n.lell and Dr. Field Judges— )1-.«h H. McCardell, A. K. McConnaek and H. .->. I'-itehelor. T.:uekoepers—Messrs A. Francis, A. Lowry and A. Gunderseti. Standard Judjr;*--ilr F. I.'t'owlLshaw. Standard Timekeeper— Mr c. 11. Jons-. Judges of Walking—Mivssrs T. l>. Condell and T. Kerr. Starter -Mr E. K. Webb. C!erk of tiie Course—Mr 11. Frost. Pros* .Sl.-wur.i—Mr J. i>. Laurenson. Marksmen— M •»*:•* 1 , . Wood and C. Trindiam. Ues'ilt Hoard -Jl«*rs 1 , . A. Laurie, J. Moir and X. L. Maeli-.-t'i. La;> Taker—Mr J. C. Cusac-k. Marshal a:id llosi. Secretary—Mr L. A. Cuff. The seventh annual championship meeting, uuder the auspices of the New Zealand Amateur Athletic Association, was held on Saturday afternoon at Lancaster Park, aud was on the whole very successful. The weather was tnest fivourable, the only drawback being a little too much northeasterly wind to allow of fast times iv the sprints, and the attendance was n»c so large <ts lovers of athletics coulu desire to see, the numbers nob being quite up to 2000. The cinder track was in capital gome order aud the grass was also iv good condition. The meeting w&s got through without the slightest hitch of any sort to detract from its success or pleasantness, and tuat was due in large measure to the very satisfactory manner in which the energetic Hon. Sec, Mr L. A. Cuff, and the other officials carried out their respective duties. The Engineers' B uul supplied music during ihe afternoon. Most of the eventa were exceptionally well contested, aud fiuishes were close and exciting. The easiest wins were perhaps in the two walking races, where the Auckland rspreseutative wa3 never pushed. The little wind there wa3 blew down the straight, and the times for the sprinta were consequently uot so good as might otherwise have been the case. The world's record was, however, reached in the 440 yards hurdles by the present holder, and standard time was made in the 120 yards hurdles and 440 yards flat. The jumping was fair and the winner of the !oni< jump also gained a standard badge. The programme opened with the preliminary heats of the 100 yards, from which J. H. Hempton, the Wellington crack, was an absentee, he not having come down for the meeting. The first heat was taken by the Dunedin representative, W. V. Kingston, who wae followed home by \V. Hayward, the latter looking like the winner for the greater part of the distance. In the second heat A. J. Patrick, the previous year's champion, fiuished about a yard and a half in frout of E. A. Robiuson. The starter had some difficulty in despatching the men in the final, but they ultimately got away in Hue, and a aplendid race resulted in a eomewhat unexpected win for Robinson, who beat Patrick by a few inches, with Kingston a close 'third. Qriersou cut out the running for the trio iv the half mile, but Low made his effort 290 yards from home, and running strongly finished three yards in front of Grierson in the fair time of 2min 4sec. H. S. Bailey wan evidently not in form in the high jump, aud failed to come near hia championship performance of last year, dropping out at sft sAin, leaving P. J. Brown, who negotiated the bar an inch higher, the winner. The one and three mile walks were gifts to F. H. Creamer, who was followed home on each occasion by J. Maxwell. W. H. Martin and J. Moir won respectively the first and second heats of the 120 yards hurdles, and the latter followed th>» Aujklaud man homo in the final, the time, 16 3-sth eec, being up to the standard. T. Roberts, who finished third, is rnoro at home over a greater distance, * cd