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" Weekly Press and Referee.*-.* portrait of Wr W. Sinclair, the hero of tin recent cliff accident at Lytteiton, appetti in our contemporary, and accompanying jt is an excellent picture of the Lighthouu near which ihe accident happened. A vmj good detailed description of the whole a_»u is given in the letter-press. Another pot. trait is that of Mr Johu Marten Butt Auditor of the Bank of New Zealand, Peking, the capital of China, is describe by oue who has lived in it. '- Straggle?* has some caustic paragraphs about IheJ. lock Book and its progress, and " Bultgeyt" writes a useful budget of news besides aa usual "best target of the week,' 1 an,lda which has evidently caught on with» Clubs and Volunteers all over the colony. In the sporting pages the Wellington meeting is fully reviewed, and " Spectator'.' and " Hotspur" contribute chatty budget! The U.A.A.O. _ recent athletic meeting it reviewed by " Dark Blue," while the Anok« land Club's fixture is dealt with by the - resident correspondent. Selected, team* te go into traiuing for the championship meet* ing are also given. The other department* of British field sports are also full of inteteit, the football news including reference to the piay of New Zealumiera in the Old Count.y, The McNeill-Burke Missiojr. — Thl evangelistic mission of the Rev. J. MoNeijt aud Mr Burke opened at the Opera Honor last night with a crowded audience. The proceedings are reported elsewhere. Tht mission will be continued this evening, beginning at half-past seven. St. A_.ban_ Mayoral Election.-.! meeting of Cr. J. Peuteney _ Committee was held last evening, when final arrangements were made for to-day's campaign, Great satisfaction was expressed at t)if amount of support promised. The'meetiag terminated wibh a vote of thanks to t_" ohair. ■•;-■•>

