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Supreme Cous,T.—-His Honour Mr Justioa Dennia£e_. will ait in Chambers at LI a.m. iO'da&%' *>"-.- --___4»ivALß AStnD-iPAßarrjttES.—-The arrivals' during June* say* a Wellington telegram, were 1316, the departures 1337. In each case more than half Were to or from New South Wales;. ....,,... . .., ■ ■■■> -»- , A t M_&BO».H»4 most fjß\jsuPi*i_£|- w*i seen about half past four yesterday afternoon in the shape of a very fine meteor. Its brilliancy may be judged from the fact that at the time mentioned the sun had not set Several very bright meteors have been seen during the last two nights. Matinee Performance. — The Pollard Lilliputian Opera Company will give their final m*tmce afternoon at the Theatre Royal. The piece to be produced will be the charming opera,, " The GondoSers," which nas been so&& : cessfuUy playsd during the Week. No doubt there will .beva large attendance if. $hV fine. >v,V '~f Lyttelton SSiis School. —At* mating of the Lytteltott- School* oM__liitee haltf on Wednesday evening, the applications for thepoeifeiCAof assistant^ m-stresa at the side applied* fdr* the Which was conferred upon MissEvenson. New Zealand Loan and Mercantsls Company.—Elsewhere it is announced hy the local manaacr of the and MercaniSle" Xgency Company that arrangements have been completed -lor carrying on the wool, stock and produce businesses of the Company's clients!| {§;.«_ to be hoped- that the many clients of the institution will he.pleassd with: the prompt steps which have been taken to attend to their interests pending the re-adjostment ol the Company's affairs. ._axa*oi Rifles.—At a meeting of the Committee of the Eaiapoi Rifles it was de* hold the "At Home ".. entertainmeat on August 25th. Lieutenant J. Simpson has passed his examination for a commission, and obtained a high record of marks in each,of the papers set, as well as for practical drilling of a company.

