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Wanted. W A $. TS S',\P2£ Qnl Servant. Apply. Mre Knight, Stanmoro road. 4078 WANTKD-A strong Girl as General Ber vunU Apply J. Lee G 000, M anchn«tct street. _ 1088 WANTED, Snmn WiltreasTelcoplit home. Apply Air Warnoa, after throe, 176 Cashel street. »oi WANTED— For a Merchant's Ollloe—Youtb about 16, moat be qulok At flauroa. Apply Box ISI. P.O. 1092 WA NTKD,lTdhief Reporter tor tn« ""New Zealand Timott," Apply Editor "Times." ■VYel)lugton._ 4ioo WANTED. UonorAl SorvMiit,; referenco required; ablo to milk. Apply, Mrs Hrown, HaLmell. 3U91 WANTED -An expeiienocd General Sor"van!. Apply Mrs Hny, U.N.Z., Runtrfora. SWJ WANTKD a SiuaALm as Bookkeeper or other clerical work. llavo had la year*' exporieuce. Adurvas " Cicrk" 011100 of thin P«P«r. _ 4OBA WANTED," Sltuafioi7TyC>ok and Baker. Can milk. AUo Rood Groom And Gardener. Sicno'e JUojji'try, 171 Armagh street, i<lo7 WANTKD. by a jounce person, a Situation aa Domestic Help or Companion ; a comfortable homo of moro importtinoe than salary. Apply T. A. W,, ollico of thia papor, _ _ AM WANTKD by a countryßtri.a good General borvutit'e pluoo, a few mlloa out of (own, within a w*ok. No milking. Addr«M A. A. \V., Uhtisvohurch. _J072 WANTED by™Ci«pontor. Situation as portor oi* handy iuo.ii in warohouso ur V-°L°i. or work of a "y ilonoriptton. llv-plf A.)_.Z.. thjsotHeo.__ 4(jjjs Y\7ANTED person ov«jp"»). ▼ T airuhtion uh llnu-uikuepur. or to aaslat in general housework. F<>u,l of chilrtron. Moderate salary. Good roferouow. YiU,, WANTKI>~aFj. j/lVtTk'er'rt'irab'oliFnnre'iu, 152 Ctushtl Mn-ot; — OencrtU Servant*. Strong Youth us Ki*o>icn Ourdonor, Potatortißinjie. Waiting Engagements—Ploughmen, Uoutekoopora, Farm labourers. Telephone •••***• __ t 4037 WANTKD to sTdTfar Uomsval, a SraSll Building, sult-jkiilo tor office or workrooin._Apply X. P»KS3 onioo. |i Qj \IJ"ANT»cn to L,«t or Sl'll, a House of five TT u)um», with copter, Htablluß. pitfity. Towlynrn. :xnd i-A«ro of land, attuaeci on Kdir«wnro mad top of North airoit. Apply to W. Oivt'Hs. 'rulXoraaU'e. ium WANTKD, Farmers in surrounding dt» tiicts to know Uiat they can Kraud Tuacan Sood Wheat (and eavo raHugo) from Mr Minchin. Wuddington. 4104 XKT ANTiSD, To Kont, Good Country Hotel! Tl at an easy distance fr. in town. State ponicnlarn. Apply Alma, Pruhs Oilloe. _40U8 WANTKD for Itnnio va'l. Small Building foi ofllca. A., Post Oillco. tiydenhum. *01t WANTRD KNOVVN-Huy noathe Cftineo Kid Glove, 4-buttoua, 2s Gd worth 3»tkl. New stock just in. < WANTED KNu\VN-Slx plooor HUok Figured Hniir, suitublo fur drosees or mantles, doublo widtli.le <d yd, cood Toluefor It lid. Toneyoljiro and O*rcy. WANTED Macintosh*! are guaranteed waterproof, doublo ■own seams and tuped, soft flni*b. WANTED to" L«i ~or~SoH,~ nearly new Houan, eight rooms, bath room, eouilory, hot and cold wator, Ran, eighth-acre