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Sigaor Poll writea to friends '« S KJJSJ anuolmcin* hi. safe return *Jf Africa to his chatnb-ra in bt. J""«•""• He was very ill at Johannesburg. of so many artists, but met a his engj# moats, und recovered his Iwgj "J I *,, tiirovovago to Englaud. ?'S'>°\*:' . now busy In the English \™^'J? h fc peels to visit America shortly. JM' •>» Lolling around the wrM «J »*» deed, and would be * K*£for tralla. However he add- that it « * cry to the Antipodes*, and that t»• » fact that lie shrinks Iron, ho lenrng £* warning that he is "getting into the aer and yellow." It certalnlv is true (wy» » w j£l|,s ff<ar*A and .Ifem) tubmen are more effeminate every "j notioed their growing J*^* 0 " f * h JJ ths tea-cakes? In the oil *9++* «{f*, good old days-the healthy a*W«» 7

_« it** cs ' , :r » * -'" : * *-'** *** * beverage ; * I *=--"* •*-"**" r -*T **"****. »* »ny rate iff -_..' * : ** *" : ''-'**■"»"'*•*» Lever's jolly ygik, a-** *-***» *»y3*i'-« ** ti»e {*rigsi_-, aociaiJ^_-.--»-*.* - *'fto._* ..oung gentle »• «- : -•*■ i *.r.'.vc-s ty *ca!emeata in f^. t .•„». r .!.«'*. My »»»n impression is ■a*" - """" **•**"- *" kX * * je "" ,ao * ao P' , '''*ed our "fJfcVse aiic-Var ink. I*t be at all IV--«d *" fe * r ti ** l * l **- v discussed chifw-- t:.<-- «-' -'- -;e:*i"S up.heirpouita _„,,_. ••* _*i .* i*.*** ~nd a-sop-win do-a. -**"'-* '-••' ***-y "rpnae at hearing ,«,.,.-.-; *■«* - ■* js*s-s.iij mta oiacaasing— ** .;- r. -_ "* "- '■•* iat-ire or humauity _*• *-* *• a -*- L - r ''*''- ** c » v acla.led—but the ~ V -» ._-»•_ b*a to whether dresa- *».._ *$'-"* -L* "**-"*"*"• ***• l ~* tueatre or not. tvt*^**~" : '*-"T r*■parting in France ia a ftpjj.* '- -' " ' '-'~.P* ** OaQ wJfA t it a with __;.%*.;*■ -'-esca _.w-j>_per has a €% £ ~ -**•'■-< **"*>"* r.porter* r_ch as m ;*f:~> - :,Cr Al * ' "■*■* pnocipal coatempo•lar** ****** ** v « :a - iics: ' e **- i*o'-h at the a %tA 3> * :, " : ""** *' *" c t-* l ' xct nbourg all lhe -' "»■**• / * *"* l f of nsen who are : * ■*•* *-Le*.ov-era_Dent as the eKCi » - . -■**' "*■ Tifi'it ar« two reports. im -» ti! " by agfgrtzaris. ai l £.*■«« *_ot more t¥an 40 ; «i c: •».*>*: « sail by important ti. «.:-?." i* a verbatim repcrt _t ._•• c-** «i c f <»*E**iaia and ccrrected w'**.:*i •■"* ***"- *" v * *** 0 operationa are t m * .. -t " "*' --" "**i****". ~* *nd the ** revif ion." fy** *•"»*—""'' ir - "•• v * ■ > * rrt sre on the right j l__j. jr* -j;. : i-'ice. and the others are -?<« *m:'. Fjr '.i-* ** xc_l«ntseat " the men *...i» c* -i«'"? -**-> mi-vies, so that a ««!-.•« •"r'*- * t -*. U - T n:> - J? 0 " tQ *** "* , Mr ..' 1.1 L--.r*::er ti* Presideat has £$ -Jj# -r*u^*: * '-* * L * •* w " r iNM*s *_ke quarterwp- sir**. »*"-_ r.«e.ak«rs invariably: ■pw'l is."--* * ~ "T- -- •"- °* lft * take *»;*--" 1 -* w "- tt t •■'•'. *—d $|;i! further congg_ m tj. vi "*.