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Absteaman News. — Backing affairs again form the most interesting portion of Hie selection of Australian news telegraphed by oar Australian correspondents, which 4pe»rs on the next page. From Melbourne come the details connected with the TOspenßion of the Colonial Bank, and the fall text of the Bishop of Melbourne's pastoral proclaiming a " Day of Humiliation " fe Victoria. There is also an account of the scene in the Magistrate's Court in which Sir Matthew Davies and other Directors of U» Mercantile Bank, together with the Manager, were on their trial for conspiring to defraud, when only one Magistrate declined to acquit aU the accused. From Sydney we have the details of the disgraceful fight between two members of the 2&W South Wales Parliament. SoPßrara Cockt.— His Honour Mr Justice Denniaton will ait in Chambers and in ISankraptcy to-morrow. The Chamber sittings will be at 10.30 a.m. XjSiKiTT CHrsca. — The work of erecting I stone wall with dwarf iron railiuge round the premises of Trinity Congregational Cliurch has been commenced, and when completed will add alike to the appearance of the building and the street in which it is situate. gsr. Saviour's, Sydenham. —To-night an QceUeat programme has been provided for tit concert to be given at the Sydenham Oddfellows' Hall by Miss HirtzeL a pupil ef Mr H. M. Lund, on behalf of a fund in connection with the above church Vocal Mul instrumental items will be given by Mis Edgar, Misses HirtzelL Lilly, Watson iod Partridge, and Messrs Bunz, Uolclough, C Edgar, Moss and Dr. (Thomas. BffLE Bhootixg.—The fourth and final competition for the season for Mr G. D. Qreeswood's trophy was shot for at the Aflsbftrley Range on Saturday. There were eight competitors. The conditions were seven shots each at 200, 300, and 400 yards, following are the scores:—F. Hadler (20) 92, L Browalee (20) 90, W. Hart (8) 80, J. jfcava {8} 60, R. S. Turner (8) 73, W. Frew (scratch) 70. W. Dalziel (30) 64, H. Gain (35) 64. Women's Ivshtctb.—A meeting of the Economics section of the Women's Instit£* will be held at 4 p.m. this afternoon, »t tee V.M.C.A. rooms. The monthly jnbeiing of the Literary section took place jWatday. An interesting programme of rfe&DgS and original essays was gone through, a special feature of the afternoon being the lively discussion provokeoVby the ci&rent views taken by the essayists. Tee Napier Seat.—Mγ Thomas Sidey his been chosen by the moderates in both gelitecal camps at Napier to contest the astt at the next general election, Mr G. H. $vrKB, the sitting member, having definitely #edded to retire from politics. Mr Sidey (*3ds a contemporary) will give a general sepport to the Ministry, but dees not believe in their land policy. He holds to giving all selectors the right to choose a freehold if they prefer it to a leasehold, and will support a return to the system which teraitlod * selector to acquire land as a freehold or as a leasehold with a purchasing ekase.

- The Ell Coaruresiox.—A Wellington teiegmm states that Messrs T. Thompson, ILH.R., and Tnrnbull, RM. at Napier, ttfco compose the £11 Commission, left for {Sanstehurch yesterday afternoon. The proceedings are expected to last a week. BitrsiCAL Society.—CowenY "St. John's Ere " is the next -work which the Musical Society intend to take up. To-night will be the first practice, and it is hoped there will be a large attendance. Lectcmi to Youko Folks.—At the Iseeazn bet night about 400 children, with ft good sprinkling of adults, assembled to tear Mr W. W. Collins lecture on " Leaves g&d Flowers. ,, The lecture was most entertaining and instructive, and was ffiastrated by a number of beautiful botanical slides prepared by Mr A. H. P. Hobb under his new process. The evening's entertainment concluded with a pictorial representation of "Dick Whittington and Ms cat," and a number of amusing pictures tiumm by means of the osy-ether light. A Pixckt Rescue.—Frank Bradley, a ycrath residing at Lyttelton and * prominent member of the Lyttelton Swimming Club, e&cted a plucky rescue at Port yesterday afternoon. As the steamer Taviuni was taag for Wellington a man named Beanington, a wharf labourer, fell between tie wharf and the -steamer. It was soon tMtoofc that he could not Swim a stroke and was in imminent danger of being drowoed. Hβ had become greatly exhausted I riN& Bradley jumped in to Pennington'a outtance and made a line fast to hhn, by •iiidrhe vu hauled up. Young Bradley was heartSy cheered both from the wharf and the steamer for his prompt and plucky action.