his performance in the 410 yards hurdles eliow.s that he has no superior in the world over the longer hurdle track. His Club mate, ALarlin, finished next to him, with F. S. Harley all out a poor third. There has always been a dearth of good long-distance men in the colony, but this meeting has shown that there is at least one who is not far from the top of the tree, and who has youth still on his side. In W. F. Bennect Duuedin possesses a runuer who, for style and pace combined, is undoubtedly the best man since the days of Pat. Morrison, the one and three-mile ehainpion of 1889 9 J. Beunett is but twenty years of age, was trained by hia father, is of short stature but well built, and runs with a wonderfully long and even stride, and his two wius on Saturday show that he also possesses both speed and gameness. C. R. Clark made a good but unsuccessful effort to foot it with him in the mile, and in the three milo3 Bennett was not pushed. His times were only a little over the standard. The local men had it all their own way in the hammer throwing, the winner being P. J. Brown, and the weight putting was won by W. C. Rhodes; neither performances coming up to the standard. The first heat of the 250 yaids flat was taken by L. Broad, whoso immediate attendant was W. V. Kingston, and the second heat fell to H. M. Reeves, the champion of 1893 4, with W. Balch second. The start for the final was delayed somewhat through Broad's eagerness to get away. The race was well contested, Kingston winning by half a yard from Reeves, with Broad a good third. The pole jump resulted iv a tie at 10ft sin, between H. L.. Kingsley and R. Hunier, the latter beiog handicapped through the want of a suitable pole. L. A. Cuff, who had not had a single practice for three and a half years, carried off the long jump championship far the second time, his best effort being 20fc 7£in, H. H. Piercy was second witn 20ft 2in, and P. S. K. Macassey, who was suffering from a badly sprained ankle, pluckily stuck to hia work, and gained a' point for his Club. The quarter-mile flat was won in standard time by \V. A. Lord, the Dunwlin runnery who was in fine torm ; and Balch going determinedly at the finish, wrested second place from Mowbray ou the tape. The cimmpionship.however.fell to Canterbury with 53 points, Dunedin being second with 33, and Auckland third with 29. Dunediu, however, obtained five championships to four each won by Carfteibury and Auckland. Appended are the reaulte :— 100 Yauds Flat Championship—Previous champion,' A. J; Patrick, W.A.A.C. World's amateur record, 9 4-sth sec, B. J. VVefers, New York ; J. Owens, junr., Detroit A.C. (U.S. A) ; W. T. JMacpherson (N.rvW.) ; and J. H. Hempton (N.Z.) New Zealand amateur record, 9 4-sth se6, W. T. Macoberson (X.SLW.); aud J. Hi* , Hempton, H.BTa.A.C. Best New Zealand cham pionship performance, 9 3 sth sec, J. H. Hempton, is. A. A.C. {Xot passed as a recordj. Standard, 10 l-sth sec. First Heat. W. V. Kingston. D.A.A.C. ... ... 1 W. Hayward, C.A.AC. ... ... 2 A. Joues, A.A.A. and C.C. ... ... 3 L. W. Harley (C.A.A.C.) also started. Hayward got off well, and had a lead at half distance of two yards. Here Kingston came away with a dash, and won by a yard. Two yards between second and third. Time, 11 l-sth sec. Second Heat. A. J. Patrick, VV.A.A.C. 1 E. A. Robinson, C.A.A.C. ... ... 2 H. Mowbray, W.C.A.A. and C.C. ... 3 \V. Balch, C.A.A.C., and L. Broad, C.A.A.C, also started. After several attempts a good start was made, Robinson and Patrick going to thb front at half-distance. The latter kept the position, and won by a yard and a half ; Robinson evidently easily securing second place, a yard from Mowbray. Time, 10 3 sth sec. Final Heat. E. A. Robinson. C.A.A.C. ... ... 