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Properties to Let. Election Notices. , 1 Business Noticed J - LAKE & EVANS. WAIMAKARIRI-ASHLEY WATER ! ———— __ SUPPLY DISTEGT. '" •' I TO I_ET, ; FOR FIVE TEARS, GENTLEMAN'S Pell on question of Raidnff Low of £10,0!» SUBURBAN BESIDENCE, |?H^ffilsfe!S" S ' . ' MODERN HOUSE, ; . Of 18Rooms, wittEveryConvenience, and NOTICE is hereby given that, pursuant to the j IKQ ACRES, comprising some first-class Land, jji provisionsof The tfrater Supply Act, 1891, and , . ; J.*JU licht Land, Plantations, Ornamental Amendments, The Counties Act, ISBO, The Regula*at«r, Sα, unusually prettily situated, ion of Local Elections Act, 1876, and all other pro- v within seven miles of Christchurch—-a visions and authorities in that behalf enabling, a perfect suburban residence. POLL OF THE RATEPAYERS in the Brown s RocJc Subdivision of the above district will be taken on j Prom a really good tenant a very reasonable rent TUESDAY, the sth day of February, 1895, on the n ,tr T A D TO HA T Q indeed will be accepted. question whether or not the Waimakann-Ashley \j H Jll JX JF D\J\J X O > Forfu rt h e r P a rt icular3andc a rdstoview, a p P lyto E£g2B&8&& $S2£?£Zf S£& «- ■ I LAKE AND EVANS, hereinafter mentioned. ROBINSON'S. tt .j -x „, 1. The particular work proposed to be undertaken Agents, Hereford street Chambers. is the Construction of Headworks leading from the AvrvraST otttfi> Waimakariri River at Brown's Rock to a point on the _^ HEAP BOOTS AT ROBINSON'S. AUO>GST OTHER terrace about 180 chains to the south-east of Brown's *1" *• r uuvto « PROPERTIES TO LET, Roek, and distributing channels leading therefrom CHE \P, BOOTS AT BEE HIVE. We have the following:— -sufficient to supply water to the whole of the 3rown"s wi - • , 6 ROOMS-^ R Sfwr USES - E " k^rS~^ i, ,"t bo™-- f» „*, <»»' *»«"' «" »"'■ RESIDENCES. Loan • Cheap Boots at Robinson's. 9 ROOMS—A vonside, Lichneld street and Woolston (Ist) Tlie rents, rates, and profits derived from the 8 ROOMS—Worcester street, Cambridge terrace, «* le , lettin? and user of water supplied by or Andover street and Rarbour street * through the said headworks and distributing fYTfR QTTMMTT.P iT-nOT)^ 7 ROOMS—Kilmore street, Sunnier, Hereford channels, after providing for maintenance, ViUXfc OUIUIU4JJ.W •J\J\JXJ>J t street, Durham street and Aronside repairs, cost of collecting and otner necessary. 6 ROOMS—Riccarton, Manchester street and _ working expenses. . , * „ „„„, nnftn .mn ,v rt , TO wrvr™™Papanui (2) A Special Annual Rate, if Required, for the pur- NOW SHOWING IN OUR WINDOW. 6 ROOMS—Addington, Worcester street, King pose of making up any deficiency of (5) Threestreet and East belt. Kisrhths of a Penny in the £.on the rateable value tv <?tvtv AVn PVTTFRNT of all Lands within tiie Browns Rock .Sub- BcAUTIFUL I2» STiLE AJ«D PATTtRN. SUaINER. division of the District benefited by such work, 7 ROOMS—Bathroom, &a, unfurnished, estimated at 120,000 acres, of a rateable value 0 ( £540 000 For Durability and Wear not to be Surpassed by any TT rt « D o. -o.TTT M xto .?f\,r-,> «,„ -« ™. ?>« following- are appointed the POLLING PLACES House in Canterbury. HOBBS" BUILDING and LOWER HIGn STREET- f Or the BrownV Rock Subdivision of the District, at OFFICES which the said POLL will be taken and at which thn HEREFORD STREET and CATHEDRAL gffiS?^«^ ALWAYS TO THE FRONT. syuAKiv. STORES o'clock in the mominsand 6 o'clock in the evening:— MANCHESTER STREET and BEDFORD ROW (2). 