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Hospital ENQCittY.—The Hospital Com* mission will resume its aitting at tho Vto vincial Couacil Chambers, at- 10.30 a.u> to-day. :- Winter Work Fond—The in connection with this fuad will roeefrw, the City Council Chambers to morrow, w Supreme Court.—His Honour Mr Justice Dehuiston will leave for Timaru by the express to-day, to take a civil caae Joyce v Rale, which is to be heard to-morrow before his Honour and a special jury. Thb Coming Session.—lt is understood, that ihe Canterbury members of the House of Representatives will leave for Wellington by ihe ilararoa on Wednesday next. The Sunday Trading Cases. — Tne hearing of the informations laid against several hotelkeepers for serving en Sunday, which have not been disposed ot, will t*fea place to-raorrow, at 10.30 a.m., before Mf • M. VV. Bishop, S.M., at the Stipendiary Magistrate's Court. . , Ambulance.—At a Committee meeting 01 the Ashburton branch of the St. John Ambulance Society, held on the 13th met., tne Hon. Secretary, Mr H. A. McKay, reported that he had obtained from Christchurch all necessary requirements for the course lectures. A special vote of thunbs was accorded Mr. McKay ior the very valuaDie services he had rendered in promoting ana carrying on the work of the Society. jfiioGßEssivß Liberal Association.— The adjourned meeting of the UommiCtes of the Progressive Liberal Association wa» held iv the Temperance Hall, Gloucester street, on Thursday evening. Ihe president (Mr W. I. Ballinger) occupied »• , cbair. The report of the Unemployed s>uu Committee wae approved, and all "lemoera of the Association were asked to contriDuie towards the unemployed fund. Correspond- • enca was read. A motion protesting . permission being gives to the Bank or new . v Zealand Assets Company to dispose of «»'- ; properties in its hands by lottery, gave ri « lo an animated discussion, the ■£»«"£? being unanimous in condemning the Pfr^v* PO VALBbIOTORY SOCIAL.-A social to W4^| farewell to-Mr W. W. Collins will be he l&\& ia the Lyceum to night. , J

MiLJWRV Social.—A military social in with the Mounted Kifles will be SI" at the Prebbleton Town Hall onThursd *B "tertawm v>t at Lerstos. - The TaUiiiutuMaories.un'ifT the leadership of Mr q \, Hicks, Lakeside, a*ve an enjoyable entertainment in the Leestor. Town Hall, on Xhur-iilay night. Mr John Barnett officiated us Chairman. Opera House—Tim Alhambra Gaiety -j om p an y terminated their sea«on at the Opera House on Saturday night, when there was » fairly good house. Savaoe —To-night the members of the Savage Club will a««einble for their usuil korero, Savags T. 8 Foster presiding. Several visiting Savajjea from Melbourne and Danedin will take part in the programme. Chamber of Commerce.—ln the report •){ the meeting of the Committee of the Chamber of Commerce appearing on Saturday, Mr Heyes, who interviewed the Committee, should have ba>n described as ••Accountant of the Income Tax Department" insteal of " Commissioner." Scientific Lectures.—The Philosophical Institute propoaes to arrange for a series of three lecrurea on scientific subjects. Admission will be liy ticket, which will be issued free of chargo to members and associates, who will he allowed extra tickets for their friends. The first lecture will be delivered by Captain Hutton. Magisterial. —At the Christchurch Magißtrate'aC'>urton Saturday (before MrH. \V. Bishop, S.M.), Kate Moore, for beiut? found drunk, was fined £», or in default twenty-four hours' imprisonment. There was no other business. Woodend. —An enjoyable musical entertainment in connection with the Church of England was held in the O.Ufellowa' Hall, Woodend, on June sth. The performers worthy of special mention are .\ii33e3 Bowie, Tipping, Puvitt. Messrs Gray, Horrell, Templeton, who responded to hearty encores. A recilationby Mr J.Stewart was hitzhlyappre dated. An attractive programme was brought to a close by a musical tableau, "The Old Folks at Home," which received an enthusiastic encore. Opawa School.—On Wednesday evening Uet Mr Spensley and his company favoured the reeidente of Opawa with Hannel'a oratorio " Judas Maccabams." The audience was large and appreciative. The proceeds are to bo devotod to the music fnnd of the district echool, and Mr Morrison on behalf of the School Committee, heartily thanked Mr Sponeley and hifl company. TuKOSopincAL Society.—This Society held its regular public meeting yesterday at the lodge room, Opera House. The meeting was opened by a short reading from the •' Bhagavad Gita." The President then read a paper entitled " Patriotism," dealing with it from the " Universal Brotherhood " point of view. Skatinu Rink. — To-night the Opera House will be opened as a Skating Rink under the management of Messrs Kingsley and Kerr. At nine o'clock Messrs Kingeley md Kerr will introduce their bicycle act, arrangement having been made for the provision of a track for cycling outside the space reserved for skating. The Lyceum.—The lecture by MrW. W. Collins, in the Lyceum, "From Dark to Dawn, or the Triumph of Reason," last night, was very well attended. At its conclusion Mr R. Winter moved a resolution wishing Mr Collins every success at the coming Parliamentary eeeaion, which was suitably acknowledged by Mr Collins. Moßßis Tube Shooting.—On Friday evening the members of the Christchurch Working Men's Club Rifle Class fired off another stage of the Friday evening competitions at the 200 yards range. The following were the highest scores:—D. Aehteo 2, 35; R. 0. Wells sor, 33; J. Hastie ecr, 33; J. A. Luramia 3, 33 ; W. G. Mnnford 1, 32 ; H. Spicer 1, 32 ; W. Gar rard 1, 31; W. A. Caldwell 1, 31, H. Thomas 3, 31. Farmers' Co-operative Association.— The annual general meeting of the shareholders in the New Zealand Farmers' Cooperative Association will be held at the offices, Cashel street, on July 13th at 1 p.m to receive the report and balance sheet, &c. Asskssmest Court. — The Assessment * Court under the P. uing Act for the borough of Christchuroh, tlie County of Selwyn, &c, will be hold to-day, at 10 a.m., at the City Council Chambers. Thb Gwen Davies Company.—To-night • it the Theatre Royal, Christchurch, people will have an opportunity of renewing the pleasant acquaintance made with Mias Gwen Davies when here with the Belle Cole Company. The entertainment Miss Davies will introduce to ua to-uight is altogether different to anything we have had here. It is not a concert company, but the programme , is modelled upon the very successful lines carried out at Home by Mr and Mrs German Reed and Mr Corney Grain. The season can only extend over five nights as the Company are due in Wellington at the beginning of next week. St. Albans Cricket Club — A wellAttended gathering of the members of this Club was held at the Caledonian Hotel on Thursday 9veuing, when the trophies won by members last season were presented. Mr J. N. Diifeti presided. Mr J. Osborne wrote apologising for being unable to attend, congratulating the Club on having won the Junior Cup contest last season, and promising to award another bat to be competed for next season. The Chairman presented the following trophies:— Mr J. Oaborne's bat for the player with the highest average in the first eleven was won by Mr R. Smith ; Mr Dufeu'e trophy for the best fielder was awarded to Mr G. Ritchie; Mr H. Caudwell's trophies were awarded to Mr J. Parkyn for bowling and Mr A. Smith for highest batting average in the second eleven. The proceedings were of a very enjoyable character, being interspersed with songs aud recitations. Mr W. Robertson ably presided at the piano.