Avow Rowixg Club Art U-tio>r,*«ftt s Avon Rowing Club's art union was drawn last night at Hohbs' Buildings, in thesence of about two hundred ticket holdera Mr Jas. Freeman, President of th. Club, and his Worship the Mayor supervised _.e drawing. The .winning numbers are polished elsewhere. EntertainmbN-.;—An entertainmenttru given in St. Miohael _ schoolroom, on Monday night, under the auspices of the Tern* perance Society; There was a large attendance. The programme commenced with » ' musical sketch-entitled "HayfieldfUeacei.," successfully carried out by twenty-four children, ably assisted by Messrs Tucker, - Large, C. Chapman, and Miss Wilson. A number of vocal and instrumental selection* -> were then given. Miss Black pretidsd st the piano. The entertainment was brought to a close with a farce entitled "Acton Wanted," The parts were well, fills* by Messrs Tucker, Large, C. Chapnw, Schneider, Bourdob, and W. Foster/ Shorthand.—Firat class or Froficieoej Certificates have been received by Mr C H. Gilby for three of. the shorthand stadenti who studied under him, and .wjwj*re,thw in possession of the highest grade certificate now issued by Sir Isaac Pitm_n_. A'M names of the successful candidates . an. Messrs J. C. Wallace, G. H. Waller, and Arthur Wright. These certificate* art awarded only to those who have »uooesafaUjr .passed the Theory examination, and h»« Subsequently passed a speea examlnfctiw for not less than one ..hundred word* I minute. , ~ _- Wool Carting.—This season McLaren, traction engines and waggons have, bets carting the chief clips of wool from til Ellesmere district. Oa Saturday, lost tWP ' trains went through Leeston with 120 bsU* of wool brought through the Rakais rivtt from Messrs Russell ana Manning's Rakatt Island run, and during several other tripwool was taken from the farms of Mew G. E. Rhodes, P.. Wright. J". C__ni_gb#n), Chamberlain 'Bros., D. Scott, and other* Several of the stations up the Waita-d 4» making arrangements to cart wool direct W Oatnaru by waggons, this being th* cheap*.« method of transit. The Elephant Hill «_£ is being carted to Oamara for Is Id pt* «*•* less than the railway rates. - Bso.dfield. — A successful entertai.* ment in aid of children- «»W' picnic, and .prize fund was given, ia. w* schoolroom on Thursday evening, woes there was a good attendance. ".-"••_•£*?[ taihment consisted of two plays*. '.wW* Prit" and "-Jack in the Bean Stalk." mJ two tableaux by the school children, whioß were well received. Songs were also Co.. tributed by Mrs W. ; Bartram, Mfse CW» Harrison,'Miss Grady, and Messrs ¥totfo& and Millen. Recitations were 8} v * a 3 , Miss Emily Spencer and Mfss Minnie t«j|K and Mr Cookson played an overture. .Jh£ : -; accompanists were. Miss _Harrison,-r-*HJ?- : ' Alice Blytbers. and Mr Cookson.- A close of the entertainment Mr Andre* Denison, Chairman of the Schoal: Cotte mittee, proposed a hearty vote of *"*•?*_*! the performers and to Mrs . Dna, which was carried by acclamation. **W room was then cleared for dancing, wntcn was kept up till daylight. The evening-? takings amonnted to £8 ss. Canterbury Progressive Association-.—A meeting of the Coinmitw of this Association was held on Monday evening. Mr W. L Ballinaer, -*« rid *|*|, occupied the chair, and there was a go™! attendance. The delegates who »'_" M "~ the Women's Convention gave in their* 6 * port. The Committee, appointed. .0 <"*» , up a scheme for old age pensions r that their work was well aavaac< rV,fcfr replies to the questions .*• candidates for the Mayoral chairs of *»"*** church and the surrounding boroagwim" read, and the Secretary was •n""! 11^ publish the answers. Mr R.-M. .J*-''™: (Sydenham) not having replied, it *■* decided that two members of the G .mmi"£ should attend his meeting » nd _ rea fTt fl J l >e to answer the questions. The Canal Ji ?*«L > wrote asking for the co-operation ™ ?V Association. The Secretary was to reply that the Association .•"■JTI chiefly for the purpose of * aT * uol *£ I JjT social and political education of tnft P?°? h i and regretted it coufld noc comply wit» "■ . request. The Geraldine Liberal -*«<{»* . wrote atatiog that they bad form themselves into a ->f ftMD <Y fc d£ Canterbury Progressive Liberal It was resolved that the President' ana £*. W, Eusom shonld atteud the Cbarit*W« »>? Commission on behalf of the Ai*oc»ttea» , ~"

ChaMT.eR op Commerce.—The anuual setm" of the Chamber will be held on ftiday o ne-t.at3p.m. Service of Intercession.—A service of I accession wid take piace :n the Cathedral an' Friday next, at 730 p.m. The Bishop nf Chriatchurch will preach. jiccLiMATi.AiioN Society.—-The usual mouthlv meeting cf the Council of this Society » s postponed to Wednesday, De.ember sih. Sydenham Poultry Association-.—The annual ineetinc; of the Sydenham Poultry Association will be held this evening at the Club Hotel. g rI . K E_K Lor rt. — His Honour Mr Justice Denni-ior. sat iu Chambers and in bankruptcy ye.ter__y morning, and dise,s dof the on (he list. To-day his ondur will sit in banco at 11 a.m. Tub Unemployed.—His Worship the Mayor waited upon the Hon. J. McKenzie «ster<iay with a request from a number if the unemployed who are anxious to get ©at of the town. The Hon. Miuister lor Lands promised to do the best he could for Caledonian* Society.—The Canterbury Caledonian Society will celebrate St. Aa-dtea-'s D*y by a supper in the rooms of the Society. Hereford street, on Friday next, at 8 p- m « Show and Races—A large number of rasseugers went South by the express train for Dnnedin yesterday. Among the visitors to the Dunedin show and rases were the • flons. the Premier, the Colonial Treasurer, unil the Minister for Lands. The Temple of Truth Case.—The argument in Banco of the appeal from the decision of Mr Beetham in the case of the Temple of Truth debentures, will take place to-day before his Honour Mr Justice Denuiston. The Charitable Aid Board Enquiry. "'•-The enquiry by Mr J. C. Martin, S.M., and Mrs Neill, into the charges against the Charitable Aid Board opened in the Land Board room. The proceedings ore private. -The Wairarapa General Fund.—ln response to a request from the Executive of jj,e Wairarapa Relief Fund conveyed to him yesterday afternoon, Mr J. C. Martin, 8.M., has consented to ace as representative* for Canterbury on the General Committee, when it is formed, in Wellington. Diocesan Choral Association. — The Bishop of Christchurch will preach at the seven o'clock service in connection with the Piocesau Choral Association, to-morrow, at the Cathedral. Attention is directed to a notification elsewhere. - The Band Rotunda.—The first of the performauces by the various bands intended to be given in the rotunda took place last night, when the Garrison Band played. • Unfortunately the rain which fell heavily eoon after the performance commenced .-militated against the full enjoyment of the - music.