1 A. J. Patrick, W.A.A.C. ... ... 2 W. V. Kingston, D.A.A.C. ... ... 3 A fairly good start was effected, Kingston having if anything the worst "f it. The other three got away together, Patrick and Robinson cutting out the pace, the latter finishing a good race six inches in front of Patrick, Kingston, who had improved, getting third place, a foot away. Time, 10 3-sth sec. Half-Mile Flat Championship—Previous and ) resent champion, VV. A. Low, D. A. A.C. World's amateur record, lmin 53 2 sth sec, C. J. Kilpatrick, New York. New Zealand amateur record and best New Zealand championship performance, 2min, D. Wood, CA.A..C. Standard, 2min 2sec. W. A. Low, D.A.A.C. ... ... 1 J F. Grierson, C.A.A.C. ... ... 2 A. M. Stuart, W.A.A.C. ... ... 3 Zueit w#re (be only aUrtert. Sriereoa

cut out the pace, and passing the stand was leadiug by 10 yards, Low second, and Stuart at hi 3 heeis la3t. At the back of the course Siuart went to second place, and Low fell a. yard or so be hi mi ; 200 yards irom home Low made his effort, which was pretty to see. Without any difficulty he lessened the distance from the leading man, whom he overtook at the entrance to the straight, and, going strongly, won easily by 4 yards. Over 10 yards between second and third. Time, 2min 4sec Hic.H Jump Champiosship—Previous champion. H. S. Baiiey, Wan. A.A.C. World's amateur record, 16ft sjjm, W. J. Sweeney (America). New Zealand amateur record, sft Bin, H. is Bailey, Wan. A.A.C. Best New Zealand chainpiouship performance, sft 7jio, H. S. Bailey, Wan. A.A.C. Standard, sft 7i:i. V. J. Brown, C.A.A.C., sft 6iin ... 1 11. iS. Bailej', Wau. A.A.C., srt sim ... 2 D. Westenra, C.A.A.C., sft sim ... 3 A start was made at 4ft 10in. At sft Sjiu Westenra and Kmgsiey had two attempts to clear the rod. The next inch was too much for Kingsley. Bailey and Westenra cleared sft s£m, at which they stopped, and Brown put on another incn. Bailey and Westenra tried for second place at sft 4£in, which Bailey cleared, but Westenra did not. Their best performances are recorded above. One Mile Walking Championship—Previous champion, A. Brady, A.A.A. and C.C. World's amateur record, 6 mi a 29 3-sth sec, F. P. Murray (America). New Zealand amateur record, 6 mi a 41sec, A. Brady, A. A.A. aud C.C. Best New Zealand championship performance, Gmin 52 2-sih sec, A. Bain, D.A.A.C. Standard, 7min ssec. F. H. Creamer, A. A.A. and C.C. ... 1 J. Maxwell, D.A.A.C. ... ... 2 G. W. C. Smithaou, C.A.A.C. ... 0 These were the only starters. Creamer went away with a substantial lead, which he improved, and won as he liked by nearly 100 yds. Smithson reduced his distance of 20yds in the first lap, and caught Maxwell at the straight, whence a keen race ensued, Smithson breaking at the tape and getting disqualified. Time, 7min 10 l-sbh sec. 120 YardsHurdleChampionship (lOflights, 3ft 6in) —Previous and present champion, \V. H. Martin, A.A.A. and C.C. vVorld's amateur record, 15 2 sth sec, 8. Chase (America). New Zealand amateur record, 163 ec, H. W. Batger, W.A.A.C Best New Zealand championship performance, 16 l-sth sec, H. W. Batger, W.A.A.C. Standard, 16 3-st.h aec. First Heat. W. H. Martin, A.A. A. and C.C. ... 1 F. S. Harley, C.A.A.C. 2 R. Cole, G.A. A. aud C.C. ... ... 3 H. S. Bailey (Wan. A.A.C ) also started. Won easily by two and a half yards. Two yards between second and third. Time, 17sec. Second Heat. Jno. Moir, C.A.A.C ... ... ... 