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ilajolioaJaga. special value, 91, Iβ, U Bd, 23 Sco Window. A Scrub Bros V*4 •' '~ jm A Wteto Handle Knife.;4d and GJ. A Toilet Jα?, Iβ. A Tulip Porcelain Tea Sot, 40 places, Kb 6d. A Cap antl Saucer, id. Electro plnted Salt ana Spoon, Rilt inside, la (UndorJttngliah price). i S. P. Q. R. STOKES. LUCK'S BUILDINGS, COLOMBO STRSET. JX UDS O N AX JJ CO.

Wanted. T ANTED, a Youth as Feeder Litho ■;' Machine. ApplyJPßSsaOfilco. 15GU \k;~ ANTED, a Sarvaafc Glrf, accustomed to fv She coautrjr; rt'uat ttndt'rstand plain cooking. Apply to H* M*rka, 120 Manchester atieer* lStiS WANTEri.'jnnior Safo man for Wholesale WanMioust'. too Ate full particulars as to rjj<», previous emplovmeut, wages, &c Uaneml MorcUaiue, PfiKsa Ofllocy loiil AN'I'KD by rcepccUibl-j tall and active youug Udy, kitvarion confectioners', boot, or othor iiuop,—Stale's Registry, 171 Armagh air©j ' 15S-J ANTfib~ by the North Canterbury Hoard of JEducucioc, a Mistress far Balcuara School; present salary. *r,x Applicatione, accompanied by teatinioM&U, to bo aout in, addressed to the S«or*stftry or th« Bo*rd, noo later than noon on Tuesday, tho tfth >'ouruary. ANTKD a Rrat-claaa Shitt and Coilftl lioner, constant eraployinont, no»e b«» a good hand need apply. Brown's Kifibbnrj Laundry, 65 Armagh street , . , 1033 W"ANTED7~Situatton ai Help General • Sorvaut in a email famUy, or Housekeeper. Coinfortnbla hoina preferred to hitch salary. A.8., Pkess Office. Mi? WANTHIb. to "f+rmora and othnre—Wo have waiUog Harvest Hands, tlm clasj Reaper and Binder JUrtvew, tttaoiiors, &c. thoroughly good Couples. Housekeepers, General*. Housemaid?, Groorua and Gardeners, experienced Gardeners, good Coachman* Nα charge for male servants. Mou bou6 on ro coipc of order. Simo's Registry, 171 Armftßh street. •_ SS2J \XTANTED— All Hotel Ktoployeoe requiring V V Situationa to register their names at the Bureau. In future all Hotel Employees will bo engaged through the Secretary, Licensed Victu.illora , Asiodaiton Hereford street. Telephone 67T. 7730 W ANTED, "lo~~be~Pripairod~for~ next! Matriculation. Stale tonus Alma. PressJMHck._ . . . ■ " IG3S WANTED to Sel), Safety Blcyolo, nearly now, " Safety," PisEsa Olßoe. 1012 WANTED to Sell agricultural and sheep fcvruiß, from 12 to 2UOO acres In various localities. Apply Peokover a;d Swain, Estate and -bluupclal Agents. 19i Hereford atreot. W ANTKD to Purohasa few acres, with or without bousa. w»tov for power noooasary; *ua to Sell 13 h.p. ponabla engine, by Clayton and Shuttieworth. 80x351, Chrlatchurch. / - ■ ■ ■■ ■ ■ - 1263 WANTED, two friends, gontk'men. "to share large' fronfi bedroom. Sittingroom if required. 12 Peterborough atreot, \ ■.■..:.. 1193 WANTED to Sell, double-fronted JShop and Bueinesa in Bulmrbg; , low priou. Also, Busine«9 in «ood thoroughfare in CUrlatchurch; satisfactory reasons for diepjsai. l Peokover and Swain, 192 Hereford street.' VVf AIiTED Buyer lor Real Leather Suite. V Soa our window. H.-Atkinson's, 117 Manchester etroot, opposite Tuam etreeo Toiiatre._ K , ■ ■ WANTED Buyers for Black and~*Goi"d Overmantel*, £2 15s. ace our window. H. Atklnaon'e Furnliuro Warehouse, 117 Manchester street. .. ,__ • WANTED Buyers "for dors and- Fireirona. H. Atklnsoa'e Furniture Waxetyoußo, 117 Manchester street. 