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_■ 4 Supreme Cottrt.-—His Honour Mr JottM Denniston set in banco yesterday.".,.- A^t.. Honour will sit iv Cha libers to-day. Christ's College Cadets.—Ah, in«pec« V tion parade of tho above corps by Xieuf.; , Colonel Gordon wilt lake place at 4 p.m./ to*dav on the College grounds. A Unique Present.—Mr W. >h Baotli. . of Croydon, sent out by the RaOgatirs to a-■'" friend iv Dunedin an. exceedingly hancbW** - Surrey dahlia, frozsn io a block of ice. "IN-- * beautiful flower.arrived in good ,order, anu ... was handed over by Captain Burton to WP 1 - _,- person to whom It was sent.. .-' _ . 7>,. Rifle Shoot.n*..—A mat.h will t*k_|s._! place on Saturday next, December Ist* *n r ji Bromley range, when the 15 Battery *»£§s fire against the Christ's College Rifles. following WiU represent the - BatUjff - Captain Jack-on, Sergeant Were, Cogpbrag;'' Cropp, Bombadiers Main, Lester, UwiMWy Jewel, Meozies, Bntler, Fox, Rose, OtUW: Vanderlyn. 7 Tai Tapu School.—An entertMnment. . : in aid of the pr.ze fund, was b"ld in the • schoolroom on Saturday evening, and *«•*? largely attended. Mr Wilkinson, ot ,«****; »vood road, gave views of one of the ««w Zealand tourist routes and Lake Brnotxr, which, with the explanatory notes, vtetp much appreciated. ___. Seamen's Rest, Lttteltos.—-The mittee desire to acknowledge, with tbiwwfc the receipt of the following subscription for the month of November y-Me-A. Coombes, Newton, £1; Mrs B. AllwrigW. 5s ; Captain Dagwell, Silverstreatn, 3» M? Captain Stuart, Tekoa, 2s 6d ; Mr rota, Tekoa, 6sj Captain Kidley, Gothic,**? Rev. Tread well, 10.. Also, a quadtlty «■ paper* from Mr Lanyoa and Mr Deww* t°un. . _«__.». Theatre RoYAU—The seasoo of »« 81 ? Brough and Boucicaulu's Company, »«"« we all regret is so exceedingly short,, w«* commence at the Theatre Royal oft •*. ° a ?* evening next. The initial P l **,*,",, Ii Sydney Grundy's "Sowihg the «»?» °? whioh we hea< favourable report* »•»» Dunedin. The. Company oomp'iw* *»»* _. out exception, the finest exponents of we, modern plays now in Australasia, *-« •»«■* tbat nothing remains to be said «Mf« *• recommend all lovers. of good •« ti M./J Chrisiohurch to see the Company iaiMJ repertoire which ha* been arranged for .their . _—„_#-n l._l*A * \

Chamber of Commerce.—The quarterly meeting of the Chamber of Commerce will be held at 3 p.m. to-day. Overstocked Cows.—The Inspector for the Society of Cruelty to Animals needs te look more carefully after the milch cows at the Addington Saleyards. There were several in on Wednesday with overstocked «dderF. Lecture. —On Wednesday a lecture was aelivered in the Primitive Church, Ashburton, by the Rev. Mr Cocker. The subject of tbe lecture was " Tarn o'Jack's lad, or the man who rode on John Wesley's back. : ' The choir under the baton of Mr James, sang several selections. Mrs Marsden gave » vocal solo, which was received with applause- Mrs Davies presided at the organ. Votes of thanks wound up a most pleasant evening. The Students of Troth Case.—ln this ease, which was an appeal from the judgment of Mr R Bee-ham, S.M., in favour of Mrs Ingram for interest on debentures, his Honour Mr Justice Denaiston gave judgment yesterday. The appeal was dismissed with £10 10s costs, leave being given to appeal, the question of stay of execution to stand over till next banco day. A Narrow Escape.—A youug man was sitting on the rails of one of the cattle pens at the Addington Yards on Weduesday when a boll with some vice in him came up behind, and catching the man round the waist with one horn hurled him backwards into the pen. The animal was quickly driven off by some of the bystanders, and the man forfcunateij' escaped unhurt. The Fii-i. at Sydenham.—ln connection with Use burning of the Sydenham Oddfellows' Hall, we are requested to state that Mrs Haggin gave the alarm to Mr Day, who telephoned to Superintendent Turton, and be proceeded at once to the fire. He explained that he could not call out the Brigade unless its expenses wera guaranteed. This guarantee was given by Mr Day, and tne Deluge engine was telephoned for. Its presence assisted iv the saving of the adjoiniug buildings, and a quantity of the furniture which was in tbe hall.