6 MandeviUe and Ran 2' ora Koad These NEW GOODS are now offered to the public ijoara umce. at ioe3 that h . e satißfaction to everyone. : Fernside—At the Fernside Schoolroom. Our motto is "SELL" and turn our stock over. TiATTI? A"NTTi 'PVA'NrQ Swannanoa—At the Swannanoa Schoolroom. Small profits and double quick returns. XiAiXXJ IXVUJ XU Y Al>O, West gyreton-At the West Eyreton Road Board -lust stop and look at the beautiful goods in our LAND AND ESTATE AGENTS, &c, HEREFORD Office. STREET CHAMBERS. Cust-At the Cust Road Board Office. P mo LET-Nice four-roomed T. Cottage, wash- Carieton-At the Carieton Hall. I house, fowl-run, all conveniences; suit married Dated this 17th day of January, 1835.. . ..,-,, ~ ~ ... . couple. Rent,l3e6d. 96 East town Belt, two doors Tmiv «vw at T nil v>l Rich and Poor, High and Low, all can be fitted ,fa»g Hereford street 1924 997 JOHN ° the Boarf. U » at thc Properties tor Sale. WAIMAKARIRI-ASHLEY WATER BEEHIVE BOOT STOEE. A FARM of 153Ac£Jfw?thin . __„, of Rol- SUPPLY BOARD. ENGLISH. GERMAN, COLONIAL BOOTS /\ leston railway station, well watered, and 1 Always on Hand. fenced. 100 acres first-class land, balance good. > '• Now in the occupation of Mr Michael Hogan. _, T . . . . sld Apply to TVROWN'CJ "ROPTv SUBDIVISION E^eryLmewtobeboM C. PALAIRET, to JSUUiI i3Ul>i»l\ XDIUiN. CHEAP. CHEAP. CHEAP. 211 Armagh street. HIGHFIELD, NORTH BELT. , . „ „,-„-„ Call at once and make your choice. Be in time; —- TJOLLINO FOR LOAN OP £10,000. be in time. We shall soon clear these goods out TWO CATU A • Remember—We are not behind any finn in thi3 £ UJt* DaJUJJJ. city, but are always to the front. THE CHOICEST BUILDING SITES IN liibDAl, » TH. CASH BUYERS, CASH SELLERS. CHRISTCHURCH. " on 9 A.M. TO 6 P.M. W. EOBINSON AND SONS, NORTH AND EAST BELTS, 204 HIGH STREET, And Overlooking the River. POLLING PLACES. CHRISTCHURCH. THIS BEAUTIFUL GARDEN LAND is high and * „ . „ . drj', well drained, and has fine frontages on RangiUii—Slandeville and Rangioia Road Eoara well-made, new roads, Oiflce. , Swannanoa-Schoolroom. CENTRE OF THE CITY, . Fernside—Schoolroom. • And for height, airiness cannot be West Eyreton-Road Board Office. Cust—Road Board Office. . ; The sections isontain from a quarter to half an acre Carleton-Public Hall. ' 1900 ■ , , each, and will be sold at low prices, and on terms to . ' • ~ ' £^5Tr e cel th pS^tf Licencing Notices. TITLE-LANDJRANSFER. NOTICE OF APPLICATION^ FOR TRANSFER OF For all particulars apply to — "* '■ Land Transfer Act. T T -R FT. T J. a bS^tthoSfVilZl^ t U^ OW ii provided bythe J. ; 1. . 15 Jif II ll 9 ipect-ofthe\ou^ e and p a^^^ CATHEDRAL SQUARE. *■ *? **^ - , will, at the next Licensing Meeting, to be • holden at __. s£o^fo?M^^^ of the said License from myself to GEORGE HENRY church (close to the bridge). BAGGS AND DUFFY. of December, 1894. ' . __ " 1789 SARAH ANN FREE. HOUSES, FARMS, &c, FOB SALE AND .■"■.'. TOJUET. Educational PBEMIEB WOBKS. HEREFORD STREET, LINWOOD-Modern House THE EDUCATION BOARD OF THE DISTRICT - — _ A of 6 rooms, bathroom, paltry, scullerj', &c, hot and OF NORTH CANTERBURY. • , LUCAS BROS, cold water service, fine section. A bargain EAST BELT (near)-Special Bargain to close up an mnE BOARD invites APPLICATIONS, accom- GENERAL ENGINEERS, IRON AND BRASSestate—House of 9 rooms, pantry, scullery, wash- JL panied by testimonials, for the following AP- Ojr FOUNDERS, house, Copper, stables, %in beautiful order. No POINTMENTS, to be sent in, addressed to the Hecrc- BOILER MAKERS, &C, &C. reasonable offer refused. tary of the Board, not later than 4 p.m. on MONDAY, ADDINGTOX—ewd iw«ition, handy to tram and the Uth current:— EIIUORE SIEEEI, train, two well-built Houses, ou« -• a •>»_... ~..iii*«". Gloucester street—Assistant Mistress; present _ ~ , , mnn - wuaijiiuuse, coppen the other 4 rooms, scullery, «au»j ,-ajxoijjr-—_— - ...