*I*tffcfcAß Cotcert. —The repetition last fiigM at the Tuam street HaU. t>f Thursday's popular concert drew a very' large audience. The various vocalists who sang •fcthe former concert reappeared, and were ■Wfc.U&tJinsiasticaUy received. Songs were Mjsaes Johnson, JBL Rowley, and air Roberts' contributions to •*■ programme were highly appreciated fc»% applauded. Messrs ¥. Woodwee, G SdgM, and H. Weir contributed I "**«sdl<js. The Troda Brothers played a ™*ji*er of selections, and two of their urni■erj«Tea harp and flute solo. Mr Dave wfdaer was also very funny in his sketches. «*XtTaarsday a novelty is promised, when Mx Reyoor will give lightning sketches of Several Cliristctmrch celebrities and others. Meeting of Cbedhobs. —ln consequence of tbe absence of a quorum, no meeting took place yesterday of tfce creditors in the estate of John Dron, farmer, Balcairn. The debtor was examined by the Official Asaqpwe* «poa whom the duty of dealing with the . estate devolves. The debtor's statement showed: — Liabilities — Uhse- <*>*£ creditors, £344 19s 8d; secured <*«tftx>re, £1060 Is 8d ; lew estimated valoe <« secnritHa, £1100; surplus to contra, £59 Bβ *4. Total debts, .£24419s Bd. Assetslive and dead stock at Balcairn, £98 *; cash in Bank New South Wales, Aeaberiey, £96 10*; surplus from eeou- *•*««, £3Q 12s 4d. Total anets, £234 12s 4d. Deficiency, £10 7s 4d. •"» unsecured creditors over £5 were Jas. Jjtfceb, farmer, Woodend, £56 5s 10d ; Mwrow, Basse tt and "Co., Christchurch, JB7 * 6d; William Yangban, storekeeper, S*ftOß, £163 4a 8d Secured creditor* .— *.B» Banks, £818; William Yaughan, £243 18s. Mr Banks holds first and Mr Mr Yaughan second mortgage over 100 acres, K-S. Noa. 3046 *nd 3047 at Baksira, with loor-roomed house, estimated total value of being £1100. *»5Y "LIXD CoXCTEBT MaGXET COHPAJSY. "••A Company rejoicing in the above title °f»ned a series of Monday Popular Concerts ujhe Oddfellows , HaU last night, when teeee was a good attendance, Miss North *««g MoUoy's "The Kerry Dance" vary **« and was encored. She also took part **»MrA. A. North in the duet " Home w oar mountains," from "H TroTatore," Mia Lucy North, sang "Love has eyes" *nd "Teiltna my heart" wen, and also PUyed,a*apiano solo, a menuet by Paderewesi. Miss Massey gave "<H» Wood Aymph's Call" with a good deal «f effect. ~ r A. A. North sang " Alice, where art "our , "The warrior bold" and "Off to Philaddphia." . Mr B. Poore flayed a coaple of flute solos very nicely, «nd Mr JSonz's two violin solos we*e redemanded. f*r J. B. North not alone sang well, but ae.recited with a great deal of hamoar, *** *»* Garrison band played a couple of aeiectioas with spirit and effect Chaijtless.—The Star geared Ordinary uup to data. Fitted with poeounttic tyre*. fmmenfetedeJlvety. SSITOs. Easy wments. Adams, Cxjbties, and Co., tariatchurch.— £Advt.] 11

SlTPiaranCoTTßT.—To-day hie Honour Mr Justice Dennistou will sit in Chambers and in Bankruptcy. The Chamber Sitting will beat 10.30 a.m.

