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[By TaußQßuvrn.] [FROM o_a SPECIAL CORRJESPONDEXT.) VVAiNGAWUIi March S. Beautiful weather favoured the Wanganui Jockey Club for their meeting to day, and the attendance from all parte of the colony wo* good. Speculation was keen, and the racingo£ a very interesting character. Mr Histler'* victory in the Cap was received with applause- Liberator and Boaefcldt w„ut ous equally backed, and Bansipubi was also well supported. The result showed that Mr Hutler could *have won with either of his naic, but Derrett vary considerately opened out Iv the straight and let Liberator through on tbe Inside, and the gelding won in srood style. Couraqto effected a surprise in the Hurdle*, just getting up in tbe nick of time. The starting at Mr Chavannes was good.with the exception of ■ the two-year-old race, which was somewhat irregular. Ivy Retting a little the . beat and Blarney the worst. Bar a maiden attempt at starting it was highly satisfactory, and the public several time, demon* strated approval The protest against Dandy and the accident to Lams In the Hack Hurdle race were the oaly unpleasant features. The nominator and owner of Dandy failed to satisfy the Stewards of the bona fide* of his horse's qualification, and,they refused to pay out pending enquiries. There was nothing in the rauuing calling for special remark. The sum of £6275 was passed the machines. The following are details :— First Handicap Hurdle Back, of lGQaovs; second 10 aovs from the scake. Two miles and a di3ta_e*. 88. Mr W. Douglas's b g Couranto, by Pat* riarch—Qalckatep, aged, 12-t 101b (Fergus) X

