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fCHEDULE OF DUTIKB Bir.i,'. caibcaaenattho City Council Om^. ALAn^ aAlicitlo'.s aro 10 ho **•*• offockof MAY lOtu IN'ST. Mcd b « ,Of * W «3y order, ~ ■ 1 *"• T. HABKTNS, ! f City Council OflJce, Town Clerk. I May sth. 1893, >-■ —-_—___. ■ lw,l * J iß»4safeJL LICENSING ACT, 1881 — of the provi lonSof tl. "a*ov.? "'•"•net Aor«, the QUAUTKULY ANNi *? l i' , ! ulon «4 ING of the LICKNsInV i?>?mA&*K*Ptbo MANI>KVIbLK and vS iK '« TRIOT will be held nt thelteS£?A, D, .* tnno'e Courthouflo. Raußtara onßin'iv l,B1 * 2ND DAY of JUNE, ISM. a? n On i D^ V ' l ' e purpose.ot consider! .i B nil apnllcann:, r the ' tho aaid Acts, of which dv« *&«?!- i , undu, MICUAJSL LYNaKKY SIVOQ - April 29th, 1593. l ° lho c ™»nittep. - ~~—__ 30W NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOfTdTto ' ° R PUfr \ I CHARLES BURTON, of ChrUf k '.. , Licensor! Victualler, do hareby notice that I desire- to obtain, and win „» »i next Licensing Meeting w City Council Chamhors, Chrbtchurch on h2 seventh day of Juno next. APPLY for I certificate uuthousuig the issue ofaPimri CAN'S LICENSE for a house situawi Horef ord street* Chrißtehu-ch, and knowo ti tho Occidental Hotel cont«injn« t*™tv™o« LOUG,«»«v«DL2SL I Solicitors, Chriatohuroh. 3Jl| 1 HEATHCOTK LICENSING DISTRICT. I NOTICE OF APpTICATJON FOR A I PUBLICAN'S LICENSE. . | liGEORGEBUTLERTofHaIsweII.PubHcM. I 9 do hereby give notlcu that I desire to | obtain, and will at the next Lioon?ing Meetlna 1 to bo holden at Heathuotu Jtoud Board Office 1 on the 9lh day of June, 1803, nt Noon, AfPLv' i for a Certificate authorising tho ieauo of i IPUBLICAN'S LICENSE for a house «ttu»t» ? at Halswel), and known as the Junction Hou - containing twelvo rooms, exclusive of ihk J required for the use of tho family. | Jjated Lhe sth day of May, I«U3. GKORGK BUTlitt. James A. Cassidy. / . Solicitor. 3591 Chrlfltchurch. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR A PUBLICAN'S LIOISNBK. IWILLTAM ASHTON GRAHAM, of 9 Kaiapoi, ao hereby Rive notice that I dceire to obtain, and will at the next Licensing Mooting , , to U • Molden aD on tliu etg day of June, 189 a, APPLY for, a certificate authorising the ieauo of a PUBLICANB UCENSiC for the houso known as the ' Knikainui Hotel, Bituate at junction of Ohuk« road and Perakl street, containing la roonie, exclusive of bhoso required for thousoot the family.. Dated the 6th day of May. 1893. 3605 WILLIAM ASHTON GRAHAM, NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TRANSFER OF LICENSE. I CATHERINE YOUNG, now GRAHAM, 9 of Kaiupoi, Hotolkoeper, being tho holder of a transfer of the Publican's License In reapecr. of the liouae and premises known aa t he KaikainuiHotel, do hereby give notice chut I desire to obtain, and will at iho noxt Lloout. ing Moetinsr, to be holden at Kaiupoi on Tuesday, June 6th, 1899, apply for a TRANSFER of the aaid LICENSE to WILLIAM ASHTON GRAHAM, my appointee. Dated at Kaiapci this 6ih day of May, 1893. 3801 CATHERINE YOUfltf. NOTICE OF APPLICATION* FOR PUBLICAN'S LICENSE. I JOHN WHITTINGTON, of Klrweei da ■ hereby give notice that 1 dealto to obtain, and will, at the next Licensing Mooting to b< holden at the Courthouee, Kh wee, on the fith day of Juno, APPLY for a Certificate authorising tho issue of a PUBLICAN'S LICENSE for a house bituute at Klrwee, and known as the Klrweo Hotel, containing' twelvo rooms, -exclusive of thoxo required forthouiteof the family.—Dated the day of (Vl ay, 1893. 