*-.. ChnstchnroK^-;_..__-._ -Kop. washhouse, copper, and f. Must sell, owner leaving; Waiau—Master; present salary, sioo. - - £300, about £56 to £75 in cash. WooUton-l'emale Assis^t; prwent solan', £60. ■ J.. V. COLBOKAxu Vl'ilLu, • ' Secretary. FOR DISPOSAL. Christchurch, 2nd January, 1895. 1895 MANUFACTURING BUSINESS in Country Town- ' 1~ ship. Only £60 required in cash. Good profits, per- E- J- PAINTER, inanent business, good reasons for selling. Full par- rr% EACHER OF THE VIOLIN. ticulare from undersigned. A3ao Mandoline and Guitar. _-r~~ iT _ Kilmore street East, Christchurch. 9338 .jp OK SALE. ' ■■.■. -' ' ■—■■ ■ ■ "■■- 1 ■■ - ftf ACRES and HOUSE of 6 rooms at St. Albans, TLfONSIEUB AWARD, Professor of Dancing and 5 clSeto tram? The land iJS «cellent qS ■ML »««*. Zl Stonnaoire t and the house good; also staWes,-granary, ' . " Gouin's method taught. How to speak French in six months, without Grammar.- • ■■ - - ' Printed Catajogue3 of Properties For Sale, Houses to Series posted to students or teachers. Let. ~ : -mar iss ambler,. BAGGS AND DUFFY, PROFESSOR OF FRENCH AND MUSIC, T»/TEN'S Sorge Suits 13s 6d, 15s 6dto 425, Men's tAND AND ESTATE AGENTS, recommended by the Academies de Mont- JM. Tw^tel^Lße^ d 2 o^v t0459; 131 Colomlw street. h pelUer et Paris, and the Lycee de Nimes, . money does it. Tonoychffe and Caroy. ' • ■ .Jjt nP<?llSJT>*i?-oeovs ON FEBRUARY CJHORTends of Prints and other Remnants that ===============================r WILL RESUME.*£SSONS OH ifcßltUAllJf accnmulated during season to be cleared very * ' . Tire 4th. cheap. Toneyclifie and Carey. EOOMS AT THE^OP ffi AN PRIVATE ft=3Kr«i .S 'and^rly^slu HOTELS CHRIbTUHUKUH. wj/ selUng on. If a the ready money does it. 11/ITSS TAYLOR'S'CLASSES for DANCING will * BSOLUTELY pure double bed White Sheeting, JjJL RESUME, about the middle of February, the selling on at 1* 3d yard. Toneyclifle and date to be announced later on. Carey. te Special Lessons previously can be arranged for by |-y NBLEACHED gheettng, two 3 -ards wide,J3id. BLUE BOOT DEPOT. taSht. M^e e e^l&the h JELLING, onl Selling on!! Men's Suite-to . * /uw,u **wv/j- "■"*"*• lOsid the Course. Vo measure from 52s 6d. Shrinking, fit, and finish Special Classes for Fancy Dancing. Private Classes guaranteed. Toneycliffe and Carey. formed. Private Lessons given. Country Classes qJa&IPLES, <**& lot ot litOe Jersey Blouses A LARGE AND FRESH STOCK OP visited. ■ :> ■ ■ _ without be cleared at ridiculous 236 ARMAGH STREET WEST. prices. Toneycliffe and Carey. : BOOTS AND SHOES, school of aet, F^SSgSkS^STtS?9kSS^ Well bought and well selected.. All marked in plain CHRISTCHURCH. SBte^^S y . Beady -° i?Byl ' the - secret - - Toney - figures, selling at the mm TFRM "WILL COMMENCE WED- CJELLING on I Selling on 1! Five dozen Fancy TiOWFRT PnSSTRr.R PRTnFiR HP NFSDAY COMMIjMLII, WJ!J, © Tinsel Antimacassara to clear at 9d each, worth FOR READY MONEY. Art Master and Gold and Silver Medalist, South Carey. ■ n Kensington, London. "m/TEN'S Olid Boys' Hats, Ties, Br.wes, Collars, and LECTURES WILL COMMENCE THE SECOND JjJ. Shirtk Honest ready money Value at Toneygnn a arpATT\TT4TXr/a T>"DTm?CI WEEK IN TERM. cliff e and CaVey'e. =■ 'v# ! SEE ASTOUNDING J?BICES morning and evening classes, Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., IN WINDOW. CLASS FOR NATURE. . ___ Every Tuesday. SATURDAY CLASSES. . . CORNER OF COLOMBO AND CASHEL STREETS, ' A Special Class for Teachers and Pupil Teachers is , - held on Saturday Mornings from 9.30 to 12.30. Fee at toe 15s per term, or if paid within three weeks from the - BLUE BOOT DEPOT. _^____- —_ or if paid within one fortnight from the first day ___,_» . --. of attendance the Morning Fees wUI be £2 2s and the . JOHN MURRAY Evening Fees 155.