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Meetings, tflc. CANTERBURY COLLKGB SCIEXCE j standards of CoD^^ g Survey of Ethical Hon. Sec ; A imere9ted ta *** j Will be held at the J SKFTO.V HOTEL, J THIS I SATURDAY EVENING, 28th INST., ■ _ At S p.m. 5550 I MASTER BAKKRS' ASSOCIATION. 4MKRTING of lh~ bore will be held on SATURDAY, 25th insc. a,t 7.30 p.m . in ■ Kointc and Oo.'-< Cuambsrs, lij Hereford , Full meeting requeated. 15usine:3 of importance. J. T. FAVILLK. j oteS Hon. Se>,-. I PUB LI C 31 X X TING. j j UNEMPLOYED. j ! 4 PUBLTO .MRF/nVG io consider the -£V UNKMPLuYKI) QUESTION will bs ne?d in rho 0.-'UcHowa' risilJ, on TUESDAY ! EVENING JJ J*X V. AKy Ist. at 8 o'clock. i RepT-escntatu-oi from ihu Trades Unions and i j Societits interested are invited to tako 1 f part m the proceediags. i J THO3. GAPES, I i City Couucil Office, * ay ° r * ! ! U7th Apiil, U9i. 5G3t j J SELWYN LICENSING DISTRICT. i j Tho Jiicensing Act, 1881, and amendments I rhereio, and rhe Aluooolic Liquors Sale ! Control Act, 1893. IT is hernby T, o tifl»d that a MKETISG of the LICENCING COMMITTEE for the aroresaid district will be held at the STIPENDIARY MAGISTRATE'S COURT, BHEFFIELD, OS FRIDAY, IST DAT OP JUNE, 1891, At noon. Business : To consider all applications under the foreKoing Acts, of wnich due notice shall have be.en given to the Clerk of the said Committee. ROBERT COLTHART, Clerk Selwyn Licensing Committee. Apql2Bsh, IS9*. 5753 LAKE COLERIDGE KOAD DISTRICT. THE ANNUAL MERTING of RATEPAYERS ot the J,ake Coleridge Kcad District will be held at tho ROAD BOARD OFFICE ON SATURDAY, MAY sth. 1891, At 1 p.m. GttO. JBAKEH. nDII Cleric to the Board. SPRINGS ROAD DISTRICT. NOTICE is Hereby Given thai: 1 ha ANN UAL j\iEH.TI t NG of Ratepayers of tho Springs ito«d lJistrict, will be held at rho Road Board Omce at nooa on TUESDAY. Ist; of May, 1894. By order, HENRY NEALE, 55 87 Clerk to the Board. ABHLEY ROAD DISTRICT. I HEREBY give noticfi. that the ANNUAL MEKTINU of RATKPAYEftS of the Ashley Road District will be hei-l at tho Roail Board Oflice at Noon on THURSDAY, May by o:dar, WM. DE TROY. Clerk to che Board, i April 18th, 189 i. 5163 OXFORD ROAD BOARD. THK ANNUAL "MEETING of RATEPAYJiRS in the Oxford Koad District will be held ac Nooa on WEDNESDAY, May 2nd, in the Road Board Office, Oxford. JAMKS H. SHARPE, 5132 Cleric to the Board.

MANDEVILLE AND RaNGIORA ROAD BOARD. THICRKBY give nolicT that the ANNUATj MEETING of KATfIPAYEHS of Che Afandeviila and Rangi.ira Koad Board Districc "will *c he)d at the Koid lioard (Jffice, Rangiora, at Noon on TUESUAY, MAY Ist. 18M. By order. ARTHUR Cerk io tho Board. Rangiora. April 19th, 1894. 5227 AVON ROAD DISTRICT. rpHE ANNUAL MEETING of Ratepayers M. of the Avon Koad District will be held Oα TUESDAY, May Ist. at 12o"clock neon, in the Road Board Office, Marshlands, when the Statement of Accounts for (he year ending March 31st, 1894, will be presented. C. BURGK3S. Chairman. 5381 Avon Koad Board.