. The Salvation Anu v.—The Salvation Army contingent of New Zealand have been reinforced by the arrival of Ensign Mickey H_y__ian from South Africa. He is said to be an able speaker, a good musician and ginger. Ensign Hayman has been " a hard case." Crowds gathered around in the , open air and inside the barracks on Wednesday night to bear him. He is familiar with the circus ring and its phrases, and bis diminutiveness adds to his peculiarity. Tomorrow night he gives an account of his life in the wilds oi Africa ; collection at the door. On Sunday he will be at Linwood all day.

Richmond Amateur Swimming Club — The Committee of this Club met in tbe schoolroom on Tuesday evening. Present— Messrs F. J. Craddock (in the chair), W. Bassett, F. Ward, A. S. Andrews, W. Simpson, K. Bassett. and G. Milne (Hon. Sec). It- was resolved to give a donation of half a guinea to the Lyttelton Swimming Association towards its races at Lyttelton on New Year's Day. Tho 75 yds December handicap was fixed for Wednesday evening, December 12th, entries to close on December Bth. The programme for tbe annual exhibition of water sports on Saturday afternoon, December 15th, was drawn up and passed. R. H. R. Box, T. C. Rodger, A. Malthus, and Uo ladies were elected members. The question of the most suitable date for holding the annual sports was considered, and the Committee thought that they should be held in February as formerly. After dealing with routine business the meeting closed.

< Marriage ok a Mayor.—On Thursday afternoon there took place at Rangiora an interesting ceremony, being the marriage of the Mayor of the borough, Mr John Sansom, who was united in matrimony to Miss Margaret Jane Blackett, eldest daughter of Mr H. Blackett, J.P., an ex-Mayor of the same place. A number of fl-gs were flying in the town in. honour of the event. The parish church, where the ceremony took place, was prettily decorated with white flovpers.- The bride was escorted by her father,-: land was attended by her sisters, the Misses Elizabeth, Mary and Alice Blackett, and wore a handsome cream flowered silk trimmed with cream lace, with

S. choice wreath and veil. The bridesmaids Were'dressed. in cream serge, with lace to , iMJtcfiY«_-h-8 iv art shaxles and white 2hip h»W, with flowers to match their sashes. Mr-Sanson, was attended by 'Mr W_

Blickett as beat man, and the Rev. F. P. Tehdall. performed the ceremony. _ After partaking of refreshments, at which the usual toasts were duly honoured, the happy couple left for their honeymoon. The guests included, besides the members of the two families, Dr. and Mrs Mickle, Mr and