-Cttß Mayoral Election.— A meeting of Mr E. Smith's Committee -was held last night. There was a large attendance present. The lists handed in were very encouraging. The _ual arrangements for attendants were completed; and a goodly number of cabs were promised for tue day. • Mayoral Elections.—The elections for Mayor in the city and the boroughs of St. ) Aibans and Sydenham will take place today. For the city, Messrs Gapes, Cooper, "and Smith are candidates; for Sydenham, Messrs R. M. Taylor and Brown, and for Ut. Albans, Messrs Penbeney anl Brooker. Considerable interest, in taken in all the election..

Trotting Association. —-A meeting of the Canterbury Metropolitan Trotting Association was held at the City Hotel last eveuing. The Canterbury Trotting Club ' a programme for a meeting proposed to be held at the Show Grounds on • Boxing Day, the added money being £490. A balance sheet of their last meeting ac.cumpauied the programme. It was resolved tbat the programme should beapproved. The programme of the sports and race meeting at Methven on the Ist January, 1895, containing two trotting events, was also ap- , proved. After transaction of some routine _u»l_es3 the meeting adjourned.

- .Chamber of Commerce. — A special meeting of the Committee was held yesterday atternoon. Mr I. Gibbs, Vice-Presi-dent, in the absence of the President, occu.pled tbe chair. The consideration of-the. Sumner Canal scheme and Shop Hours Bill . was left till the quarterly general meeting, to be.held on Friday. Mr Roper having preeented a copy of "Badger's Statutes" to the Chamber, he was tendered the thanks of the Committee. The following resolution Was unanimously agreed to:—"The mem- ' bers' of this Committee desire to express their sympathy with the President, Mr Humphreys, in the loss and inconvenience sustained by him through the destruction of , the warehouse aud stock of his firm by fire, , „and, express a hope that he will speedily surmount all difficulties iu connection therewith."

