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' Personal. "PERSONAL. \ PRIVATE DETECTIVE DALE, Phoenix Chambers, 52 Lambtoa Quay. ' Wellington. ■. IjlOR Divorce, Misaing Friends, Abacondlne 1 Debtors. Lostand Stolen Property, and all Dolicate, Difficult, and Secret Commissions. Evidonce Collected in ail Court Cases. Highly rcconimendod. igq| Wanted. WANTED, Proporty Buyers to call forow new LUt, jusc puoliahed; contains large number of houses of all sizes, stations, farms, ace. to seleot from; posted free to tny address. Bngga and Duffy, Estate Agents, 131 Colombo street. W" ANTEJ) to Purchase. Clothing. Bookr Jewellery, Furniture, &c. Ladlei aud Gentlemen waited upon at th-ir ro3id«no9, 'Address Mian McOoriniek, 133 High and 21 Colombo street, Sydenham. A large, assortment, of New and Second-hand Books to select from. 5013 Co •$ celebrated wedding and engageaeao rings at £1 la are tho heaviest and besp Tame ■ ever shown. Ladies' 18 carat gold watches aud Kotherbam watches JSS. Watches cloaned and warranted 4a 6d, clocks 'Is 6d. Old gold and silver bought. S. Clarke and Co., 118 Colombo street. \TC7 ANTED KNOWN"-Men's Hafd~Hatl YV from 23 lid. Wool Socks 10JJ. Tweed Caps 4Jd. Kaiapui Tweed Suita (Men's) 2% 6d. Trousers (Kaiupoi) 6j lid, Strong Working S.'.irt 2s 6ii. W. McOloa and Co., Cash Outtitterj, 210 High stieec. • , , X*J ANTED to Soil in Hereford street, Uu] TT wood, modern house of seven rooms, bathroom, hot and cold w. tcr.puntry. scullery, washhouse, copper, tine quarter-ucre scotiou. No reasonable offer refuted, owner leaving , . Terms arranged. Baggs and Daily, 131 Colombo streeji. those requiring SDCctaaloa da" T V Read Extended Advertiaeiuoar, page i, oXJohnlt. i'ruoter. 7Qn - WANTEDTo SjU, inTlSatlieson's roaa (close to irjbui and Lancaster Park), a good four-roomed house, verandah, scullery, four-stuiled stable, fowl hous'v, two artesians, '' quarter acre section. £225. Biggs and Daffy. 131 Colombo street. >i »/• ANT«D KNOWN-Splendid"Accomtd"(K 7V diuiou ioi- those requiriug a Seaside Change nt Mrs Taploy's, Governor's Bay. Extensive grouuds; boating, fishing; lino view of harbour. Terms moderate.. Apply on promises. ' ' 8377 WAN TED Working Men and Boys to Buy their Clotliiu« from W. McCloa and Co., where they got the bnscvalue for the least) money. Caah Clottiiora. 21U High streat. VJBT WN—lf you"require a good Tf fitting and well-made Suit at a low price, try W- McClea and Co., Cash Tailors, 210 Hitch street- __J* ANTfiLI to Sell, Jfortmunouaux, Ul«uf stone Bass and Brief Bags, and all kinds 01' Travelling Kequisicee, at reduced prices. Sample Cases and Camera Cases a specialty, ltepairs neatly and promptly ex* cutea. H. dob modes, Hi Alanoiescer street, '• Manufacturer ofTra veiling Jlleqiiieites. • WANTEDTtoISeI). City,~Scctio"n~33f i"x 115 house of 4 rooms and ecullery, work--' shop wash-house, grape vines, coalhouae, &c - £160. J. 1C -Kin* and Co., House Agen& • Liohfleld Etreet. ■ ' ANTED, all who like a cup of really good ten to aik their grocer for Hysloya Pure Ceylon Tan, done up in lead pnekots. The quality is superb. Ninian Uyslop aud Co.,' tea iniponere, IU4 Herefoid street. W' ANTEDIo Let Btveral nice Houses, from 10 rooms down iv 4 rooms ; <unu a nu- m and Houfce,7 acros and House, and i% ucvm