8658_ JOHN WHITTINGTON. t NOTICB OF APPLICATION FOR TRANSFER OF JLIOENSE. I JOHN MOFFAT, of Klvwee. being th« , a holder of a Publlcan'u Llcoubq in respect of the house and promisee situate at Klrwee, do hereby give notice tha* I duslro to obtain and will, at tho next Licensing Mooting to be holden at Kir wee, on tho 6th day of Junn, APPLY for, a TRANS I! , l<. R of thu sat* Licence from mj-eelf to JAMES WHITTINtI TON, my appointeo.-rDated this day of Muy, 1893. 3059 JOHN MOFFAT._ NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR A PUB. LIOAN'S LICENSE. 1M ATTHE W WILLIAM LAKE, ef Kafei**, t, do hereby give notice that 1 deeifo to obtain, and will at the next IJccnsing Meeting to Tie holden at the Court Houan. KulapoL on tho sixth day of Juno, APPLY for a Certificate authorising the ieauo of a PUB* LIOAN'S LICENSE for a houeu situate afi Kaiapoi, and known as tho Middleton'a Hotel, containing twenty-two rooms, txcluslve of those required for tho use of fhe fa»ilr.Uated the eighth day of May, 1893. &i 3 Election Notices. h waimakariri-ashlbSy water supply board. extraordinary vacancy. | I HEREBY Givo Notioo in accordance with s t the provisions of the Acta tcgulatleig the \ < that an KLKCI'ION will he h«ld Rtthe Oust Road Board OKice, oa TUESDAY, tne !«!h \ • day of May, 1893. for the ELECTION o* ONS t , MEMBKR to repreeenr. tho Cuet Rdiog on u\o „' Walmukartri-Ashloy Water Supply Board, Iα f,, place or tho late Mr Edward Chapman. W Noralnatinn of Candidatee, which must bo In |g tho fofm sot forth in The Kegiilatioo of Local |; Kleotiong Act, 1870 (second schedule), maet Jbe L delivered to tho Returning Officer or *d- | dreseed to him and delivered at tho no&a Board OfHco, Cust, befdre Noon on Weartesasy, the 10th day of May, 1893. t ~ M Nomination forme can bo obtained at tU4 Road Board Offlco. Casf. , MM _ AUTHUR TEMPLBR, nm , 3288 Returning Offlecft^ PORT VICTORIA ROAD EOABO ELECTION. mHE Following arolhe NUMBER POLLBD i for each Candidate:— *» Manson, Hugh .« «. jw Anderson,Robert •• •• zl Allan, James .. >• \% Waliis. Georsto .. « }* Bamrord. Daniel .. .. *g Informal vot-8 .. .„,«. Arnvn. I hereby declare Messrs MANSON, SON, and ALLAN duly ELKCTED men»«>«W of the Port Victoria Ko»d Woard. 3f114 W * RetunaggOgSSL ASHLEY ROAD BOARD. ELECTION oF MEMBBR9* RESULT OF POliTtakeß Friday, Mey **, 1893: " Road "■ , Mlllton, Edward Bowler 68 ff ' # Htewart,John .. •• ™ 7 44 Brock, Donald .. •• ® L One informal at Road Board Offlofc May 6th, 1893. RAKAIA ROAD BOARD KLKOTION. THK following POLLED for each of the Candidates $- P»ricer Westenra •• ■• t«i hichard NoweU BeaJey ■• *«• Edwin DcrritC , •• DA niriEnwfl!9 I I Oioreforo declare Meaera PARKER W«| | TENRAand KIUUAKD NO\\«tL BKAL.BTK duly ELECTED Meinbor* of tho Kattoia mow* Board ' W.BAKKR. Returning O® 6 *^* n Hororata, 6th May, 1893. —JK WAIPARA ROAD BOARD. ANNUAL ELECTION. A T a Poll faken on Seterdar. «* M*J: the two Tacancioe on tho Wa y?-?n»,, !~ B?*ti!tht TfoUowing.VCTiES . Walkari. Two flat. T«t|L Joseph Henry Hall .. 0» \ l f* Robert Adam Forrester 43 » "1 James Danre Lance _ »* < *ga John Little - -87 31 I s Meser. JO3EPH HKNKj HALL and JAMKB ELEOrKD to the office of Members of W> 9 Waipara Road Board ONK> Retarniug Walkari. Bth May. 1893. ~%Z

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Press, Volume L, Issue 8478, 9 May 1893, Page 8

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Page 8 Advertisements Column 7 Press, Volume L, Issue 8478, 9 May 1893, Page 8