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DIARIES.FOB 1895. If ETIS , AUSTRALASIAN DIARIES, all Bumbetfc JLJ now in Stock, Commercial and Pocket, COLLINS , DIARIES, all numbers, in Stock. " JOHN WALKER'S Pocket Diaries, all stees COMMERCIAL STATIONERY. ENVELOPES, full size business, 3s 3d per IOOO.' COUNTER DAY BOOKS—Wβ are showing ft few veiy cheap lines, . ACCOUNT BOOKS, all Eases—Wβ ore allowing the ■ Best Valno obtainablel NEW BOOKS—We have just unpacked'a" tares Shipment, embracing everything published in London 10 middle of Noveuiber. SIMPSON * WILLIAMS, LIMITED, 214 Hightstreet, Christchurch. 806 Wanted. WANTED, Housekeeper for Small FamUy tn South Canterbury. Apply B. F., Prkss Office. 197g WANTED, by Young Widow, with boy, situa- . tibn as Housekeeper, thoroughly ■ domceti* cated. Address W. P., Press Office. 1971 WANTED, h.v a practical Gardener (German), well up in all branches, work by the day or permanent. Address 120, Press Office. 1975 WANTED, a thoroughly certificated Governess, for country house; liberal terms to a firstclass applicant. Mrs A. li. l'cache, Cotswold House, Aldington. ' 1952 WANTED, employment by Married Couplo, man General Farm Hand, wife- good Plain Cook, &v. For particulars and references apply D.J.M., Post Office, Coalgate. . 1778 \KF ANTED, Situation lor Good General Sen-ant, V ¥ five years' reference; also, House' Parlourmaid, three years , reference. Sime's Registry, 171 Armagh street. .-. - . '-• .■■,•,■. :■,-,■"••■■ i\KT -ANTED, Situation for Good English Gardener; TV twelve years' Home ■references. Moderate Wage. Stale's Registry, 171 Armagh street. * 1227 ANTED, Situation for Good Housemaid and Waitress; also, Good House Parlourmaid and a Good Cook. Sime's Registry, 171 Armagh street. . V -» "ANTED, Situation for Couple, uiaa generally useful on station, wife cook, washj bake, &o. Moderate wage. Sime's Registry, 171 Armagh street. ' •' .'.■•■■ :■"'.■■-■ -. "ANTED, Employers to know they can obtain the best cluss of Employees by applying personally or by correspondence to Kiddey s Resristry Office, 148 Cashel street. 6553 ANTED to Recommend to station-holders, thoroughly good Cowman, Dairy Hand, Groom, Rouseabout, excellent reference; first-class Couple, no children; Farm Hands, all classes Domestics. Wanted Lady to Adopt very pretty infant Girl. To Lot, Furnished House, 2 unfurnished rooms. Mrs Izett, Manchester street. ' 1976 WANTED, Cook; and Laundress, young, town, , £35, -Cook and Laundress, Rieearton, £30, three in family, good General, Sunnier, milk, country girl preferred, 10s, good General, Opawa, 3s, three in family, Yqung Girl to assist, two in family, good home, country, 3s, Young Girl to assist, Lyttelton, 6a. Apply Mrs Gardner, Morten's Buildings. ■\7STANTED, every, competent farmer knows that TV a safe Stacker is the principal. man on the farm. McDonald, Manchester street, Christchurch, supplies 90 per cent, of the largest farms in Canterbury with the above, also binder drivers, stookers, and forkers by contract or otherwise, -engine drivers, threshing machine hands, cooks, married couples, grooms, gardeners, shepherds, youths, &c At» experienced matron superintends the female servants* I department. Housekeepers, cooks, housemaids, &c, i waiting engagement. • ANTED to Sell, a Light Dogcart. Apply 21 Barbadoes street. . 