nm) Hou&e. Brtggs and Duify, 131 Colombo atreet, WANTED, to Sell, clOid to I'upmiul ro»d . House of 4 roams, plastered, iron ro**, n verandah, laruo suction, good locality. Only > £250. J. R. King and Co., I<a.nd and Estate ~ Agents, Lichfleld Bti'oefc -*• W"ANTED7To~SoIJ. Ferry road. Cofner , Seciiuu, nearly" | nore of land, planted in orchard, honae of 4 .rooms, bath, iron roo£ and verandah, stable, wash-houao. fowl run, . &c £275. J. It. King ana Co, Land and Estate Agents, Lichtteid eiroot. __ i YJIJT ANTkD, to Soil, Cushul street. House o£ TV 5 rooms, scullery. workshop, .verandah, iron roof, section 41 x 10i). Only £300, .1. R. King and Co., Land aud Estate Agents, Lich» ' Held street. • ■ • ITT67 ANTED, to Sell, off Papanai road, 1 actre " T V 01 Laud, wish house of 4 rooms, large shed. &c. Only £170. J. U. King and Co,, -'■ Land aud Eatate Agents, Lichlloid street. ~;* W~ "ANTED, to Sell, City, iacro Land, with '- a house of of rooms, hollow brink wulls, ,- plastered, largo gas laid on, detached \ wash-house and copper, &n.,irun. ' roof; a real b-trg iin. Price £325. J. It. King , and Co., Land aud Estate Agents. liclUiaC. street. .*■ ■ ■ ■£•-, WANTED^KNOWN— Mrs QuartermntMi3 a Cash Puiohasur of Ladles', acuta, and Children's Letc-oll? Clothing, Letters by~? post or otherwise uttunilei to. Address Mm > Q. Quartonnaiuo. 151 Higrt atreet. UjM x_ ANTED KNOWN - Suits made to/s Measure oh the promises by expori-. ;,, oncod workmen; Cashprloofl. W. MoOlea and,;Co.. 210 High 3treet.___ vi _. ' y WANTED, to" boll, Sydenham, i abro o< i Laud, with a house of 5 rooms, ecullery. ,' WHBh-house And copper, verandah, 'planted-,. with fruit; trees, &c. Only £.'4O. 3. lt. ? £irig * and Co., House Agents, Ltchflold atrcec 1 t Your sight testai jf V and crystal apootaolea tltted '2a, iotef , changeable 3a, pjbblos 6i (Id. and 0316 stock of tinted and ocher vacietiai S. Clark* . and Co., 118 Colombo streec ; " ANTSr> KNOWN—That Mro Plnnidtti, - Monthly Nurse (from the Uriiisa:^ ! Lying-in Hospital, London), No. .103 tit. Aeupll.'r atxeet east, hud accommodaClou for Accouckfc* '- j menta. ' . i r -'": KN'3 and Bjye'> Hats, Ties, Brace* *T Collars, and Shirts, Honest) ready '; 1 money value at Toneyctiflfe and Carey. - "€tStHO are Ninian Hyelop and Co, I Why. T V ihe Importers of ihe best tea now on ; the market. 161 Hereford aireot. ■. . i"I TNE"ASTf Treade the Foot that Wean a U Com." Corialnonre. War-.'? button. Chemist, Tiniaru, toe Iβ in staaipi!.- ___- ! c%/\ DOZEN Bmbroidpred Silk Handkctf-\ \ £%} chiefs BJd each. Beach s Coloesal Bd?^ \ thiad'ay L ; X>ALIiANTyNBS Sale-All Black awft-f Jt> Coloured Serges, iv plaia colours, ut sUUL-f \ priccß. '■'.-fi'i Cii\4\ Wool Drees Pieces i% lid, 6? 4iiJ\r lid the fulldreea, under JSugliah coiU'ltBeatuJejColosaal B&le. t J" "AMTJare, all sorts, allsizo?, all prices. teosM '2s put doz., at Mluson and -Co'fc, Colombo Btrcet. . _j %^= SPJLCIAL~Une of Drees Drills to bo at 74d jter yard. Bluck, Boattle andvfl.^«r> Al-LAr/Tr NE'3 Sale-Orer £8-5.000 Sto'sk'l ■' M 3 of.JUigh Class Di-apery and Ciothing;Bs% f ale price's. _J "■!