1 T. Roberts, A.A.A. and C.C. ... ... 2 H. H. Piercy, C.A.A.O 3 Won easily by one yard, the second and third finishing very closely. Time, 16 4-dth sec Final Heat. W. H. Martin, A. A. A. and C.C. ... 1 John Moir, C.A.A.C. ... ... 2 T. Roberts, A.A.A. and C.C. ... ... 3 F. S. Harley (C.A.A.C.) was the other starter. Especial interest was taken in this fiual, as the four competitors represented two Clubs. After a little delay a good start was effected by Webb. Martin and Moir took the first hurdle together, and then the former got a little ahead of his opponent. Harley followed, and Roberts was last. Martin held his advantage, and won by one and a half yards. Harley fell away, and Roberts improving beat him for third place. Time, 16 3-sth eec, which was up to the standard. 250 Yards Flat Championship—Previous champion, L. Broad, C.A.A.C. World's amateur record, 24 3-sth sec, W. T. Macpherson (N.S. W.). New Zealand amateur record, 24 3-sth sec, W. T. Macpherson (N.S. W.). Beet New Zealand championship performance, 24 3-sth sec, W. T. Macpbereon (N.S. W.). Standard, 26 3 sth sec. First Heat. L. Broad, C.A.A.C 1 W. V. Kingston, D.A.A.C. ... ... ' 2 E. A. Robinson, C.A.A.C. ... ... 3 A. Jones (A.A.A. and C.C.) also started. He went off in the van, but was overtaken at the straight by the rest, and a keen contest ensued to the end, about one and a half yards being between the placed men respectively. Time, 27 2-sth sec Second Heat. H. M. Reeves, C.A.A.C. ... „, 1 W. Balch, C.A.A.C 2 A. J. Patrick, W.A.A.C. ... ... 3 H. Mowbray (W.C.A.A. and C.C.) also rail. Reeves dashed off to the front, wus never overtaken, and won by about two yards. Three-quarters of a yard separated Balch from Patrick. Time, 27 3-sth aec. Fiual Heat. W. V. Kingston, D.A.A.C 1 11. M. Heaves, C.A.A.C 2 L. Broad, C.A.A.C. ... 3 W. Balch, C.A.A.C, also started. Reeves and Balch were the leaders for some yards, Broad following, and Kingston lying last. One hundred yards from home Kingston made his effort, which rather astonished tho spectators. Goiug very strongly,he passed Reeve 3 between ten and fifteen yards from home, and won by one and a half yards. Balch was unable to last, and Broad ran easily into third place. Time, 27 4 sth sec. Throwing tub Hammer (16lb, from 9ft circle; length of hammer and handle, 4ft) —Previous champion, C. Louiaaon, C.A.A.C. World's amateur record, 145f0 Of in, J. S. Mitchell (America). New Zealand amateur record, 106 ft lOAm, O. McCormack, W.A.A.C. Standard 100 ft. P. J. Brown, 89ft 6in, C.A.A.C. ... 1 C. Louis3on, 33ft 6in, C.A.A.C ... 2 J. F. Wachsmann, 78ft 2in, C.A.A.C. ... 3 One Mile Flat Championship—Previous champion A. A. Da vies, A.A.A. and C.C World's amateur record 4min 15 3-sth sec, T. P. Conneff (America). New Zealand amateur record 4min 30 2-sth sec, P. Morrison. Best New Zealand championship performance, 4min 312 sth sec, D. Wood C.A.xVC Standard 4rnia 30sec. W. F. Bsnnett, D.A.A.C. ... ... 1 C. R. Clark, C.A.A.C. «. ... 2 M. O'Connor, A.A.A. and C.C. ... 3 A. A. Davies, A.A.A. and C.C. ; A. W. Bell, W.A.A.C. ; U. Wood, C.A.A.C ; and H. W.Thomas, C.A.A.C, were the other starters. Shortly after the start Clark set the pace, Bell in close attendance, followed by Wood, Thomas and O'Connor. Passing the stand for the first time Bell was pacemaker, Clark having gone into second place, Wood third, Thomas fourth, and Bennett fifth. On the western stretch Bennett very prettily wen , ; through hia men and took the van, followed then by Bell, Thomas, Clark, and Wood. When the last lap was fairly entered Clark made an effort