.Bishop Grimes at Ashburton. — His Lordship Bishop Grimes visited Ashburton .on Saturday, and conducted services at the Roman Catholic Church in the morning and . evening. There was a very large congregation at the eleven o'clock mass. Prior to celebrating mass his Lordship, preceded by aproct>ssion of the children attending the Convent schools, the Church choir, and the Sisters of Mercy, aud accompanied by the Rev. Father. O'Donnell and Hyland, performed the ceremony of blessing the Convent, which has recently been i emoved to a central site adjoiuing the church and pres'bytery. Mass was then celebrated, his Lordship afterwards delivering an eloquent , sermon, taking for his text, "Suffer little ~ children tcf come unto me, and forbid them ' not, for of such is the Ki gdoni of Heaven." ' Od Monday afternoou Bishop Grimes was presented with an address of welcome by the Convent children, who also executed in a most creditable manner a programme of music in honour of his Lordship's visit. The Convent schools were thrown open to the public on Sunday afternoon, when a large number availed themselves of the . opportunity of inspecting the interior of .he large building. T_nnis.—A match between the Annat ami Darfield Clui. was played at Darfield *on Saturday and resulted in an easy win for ihe visitors. The .weather was windy. livery effort was put forth by the home , Club to iuterest the visitors, who spent a pleasant day. A capital lunch and tea "vero provided by the ladies in the rooms at tbe saleyards. The following are the •scores:—Doubles— Rutherford aud McLsod (A) beat Sheldon and lnglis (D), 9—7; Dawe aud McNae (A) beat Reid aud Gil•Atiders (D», 9—6; McNae and H. McNae ' .A) beat Nielson and Moffet (D), 9—6 ; A. o»d C. Hamilton (A) beat Withell and Rev. tt-wkius(D), 9—B; Dawe and a Hamil- , ion (A) beat Gillanders and Moffat (D), 9— 4; H. McNae and A. Hamilton (A) beat V»oid and Withell (D), 9—B ; Misses Moore »ud Pengelly (A) beat Misses Turner (D), 9—2; Mrs Bami on and Miss Wallace (A) heat Mrs lnglis and Miss Gillanders (D), 9—3; Mr Rutherford and Miss Moore (A) 1 played Mr Shelden and Mi3s E. Turner (D), 5—2 (unfinished); Mr and Miss Gillanders ' U>) beat Mr Dawe and Miss Wallace (A), u 9—4; Mr A. and Mrs Hamiltou (A) beat Mr Nielson and Mrs lnglis (D), 9—7. Singles—Sheldon (D) beat Rutherford (A), - 9-8 ; McLeod (A) beat lnglis (D), 9—4 ; Oiltanders (D) beat Dawe (A), 9—6 ; Miss Moore (A) beat Miss E. Turuer (D), 9—4 ; Miss Peiigelley (A) beat Miss Turner (D), 9—3. Annat thus won the match by 131 - games to 91. Masonic. — The installation of Bro. D. Round as W.M. of the Christcbutch Lodge, No. 93, N.Z.C., and the investiture of his " officer, took place last night iu the St. Augustine Hall, when there was a large attendance of brethren and visitors. The ceremony of installation and investiture was performed by Bro. 11. Thomson, G.S., assisted by Bro. C. P. Hulbert. P.G. Supt., and Past Masteis Millar, Baker, and Hudson. The following were the oiiicors installed und invested :—Bro. D. Round, W M.; Bro. J. Hudson, I.P.M. : Bro. J. T. ' Henderson, S. W. ; Bro. T. W. Hemswortb, J.W. ; Bro. W. F. McLean, D. M. ; Bro. E. H. Cooper, Chaplain; Bro. C.J. Marshall (re-elected), Treasurer; Bro. W. R. Gahagan (re-elected). .Secretary; Bro. J. Bell, S. D. ; Bro. G. Ferguson. *J D. ; Bro. A. C. Andrews, I.G. ; Bro F. Machin, D.C. ; Bro. W. D. Waters and Bro. O. P. Wiburg (re-elected), Stewards; Bro. A. Gee (re-elecieil), Tyier. At the close of the business the brethren adjourned, to the ■ tefectory, where an excellent banquet, provided under the superintendence of Bro, Waters aud several of the ladies nearly related to some of .he brethren, was provided. The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and duly responded to, and a _. most pleasant evening was spent.

Railway Servants' Society.—The quarterly meeting of the Canterbury branch oi this Society will be held to-morrow at 7.30 p.m.. in the hall of the Sydenham Working Men's Club.