£■ ~ AND CO. are offering a too ivi Shipment of Orioliet and Tennis Cfaoof, a* Desperate Prices to olew—Bate t«Ett» 12s 6d, llacqueta ttoax 3a (id to Ids; %'« . from Bd. - '~ _ - Litien Cookin? Aprons Is Beilin Fingering, all colours, bundle. SeathßColoesnl Sale this day. 3Balee and Horrockeeft , . -LotiJtclothe ar. 2» lid dozen, usual price,» and., 43 63* Beath'e Colossal Sale. '■ ■." ...:J-'-' MUST be Sold, a well builfc, almost entirely now House of 6 rooms, with J of aa acre on, in a good street, bringing inagooa rentaL Owner w»nra to leave the colonr on, - account of his health. This Iβ reaUy a nibble v at £210; £20 down, the rear. weekly to*«*., menre, or as arranged". J. R. Kiuj? and Co., l»3 ~ Lichfield street. ' • ' r^WHYv SufferXgonyf-Yon can got rid (& >' your Corns by using Warbur on* Cerfci.;. Solvent. _:Send Iβ to Toe Pharmacy, %lß*£!srl£<. CS"AMPtES y odd lot-of little Boys' Scs Biousea withont knickers to be olearea/*? r - ridiculous prices. Toneycllffe and Carey, r, =;^ FLANNELETTES, Flannelettes, Striped, Checked, nod Seif Colours, M&*7k Twilled line from 4Jd yard. Koady money H,.---the secret. Toneyclirfe &nd Carey. _J ~" -,'ii APOLOGY— Wβ beg to apologise to aft" ol4# friends and oastamera that, in tne lon Xmas Eve we were not able 1 atcenilon to many of them, but will be, nWgllp I toaeeaod Buptply their wan m for New *eSS& > Giftp. Handsome presents of all Fiower Bcands,KDergnes,Vaeea, pnoto *J al *Jffi« r : Hr Fancy Baskets, Tea Sete, Workboxee,- Dob*Bs£< Sec., oenidee an immense ecock of Dolwe^rs , Toys of all Kind , ab our usual Low Vnm.4\ I Oaa-ey'a Variety Bazaar, corner Lichflele Colombo streets. - - '/-.^'?, CJBLLINO on! Selling on!! Men's Suits t«fe »S measure from 5Js 6d. Shrinkinsr. fIC *$* % finish guaranteed. ToneyeUffe and ObTILING on!. SeUing. onl! Five ■ »O Fancy Tinsel Aniimaenssre ta wew"»-"v 9deach. worth Is 3d. -Keady money does iv 2. Toneyclttfe and Carey. ' ' —' ,\ ■Jl/TKN'rt Suits 13a 6d. 15s Cd J?l Men's Tweed Suite 15*. 18s fid. 2te SUM \*, 4as. Ready m6ney does it. Toneyclise Carey. , . ..' *■• -!•#■ SHORT ends of Prints and other. Bemn*a& s that have accumulitted during aeasoft Jα be cleared very, ,^ WHARYBY.Dyer and Scourer, "ace .&*:i • fdrthe convenience of bis numeron| ;. custoniera, removed from Viotorfa streetjw. Central Preiniees- Hobbe , Buiidings, CathwW".- A sqnare. Established 1876. "s ARiiURTON'S SuCJiet Fowdore.ate o*^- - tainabief(OmaU leading drapewl at » f : I pffcket. .Eight choice oloure. For perfmffiO* «• linen cbeetorjvriUnK do3k._ .. - W| ¥ AWN TenniriiacQueta Reatrung, jLi 01 in part Framee reputed,and, newed. Best materials . and_wotkman*fitt; & S*tiefaction guarantedi by.F. B. BMtfefe Racquet Jffixperr, Canal Bjeerve. f*i Agents. Daviea aud Lamb, TobaooanWihtJ^^, ift\7\ WORTH~of Household &iV be obtained torbo on in proportion, by tne Cash or Hire »?'^^ ! Time-deferred Fayment of Walter* and Uyholaterera, Cablcfje-makers, 43. »• torl» atreefc BeauDiful Goods beat and workmanship. Low priosa s?fftt!uS»i plain flgaree. Toane, « t ,SSS dowß, oalaneo by easy we«w» UtmioHt*i-£S<ss aeatWy iaawOmcnta > - i,^.(M

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Press, Volume LII, Issue 9012, 26 January 1895, Page 10

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Page 10 Advertisements Column 5 Press, Volume LII, Issue 9012, 26 January 1895, Page 10

Page 10 Advertisements Column 5 Press, Volume LII, Issue 9012, 26 January 1895, Page 10