to reach Bennett, and got into second position, Wood third, with O'Connor, Thomas, and Bell coming up. Davies was evidently outclassed on the occasion, aa ho never got into any leading position. Clark made % good fight, his efforts to overtake Bennett beiog as loudly cheered as Bennett's success in keeping away, and the latter going strongly won by about twelve yards. O'Connor came away in the last two hundred yards and wrested the third place from Wood, who finished fourth. Time, 4miu 31 3-sih sec. Pole Jump Champk»*ship — Previous champion H. L. Kingsley, W.A.A.C. World's amateur record lift 9in, T. Dickenson (England). New Zealand -mateur recoid 10ft 6 3-Bth in, R. Hunter, N.A.A. and C.C. Best New Zealand championship oerformance, 10ft sin, H. L. Kingsley, Wan. A.A.C. Staudard, 10ft-. " H. L Kingaley, Wan. A.A.C, 10ft5in \ , R. Huuter, N.A.A. and C.C, 10ft sin J - Both cleared 10ft sin, endeavoured, but failed, when the rod was raised 2in, and elected to divide honours. Three-mile Walking Champioxship--Previou3 and present champion, F. H. dreamer, A.A.A. and C.C World's amateur record, 21min 9 l-sth aec, F. P. Murray, New York. New Zealand Amateur record, 22min 58iec, F. H. Creamer. Best New Zsaland championship performance, 23min 16 2-Sth see, H. S. Cocks, C.A.A.O. Standard, 23miu 13iec. F. H. Creamer, A.A.A. and C.C. ... 1 J. Maxwell, DA. A.C. 2. At toe end of the tirat mil* Creamer wm

leading Maxwell—these were the only competitors—by 100 yards, which was quadrupled by the completion of tho second mile, and when the bell went he was close upon a Up' ahead. In the laat, round he overtook the ;Dunedin rep-osentative, and won by a lap and about 20 yards, or nearly 590 yards. Maxwell finished for the points. Time, 23min 59 3-6 th sec. Potting the Weight, 16lb (from 7ft circle) —Previous champion, C. Louiseon, C.A. A.C World's amateur record, 47ft, G. R. Gray (America). New Zealand amateur record, 39ft 4iu, 0. MαGormack, W.A.A.C. Best championship performance, 37ft Bin, T. O'Connor, A. A. A. and C.C. Standard, 37ft. W. C. Rhodes, W.A.A.C., 35ft 9in ... 1 C. Louieson, C.A.A.C., 33ft 10in ... 2 P. J. BrowD, C.A.A.C., 32ft, 3in ... 3 These were the only competitors. QCARTBR-MILE HIJRDLE CHAMPIONSHIP (10 flights. 3ft 6in)—Previous champion, F. H. Harley, W.A.A.C. World's Amateur record and New Zealand record, 61sec, T. Roberts, A. A. A. aud 0.0. Best New Zealand championship performance, 61 2 sth sec, H. W. Batger, W.A.A.C Standard 63aec. T. Roberts, A.A.A. and C.C. ... ... 1 W. BT. Martin. A.A.A. and C.C. ._ 2 F. S. Harley, C.A.A.C. ... .. 3 J. Moir, C.A.A.C., also started. Roberts' colours were the first to become prominent, Martin, Harley and Moir jumping in the order named. These positions were kept up to the end, Roberts winning by four yards and twelve yards separating the second and third men. Time, 61sec, which beats the previous best New Zealand performance and equals the world's amateur record. Thrke*Mile Flat Championship — Previous champion, A. W. Bell. M A. A..U. World's amateur record, 14min 24sec, S. Thomas (England). New Zealand amateur record, lscnin 27 l-sth sec, W. J. Burk, D.A.A.C. Beat Now Zealand championship performance, 15min 37 4-sth sec. C. D. Morpeth, W.A.A.C. Standard, 15min 30sec. W. F. Bsnoett, D.A.A.C. ... 1 A. W. Bell, W.A.A.C. 2 S. Hawthorne, W.A.A.C. ... ... 