Freezing.—As will be seen by a notification elsewhere, the Christchurch Meat Company announce that they are prepared to make bookings for the ensuing season. Woodend Bible and Mutual Improvement Society.—The annual picnic of tbis Society was held ou Saturday. About fifty \ members and friends left Woodend at 630 j a.m., and a most enjoyable day was spent at the Amberley rocks. Tram Excursion.—The excursion by the City and Subuiban Tramway Company to New Brighton will take place this evening, when the Stanmore baud will accompany the excursionists. There will be dancing on the pier. The trams will leave Edwards, Bennett aud Co.'s corner at 7.15 p.m. Waimakariri- ASnLEY Water Scpult Board.—An election of one member in piace of Mr J. K. Wolff, resigned, for the West Eyreton road distjric?, ou the WaimakarinAshley Water Sujbply Board, takes place on December 7tlu Nominations have to be made to-day before noon, at the West Eyreton Road Board office. Malvern' Women's Institute.—A meeting of the Jdalveru Women's Institute waa held in the Schoolroom, Aunat, on November 24th. Mrs McLeod was in the chair. Mrs Keys read a very able paper on Dress Reform. After this had been discussed the usual vote o£ thanks was passed to the chair. The Sydenham Mayop.altv.—Mr R. M. Taylor, who is a candidate for Mayoral honours for the Sydenham borough, addressed a meeting of ratepayers in the local Oddfellows' Hull last night. Mr McLelland presided. There was present but a moderate number of people, who were spoken to upon local municipal matters for about an hour. Valedictory Services. — The. Rev. Staples Hamilton preached his farewell address in St. John's Church, Leeston, on Sunday. There was a large congregation. The Rev. Mr Hamilton leaves Leeston for Hokitika in a few days. Dating his twelve years' residence in the Ellesmere district Mr Hamilton has endeared himself to his church people, and made himself esteemed and respected by all ftho have met him. He is to be succeeded by the Rev. H. A. Watson, M.A., of Oxford. Doyleston Wes_eyan School. — The new Wesleyan Suuday schooltoom or hall was opeued on Sunday last, when services were conducted in the morning by 'Mr G. W. Holland and in the evening by "the Rev. A. C. La wry. The building is roomy and convenient,and, though specially bull tfor the Wesleyan Suuday school, will also be available as a ball for meetings, amusements, &c. To a certain extent it replaces the old Town Hall, burnt down some twelve months ago. It is erected on laud generously presented by Mr Collet. The buildin_, partly finished inside, cost about £150. Swimming.—The first of the Bast Christchurch Amateur Swimming Clubs handicaps took place at its bath last evening in the presence of a large number of spectators. Nineteen entries had been received, and after some close and exciting racing C. Mazey won on the touch. The following are details :—First heat—H. Truscott, 4*eo, 1 ; H. Dunnage, scr, 2. A. Calvert 4sec, J. Wauchop Osec, and A. Donaldson 10 ec also started. Time 43 l-sth sec. Second heat— T. Wauchop, scr, 1; S. 0. Baron, 3sec, 2. N. Lightband 4sec, and L. Hart Bsec, also started. Time, 401-sth sec. heat— £ Lightband, 53ec, 1; S. C. Wathew, ssec, 2. A. Duucau 2sec, C. H Partridge 4sec, and A. Wright 10-ec, also started. Time, 45sec. Fourth heat—O. Mazey, 9sec, 1; F. C. Jenkins., 2. F. Truscott lsec, also .started. Time, 45 3-sth sec. Final heat— C. Mazey, 9seo, 1; H. Truscott, 4sec, 2. T. Wauchop scr, and E. Lightband saec, also started. Won ou the touch, all four finishing close together. Time, 47 sec. AUCKLAND PUBLIC LIBRARY. The total number of printed books, &c, in the Auckland Public Library is 29,178. A SPLENDID YIELD. Legge and party, tributers in the Kapauga mine, Coromandel, crushed eighteen loads of quartz and 1641bs specimens a week or two ago, and obtained the exceedingly handsome yield of 1128bz3 2dwts of gold— 62|ozs to the load. STAMPEDE OF BULLOCKS. A Press Association telegram says that at Dunedin yesterday afternoon some bullocks which were being taken to the show ground stampeded on being taken out of ths railway trucks. One madly rushed through St. Kilda and South Dunedin, and in its career, rushed at Mrs P. Mcludoe, who was going along the street, but she escaped with a severe shaking. The animal was shortly afterwards shot by a member of the Naval Brigade. FEVER ON THE GOTHIC. With regard to the reported case of scarlet fever ou the s s. Gothic, Captain Kidley writes to the New Zealand Times as follows —The report as to illness on board the Gothic is in some particulars incorrect. The case was seen by two medical men, who considered it one of influehz- and tonsilitis. The man went to the hospital at his own request. VEGETARIAN BANQUET. The vegetarian banquet, which was to be given at Wellington last Tuesday evening. and at which Sir Robert Stout was to preside, was arranged on an elaborate scale, calculated to fully show the possibilities of a vegetvrian diet. The banquet was organised by Miss May Yates, who was to deliver a farewell address before leaving the colony. The menu comprised over thirty dishes. LABOUR BUREAU WORK. The families of three of the men who went from Timaru to get employment in the North Island left that town by the Omapere on Monday night to join their husbands ; two to the Hunterville special settlement and one to Wangauui. Constable Crawford, Labour Bureau agent, procured tickets for them and otherwise helped them away. The three mothers have with them twenty-three children. SATURDAY HALF-HOLIDAY. Last night, in Aucklaud, at a crowded public meeting, the Mayor presiding, under the auspices of the E*rly Closing Association, in view of the approaching meeting of delegates to fix the day for the half-holiday, a resolution was carried almost unanimously in favour of Saturday. The Governm-nt will be urged to bring in an amended Bill to strike out exemptions, and make the Saturday half-holiday permanent and universal throughout the colony. BAREFOOTED SCHOOL CHILDREN. Ac a meeting of the Otago Education Board last week, Mr MoKenzie brought up the matter of children going to school barefooted. For himself, he thought the health of children was improved by going to school in summer time without boots, and in addition to that tbe buying of boots was a serious matter to some people. Mr R_maay Many is the time I have gone to school without boots. The Hon- Mr MacGregor— So have I. Mr McKenzie would also like to know if it was against the regulations for children to go to school barefooted. The Chairman said ie was not. NEW LOCOMOTIVES. The first of four new tender engines, the construction of which was put in hand at the Addington Railway Workshops some time since has just been completed, and was experimentally worked on Friday last with the Christchurch-Ashburtoa train. It gave the utmost satisfaction, running up to a speed of forty miles an hour, and proving to be much steadier than tbe " N engines, which are now used on the ChristchurchDauedin setvice. These new tender engines, to be known as the •W, are of a type specially designed by Mr Rotheram, locomotive superintendent, and, excepting tbe tubes and tyres, they are to be ecurely of local manufacture. The other three, similar to the one tried on Friday, are now in hand, and all four are intended lor the express service between Christchurch and Dunedin.