Water Supply Board. WAIMAKARIRI-ASHLEY WATER SUPPLY Ula'ttilCT. Pursuant to the Provisions of the Water Supply Act, 1891, and all other powers in that behalf thereunto euabiing them. i "VTOTICE is Hereby Given that afa Special iiH Meeting of f.he Waimakariri-Asoley Wuter Supply Board, held at Kangiora on Tueed-y, the 2itli day < f April, 1894, the foUowiug BPIfiCIAL, RESOLUTION was PASSED :— That the Special Resolution, if any, purport ins; to have been passed «.c the Special Meeting of the Board held Oα Friday, mo 26ch day of January, 1894, atid confirmed at a Special Meeting: of ihn Board held on the 27th day of February, 1891, be Rescinded. And Koii«:n is hereby given that a SPKCIAL MEUTIXG of the Boird for the purDoae of OonllrminK the above Special Resolution, passed by Ihe Board on Tuesday, the 34th d;iy of April, 1594, be held at Rangiora on TUESDAY, May 20tb, 1894. Ac 10 a.m., and that ttie proposed Special Order shall take effect on and from the time when the Special Resolution is confirmed. JOHN DOBSON, Chairman, ARTHUR TEMPLER, Secretary. g«-"giora. April 2~th. ISM. 0753 ■nTATMiIIfATtrRT-ASTri.TCV SUILIJISIIOI Pursuant to Vjo provisions of the Water Supply Act, 18111, and nil other nowera in tlia.Tr fc>*siialt cLereunto enabling ifi.em. "\tqti9r w \m m roiiowinsr JL% SPICCIAI. ILE=OI.UTII>N vr>u passed l»y the "Wsiirualtariri-AJitilcy Water Snpplr Board at. « Special Meeting of the Board held at RanglGra oa Tuesday, April 21th, 1894 :— 1. That the Loan of £31.000 authorised by the poll of ratepayers taken oa the 27ch day of February, 1893, be raised by this Board, 2. That the said Loan be made rep iyable at theUnion Bank of Australia, Ransiora,on the Ist day of March, 1904. 1 That on the Ist; day of March ia every ; year a sum equal to J per cent, on the i amount of debentures issued for the said Loan of £31,100 snail be paid out of the Board's fund, and appropriated to form a sinking fund for the repayment of the aaid debentures when and aa they fall due. L. That the Public Trustee shall be the Commissioner of the said sinking fund, to receive and invest the same and the interest and profits thereof in such securities as may from time to time be "directed by this Board. 5. That, for the purpose cf securing and paying the interest on the said Loan, the ■ Hoard do hereby make and levy an i annual recurring Special Rate of 16-25th8 j of a penny ia the pound on the annual ! rateable value of all land in the distiicc ; included in :he first; class, according fo j ihe classification thereof, pursuant to the ! Water Supply Act. 18&1. 15-25ths of a j ! ptnny in the oonnd on the annual rate- ! ; able value of all lend in the di-ttricc. included in the second class, according io ■ the aforesaid classification, *nd of H-25'ths of a penny iv the pound on the annual : rateable value of all laud in the district I included in the third class, according to tue aforesaid das-i fie a Lion. 6. That tti'j aforesaid rate shall be payable at the office of this Board, Rangiora, on the Ist day of September in cacti year until tiie whole of tlie eaid Loan and interest is resaid, the firet of such payments to be due and maue on the lac day of September, 1594. And notice i» also hereby given that a * SPKCIAL MKETING of the B.jard of the ' Waimakariri-Asnl'.y Water Supply Dseirict Tiiil be held «r, Raigiora on TUbisDAY. the £J»rH day of MAY. iS34, at 10 a.m., for the purpose of coafirnang live above .--pecial resoiutinn, and that lha proposed special order shall take effect on and from ths lime wheu the special resolution is coniirnied. JOHN liOBiON", Chr.lrman; ARTHUR TEMPLiCR, Secretary. Rangiora, April 27th. 1891. 5753 Lost and Pound. LOST, from Glentui Station, on 21st inst.. a Brown MARK, with cover op, supposed to be luakiti}? towards Atliley disn-iot. Reward. Apply Clarkaon and Co., ttaugiora. 5761 O1 BKWARD. — LOST, Aptil ISth, froj Q gt I. Kai-ipo;. Black itKTRIJEVKK DOU, wfiite on OMost, tuii and fo;>r. Regiater No. 84, Col : ingwood. Anyone detaining same will beproMeuted. Capcua Jobiutou, Kaitipol. 6750

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Press, Volume LI, Issue 8780, 28 April 1894, Page 5

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Page 5 Advertisements Column 3 Press, Volume LI, Issue 8780, 28 April 1894, Page 5