Mutual Improvement.—A mock Parliamentary election, id connection with the Belfast Mutual Improvement Society, took place on Wednesday evening. Mr R. H. Fergusson, Vice-President, occupied the chair. The three candidates were the Rev. Wm. Grigg, and Messrs W. Longman and 8. Ferguson, who posed respectively as Independont, Liberal, and Conservative. The election resulted in favour of Mr Longman hy a majority of one over the Independent candidate.—The weekly meeting of the Tai Tapu Mutual Improvement Class was held on Wedueeday. The Vice-President was in the chair. The programme was a debate »n " Party Government." Mr R. Rainey >pened in the affirmative, and Mr R. Mason B the negative.—The usual meeting of :he Durham street Mutual Improvement Association was held on Friday last when the Society's " Journal" was read *nd discussed. The following papers were contributed :—•• Precocity of young New Zealanders," "Thoughtaon food," "Manners, , " Capital punishment," " How to be happy though poor."

Industrial Exhibition*. —A well attended meeting of the Entertainment Committee of ttie Industrial Exhibition was held on Saturday evening, Mr G. R. Hart, Chairman, presiding. On the motion of the Chairman, seconded by Mr Raymond, it was resolved—" That a letter be forwarded to his Worship the Mayor, stating the willingness of the Committee to act, if required, *» the nucleus of a Committee for the purpose of getting up an entertainment in aid of the Winter Work Fund." It was resolved that a circular letter should bo sent to the v&rious Bands askinc them if they would play once or more often at the Exhibition, an d to several lady and gentlemen professional musicians asking whether they will Undertake one night's programme each. It *m resolved that the Space Committee be Recommended to gnmt space free of charge Jo Messrs Noble and Seager for an electric "ght photographic studio. On the motion °f Mr Seager it was agreed to write to the Photographic section of the Philosophical institute asking them to exhibit pictures in «ie concert hall; to Messrs Burke, Page, »nd the Alpine Club, asking them to give •nort illustrated lecturettes ; and to Mr E. asking him to give his lecture on Greek Domestic Life." It vvaa resolved— tk . tne beads of the various workshops, included, be asked to request Joeir apprentices and lads in their employ w exhfoit any models they may have made, J*o that prizes be offered for the same." It *M arranged to try to procure the use of :r® fcothropometrical instruments used at •MDnnedin Exhibition. Several offers of *«M*tance were received, and held over for «"wdoration. The President and Mr Geo. «»tn were appointed to interview the volunteer Companies re the use of their °™erly rO o mß . The name of Mr E. W. «per was added to the Committee, and we meeting terminated.