->- .. . ; ■* AUfees are payable in advance at the Registrar's -.mesa-Da -rr AXm W TMYRTiVRTS Office, Canterbury College. Prospectuses and all MJ_bD±4o ±±. AMU W. JiUISHiJiXD, SOOT IMPORTER. ' other informatiori can be obtained on application at BURGEON DENTISTS. the School of Art brat the College. . A. CRACROFT WILSON, SETS, £7 10s. Partial sets equally 1651 Registrar. |J mo derate. Painless extraction by gas. Fillings, SCHOOL OF SHORTHAND, TYPEWRITING, &c., *«• Extractions, la. . 190 CASHEL STREET o (o Ballantyn^ MISS A. M.- CARE ; —: ! PUBLIC NOTICE. RE-OPENED WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 16m Typewriting, Every Desqription of Copying Done, COACH TO CHEVIOT. " a cs£sltSltaSJS«» β-honwperweek. Book- . . J keeping (Single and Double Entry), Arithmetic, . A COACH will RUN between WAIPARA and Wnting.-.Composition.&c. • " - _CIL CHEVIOT, leaving Waipara EVERY SATUR- = DAY and WEDNESDAY, and returning from Cheviot - JJ # . JJ, STANDFIELD, on Mondays and Thursdays. . ■ - riyp'Q TANTRTiTiTTRV • electro-galvanic specialist, Saddle Horses and Traps always on Hire at Wai- . W-l- O t-AT* J-J!ilSi>UliX % . * m xttj para Station at the shortest notice. • . __".-*«.--- «-, 5 CHANCERY LANE, m - " A - FEAN w^ P araHotaL STEAM WINDOW BLIND . Christchurca, VyUiHXD. and Headache instantaneously ———-——-———————-————— . " ' ' ■ . J3| relieved and permanently cured by Electricity ~~~ without pain or sensation. Nervous TOseases and UAOB.IAI STEWART'S ,_r- OMB O UR KEW PATENTS Coi^latate sdentifically treated by Electricity; „ ___ * j . , - - ■ Closed on Thursdays froin 1 o'clock until 7 p.m. NEW CURE FOR ASTHMA Open from 7 until 9 o'clock during Thursday evening. NEW CURE FOR CROUP * SSSSSR---* . .«- a j :r -. . Prepared from the Mountain and Forest , Plants of New Zealand. . . .__ . . Sold by an Chemists. ' «B ~COLOVTOO STREET NORTH. J g # SMABT AND SON. ' * ' - » ASPHALTERS, . SYDENHAM. ■~ ' ' Office—Messrs Scott Bros., Manchester HOT SPEINGS, , ■*«*. ' HANMER PLAINS, \MT ABR E» HO C K LET AND CO., COURTS and GARDEN PATHS LAID ViaQimtchuichandC-lverden. »V -ni- " ■ -*• MIXED \VTTH ASPHALT. JACK'S PASS TEMPERANCE HOTEL. CorrectMeasnrement Guaranteed. HEREFORD STREET, CURISTCHURCH. Telephone No. 605. ***«*«» HtoExcellency ftDarentxance square. by -<&BHFmßS&££r LordOnslow. The Stock of Wines and Spirita held by this ComSPECIALLY ADAPTED FOR INVALIDS AND I»n?[onbraoaa every needful variety for ordinary or __ T _ nT/ , ._-.-» of Liquors are supplied for family TYPE - WRITING OFFICE. Chanrea. fa per day or invalid purposes. ■ . ' Buggy provided chaise, to and from the SpeeUd anangemente made for Balls or Dinner fjl H E HISSES MALIK <3, ' Spring-daily, Parttes.- "_ .- " .' ■ J,. , 10 Cathedral square AsphainTeimis Court. Lock-im Bin Caeee provided tor Race Meetings, <Over Messra Kaye and Carter's). ncnice, so." ■ ■ ' i A. LAHMERT, Wines packed and forwarded, freight paid; to any ■. 909 Proprietor. port in New Zealand, on receipt of. remittance or Correspondence, 3ISS., and Documents of all, kinds