'ANTED. Tendora for Tho Suppfirand Delivery of forty (10) tons of Rood, olc&u Wheat Straw at the Snnnyaide 1578 WANTED, People to Bet Married and Buy their FurniCura ac Atkinaon'a Man* Chester street. . WANTED KNOWN-J.- Barritt's Tatter sail's Hotel, Caahel street, < Chriab church, is now the Best Hotel in tbis City Xoi Daily Luncheon. The kitchen is undor (he manaKemont of the - well > known oliof, Mr Giikea, Which should be a Btttflcltmt guarnnteo Adtotue quality of our luncheon. All wines, epirlta ana beera of the mosD suporb quality. ... . ; -' , , ~ , HB2 W ANTED KNOWN-Thnc Wra. Frasor . has.removed to his now promises, 9 Dartuan street ttputfa. ■ S7S ANTKD KNOWN.-Mon'e oddments io ?f Tweed Ooate and Troueers. 5s to 8a lid •Mb> worth 15* (a 3Qg. Beath'a Sale. \T|fANTKD KNOWN-iAU enmraer «oo'lS JrT will b* sold ab half price and under W.Moplea and Co. ,810 Hl«b street. inerANTED to Lety .P/oßfirtios .of ail Dee If ' criptlons. j BAxKt and DufTy, eetate agenta. 131 Colombo streec. , ~ , WANTSD, inspect l the; ©Tris" ■ •ad Boyjf Bohdol BOote, either light or heavy, plain or ■prigged, 7*. to 9'a ie lid, 10 a to 13'se«Ud;atLon»rg&n'*Salo;' v - - W ANTKD KNOWN-Printa 2s» Ud,,3?i VA. to lid per dozen; Flanneletts 2Jd, 31d,----<Jd per yard; White-Calico 2elid, Sβ lid per dozen. Exceptional valuo, , \V. MoOJea and ' Co., 210 High street. , .. WANTED, to, Sell, close to tram, Threeeighths Acre, with choice 'ruit garden and cottage, £190; aleo, Qnartex-aur*, oottaire, ootaide.- washhouae, 4230. . excellent) g«rd<m, Peckorer and Swain, 192 Hereford Btreet. XJffANTED to Bell, Goodwill of. a aplendtd f T Boarding House doing a good buainoes. The house contains 18 rooms, pantry, ooppor, and usual conveniences. Immediate poaaeation if neomary. Prloe exceptionally low. Apply Allan.Hopkins, Cathedral Bquaro. \KT ANTED to Sell, convenient to town, s V y comfortable house of 5 rooms, verandah, bathroom aadttsnaloonvenienc'e*, |*acre section nicely planted. Note the. price, *200. Apply to Allan Hopkins. Oathairal Square. (162) WANTED to Sell, Properties from the Cottage to the Mansion. Farms &o. Alson several Good Properties for eiohangco. Baggs and Dairy, estate agenta, 131 Colombo street. - ''; ■; J '.:.'... \J|T ANTED to Sell in Llnwood, handy to IT tram, a well-built cottnge of 6 rooma, scullery, washhouse, Sco. Good section of land. Note the price, £160. Worth enquiry; Apply to AlUn Hopkins. Cathedral square. (163) WANTED KNOWN. A ChoicaTittie"P i roT pertjr on accouab mortgagee* for &25Q, J, R. King and Co. Liohtleld streat,) / _ W ANTED,Ladies to know that,Lonargan'(i are offering Shoes at grout redactions; Girls' 4s fid and 5s 6d, Ladies (iome eiaea) 4e fid, originally 8s 6*d, and a Hpocifttllae at as ltd. WANTED KNOWN , , that Lonargaaand Company are offering spooled value in Boots of every kind for a f«w days, and of all kinds the Sohool Boom are especially cheap. mm WANTED, those aboub to Buy House Property or Farms to send for printed catalogues (free) to Bagga sad Duuy, 131 Colomboetreot. __ •■ ' ■'■' ' ' . ; -;, W~ANTED"KNOWN,— House contaiainij 19 Kooms, lathed and plaatered, -witfto 1 acre land, orchard, garden. Price only fiSOO. J. 1U King and Co. 108 Llohflaid atreat. . be soli, l«aUea silk. Telreb, and cloth Yisltee 3s lid, 4s lid. 6s lid: worth 12s (W, 17s 60,19 a 6d. W. McClea and Co., 210 High street. ■ TXT ANTED, those requiring Soeotaelei 6a V T Read Extended Advertlaemeat", page 3, of John R. Prqccer. 