Mrs P. C. Threlkeld (lnglewood), Mr E. and Miss Mulcock, Mr and Mrs A. Henderson, Mr aud Mrs J. Johnston, Mr and Mrs W, H. Foster, Mrs Thompson and many - other*. The presents were both handsome arid numerous, and included a piano from — Mrs Blackett, senr., handsome cake dish, butter coolers, &c * Cweviot.—A meeting of settlers was held in the Free Methodist Church, McKenzie, Cheviot, on Monday evening to discuss the advisability of petitioning the Governor to ■ form Cheviot iuto a County. Mr W. T. Robinson was voted to the Chair. Mr , Vaugban proposed and Mr Forbes seconded — v That the Governor-in-Council be petitioned to bring the Counties Act into lorce in Cheviot at the earliest possible date." The resolution was carried on a show of hands by a big majority. Mr J. Haughey proposed, Mr R. Sloss seconded— "that the following gentlemen be a Committee to prepare the petition to the Governor-in-Council:—Messrs Holton and Anderson, Port Robinson; Craighead and • Whatman, Leamington; Gibson, Sinclair road; Gee jun., Waiau ; Gill, Domett; Forbes, Froghall; Cramptou, Domett saddle to Elizabeth road ; McLaren, Ram Paddock ; .Sturrock and Robinson, McKenzie." After Mr Costello's name had been added to the list for Domett the motion was put to the meeting and carried unanimously. Mr Forbes introduced the question of a public . saleyards site, and moved—" That the Committee formed take tbis matter in hand and endeavour to get a suitable site reserved by the Government." This was seconded and carried unanimously. Mr George Cramptou then put forward the questiou of a doctor for Cheviot. Mr H. M. Whatman proposed—"That the Committee be asked to consider the question under discussion and fiud out what support could bs looked to from the settlers with regard to a guarantee to a medic&l man." This was seconded and carried by a big majority. A vote of thauks tn the chair brought tbe meeting to a close. Afterwards a meeting of those interested in . the annual sports was held, Mr W. T. Robinson in tbe chair. Otfi-ers and com- ■ niittee were elected. A vote of thanks to the chair closed the meeting. Ohoka.—On Wednesday evening a largely attended meeting was held at the Road Board office, Ohoka, to consider the question of lhe domestic water supply of that district. The meeting was convened at the iostance of the Eyreton Road Board, which " has recently been sinking a deep well, which has reached a depth of 565 ft, and the Board wished to obtain a further opinion of the ratepayers on the question of proceeding with the work or otherwise. Mr R. Hopkins, Chairman of the Board, presided, and explained the position of affairs. The opinions of Drs. Symes and Murray in reference to cases of typhoid fever and the cause of the same were read, which pointed out that the water from the creeks and wells of from 20ft to 25ft in depth was not fit for domestic purposes, so far that from these a return of typhoid might be expected. After some discussion had taken place, Mr P. C. Threlkeld moved, Mr John Power seconded—" That the thanks of the ratepayers are due to the Board for its action in endeavouring to obtain a pure Water supply, and that it be empowered, if thought advisable, to sink a further 100 ft to get an overflow at the well." Mr Boidge moved, Mr Orchard seconded, so amendment to the effect that the Board had undertaken a work which was not within its powers to carry out. The amendment was negatived, and the motion carried by a large majority. A vote of thanks to the Chairman concluded the meeting. Land axd Property Sales. —At auction yesterday, at their wool stores, Messrs Todhunt.r and Jennings sold, on account of the beneficiaries in the estate of the late Mr J. Harris, 50 acres of land at Port Levy. There was good competition for the Property, which was secured by Mr William Field at £12 per acre. The same firm also *»port having sold a farm of 20 acres at Lansdowne to Mr J. Beven at £16 per acre, . and an acre of land at Walthaui to Mr H. Bitchard for £140. 8035