THE NEW STIPENDIARY MAGISTRATE. The Dunedin Btar gives the following sketch of the life of Mr R. L. Stanford, who has just beeu appointed Stipendiary Magistrate tor the North Island : — "Mr Stanford was born in connty Cavan, Ireland,

and received his early schooling at Cheltenham, Gloucester, hi re." As a boy he entered a business house iu Liverpool, and remained there for two years till sent to Exeter College, Oxford. At this university he took the B. A. decree. Coming to Otago in 1854 he resided for awhile at Tokoi nairiro, and after some years was appointed to the curacy of All Saints' parish, Duuedin, a position which he held for six years. After that he was principal of . college at Waitati. In 1884 he took the LL.B. degree in the New Zeal, nd University, and has since practised his profession in Dunedin. During his colonial career Mr Stanford has maintained an intimate connection with journalism, r>nd is still the editor and proprietor of the New Zealand Journal of Finance and Insurance. Another position that he has held with honour is that of a member of the University Council/'

The following appears in the Wellington rost —"The trip of the from Melbourne to the Bluff was an unusually pleasant one. A series of first-class concerts, in which the members of the Brough and Boucicault Compauy took a leading part, was a great success, while the publication of a newspaper ou board was a decidedly novel and successful feature. The proceeds from these sources are to be forwarded to the Wairarapa Relief Fund, for which Captain Adman has now the satisfactory sum of £19 in hand. Boat and fire drill, with every atteution to details, were carried out, and Mr Luke, who is about to tour New Zealand in the interests of an Australian paper, took several photos from different po.itious of the vessel for the purpose of reproducing them later on."

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Press, Volume LI, Issue 8962, 28 November 1894, Page 4

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NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume LI, Issue 8962, 28 November 1894, Page 4

NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume LI, Issue 8962, 28 November 1894, Page 4