Election Notices. f WAIMAKARIRI-ASHLEY WATEB SUPPLY DISTECT. Poll on question of Raisins Special Loan of £10,003 to Construct Headworks and Distributing Channels for the purpose of supplying water to the Brown's Rock Subdivision of the District. NOTICE is hereby given that, pursuant to the provisions of The tfrater Supply Act, 1891, and Amendments, The Counties Act, ISB6, Tee Regulation of Local Elections Act, 1876, and all other provisions and authorities in that behalf enabhnsr, a POLL OF THE RATEPAYERS in the Brown's Rock Subdivision of the above district will be taken on TUESDAY, the sth day of February, 1395, on the question whether or not the Waimakarin-Ashley WaterSupplv Board ba authorised to raise a Special Lo«n of £10,000 for the purpose and on the security hereinafter mentioned. 1. The particular work proposed to be undertaken is the Construction of Headworks leading from the Waimakariri River at Brown's Rock to a point on the terrace about 180 chains to the south-east of Brown's | Roek, and distributing channels leading therefrom sufficient to supply water to the whole of the Brown's Rock subdivision of the district. 2. The sum proposed to be borrowed for such purpose is £10,000. 3. It is proposed to pledge as security for such Loan ' < (Ist) The rents, rates, and profits derived from the <=ale, letting and user of water supplied by or through the said headworks and distributing channels, after providing for maintenance, repairs, cost of collecting and other necessary, working expenses. (2) A Special Annual Rate, if Required, for the purpose of making up any deficiency of (5) ThreeKnrhths of a Penny in the £.ou the rateable value of all Lands within the Brown's Rock .Subdivision of the District benefited by such work, estimated at 120,000 acres, of a rateable value of £540,000. The following are appointed thc POLLING PLACES for the Brown's - Rock Subdivision of thc District, at which the said POLL will be taken and at which thn Ratepayers of such Subdhision of the District may attend and record their votes betweeji the hours of 9 o'clock in the mominjjarid 6 o'clock in the evening , :— Rangiora—At the ilandeville and Rangiora Road Board Office. Fernside—At the Fernside Schoolroom. Swannanoa—At the Swannanoa Schoolroom. : West Evreton—At the West Eyreton Road Board Office. ' Cust—At the Cust Road Board Office. Carieton—At the Carieton Hall. Dated this 17th day of January, 1835.. . JOHN O'HALLORAN, 997 •■• Chairman of the Board. WAIMAKAKIRI-ASHLEY WATEB SUPPLY BOAED. BROWN'S EOCK SUBDIVISION. TJOLLINO FOR LOAN OF £10,000. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY sth. 9 A.M. TO 6 P.M. POLLING PLACES. Ranprieva— Slandeville and Rangiora Road Board Oiflce. Swannanoa—Schoolroom. Fernside—Schoolroom. West Eyreton—Road Board Office. Cust—Road Board Office. . Carieton—Public Hall. ' 1900 Licensing Notices. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TRANSFER OF LICENSE. „ j I SARAH ANN FREE, of New Brighton, widow, 9 being the holder of a Publican's License in respect of the house and premises • situate at New Brighton aforesaid, and known as the Bower Hotel, do hereby give notice that I desire to obtain, .and will, at the next Licensing Meeting, to be holden at Idnwood Borough Council Offices, Linwood, on the second day of March, 1895, APPLY for a TRANSFER of the said License from myself to GEORGE HENRY PIERCE, my Appointee. Dated the fifteenth day of December, 1834. 1789 SARAH ANN FREE. Educational THE EDUCATION BOARD OF THE DISTRICT OF NORTH CANTERBURY. nnHE BOARD invites APPLICATIONS, accomB panied by testimonials, for the following APPOINTMENTS, to be sent in, addressed to the Hecrctary of the Board, not later than 4 p.m. on MONDAY, the llth current:— Gloucester street—Assistant Mistress; present Waiau—Master; present salary, sioo. Woolston—Female Assistant; present salary, £60. J. V. COLBORNE VEEL, Secretary. Christchurch, 2nd January, 1895. 1895 E. J. PAINTER, TEACHER OF THE VIOLIN. Also Mandoline and Guitar. Kilmore street East, Christchurch. 