79 M WANTED KNOWN-Splondid Acoomtno dation foe. those requiring a seaside cbange at Mrs Tapley , *. Bay. Es . unuive grounds. Boaqng, flthlug. Vino view of harbour. Terms moderate. . Apply on. premises. • . ' ' WANTED, Wearers for'oar Mena , etcpn shooter Boots at 8a lid worth 12a 6d Men* neat Lace Boots, sprigged, 8s lid Women's ditto 8s fld. Lonargan and (3omp&of Waterloo House. ■ -■ ■■ ■ . ......■■■, -■"..- W ANTKD KNOWN-Reede Fornlaßiii Warebpuee. The largoßt etook of gam Second-hand JTomltare In New Zealand Cβ choose from. 148 Hitch etreet. , 21i W" ANTED To, Sell at New Brighton, a comfortable Honso of 7 room*, -winS every convenience; one-fifth aore land, f sneeill. Price £325. Apply Allan Hopkins, Cathedmj aqoare. _. 8528 W\ANTED KNOWN—Mrs Quartermalna is a Caea Purchaear of Ladiee , , Ganw, and Children'? Clothing. Letters by poflbor otherwise attendel to. Address Mr* G. Quartermaino. ISA High atreet, - ■ 9518 WANTED, Lawn Tennis Racquets to re* pair or re-string. Best workmanship nnd material*. Batißf saltan guaranteed by w. B. Sapsford, Canal Reserve, Lin wood. Agent 0, Davis and Lamb, Colombo street. 7lw WANTED KNOWN- Corn Dealer, Lower High street, la Cash Purchaser of Oats, Oatsueaves, Wheat; Pota*p^? B, &"» Hlgheat price for bcac quality. 538 a W~ ANTEDr kNOWN—Where ' yoa can buy a Cheap Portinantoau made no the premise*. At H.-£chmedoit ■81 Macoheeter alree r . . . . - . - ..» ■- i . ... , ;. ;-... ANTED KNOWN.—That K. Grteehaber has made arraneementa with Home Manufacturers to import nil goods direct. By so doing he is now se Uin« 25 par cent, cheaper than any other shop in'town. • Wo have a large and choice atdck of engagement ringti Iβ newest designs. Prtoee from 255, 303. *2 aa. £1 1fe,«2135,«310s and upwards, eet with real diamonds, /ribiei* s&ppuirea, pearls. K. Grio*baber, jeweller, 233 Mijttt BtreeS, opposite Triangle. _ . „ *3ia WANTED KNOWN.--Beriing"on accoune . mortgagee, House of 9 rooms and 1 aore land, good orchard. Price A'l3o. J. R. Kins »Dd Oft, Lichfleld streat. Wanted; known - Mea'e an woo: ooioatal Tweed Bult*t 19s lid, 23a 9d ?e» *W, 32* «ki; wonderful valuo, W. McClea and Co., 210 High streot. ■ . WANTED— Siwcticlea. "Yoaraieht tested and crystal upootaclsa fitted «#, iowe ehanceableS*. pvbolM VijbU: Largawt and both stock of tinted and other variocla* & CUrka ana Co., 148 Colomba street. . v _s tSr ANTED KNOWN-S, Clarke aad Co'e v V celebrated. weddiAg and nngagemeQt ' rings* at £1 la ere the heaviest and beat value ever shown. Ladies' 18 carat gold watches and Kotherham watches £5. Watchoe cleaned and warranted 4s «d, clocks 2» dd. Old gold and silver bought. S. Clarke and Co., 143 Colomsw . nVWfc.-- ■ ■' ■•■'■.•■■ ■■■■:;■■■..

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Press, Volume LI, Issue 8726, 23 February 1894, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 7 Press, Volume LI, Issue 8726, 23 February 1894, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 7 Press, Volume LI, Issue 8726, 23 February 1894, Page 1