Woodbdrv.—A portion, oonsistingof 2r 5p of the Woodbury Domain, has been sec apart for the extension of a road.

Popuiob Concert at Kaiapoi.— As will Dβ keen by advertisement elsewhere, a migration of the popular concerts so successful here will take place to the Oddfellows' Hall, Kaiapoi, on Friday evening next. Qd bisk's Birthday Parade.—A district order elsewhere notifies that the whole of the Volunteer corps of the North. Canterbury district will parade at 10.30 a> m. on May 24th, in hononr of the Queen's Birthday.

Linwood Chess akd Draughts Cutb.— The first general meeting of the above will be held in the Borough Council rooms next Wednesday evening, at 7.30, for the election of officers, &c Pleasast Poikt Domain Board. Messrs W. Halstead, J. Grigg, J. Oliver, W. B. HoweU, E. Acton and G. Butler have been appointed members of thit Board, with control of 66 acres situate in the Timaru Sarvey District. Springston.—The Mutual Improvement Association met on Friday evening, the Rev. C Griffin presiding. Readings were given by Mrs Gammack, Mr J. Muir and the Rev. Mr Griffin; recitations by Misses Keast and Lugg, and Messrs Blakemore and Earnest Keaet. Discussions took place on several of the items. Wkt in «trb .North.—ln a private letter just received from a resident in the Manawatu district, the writer states that, with the exception of four days, they have had continuous rain for a month, one singular result being that the sheep are quite green, owing to the germination of the grass seed lodged in the wooL Lake Eiaesmebe Flounders Commission.—Mr Spackman has received a letter from the Marine Department at Wellington, conveying the thanks of the Government to Mr Clarke, the other Commissioner, and himself, for the trouble and care taken by them with the inquiry and stating that a copy of the report will be presented to Parliament. Obakgeism.--L.0.1i., No. 33, Rising Star of Richmond, held its monthly meeting on Friday evening at the Foresters' Hall, Richmond, the W.M., Bro. Johansen, presiding, a large number of members and visitors belonging to No. 4 and 5 Districts, being present. One candidate was initiated and one proposed. There was a liberal response by the members of the Lodge to the Revell Testimonial Fund. The Relief Fund question was deferred till next meeting. New Patents.—Specifications have been lodged at the Patent Office by Mr Job Osborne, Doyleston, for improvement in attaching clover threshing, or drawing apparatus to combines; by Messrs Andrews and Beaven, Christchurch, for improvements in clover thresaing and shelling machines ; by Mr J. Marshall, Springston, for improvements in grain and seed dressing; by Mr J. E. Beckworth, Christchurch, for a convertible tandem bicycle. Waiac— By the kindness of Mr W. E. Burke, of Christchurch Post Office, the Waiau Public Library received substantial aid and the people a pleasant entertainment on Saturday evening. Mr A. Aldersly, of Rangiora, lent a powerful magic lantern, and Mr Burke showed 160 photographic views and pictures. Many of the slides were prepared by Mr Burke, others were lent by Messrs W. B. and R. Wilkin, Christchurch, and by Mr Alderely, Rangiora, who are, with Mr Burke, members of the photographic section of the Philosophical Institute. A set of fine slides was lent by Mr S. Mitchell, illustrating G. R. Sims' poem, "The Lifeboat," and Mr Le Cocq read the poem. Mm Stephens and Miss FitzHenry played suitable selections on the piano. A hearty vote of thanks was given to Mr Burke. The amount gained for the Library was £4 10s. Fkeeman Kitchen's Cask. — William Freeman Kitchen, who has been arrested on & charge of wife desertion, was brought to Christchurch last night having been accompanied from Timaru by Constable Crawford. Kitchen goes on to Wellington by the first available steamer.—Our Dunedin correspondent telegraphs:—The report that Kitchen bolted with hie second wife's money and jewellery had no foundation, as when arrested he had only £1 ia his possession. What motive he could have had except notoriety, is not suggestible, but yesterday the police-had to send for T>r. Martin with a stomach pomp, X* he gave out that he had taken poison. When the doctor arrived at the station he said he had swallowed the contents of an empty bottle, then shown, which had contained poison, but the pump failed to reveal any indications, and he was left to his own reflections.