THE SYDENHAM LICESSISO_CASK.--ItlS nderatood that an fc-PP**} **» ** lod Sf* f h ! «Sn»t the judgment of bis Honour Mr th Sties Denniston in the Sydenham licensing Sthool—As will be seen by St utiiication elsewhere, it - »-«f •f-g th e-open this school on Monday next, 17th tt S»AL.-By an, error Mr Kippenberger di la ifrin&own v Jackson* It should have sew w ilaintiff on the occasion. **- COMMERCIAL TkATELLERsT ASSOCIATION -A smoke concert will be held at then rooms, Hereford street, to- di sorrow (Saturday), at 8 p.m., and judging oj top. the list of name* «n the programme, 1 it should be a successful enterfaunmeat. 1 Sonuaercial travellers and warehousemen T t .siting Christchurch are invited. ._ ai This Spanish B«!Er*flO.N%'~The Committee in connection with the above are w making all the necessary arrtttfloments for v the reception baU to Captain Vilhunil and tl the officers of the NMtlius, whioh will bo h held in the Provincial Council Chamber on v the 28th inst. The tickets will be issued to-day, and no doubt there will be a large w Hid representative gathering to greet our h foreign visitors. _ * Wbpms©.—-On Wednesday a number ot « friends assembled in the Wealeyan Chorch, t Rangiora, to witness the marriage of Mr Georgeß. Dawson, of Ohoka, to Miss Henry, « daughter of Mr Henry, contractor, Ran- i giora. The Rev. 8. J. Garlick ofiiciated. * The bride was attended by four brides- t maids, and Mr William Henry acted as S best mam At the conclusion of the cere- k mony the guests repaired to the Odd- a fellows' Hall, where sixty or seventy sat t down to the wedding breakfast. d Lecto&e. —* Mr Mortimer Davie will t deliver a lecture at the Tuam street Hall to-night on " Moderation.". It is announced s that the Mayor will preside, and, as the I lecturer is well-known here, there will, t doubtless, be a large attendance. No * charge will be made for admission, but an * opportunity will be afforded to those who 1 wish to do so to contribute towards the * expenses of the Hall, &a 1 Popolak Concert.—There was a fairly * good, attendance at the popular concert last *« night in the Tuam street Hall. Mfss Martin I in the first part sang "I Dreamt that I Dwelt" very nicely, and in the second part i "Tit for Tat." Mrs Edgar's solos were < "For All Eternity" and **Hosanna in < Excels is." An apology was made for the « absence of Miss Boon. The other vocal J soloists were Mr H. Weir, Mr Halley, and > Mr RalstOh. Mr Ashman gave a couple of ' recitations, and Mr Painter's orchestra 1 played two selections. ' ' Bands' A»t UnlOK.—■ A meeting of the Bands' Art Union Committee Was held last j evening at the Wellington Hotel. Oorres- • pondence was received from Auckland- ' Nelson, Wanganui, Palmerston, BrUnner, { ton, Reef ton, Rangiora and Invercargill - Bands offering to dispose of tickets. The \ Secretary reported that a few of the prin- ■ cipal prizes were how on view at the shops j of the firms from whom they had been purchased. The delegates from the local < bands reported that the tickets were selling | freely. Ashbohton Salvage Cobps.—A general meeting of the Ashburton Salvage Corps : was held in Mr Braddell's office, on Wednesday jMr Birch presiding. A number of new members were elected and sworn in. The Ashburton Borough Council wrote that a grant of £10 had been made'to the ' corps, together with a number of tamps used at the late fire. The rules as drafted '• were adopted. A suggestion wa3 made and favourably received by all present that ' efforts should be made to form an ambulance corps in connection with the Fire Brigade and Salvage Corps. LECTtjUB.—Mr X. S. Mannering gave a lecture on "The Tabernacle last night, at the rooms of the V.M.C. Association. The chair was occupied by the Rev. Dr. Elmslie, and the proceeds of the lecture, which was largely attended, were in aid of the Young Men's Mission. The Tabernacle, of which Mr Mannering spoke, was that erected by Moses. Its history, its use and the reason of its erection were dealt With, the lecture being illustrated by means of diagrams and a model. New Bmohtost.School. —The Committee, of this school met on Tuesday night. Present—Messrs Winny (Chairman), Wilson, Hawker, Proctor, Sefton and Moor (Secretary). The blaster's report showed the number on the roll to be 147, being an increase of one for the month, but the average attendance showed a slight falling off, owing to the wet weather and other causes. - The Visiting. Committee reported that the children's gardens had been started and there was every prospect of their being carried on soccessfullyt The offer of Mr Wm. White to plant a macrocarpa fence on the east side of the playground Was accepted with thanks. The Secretary was instructed to write to the Board asking for a special grant to carry out ths necessary drainage to the playground. Acknowledgment.—Mr Herrick desires to acknowledge with sincere thanks the receipt of the following during the past week: --rClothingi &c, Mesdames Glanville, Lilley, Peryman, Palmer* Whiteforte, Fedris, J. Deans, Messrs Broadhurst, H. R. Butcher, J. and C. T., Oxford terrace Friend, Sympathiser and Friends; blankets, &c, Mr Coles, Lady Hall, Lincoln Friend j ( bread, Messrs Neaves, F&ville, Slade and Williams; meat, Mr Harris, Three Friends; sheep, Friends; buns, &c, A Friend, Mr Smith, D.LC. ; hats, 8., A Friend ; periodicals, Miss Ashwin, Mr Hale; cash donations— Hi'T. F. 53, Hoon Hay Friend 10s-, Sympathiser £1, Ahoh. Is (stpa.), A Widow's Tbankofferiug £1. Theatbe ' Royal. —The "Gondoliers " was- repeated last night, at the Theatre Royal, most successfully to a very, enthusiastic '.audience, 12very vocal solo was encored and the dances also. Miss Mitchell secured the usual double encore for her singing of *? Take a pair of sparkling eyes." The Company deserve special credit for the manner in whiohthe opera has been staged and sung.-• Sbthe little trouble was caused by the vagaries of three gentlemen who had dined not wisely but too welL They disturbed the audience by their entrance, and *,hen- committed a gross breach of good taste >y smoking in the Box. Stringent measures j vere taken by the management, and the j natter ended, Mr Pollard calling attention I to the smoking from the etaea and requesting them to desist. To-night prill be given, an opera which is always a favourite with Christchurch playgoers, i »• The GopdolieriiL,. will ,1» given at the matinee to-morrow, to which Mr Pollard has inviied the children of the BurnhamSchool; andjKwlha evening "The ] Pirates of wjSi,fes playedObamjb Anxivessart."*. The Star of Ashburton Lodge, L.0.L., celebrated the anniversary of the ** Battle of the Boyne," by holding a banquet and social reunion in the ©t*ag« Lodge ■*&? Wednesday evening, when there was a large attendance. The Bro. S. B. NeEon, with the W.M., Bro. A. W. Randall, on his right, aud President Sister Sennet on his left, Past Masters Bros. Sam_Jßrpwn, J. M. Hampton .and Dixoh occupying the vice chairs. The usual toasts were duly honored, interspersed with a number of songs, and during the evening the following resolution was carried—" That tM» meeting of loyal citizens of Ashburton, New Zetland, declares its unswerving loyalty to her Most Gracious MajeSSf* Queen VfeJtoria and the of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland as at present established, under whic& the people now eajoy the. fulles#m*&«&re of civil and religious lihfrty. }ts!bei|fore we emphatically protest against Mr Gladstone's Home Rule Bill or any other that would be likely to aaver Irelind'a comssctioa with Greatßrifc—lt. - BecauM we believe that tbe creation of a separate Parliament and Executive would necessarily involve disastrous conflicts, endanger personal liberty aad liberty of 6pmio& and the impartial ttdmiaistiratioli of the _#. and would prove the absolute ruin of the country, and detrimental to the interest and unification t>f %he euip&c" The holders of Eden Geobgs Company Deposit Tickets for twelve cabtness spd op& enlargement bfcd hatter bestir themselves, as Mussas Wsuckjlsswo&tb and Bikks, the new promietors ot the Eden Geotye studioa, positively decline to recognise Ujem after She£Q£h September, This treatment to the indolent portion of the public is very liberaL&sthei.o tickets have beeu extended from June.—{Advt.J Cabutet Psotos, 16» fer doz. A new display of the beautiful Platiuettes in vestibule.. akd j PlSsece, 213 High street. [Advt.]