land. Apply next house, 23i Armagh Hreet west. _ iOQti WANTEDKnown-Mon'a doioniaTSaddte Tweed Trouaora 13h Gi. Blaok, Boaitie and Co. W" ANTED KNOWN - Fur Collarettee, Jacket*, UiUlnery and Underclothing; speoial ready monuy valno. Tonoycllifj nud Carey. WANTKD KNOWN-W. «. HatnlUoirtl selling Men'n Balmorals from 8s 0d pel pair. Repair* a speciality. WANTED KNOWN —Juet openod. nil shades In our famous Wear-well Finger ing, 4-ply, 3a Sd and 3d Gd lb; onoapcut nnd strongest knitting wool in the market.' Toner ol.'ife and Carey. ■ « \tJLT ANTED Bnyeve for Doublo iron Bed" IT steads from 30*. 11. Atkinson's Furniture Warehomo. 117 Man cheater Bttoot. '_ W~~ ANTED~l3uyors for Fondora and Coal Voecfl. Juet received. JH. Atklanona Furniture Warchouee, 117J^tancuostorjstreeu ANTEDaII About - to Furniah or ulab, to call at D. eykos'und omiipue bis prices and goods hofuro buying elsewhere. W" and Ileddlng Buyers to know that) U. Hvkoa muuufaoturee, and Iβ selling at factory pi'lcqe. „ WANTED," People to "gat Married and Buy thciir Furniture at> ■ Atkineon'e, Manchester streer. ' TnrfANTEDKNbWN--Specißl Cowiote. Two If hampers KngUsh mnnuf nolurora' eampli Corsets. Only 63 pairs to bo cleared nt halt price. Ready money does it. Toneycllifo and Carey ! ■__ WANTBD-Goto Lonar«an's for Kvoninß aho«8, at 2s Gd per pair, worth 3s Gd ; also, Morocoo Shoes, bead»o, Sβ Cd, worth (a lid. A largo consignment Junt to band. ANTED KN(,{'WN - Now shiptttent Jtickutß and Mantlos openlnK To-day. goods, ticah from London. Do*tb axid Co. WANTKD Known—BojVK.R. Suits fin. 7fc All Wool GolnnlAl Twood Huii3 team 9a. JBlack, Beattio and Co. wmTANTEDiThoee requiring Soeotaolee to W Koad Eicu:udod Aavoriutouienr, page £, of J*.«hn It. tyjvw.e, _ Tβl< W'ANTKD"KNOWN-S. Clarke andfCnT't ■ celebrated weading and engagement rings at £1 la uro thu hcavieat and bout value ever shown. La.Uei' IS-carat gold watuhoe aod Kotherhara watelivn *■&. Watchea uloaoed and warranted da Cd, clocks Zi M. Old gold'and silver Dougbt. ». Clarke and Co., US (Joiomtxi BUeet. _ WANTED KNOWN-*. Oolun give* highest ca*ii prioo for old gild and silver, diamonds. In fiat any, kind of goada bought, sold, or oxcti&ngad. Now address, next door to City Hotel _ WANTKD"6O6*.*6paU to Frnnio from * each, niounced, complotn; plot aria framed »ny stylo. Smith and Co.i ooreer Colombo and Glouoeuier utrotits. OWB . ISTANTKD, every I>ady to know that osr W iflilinory ia n-ally th«> protUost, thi bost v«luo, the nowcßt stylo and t.'m most tas'cful in ttdticity, an<i that, our Mai tlos are durable, etyiiili und "20 p ;»• c»;nt. lower in price ~ ~--- , -' pft, .!?'! ANTICI>, TJTajll. ooiivriniciic to town, JJairy Farm consist Intr of jj acres auiundid Land in good hoi<rt., lucettior with woU-bui t house of 4 rooms and -(iuilury, ample cownhouD, ontbuildloge, Ac. Kv-ryUiinc ii in thorough repair. Apply Ailun Hopkins, bma Agent._<42B) . _.. IJIANOS— Tho Waldoinl«r Ooer, Value in th« Market. Bpcueluy and u<)., 24J Hign ) utreet. ' AT"SUMNK)I.