Labour Day Demonstration. —A meeting of the General Committee was held on Wednesday evening at No. 17, Inglis buildings, Mr Ballinger in the chair. Considerable correspondence was considered from contributors and ladies and gentlemen, offering their services as judges, Ac. The Sub-Committee on sports brought up their report as to the conditions to be carried out iv the various events, which will be published shortly. Encouraging replies to circulars were received proffering support from various labour organisations. Temperance Society.—The St. Michael's Temperance Society's session was brought to a successful close last night, i,be Rev. A. W. Averill in the chair. The musical sketch entitled "Hayfield Gleaners" and the farce " Actors Wanted," were repeated. Recitations were given by MrE. Clark, R. Orr, and F. Godfrey, selections on a mouth harmonica by Mr W. Foster, and a song by Mr Tucker. Three cheers were given for Mr Tucker, composer of the '* Hayfield Gleanora." The Rev. Averill then gave a short address, and announced chat the meetings wonld commence in February next. Leeston Parochial District.— A social was given by the Leeston parochial church district, in the Leeston Town Hall, on Tuesday night, for the purpose of welcoming the Rev. H. A. Watson, AI.A., who succeeds the Rev. Staples Hamilton as curate. Opportunity was also takeu to say good-bye and God-speed to the Rev. Staples Hamilton. Service was conducted in St. John* Church by the Rev. Mr Teakle. At the hall there was _ good attendance, in spite of the inclement weather. Addresses were given by Mr Teakle, who presided, and the Revs. Staples Hamilton, H. A. Watson, E. Whitehouse, W. Grant, and A. C. Lawry. The speakers all referred in eulogistic terms to the work done by the Rev. Mr Hamilton. A liberal Buppiy of refreshments was handed round, and several musical selections were sung by an efficient choir, under Mr J. W. Hammond, assisted by Miss B. Johnston and A. Cooper, soloists. During the evening ths Rev. Mr Teakle, on behalf of the parishioners, presented the Rev. Staples Hamilton with copies of Archdeacon J.arrar'3 works, handsomely bound in morocco, enclosed in a morocco case.

"The Paradise op the Pacific."—A meeting of the Committee of ladies and gentlemen formed to carry out the details of the lecture by Bishop Grimes and conversazione, to be given in the Opera House, on December 13th and 14th, was held in the Presbytery last night. Bishop Grimes occupied the chair, and there was a large attendance. The reports of the ladies with reference to the arrangements for the tea and lhe sale of tickets were received, and passed as satisfactory. The detail arrangements of the conversazioue were discussed and decided upon. The two entertaiuments promise to prove an era in Christchurch, as the Bishop has a collection of curios which is unequalled. During his recent tour he received many presents of curios, which would be unpuruhasable by the ordinary tourist, and these will be on view at the conversazione. A very attractive musical programme has a so been arranged, and aa the proceeds are to be divided between the Library and the Convent Schools, in the latter of which the Sisters are labouring most assiduously under very great disadvantages, which the proceeds from these entertaiuments, it is hoped, will in some degree remove, ie is hoped there will be a large attendance.

-AVeddikg at Sydenham.—A very pretty wedding took place at Sc. Saviour's, Sydenham, yesterday, when Mr W. Fisher, son of Mr J. T. Fisher, was united to Miss Mercy Cocks, daughter of the late Rev. H. B. Cocks. The church, which was beautifully decorated, was crowded with friends and others. The service was full choral, and the ceremony was performed by the Right Rev. the Bishop of Christchurch, 'assisted by the Rev. E. A. Scott. The bridegroom was attended by __r Chas. Clark as groomsman. The bride, who was given away by her brother, the Rev. P. J. Cocks, was attired in a beautiful gown of ivory spun, silk, draped with old Spanish lace. She wore a tulle veil, and carried a bouquet of tuberoses, stephanotis and other choice flowers. The bridesmaids were .the Misses Muriel, Millicent, Agatha and Monica Cocks, whose dresses consisted of. ivory delaine prettily draped ..with sashes - of _blacikc .etepe-de-chine, and chip • hats trimmed with stylish bows of crepe-de-chine. Each wore a gold bangle, set with pearls and sapphires, the gift of the bridegroom, and also carried a bouquet of rare flowers. Mrs Cocks, the mother of the bride, was attired in a black siik delaine gown and cloak to match. The bride's travelling dress was a rich black Romuey cloth, the style being coat and skirt with pretty chiffon bodice and picture hat. The presents were both numerous and handsome. The wedding gown and trousseau were made by Mrs Worden at the establishment of Messrs J. Baliantyne and Co.'

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Press, Volume LI, Issue 8964, 30 November 1894, Page 4

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NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume LI, Issue 8964, 30 November 1894, Page 4

NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume LI, Issue 8964, 30 November 1894, Page 4