-* aaamary they aap- *»««_*■ - :™T« c<C-_uo3_» by a brief jur-v-"" * :* * ri: ' e -*" 1 * ssatlsman, usually »».*-•* ***"-'"-***• *"'* ,: ' "- l **S ; «« ia<*t aad fiction B j,r s. -»* a- - '---o=4 r-j^aner. f«r :i* -****" ** ia *" 9 * ar n*-*ny years a woman 4*u«* Ud is v.*c _s»t:y oa October 30-h. Em artKa<it i—i c_2.f _ix«.l her husband by Jin:-*; *."=*. *f«r h« had brutally ill%_2ed ieT __-i '_**" c-dluren. At tbe trial ifer *-ci »~* ***o**>!d reserve her £A»m, i*-i* »c* '*"*'* •ea't'nc-d to death, , 0_& sli. "j-otptfrvw CKcSmi-ii Use sentence. ' %&% '*-*'' '-'~- ***""£■*. whose name waa iijß_-i_. ! "i-i u_.">tae-i vLat she was to ».. .ii L-f*i to be pardoned, and i|at* — w •** rrf - Jys *"** to Platjkij*-*. 93HZ* si- -txay-atioa took pl_ice. pur* *;<» ****i ■»**" <:«*-'* acd a well-done j nmSfO—i. w;--"■* ** I *a«a.d lika to eat as ; Kdrs **> l* ** •-"* :,; ' ,! ' **»or«-* t ' To the chap- \ u-f ■*.**-*-- w-tc.a-i-4 her lnnoceace to st* j-J=J - In the night ahe spoke j J c- aer o-j-n-Jhie n_-T.ei life, | Msi, it 4«r t-r-s < l-llnea. She waa quite | ipi._.«£.«, i'-ft-rt.-, w_iila be-cg prepared %c ha *3z-z -•■ -■'i- H"-*"**' dress was cut at i <- v *- * < * > th* aad her ! sgtp !a#&*a« - _j ta * kuo4. bet shttaklers •mml s_,__L o>.«*l »n;b a ahawL fm&z*' i -"' "* h ' & Festival at St. i, i< . oa October 15th, jtadHtttt-*!.- F*-T-jr ic<ck occj-sioo to de-. urns» __..».iir2 rp..r.; of pe__misi_. It ««Lii --** i**i*a*-*".ei"i. he said, with the isuuf *•* "' ■* <*.. »i :od, if tbe life which he ;Uai a«*c jw-s-i cxa ti, with no choice or est... -<i.-». ....: so. c-_a-ii_- -within itself %M *ti--T:--*- c' i-i .-n._a.--v-* beatitude. f*M W'i-*{-". r - *3-r paj__ioip*tion in lunua'/ v :s :_»li a dignity, and a far i '«fWt ■*-;■-"■/ '' iMi as? cf tnaee outward J f> -u-3 or tt .juta or favour which sum,i4tartJ*. v is"!<-_ »;__ aaci prepoaie-xras dispmtsiU'A *.. a:-.-.:, i-;d in sc distributing pi«waa :.-•?..- w It is a fatal waAfa iaJu as : a tc *>r_- a_ Jto vilify thia ' »• msicn: .-.<.. FaU_ philotophy, false a_fttm u-1 fw« wcrtliia-ts "oj-vc aimrd, ■_ w<-r> a_-» tr -.ore §.. .caooaJy aiming, at 'umam*m£ ens Ea iss own eye*. Surely siiß: i4a«i^_. -.*' -h. cxtitery, the .grandeur, !fe« Iliawei2»t-t c: life ia of all others a* a»Nia tor chia oar harvest iMwtau-r_t; .«i.,:t-L If life were not am:* <r-'-if w» c tto cmse G«d for the ta».«a r»".^.*sr'.-Xjs fes-mbiy, h__rtily, joy- &%, m *-* ii *_-_.* «ia., th-M-k Him fear the ftt&t-t iStra. W_a is :.«r auch a being—a Wts**» -j aa* r_pie*«-ted to us on all mm aa '-iv:»_.(- .'. *« m u-ere burden aud a asm—*-—!;. :'.? a-cc a. _-i-er_Jb'e being that IrtixuiMi *.a_i> «s.r-'. nal-itirtwin: the _««.£ _. -"» Le.d in Use decaying I fßwa.' .*•«•» :*:* uua laat by eraporation •jtttf I *.