Local Government Bill.—His Worship the Mayor has received a letter from the Municipal Association asking whether it ia advisable to call a general meeting of the Association to consider the Local Government Bill, or whether the matter should bo left in tho handa of the Executive. Artistic —Mr Fisher, of High street, is exhibiting in ilia window some pen-and-ink drawings that were shown nt the last exhibitiou of '.he Canterbury Society of Arts. Toe pictures consist of two views of Greycliffs, the residence which Mr R lifciton Rhodes has lately erected near T<ii Tapu. Pamphlet. — We have to acknowledge the receipt from Mr W. Harker of the third edition of a pamphlet entitled "The Good I'imes Coining," iv which the writer Tatars, among other matters he deals with, to the probability that in the near future the market for all Australasian stock and produce wi'l lie with the East. CiißisTciiriiCii Parliamentary Assembly.—At a meeting of ihts Executive of the Christchurch Parliamentary Assembly, held on Saturday oveniag, it was resolved —"That the meetings be adjourned sine die." The effect of this will ba that no meeting of the Assembly will be heid oa Wednesday evening next. It was resolved— " That the date of the nexo meeting be duly nodded." Orangkis.m.—The monthly meeting of No. 24, LO.L, wa3 held in tlie Orange Hull, Chrisichurch, on Thursday. A paper was read which contained a number of practical hints upon the working of the Order. At the close of the meeting a Committee wae formed to carry out arrangements for a ProicsUut demonstration on July 11th. St. Albans Wesley an Sunday School —An entertainment of a novel kind was given in connection with this school un Friday evening. All the scholars were invited to a tea in the schoolroom, provided by the teachers and friends, tickets for which had bsen distributed in the school on the previous Sunday. In spite of the inclemency of tho weather fully 250 children took tea. In the evening a mugie lantern entertainment was tjiveu, at which soma of the parents and friends were present. Short stories were road by Mr C. £. Salter aud illustrated by sliuas, and various photos of local celebrities nul old Methodht friends were shown. . v most pleasant evening was Drought '1 ;. close by the singing of a hyma thrown un the canvas. Kaiapoi Wesleyan Mutual Association.—At the usual meeting of this Association, on Thursday evening, there was a full attendance. The Rev. J. S. Smaliey, the President, was in the chair. The subject for the evening waa original poetry, of which ten contributions were received. Primitive Methodists. — A series of meetings has just been held in the Ashburton Primitive Methodist Church, in connection with the newly-formed Canterbury Primitive Methodist Ministers' Association. On Tuesday nitjht a tea and public meeting were held. The Rev. J. Olphert took the chair at the latter, and the speakers were the Revs Sharp, Lyon, and Dawson. On Wednesday night a Home Mission meeting was held, at which the Rev. T. H. Lyon presided, and the speakers were the Revs. I Harris, Dawson, and Hindes. Both meetings were very successful. On Thursday night an enthusiastic prohibition meeting was held, at which the members of 'he A-h----burton Lodge of Good Te-nolars were pre sent in regalia. The speakers were the Revs. Olphert, Lyon, Sharp and Hindes. SoUTHBRiDQE.—The mouthly meeting of the ijouthbridga Town Board was held on Thursday evening. Present —Mr R. Webster (Chairman), and Messrs R. C. Burns, H. Slater,* Jno. Kilbride, F. Paddy. R. P. Hill, and James Kilbride. Mrs F, Bridge wrote stating that she was quite willing to join in any steps taken to sell the old bathing pit provided she was put to no expense. The Treasury wrote advising having paid the sum of £2 16s 6d to the Board's account with the Bank of New Zealand, being half share of the difference of the licensing elections expenses. It was decided to pay out of the general fund the sum of £19 9a 2d (the Hospital aud Charitable Aid levy) to the County Council, and to pay it in two instalments. Accounts amounting to £31 13s lid were passed for payment. Rangiora Morris Tubs Club.—On Wednesday at the weekly competition of members of this Club there was a Urge attendance. The competition was for trophies given by Mr W. Dv Moulin and Mr Gus Jones,. Messrs VV. Efford and C. D'Auvergrie both scored the possible of thirty-five points, and took the prizes as well as divided a guinea offered by the President, Mr Hay, to the first scorer of a possible. The next scores were Mr F. Beker and Mr W. Moore, who scored 34 respectively, ten members scored 33 each, and other good scores were put on. Teams were selected from the Rangiora Rifles to fire against the Club on Wednesday evening next. ,

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Press, Volume LII, Issue 9132, 17 June 1895, Page 4

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NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume LII, Issue 9132, 17 June 1895, Page 4

NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume LII, Issue 9132, 17 June 1895, Page 4