Savags Club.—The usual iorero of the Above took place last night, v.hen the tribe gathered largely round the council fire. A rangatira savage of old times occupied the chief seat in the wharepuni. Savages from afar foregathered and gave story and song, instrumental musio of high class, and one from the wilds of Australia whistled cheerily and sang merrily. A wandering Savage from the great Korerorium at Wellington put in an appearance, and was warmly welcomed, giving the chiefs and braves assembled some excellent stories of travels amidst the tribes of the North Island, comprising some traits which are apparently indigenous amongst all savages. Resident savages chanted, likewise played piano solos, and discussed pleasantly anent earthquakes. Altogether the gathering was a very enjoyable one. In view of the Gaiety Company being present in Christchurch, it was agreed not to hold the regular korero on Monday next, but to meet on the following Monday.

Thubsday Footbauu—A meeting of delegates from the various Thursday Football dubs was held last night in the Linwood Club rooms. Ie was definitely stated that the Hardware, Farmers' Cooperative, and United Grocere , Clubs would at once apply for affiliation to the Rugby Union, and would enter teams for a competition for Thursdays. A movement is on foot for the formation of a United Drapers' Club, who, it is expected, will also affiliate with the Union. In addition to the above the Linwood Club will enter a team for the Thursday competition, and several other teams are also expected to compete. It i 3 understood that the Rugby Union will at once take steps to have this much desired competition started. The following will play for Ballantyne and Co. against the JD.I.C. on Thursday: —Triggs, Andrew, Forbes; Prtee,liwry, Bowker, Main, Seager, Harmp, Brown, Clark. Davis, Andrew, Empson, Strong. Depotations to thkHox. W. P. Reeves. —Yesterday morning Mr R. M. Taylor, M.H.8., waited on the Hon. W. P. Reeves, and brought trader his notice the evil that might overtake the workers and the colony generally by proprietors of kauri gum fields in Auckland province importing cheap foreign labour. He hoped the matter would be seriously considered by the Government, and Uvat il thVlaw was powerless to prevent such action that a Bill would be brought in during next session. Mr Reeves replied that he noticed the influx of Austrlans to the Auckland gumfiglds for some; months. It was not a proceeding to be encouraged, especially if it was true that the men were engaged beyond the sea. The Labour -Department had beji instructed to make enquiries into the question and report fully to, him, whereupon he would bring the report before the Cabinet, together with his own recommendations. A deputation from the Volunteer corps was introduced by Mr Joyce, M.H.R., and stated.the difficult position they were placed in owing to the non-payment of capitation allowance, owing to the several companies represented being below the minimum strength at the clo3e of the year. Mr Reeves promised to. enquire into the matter, •• - ~ ■

Aix deposit tickets issoed by the EDEN Gkorge C!ompany, iiistrrED, are extended and used, up to beptember 30th. As the studio'and workrooms are now under the personal management of Mr Bzxks, the delay which has lately been experienced in the delivery of orders will soon disappear, and every cabinet and opal will oe inspected before delivery co taat&o&e bat the most artistically finished pbvtoe «Nll be allowed to leave the stadlo. Messrs Wrigglksworth akd Binns. wiil shortly jQpeu..» sludio io . Christchurch for the production of their patented matt opaltypes. which have created such a furore among fashionable circles in WelSft«foiu- : tAiv*J ' ' Standish Jljjd 3Pheecfs " Kembrahdt* lighted evening dress photographs, finished in Platinette, are admitted the acme of art. Studio, High- street.— A A*RTVAi*—Thia season's " Flag Bratitf* Tbttato Sauce is deiicioas. Our Pickles, Sauce and Baking Powder always Hive the greatest satisfaction.—iAdtt.J 3

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Press, Volume L, Issue 8484, 16 May 1893, Page 5

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NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume L, Issue 8484, 16 May 1893, Page 5

NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume L, Issue 8484, 16 May 1893, Page 5