1950 • 'ANTED, by a .single gentleman,* Board and Residence, where no other boarders are kept. Anywhere in the suburbs. Apply B.i O. L., PRKB9 Office. _ 1949 W ANTED to Sell, Blacksmith's Tools and Goodwill of Business, splendid, opening tot good i general smith. Apply Press Office. ' ' 1659 , "VISTANTED—IOOO to attend Sumner Excursion, 1f y 7.15 Trains Tonight (Tuesday;. SLxsepce i Return. Stanmore BandL • ,"\ 'ANTED. KNOWN—Sumner Excursion, ?<h ■night (Tuesday;, 7.15. Sixpence Return, • Stanmore Band. - 19Q8 \TtT ANTED to Let, a Five-roomed Cottage ht TT Peerswick, Riccarton.- Apply It. Brftjk, - Upper Riocarton.' '_ ' 1858 ' , TOST"ANTED to Let, 10-ioomed* House, ho£ and cold YT water, all luodern'improvements. Apply 90. Madras street. 1960 WANTED to Purchase, for Cash, Second-hand Piano, suitable for children' to practice on. Apply by letter, " 8.," Box 439, P.O /Chrwtchurch. ANTED KNOWN—We bavo- for iigtrt; ,' " fecSPg.-baajJ Y*®&!&*ll*£& U OWI *?A with pole and ehatte. Voice jjifta'Pc&ti-Coaehbuilders, Christchurch. • ". '"■ 'T' * ' 1859 . ANTED, Two Gentlemen-.Bowlers. Supent*' , accommodation with use of piano. Terms i<. moderate (Linwood). Apply by letter,' G., Press ' puke. • w •; '.' i9a - ANTED to let. good seven-roomed House' anfl Outbuildings, with 10, 20. or' 60' acres "ffl and, near Recreation Grounds, Rangiora. Apply J. O. Josllng, Raugtora. ... ■ , - ..1776 ANTED, to Sell, opposite loop line. tfliiftey* House 3 Rooms, woshhouse, stabling , , aoro land, good garden; tram passes door. ' Price £250. ' J. Pringlo, Hhirley. ' - . . 1609 - WANTED KNOWN-Only weeks remain in which to clear our whole stock pribrto • vacating-premises. Shaw, Robinson and Co. V ' \MT ANTED KNOWN—Shaw, Robinson and Co.'c • • vV Final Sale before giving up the premises oa '-" March 31st commences to-day. WANTED, tho public to use Wileqn'e Patent*. . Non-tannic teapot; mokes "most <delicious , tea. A boon to dyspeptics., Agents—Niniau Hyslop - and Co.. 164 Hereford street. - , . "\)|T ANTED, Everybody to drink our , pure Ceylon TV • Teas in lead pacHcte. J They ate , tnejpnreefc and best on the market. Ninian Uyslop and Co:, tea - importers, 164 Hereford street.- ' ' ,' • . WANTED, all who. like a Cap of really good tea to ask their grocer for Hyslop's Pure Ceylon Tea, done up in lead packets. The quality la superb. - Ninian, Byslop and Co., tea importers, 164 Herefbm ■ street. - * ~>•■■- .^ W ANTED KNOWN—Splendid Accommodation for those requiring' a Seaside Change at Mrs - Taplcy'a, Governor's Bay. Exjtenaive grounds; Wat-, ing, fUhmg ; fine view of harbour. Tonus moderate. Apply on premises. ■•* ' 8877 ANTED, Property Buyers to cull for our new - List, just published; contains large number of houses of all sizes, ntatiaiu, farms,' &c\,'to neUofc * from; posted free to any addreb*. Baggs and Dufly/ Estate Agents, 131 Colombo street.. j \TSfFiiTEb to Purchase, Clothing, Books, TV ; Jewellery, Furniture, &a «. Ladies' and Gentlemen waited upon at their residence. Address, Miss McCormick, 133 High street, and' 21 Colombo street, Sydenham.' A large assortment of New'anti Second-hand Books to select from. . ' 5C41 "«T|r ANTED to-Sell—Mr 11. Schmedes,' WannftiS IT turerof Poitnianteaux, Gladstone luigt iuid Travelling heiog obliged .to.leave Kew Zealand far Gemianv on important business, will/ll*posc of his wcll-estttblUhed business,, includingpiant and .goodwill, on favourable terms. Good opportunity for an energetic man with small capita), partt-. culai-Iy for a saddler. > For particulars write to 11. Schmedeg, 81 Manchester street, Christchurch. ' 1856 , fino Worldng- Men—You would do to Inspocti ■ / X ' our Colonial made .Clothing-. Special price. - Suitsto measure from a strong colonial tweed for 60s. . Old H. Porker and Co., Whits Hart comer. ' ',*>- L , •'■■>, ."' v l -" '"'--* "'' -$&& • ARlifeliTON'S Sachet ' from all leading drapers at Iβ packet* Eight choice colours. For perfuming linen chest or writing - desk. . ■ . . -,'"■, - -, It. CJELLING on I SelUng on ! 