The San- Fraxctsco Mail. — a Pr>*» Association t*l*gram fro* Wellington 25 the San Francisco mail *U_ mk theS by the 10 o'clock train to-night Til Rotorua will be detained to bring* on the Southern portion to Lyttelton, and from there the mail proceeds by special train. LICEXSED lICTCALLERS' AsSOCUTIO.. -A meeting of this Association was held v*«i»day at the Empire Hotel, when than •_?__ large attendance. The applications for tBo secretaryship —twenty-three in numberwere considered, and ultimately Mr F J Quinn was appointed. * * T v HE *£ OI & O n AT co*****— oa MoQa *y next the Holloway Company, under the direction of Mr Charles Holloway will Open a season at the Tuam strest Theatre The prices have been fixed ataponalarratel The firs* piece will be »The Workman." Tins will be followed by " A Rins of Iron " i and " A Broken Idol," 8 j BANKntrrrcr Act.—Tradesmen and oihtes who may unfortunately become c_e<tt_«s in a bankrupt estate ought to remember that under ths new Bankruptcy Act they have only two months in which to prove, instead of four months as under the old one. Qckes's Cadets. — The Queen's Cadet corps held a social on Wednesday evening last in the orderly room of the Sydenham Rifles (kindly Sent for the occasion). Ther« was a full muster and the boys enjoyed themselves exceedingly. PtWjfixo the Willows. —- The large willow trees growing on the bank of ths Avon are undergoing a rigorous pruning and the work has been completed from the Hospital bridge to the Hereford street bridge. The trees were considerably knocked about by the heavy sou* went gals about six months ago, but the new growth that will follow the pruning will no doubt during the next season again give them their usual attractive appearance. Fire Brigade Station-. — The mens Bitting room at the Chester street Fire Brigade station has recently been thoroughly renovated. The walls have been papered and dadoed and the ceiling painted. A number of new photographs aud picture, have been framed aud hung, and the rood. now presents a bright and comfortable appearance. The firemen themselves cc&. tributed towards the cost of this wotfe, which has been satisfactorily carried out by Mr A. J. Lummis. Resignation.—-Dr. Moorhouse has sent in bis resignation as a Vice-President of the Canterbury Rugby Uniou, and consequently as a member of the General Committee. This Btep he has taken owing to the appeal being disallowed by the Committee iv connection with the Merita]*. Christchurch Second match, during whieit the referee engaged made a mistake iv tJis interpretation of a rule. DattlDlsM. — The half-yearly meeting «f the Juvenile Oak of Sydenham Lodge al DrUidS was held in the Oddfellows' Hal!, Colombo road, on Monday. There was only a moderate attendance of members, and Bra. H. Thiele occupied the chair. Correspondence having been received and dealt with, Bro. Logan, P.D.P., read the halt'-ye&tly report and balance-sheet, which w&3 adopted. The election of officers resulted as follows:— Junior P.A., Bro. Thiele; A.D., Bro. C. Eggleton; V.A., Bro. Arehibold; Secretary, Bro." Batley (re-elected) j M.S., Bro. Compton; A. D. Bards, Bros. Adams and W. Betts; V.A. Bards, Bros. E. Halbert and Johnstone; 0.G., Bf& Ellis } LG., Bro. Hales. The installation will take place oa Monday week next. ft was decided to place Bro. Compton's cmas on the Respect Board and also to'pretest him with a framed diploma for the erSden. manner in Which he had conducted ths business of the lodge during his term ci office. The following contributed towards harmony :—Bros. Fisher, Morris, Wonter, , Logan, Jacobsea, Fraser, after which life lodge adjourned.

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Press, Volume L, Issue 8534, 14 July 1893, Page 4

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NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume L, Issue 8534, 14 July 1893, Page 4

NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume L, Issue 8534, 14 July 1893, Page 4