— To Lor, FuritlThed, for* term, a 7-room«:d Homo. Apply, J. T. • Watson, House Agon IQm Iron, Hoop Iron, Fencing \ic Wire. Aiken and itobcrt«, Iroiimontjere LlcbOeld etrcec (nox>, l>H'»k.t'i. WHEELBAUHoWe. «riod. ecrong. aod ch<;np. An ken and Hobwe, Iron 'mongers. 202 Uohrield otroot, nt3 »rJJ au ! <; ?j: EXOKPTIONAL Vmluc in White CiiinAßilk . HaiidkercbitfH. Iβ 1-lL 1» ad, and Is lid . vech. J. Mallautyiio nnd 00. .rkOTyou want any Garden Toolel It fO, IJ? Aitkea an.l Kabarts . hnvo them at all Pi )WS : ; ; I BOUGHT for cash, n pleoes WcMi Flan* ■1 ? n«l8, all wool, to t>o cloarod at 9l&, 10j<1 iinaA ie Id yard, worui Iβ 2d, la 3.1, aud laoU Toueyelitfe jind ar fy-____ „ 1" ADlEti' Travolllng Fo'.t Hate, ribbon Ii criaimed, is lid each, worth doubl •. J. and Co. - t < \ii / s *~ McCLEA and CO. for tloady-made Vf • Clothing. Men's colonial Uveetl BMita 29a 6d. aeuaJ prico 37a &i, and Jit '11, usual vrice iss 6d; boye , , from Iα 111. Tμ Value in ChrlstcUurch. BEST Manuka Charcoal and Irons of aU kiuda. Aitkcn and itobern, Irontnongere, * corner Colombo and Oashel streets oppoaitu BfUlantyne'a. ' IF yon want a. pair ot Ohcnp Hoot* oi Shoes go to X, Atkinson 203 Caabel erreet. - • '■ (Jtjl P" ~IANOS-Seo the Wftldemar before purchasing. Spenaley and Co, 2t3 High i street. DI.C.-Sp«cial Salo of Ladies' Uiatere at • tho UI.C. , J Cheap Boole. Cheap ' Boots. 'JJO3 Caahel stroot. *•_• WILL Obtain Twenty Poiinda' Worrh i ab£> of Furnlturo, and so on In pioporUon \ by the Cosh or Hire Byetoni Time y Hoferrtsd Payment of Walters and Co.. Uph.-lder*. Cabinut Makera, House Furnißhore.4i, 4J. *J, 47 Victoria street. Beautiful Goods, best iuuie« rial and workmanship. Low prices, nv»ikod * in plain flgarc. Torras-Om* quarter of lji*« value down, ouey insialmonte. 'B'>l EQUITABLK BUiLDINCr BOCIKTY. tSeo AinußPmfliit Uolumn. i' T MoDONALD, Labour Agont, Manoliettot i l •!• etreot. Christahurob. Ie piiti-onUed ;>y •.•:♦ ) i per cent, of the largosc employ <r * of labour ii» '■ Oitnterbury. who require PlouKlinaon, Minied Couples, Shepherdsi, Groom , *. G«i'ilou«nt, • Cook*, Navvies, Bushmen, Rauoicorj, Fcnocru, 1 Hotel Servants, Yotitue, &c He has the bust of references for all his business transacilona beiog bona fide. Female servants are «lm> snppllfld. Tbie branch ia superintended by '* lady of experienco and good judgmnnt. All orders promptly attendo'l to. Telephone 83tk i BOILDINCT" SOCiai!¥ JCi See Amusement Column.

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Press, Volume L, Issue 8484, 16 May 1893, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 7 Press, Volume L, Issue 8484, 16 May 1893, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 7 Press, Volume L, Issue 8484, 16 May 1893, Page 1