*- i.a in». cp ia iia urns of gold ; aa »ar.J :ra«t .i-a _:-*.cj.:e aea, and stores &ma -». -s« c:»--i..e cJcuda -hick the MiitNtt. j*..:.: j v.t-ii oral and amethyst? f*. n ;„. *via * wn.»cj_«d beiisg that the frna »-_3 v *_ia_ w :t*_a, and th* forf. »«5-* t.-#s_ __t *. t« pore laborstory ot '4««r,.-_* >.*_,: .... aiok down by the Jwt*.|r-»-:!.___-_ ir- .be iltov«a which feed 5-» fgc-.-j j. jl :..« or fill the air «tet i-irsrr d«wa acd glisten in orient fH-b i_a-scralCe in tlie bosom of tbe' fc«n r* d u.# atarratkx. wages paid to sura-tuna is. s»«i*ci-wa-*- Gemj-sny, we copy ] S# ii-j4*iXij froci toe U.S. Coosui-ur Fte- I |«fts i* tia _uc:_ of tktober. Thedetsils j §nwi t-A5 wi.-tt_i.ea in the United States get j jreoßky __s os£-!p*_i_ioa :—" Yor _a- «*«, al _ .he raoa: expert bread ss*«»«ars ccW frcca 1. to 1.20 marks (23 to 2 .-»•:.» pr _»_., wtxkit.s fifteen hours |sv J-ij. w.s-i -i-.r faaulie-i aiding them *w«_ J-U-ktrs «. -».i-&e-al dvea and pastesaari htrttm mrs duly 1 to 2'-na<-S (25 to C «at_, A*. Ix«-ahi*b a bread maker him can earn but tt -li ottsta' per day, while erne *»&. a U£i.T ».> b«:p hin_ oas earn 23 cents * I U-t. i. pffif tiir. A*. Steinheid the makers *|«j cj_ni abosi 10 marks (2dol 3t-9ttj», p.r week. So a a.ooe breaker at Autaaaa.kff, p,r_fari-55 -aarble stones for 4* 8;_t; ju he caaaoi get mtw» than *,3£ ia-at_» rt*«iy per week, wrorking KisrwEa :.. w.ea.een hoars per day) m-kea •"■■aa-spass :-&. otero mai-_i '.Ll9> per! "***"*'''•» ac startaUso uadkar present | "»*sw t-fiJ _-v.s«psc!eßt of tbe Argentine i *3«a_i is-d-Kry >.taja the J-ißoacsal Sev*) is j *3.aau_-f tu> *tu*cs the serk»s attention _rf a* %; r _.:- jrowera of the United States. ***» *_«» ii*-, »l:hocj.h the competition •r'-fe-Nii-s Aa«r.c-_ Repabllc need not *4'**a«.* ___ a..-*, r. will before long be a *«£••*_■-$ .A»:;ijr :o te reckoned with in the **•***-* cf :h* world. U_ly about one""fat*' a pur*, cf tbe area anitable for tha '' Vam£ - ia tb.-* Argentine Republic is at d_-ro«:**i to its cultivation; yet ****{e_u_t frowera a_w ___ady fnlly aUve *_•*• itcs :tA . .^ s:< a 4 profit to be made «_fcn .f their gt_in to Europe, and, •*« i&u bi-smght home to them, *** tu . »_* :art*-n laat they will not belong a -.-- j,^ A of caltivation, and »»**-■ 4 *..*-:r :_.__ti-_e felt. United States «mj j-», »-, lfC ,—cist dearly enough that w"_;c_, tiiuteea rears ago, did not r 6 **** «L«ii for iv own needs. £* •ia:* *.i-a" j ear cau export 33,000,000 ■•'••b*. _ ois .»;s-aly oo the nigh roaa to no **ifiuicaa; p«_u_"iKi aajoog the wheatcsnatnea of the globe.

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Press, Volume L, Issue 8665, 14 December 1893, Page 4

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CLIPPINGS. Press, Volume L, Issue 8665, 14 December 1893, Page 4

CLIPPINGS. Press, Volume L, Issue 8665, 14 December 1893, Page 4