1 ' Meo'a fiuita'toj )S measure from 52s 6d. - Shrinking; fit, and;- . finish guaranteed.' Tonyclltfc and - Cnirey.--- f \ ~, ,-" MEN'S Serge *oite 1356d,-I&r6d to Men's - Tweed Suits 15s, i 8» 6d. 22e 6d to-4Ss.', Ready money docs it ToßcycliflandCftirey,-. ..-.y : \ , ''■ ' X»ALLANTYNE'S SALB-PlaiM Everyday tJoods, . JL> Household linens and ruraishiuge ,at Sal* Prices. ' , ' .-'■""-' O HOBT ends of Prints and other Remnants thai £_) have accumulated durinff season to bo cleared' * very cheap. Toneyeliffe and Carey.' ;--', ' "' ' - ~~. A T Robinson's—Regular Shipments every week of ~ X%. Peaches, Neptarince, Apricote, Pluaifl, Pines, . Bananas. - Plums for jam 2Jd, T Morten's ' Buildings. . , - ' y. J -' , ' q BALES White Blanket, siightly. «ollod. = Bca^i , * , O Colossal Sale this day.' ' < * w * . r -. ■ t fhfkfk PRINT Dresses Is 6U f 1* lid and 2s 64 &V\J%J each full Beatb'a Colcaeftl 8a1e,,. See windows'. ' * ' . * ■ *■,' IKSERVISO Pans, oil sizes and prices, at Mh> son's Cheap Depot (or household rcquWtee, 229 Colombo street. - ; ' g -'' ■ - - V MINSON AND CO. ttro.oScrinsfr too late Mm> ment of Cricket qjpft Xtmnis-Gooite afc Desperate Prices to clear—Bats firom 1» to 12s 6d. EajC* quets from 3a 6tl to 15a.. Bfllh from &JL ~T ARiHGER (from London), Christchurch Steam 99 m Dye Worto, *% Oxford temice-W., bait dresses, opera cloaks, costumes, drew suiw, ex., chemically cleaned without ahrinking-, witb despatch. Feathers cleaned, dyed, and curled. -'*..'• % T&/TEN'S and Hate; Tic», Braces, Collaie, ana ■ XfJL Shirts. Honest ready money vaduiS afrToney* ■ cliffeand Carey. -.' ' •> ■ *'■*..' /. «].- CJAMPLES odd lot ot little Boye" Jeraey Blouses J5 without knickers to be cleared at ridioulouf prices.; Toneyctiffe and Carey. " "- ' f .'.. * PECIAL Line of Dress DriUs to be cleared at 7|d, per>TirdL Black, Qgattie and Co, - " Clothing Sole! I Tweed Suite - - %jf 455, reduced to 2Ss 6d; all eiaea. PECIaL Value—Children's Sun Hate and Bonnet^. Black. BeatUe aud Co. . .' J , OPEUIAL Value—Men's good heavy Tweed Suit* ' 25a 6d. Block, Beattio and Co. ' , A US. yotir local storekeeper for.our delicious -. Ceylon Tea, in .lead packets; Niniau Hyalop ''■ and Co., 164 Hereford street - ■> - ■ ~ ■ -'.''■' '.'- SCREW Top Jam and Honey Jars from 3a per do&» at Minsoß and Co.'c, 220 Colambo street. - -,-' • • HO are Ninian. Hyelop ana Cot, AVbj, tbmJ, Importers ol ihe.Beft Tea. nerw outh* ; market- 164 Hereford street.'. * - -.' / r ~■.; -s WHY Suffer Agony fc-Yoq can jgefc .iridt' of your .' Corns by using Com- golTeel, l " Send Iβ to The Pnarmacy, Tunarn.. --■' ''>'<- . " ; tjPECIAL I'lut'tiasc— Asaortiueut -'<sg' : ' ■ fcad:cs'Boaaea. Btocfr,BeAttieasdCo./ .;;;/> »> BAkBS GrtrnkQiu Ami J »i ;. ueuaJ uric« \a mhT4»64

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Press, Volume LII, Issue 9020, 5 February 1895, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 7 Press, Volume LII, Issue 9020, 5 February 1895, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 7 Press, Volume LII, Issue 9020, 5 February 1895, Page 1