185. Mr W. Dooflaa'a eh g . m WSpdlWi'b S Stripbon, aged. . Mutiny wont to the front. Allowed by Strephon end Couranto, but btrcphon was pulled back nnd Mutiny led Morag end Cournnto as they weno down back, Strephon, pulling bard, He, 'uowevor, jumped big over his hurdles and overpowering Biggins vvenC npana joined Mutiny and the pair raced topoJver the whole way, xhl«i» together fvt the burdk-. Tlilh Strephun struck, ana Courauto, who was fast making' upi Hie ground, then put in a claim nnd catching Mutiny a few strides from tho post won by a head, Stvrphon a length away third. Oakland, clone up. Time. 4mln 12 3«>ths sec. Totalisntor, SSS—3O; dividend, 4-14 i4a. Hack Hanmcap Hurdlk Race, of 30 soys: tecond 3 soys iroin tho stake. About one mile and a distaucu. 95. Mr K. Read's br « Strike, hi" Natatoritavensworth. mare. 9n "ib . (W. lliggms) 1 33. Mr J. Molutoo'sbKßamco, aged, tat lClb lAnderaon) « 227. Mr J. Greene eh ra Narrate. «B-d, 10 t6lb (J. itoni?) 8 73, Kncry, list (G. Uvlng); 113. Tminwre. lOso 1110 i\Y. Luing). \l, Nartaii- a. lUrft. lib (F. Johu«on):«, JLS?L:e.»M IA. Hall); 9, Flirt, Sal Sib (iuc. BU> ovui) (W. l.mci), also siar:cd. Frotn an even aturt Romoo led over the first huidie aud they r«n well together till going ouc of ilia straight, when Strike took up the running, Tramoro having fallen ut tho hurdle opposite the stand. Romeo was ia second place all oown the back and he closed on Strike approaching the home turn, but to no purpose, Natntor 9 son winning by two clear lengths with something to spire; Narrate with a late effort getting within half n length of Rouit'O. Time, 2mln l_2*ec. Totalisfttor, GGl—9s ; dividend, £0 s*. Wanganui Gup Handicap, of 603 soys; second fO soya and third 20 aovs item the srulie. One mile and thro«-qu*rtuM. 421. Mr P. Butlfifl Lr g Libtnntor, by Betrayer—Diana, aged. Sat Oib due. 71r> p. 5,..) (Stiatfoid) 1 253. Mr P. 3utlcr'd eh c Au Rovoir, 4 y-s, Sstllb .. .. •• (DorruttJ 2 411. Mr W. Douglass br m Rosefeldt, 5 yre, Sit Sib .. .. .. (I'indaay) 3 2j7. Mr M. Murumaru's b h Raagtuuni, 6yrs, .. .. (McOormick) 0 163. Dr. iicoi'a b m Dreamland, 6 yr-<, Sit 31b (Morriiian) 0 201. Colonel Praser's eh o Royal U >b >. 3 yre. ' 7st. Clb .. -. •- (G.vll*_her) 0 62. Cap. W. R. Russell's b t Noyado, 3 yrs, 7ai ol<> (inc. sib;jfln.) .. (Murphy) 0 50. Mr O. A. Duri»'a g g Musket, 5 yrs, 7.->c (Donovan) 0 163. H>n, J. I), Ormonde X m Qu-oa of T uranc G >ri. G.tlOlb .. (Atwood) 0 23. Air \V\ T. (lira's bit c Jucobiw, 3 yrs. OjtOlb (PJokerinh) 0 The horses wcro paraded, and then filed out und took their preliminaries. After one break away and a few minutes' delay at the first, they were Mt-nt off in a fairly compact body, all being fairly on their legs. Au Re voir, ia the interests of hia stable companion, was seen at the head of affairs when the horses had settled into their strides, Liberator, Queen of Trumps, Muskwt, und Rosefoldt Uelug hia nearest (Attendants, R&ngipuhi heading the others Dreamland beiug lust cf all. This order was maintained only for a uhort distance, aa Queen of Trumps ran into second place, and Buugipuhi came on the outside, nnd was running well abreast of Rosefeldt aud Liberator as they entered the straight. Pax&hig the stand Au Revoir waa still leading, R_ngipuhi and Liberator, Queen of Trumps and Dreamland all well together about In lino, Itoaefeldt close on their heelp, Royal Rose lust. At the six furlongs post Au Rovoir was a length clear of Rangipuhi, Liberator third half a length away, and Rtmefeldt fourth about a length and a half further back, the remainder straggling with the exception of Dreamland. Rosefeldt hare, running on the outside, passed Rauuipuhi and got close up to Au Revoir. Liberator then also headed Rangipuln, aud with him Dreamland. Au Revoir was going well within himself until half-way up the straight; the whip? being out on Rosefeldt, Droamlund and Rangipahl. But Stratford was biding his time, and a few chains from homo D<trrac opened out and Stratford shut the Dunedin Cup winner up and lauded the stake in good Htyle by two lemztbs, Au Revoir beating Rosefeldt by half a length for second place. Dreamland two lengths away, fourth, Ransipuhl fifth. Time. 3minG2-sth nee. Totalizator, 2080-424. Dividend, £4 6s. Wanganui Two-Yisar-Old Stakes, ot 150 soy«, added to a swoepstako cf 10 aova. Six furlongs. 