9938 "f_/fONSIEUR AUJARD, Professor of Dancing and JjJL French, 21 Stanmore road, Linwood. Ladies and Gentlemen taught privately the latest steps. FRENCH — Conversational Class now forming. Gouin's method taught. How to speak French in six months, without Grammar.- • ■■ - - ' Series posted to students or teachers. •m/r iss ambler,. PROFESSOR OF FRENCH AND MUSIC, Highly recommended: by the Academies de Montpellier et Paris, and the Lycee de Nimes, WILL EESUME.I&ESSONS ON FEBRUARY . THE 4th. ROOMS AT PRIVATE HOTEL; CHRISTCHURCH. 687 Tl/ITSS TAYLOR'S f CLASSES for DANCING will JjJL RESUME, about the middle of February, the date to be announced later on. Special Lessons previously can be arranged for by The' Modern and the Original Dances artistically taught. Fee—lss the Course of 12; advanced {pupils, lOsodthe Course. Special Classes for Fancy Dancing. Private Classes formed. Private Lessons given. Country Classes visited. ■-.>■• 236 ARMAGH STREET WEST. SCHOOL OF ART, CHRISTCHURCH. THE NEXT TERM WILL COMMENCE WEDNESDAY, February 6th. Head Mastkr-G. HERBERT ELLIOTT, Art Master and Gold and Silver Medalist, South Kensington, London. LECTURES WILL COMMENCE THE SECOND WEEK IN TERM. MORNING AND EVENING CLASSES, Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., CLASS FOR SKETCHING FROM NATURE, Every Tuesday. SATURDAY CLASSES. ' A Special Class for Teachers and Pupil Teachers is held on Saturday Mornings from 9.30 to 12.30. Fee 15s per term, or if paid within three weeks from the first day of attendance 10s. Morning Fees £3 3s per term. Evening Fees 25a per term. Or if paid within one fortnight from the first day , of attendance the Morning Fees will be £2 2s and the Evening Fees 15s. "'•-■ .. . All fees are payable in advance at the Registrar's Office, Canterbury College. Prospectuses and all other information , can be obtained on application at the School of Art brat the College. A. CRACROFT WILSON, 1651 Registrar. - SCHOOL OF SHORTHAND, TYPEWRITING, &c., CATHEDRAL SQUARE (Over Messrs Heywood's), miss' carr RE-OPENED WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 16m. Typewriting, Every Desqription of Copying Done, Shorthand Notes Taken.' Classes at all hours, Speed 8 hours per week; Bookkeeping (Single and Double Entry), Arithmetic, Writing,-C6mposition,.&a 583 GEE'S CANTERBURY STEAM WINDOW BLIND WOBKS. jTIOMB AND SEE OUR KEW PATENTS rott VENETIANS AND OUTSIDE BLINDS. WSvjDOLOMBO STREET NORTH. i ~.; 941 . '. ' i WABRE, HOCKLET AND CO., WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS, South Brit-sh Chambers. HEREFORD STREET, CURISTCHURCH. Cellar entrance from Cathedral square. The Stook of Wines and Spirits held by this Company embraces every needful variety for ordinary or special use. Assorted dozens of Liquors are supplied for family or invalid purposes. Special arrangements made tor Balls or Dinner Parties.- " \ " Lock-up Bin Cases provided for Race Meetings, Picnics, so.-' ■ Wines pocked and forwarded, freight paid; to any port in New Zealand, on receipt of. remittance or satisfactory references. A choice selection ot finest Indian and Havanah Cigars. - ■

TYPE-WRITING OFFICE. ; THE HISSES MAL I N <3, / ,10 Cathedral square • - / <Over Meesra Kaye and Carter's). . / Correspondence, MSS., and Documents of all/kinds y copied. . Thorough instruction in Type-mijtas- I Ceminston Type-writen for Sale. / ' i

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Press, Volume LII, Issue 9019, 4 February 1895, Page 8

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Page 8 Advertisements Column 3 Press, Volume LII, Issue 9019, 4 February 1895, Page 8

Page 8 Advertisements Column 3 Press, Volume LII, Issue 9019, 4 February 1895, Page 8