3 A. A. Davies, A.A.A. aud C.C; M. O'Connor, A.A.A. and C.C. ; D. Wood, C.A.A.C. ; and H. W. Thomas C.A.A.O. and L.A.C., were the other starters. The men were got nicely away by Webb, Bell assuming the lead, C'Connor next, followed in order by Bennett, Hawthorne, Thomas, Wood, and Davies. This order was unaltered at the end of the first mile, immediately after which Wood and Thomas retired. At tho end of the mile and a half O'Connor dropped out leaving Bennett, Bell, Hawthorne and Davis. Bennett held the lead without any apparent extra exertion, and did not appear troubled by the spurt put on in the last lap by Davies, whose effort was too much and caused his collapse. Bennett, running with a long comfortable stride, for a young man his height, won by thirty yards, forty yards dividing Bell from Hawthorne. Time, 15min 30 3-sth sec, which was just outside the standard, but satisfactorily beat the New Zealand best performance. Long Jump Championship—Previous champion, J. L. Ryan, H.B.A.A.C. World's amateur record 23ft J. Rebor (America) and C. B. Fry (England). ~ New Zealand amatenr record 21ft 6in, J. L. Ryan, H.B.A.A.C. Best New Zealand championship performance, 21ft lin, W. Mendelson, S.C.A.A.C. standard 20ft 6in. L. A. Cutf, C A.A.C., 20ft 7iin ... 1 H, H. Piercy, C.A.A.C, 20ft 2in ... 2 P. 8. K. Macaseep, D.A.A.C, 10ft 9in 3 J. Moir, C.A.A.C, and F. Broome, W.A.A.C, also competed. Cuff lowered the standard. QUABTBB-MILE FLAT CHAMPIONSHIP —Pre- ■ . vious and present champion, W. A. Liow, D.A.A.C. World's amateur re. cord, 47|sec, W. Baker (America). New Zealand amateur record and best '■ championship performance 50 2-sth aec, W. T. Macpherson(N.S.W.) Standard 52seo. . W. A. Low, D.A.A.C 1 W. Balch.CA.A.O 2 H. Itowbray, W.C.A.A. and C.C. ... 3 J. D. Thomson, A.A.A. and C.C; A. M. Stuart, W.A.A.C; J. F. Grierson, C.A.A.0.; add K. Bassett, C.A.A.C, also started. Stuart was the first to show in front, Low, Mowbray and Bassett a very short distance away, the other two at hand. On entering the straight. Low had displaced the leader, Stuart, who was overtaken in turn by Mowbray and Batch, the last-named only beating Mowbray on the tape for second place. Low won by several yards. Time, 52iec, which reached the standard. CHAMPIONSHIP POINTS. Canterbury ... ... 53 . . Dunedin ... .- 33 Auckland ... ... 29 Wellington ... ... 14 Wanganui ... ... 7i ' " Nelson... ... ... 4i West Coast ... ... 1 The balance of the New Soutb Wales team, to compete at the Australasian Championship Meeting, arrived by the Mararoa on Saturday, and they were met at the station by the Reception Committee of the New Zealand Amateur Athletic Association, after which they were driven in a drag to the Clarendon Hotel, where they will reside during their stay in Christchurch. J. H. Hempton, the well-known New Zealand sprinter, was not a competitor at Saturday's meeting, but he will take up his residence in Christchurch in a few days, and he will be a starter in the 100 Yards Australasian Championship, to be decided on Thursday next. The Championship medals won on Saturday will be presented to the winners at eight o'clock this evening at the Association's rooms, Hereford street. Yesterday the visiting and local athletes were entertained with a drive and a picnic at t Lansdowne, returning by way of Mr Charles .Clark's, where afternoon tea was hospitably dispensed. The New South Wales and Victorian teams will be officially received by bis Worship the Mayor at 10.30 a.m. tomorrow.

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Press, Volume LII, Issue 9300, 30 December 1895, Page 3

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AMATEUR ATHLETICS. Press, Volume LII, Issue 9300, 30 December 1895, Page 3

AMATEUR ATHLETICS. Press, Volume LII, Issue 9300, 30 December 1895, Page 3