433. Mr W. Rathhone'a eh' p JBUrney, by Apremont—Platter, B*t 31 b (G. Keld) 1 76 Hon. J. D. Qrmona'a eh t I.yro Bird, Sst 31b .. .. .. (Bird) 2 ?1. Mr G. P. Donnelly's eh o Haeat.n,Si§67lb (Morrigun) 3 19. Mr F. Watson's b c The Friar, Ssfc 71b (Jame?) 0 52. Mr Button's b f Ivr, Bst 310 .. (Creamer) 0 B*. Mr G. Hunter's g f Tartar, B*t 31b (Fns_ard) 0 Ivy was quickest and Blarney slowest to move when the flag fell, nnd several lengths Bcparated thorn when they had got a furlong on the journey. Ivy maintained her place until entering the straight, where Lyre Bird and llaoata each passed her, and Blarney ran into third place. At the distance Lyre Bird had come away from Haeata, and looked like winning, but Blarney coming strong and fast just got up and won by a short neck, Haeata two lengths off. Ivy fourth, The Friar last. Timet, lmin 17«eo. Tofc&lisafcor, 738; dividend; M 10s. James was fined £2 for disobedience at the post. Welter Handicap, of 53 boys; asoond 10 boys from tho stake. One mile. 133. Mr Jackman'a b c King John, br King Ocie-Wainui,4yra, BatlOlb (lCingan) 1 141. Mr W. H. George's b g Pill, 5 yrs.Bar, 410 ' , _ (JloCorralok) 9 323. Mr J. TU. Nugent's blk g Stranger, aged. 9st7lb ... .. .. (Stratfordl 3 90, Wcka, 9st (Crook); 53. Goodwood, Bat 41b , (Oonnip); 43, Jos Sedley, ttot (Gallagher), also Started. Goodwood led for half a mile, part of tbe way accompanied by Jo« Sedley, when ha fell back. Afc tbe entrance to the straight* Stranger was first, but King John wrested the lead from him half way up the straight, and had just enough left to stave off a final ron made by Pill, who wan only beaten by a bsre neck. Time, lmin 473 CC, Tot -Uaator, 793—133; dividend, £3 7s. First Hack Rack Handicap, of 40 soys; second 10 soys from stake. One mile and a distance.. 291, Mr G. Stovons' b g Dandy, by Betwiyor, »gea.7«t7lb .. •.. ' (White) 1 Iso, Mr F. McGovern's b c Stray Shot, 4 yrs, SstSlb (Stratford) 2 60. Mr W. H. George's b c Swift, 4 yrs, 83C (Oonnon)-3 HI, Kothen, 8»t fllb (MoO irmlok); 187, Bonovoree, Bst 41b (MoKeogue); 43. uta«..H,Bsc lib (Hattrruves): 7J, For.nno, S.*t (Jcnklnil; 0, Finwsse, 7<se 81b (Hall); 81, hjzmgt, 7«u 7lb (T. Ring); 7, Tomboy, 7et 71b tSteveu.), alno ran. Dandy led all the way, followed by Swift. At the turn Stray Shot came, and passing towlfcgou wlthlu a length of Dandy, who lmd to be shaken up to win. Time, 2tnia 2 loth sec. Totallsator, 953. An objection was AC once lodged against the winner, and tho Stewards b«lng dissatisfied with the explanation tendered by Mr Stevens a<i to the identity of hi* horse, have decided to make further enquiries, meanwhile impsuiKilng the money, Flying handicap, of 80 sovn; Bccond 10 soys from tho stake. Six furlongs. 154, Mr F. War.son'» eh f St. Laura, by St. Lsger-Miss Lauri, 3 yre, 7st 81b ' -, -» t -.-.r,, . „ (Jame3) 1 81. ilr J, Wilson's.b m Polnsettla, C yrs, fljlDlb ~ .. .. .... mall) 2 191. Mr D. Knight's blk f PrforeM. 4 yrs] fist 26. Mr E. Calthorpe's blk o ** 4 yrs, Bsco.b (Broofe) 0" Sf. Laura, from an even start, made alay, and getting a couple of lengths* clear lead, kept it to the finish, Polnsettla beating Prioress by three lengths. Time, Irnlu 16« ec from post to post. TotalisatOr. 499-154; dividend, £2 W »"*"*""*-, {PRBSfI AB3OOIATIOM TRtSORAM.) WANGANUI, March 8. The following are the acceptances (or to-morrow:— 13 noon—Harrison Memorux. Stakjss, of 80 ssva. S/x furlongs. st lb t at i b Au Uovblr „ 9 61 Poiamttia . 7 0 Hwordbult .. 8 _ I Jacobite fl 9 Sr. J_ura .. 8 2| Ivy , .' g 7 12.4a-S_coND Handicap HoRDr.E Race, of 100 soys. Abaut two miles. Couranto ..13 OtOaklands .. a a Strephon .. 11 2 J , * " ■ 1.45.— Wajwanui Stakks of 200 sow. One^ mile and a half. Au Revoir .. 8 91 Queen of Trumps 6 7 Z3_.—Nurhbry Hakdioap, of 83 soys. Five Tartan .. 8 Ollvy fl '_« Haeata .. 7 7 f ' ■ ' 3.15.-CORINTaiAN fSTARXS Kanoicap. of CO eovs. One mile and a distance. Stranger .: 10 9 j Bloomvale .. r t' * Hanoicap, ef go serve. One mbe. Dreamland .. 8 loi Musket 72 Kens .8 4 Polnsottia . k v Bt.Lanra .. 7 81 Goodwood .' Q 10 130p.m.--SBcosD Haxdioap Hack Race, of 80 BUYS. ttL* fUI-lOBB*. KailwiLady ~ 0 8 /Strike a q » :: VI tesSa •; h Gold Cup ..- a a> **•"""* '•■■>*. t a taonovwee waa «g waoag

the acceptors for the Harrison Memorial Stakes. As tbe hack was not entered for the race, and as the thumping impost of 9st6lb was against hi 9 name, we presume it should have read Au Revoir]. "Spectator" telegraphed last night:— Mr Evefct made a complete mess of the handicaps for to-morrow, and owners, highly indignant, either scratched their horses, or declined to accept, leaving very few horses in each race. My selections are :— Hurdles—Coubanto. Hack Handicap—Stray Shot or Gold Cup. Wanganui Stakes—Au REVom. Nursery—Haeata. Autumn Handicap—Dreamland. Corinthian Stakes- — King John or J_ENT. Harrison Memorial—Au Revoir with a start, St. Laura next best.

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Press, Volume LI, Issue 8738, 9 March 1894, Page 5

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WANGANUI JOCKEY CLUB AUTUMN MEETING. Press, Volume LI, Issue 8738, 9 March 1894, Page 5

WANGANUI JOCKEY CLUB AUTUMN MEETING. Press, Volume LI, Issue 8738, 9 March 1894, Page 5