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Wanted. \TKTANTrSD. a Lady Help or respectable Tf young peraoa cm Mother's Help. Apply Mrs Btodie, Amberloy. 36CT ANTED* eltuatiOQ an shooing and General Smith by % flrst-claei hand, country preferrea. Apply to K. Uecoe and sons. aus XmfTSTKDI Situation by a Butcher^ wi Thoroughly roaster of the trade. Hignett references. Siuie's RegUtry, 171 Armagh street. 3328 W ~ANTED. by a good Groom and Gardener a situation. Iβ well roooramondod. Apply Simo*s KogUtry, 171 Armagh street. 8323 ANTRD, an Approntice to tho Watoh and Clock-making; muit have good school references. Apply J. F. Stratz. $H Uigh street. Christchurch. 3631 WANTKD, Two "competent Musicians fbf "Social" of Conn Star of Canterbury, No. 330J A.0.F., on 24th May (Qiiwi'* lilrihchiy). Apply, stating terms, before 13th last.— James W. Kaat Bolt. jMdl WANTKD~KNOVVN-Buy Heath's Cameo KUi Glovifl, 2a 6d worth 3s 6d. New slock just in. .__ WAMEL) KNOWN— Six pieces UUok Figured Stuff , , suitable for dresses or mantles, doublu Idyd, jjood valuoforls lid. _Toneyoliff« aud_O*rey. ' WANTED Macintoshes aro guaranteed waterproof, double sewn seams and taped, soft Unlsh. WANTJBD~~tb Let" or"SelI, noa»iy"~new Mouse, eight rooms, bath room, srulery, hot and cold water, gap, t<inuut-no • land. Apply next house, 234 Armagh street west. 3&M W ANTKD KNOWN ~ For Collarettes, Jauktit3. Aiillineiy and Underclothing: apociol rtt\dy moa.y value. I'onaycllffo and Caroy. < ANTKit IC"nOWN™W. a. iTftniiUtonrTe selling Men's Hulmorals (rout 83 Cd per poir. Repair* v, speciality. ANTKD to L'lt. a fbnr-rnomcd House atid six-stulied stablo. in So. Asaph etrcut Ens;, No. 3a. Apply No. 28 (next) door), _JW>7 WANTWn, fi »o 8 tfoomod Houne, with *tullo. Mus bo withta the bolt. Apply,JVl.|t\,J RES3OIHcu. 36*8 by "HiirFhh t. 179 Hereford etrooi, ro liny Iviiiapol Woollen .ihaits { to Sell, Periniinwntlnven'iront. Colonial Hunks, South Biitish Insurance, Lyoll Creak Gold. _ 3057 WANTED 1C VOWN — Jußt "opened, nil Hindus In our famous VV r tier-well Fingering, 4-piy, 3s 3d und 3* Cd lb: cheapo-t aud strongest Kiiittiuß woal in iho niurkot. Tonoyolllfo and Caroy. WANTk7> KNOWN—Special Corsets. Two hampers Unxlleli manufacturers'sample Co reels. Ouly 53 pairs to be cleared at halfprice. Ready money doea it. Tonuyolllfo aud Carey. W ANTKD KNOWN—That. Uio Coro Ex change Hnoms have been thoroughly renovated, und can bo obtained for holding meotlngs on application to the Secretary, Ueo. S. Hickman. SQ6I WANTKD~KJIOWN-For Salo, a Landau and Donole Sot of Harnoaa. nearly new; a bargain. Also, new Hansom Cab. Messrs Wm. Moor and Co., Victoria street. - SMO WANTBD-Go to Lonurgau'e for Kvoning ahoea, at 2s 6d per pair, worth Sβ M; aiao, Morocco Shoes, bead oil, 3e Cd, worth 4a lid. A large consignment jnab to hand. \J%T ANTKD, Bnyors for Fondcri! and Coal T? vaee»i. Juac reeelvcd. H. Alkloeoa'g Furnituio Warehouso, 117 Mancheatcr stroett VST ANTED, Buyers for Austrian bonTwood V t Chairs ; cheap. H. Atkinson, .Man* cheater street. ; WANTED Buyers for Double Iron Bed. steads from 30i. H. Atkinson's Fura ture Warehouge, 117 Manchoater atreor. "ttl|rANTaD, People to get) Married and TV Buy their Furniture at Atkinson's, Manchester f \lifANTED7~those requtrina Soeotaolee'iSl T.J Read Extended AdvortUemonr, pugo i, oir John It. t'roocaiv 7&|4 ANTED KNOWN — New ehipnionb Jackets and Mantles opening To-day. Beautiful goods, fresh ivom London. Bo&th and Co. N Person wants Situation as Jrs-. General dtrvant, good cook and l&undreas; references; town or country. Address, B. 8.. Press Office. 8058 J MoDONALD, Laljour ARenfcrJrlancheflter c street, Chelflteauroh, Iβ patronised by 95 ier cent, of tho largest @mp!oyore at labour in Canterbury, whoioouiro Ploughaian, Married Couples, Hhephordi*, Groom Gardoaers, Cook*, navvies, Huahmon, Rtiubicera, Ftsn&em, Hotel SorvaatSi You tun, &o. H*s has the beatt of references for all hie bueluosu traosactlotto being bona fide. Fuiuulo eervautu ate elao supplied. This branch in superintended by % lady of exporionoo ftni good .iudgnumt. All orders promptly attoudod to. 1 elophouo 256. PIANOS— in tbe Market. Spoaelcy and Co.. Ui High street, /GALVANISED Iron, Hoop Iron, Fohcingj \jt Wire. Aik'en and Roborts, IromnonKeni Ltchfleld street (noxt Danka , !. HEKLBARROW'S, good, stroog, *S& cheap. Altken and Roborcs, Ironj mongers, 202 Liohfleld street, near Danka'. JCi Haudkerchicfe, Is l}d, Iβ 9d, and Iβ lid each. J. Ballantyno and Co. TV I.C-275 Lndles' New Winter Ulstiars, all JL/e at epeoial sale pdcea ab tho D.1.0. Ulsters. _ _ T ONARGAN itnd~Co.V'Op~the'bosib*eei«ctloii XJ of Infants' Shoes in ChrUtcburch j Men's Patent Court and L«*co Shoes, for evening wear, 8s lid, worth lie 6d._ _*__ DO you 7 wantTany Garden Tools! It cc. Aitkca and Roberts have thoai at all FOR Sale or l>t, with purchasing olauso, flub Acroa of Urauu Land, line fnnced, lying between tho Haylanda and Mv Thomtw Suvtlons. 0. Knaor. Mt. Uroy. 32U5 D~lj you want a Choap Lawa Movvor? If so, Aitkcn, and Roborcs havetiictu from 350. BdUO&rTot caßh7~l7~pleoos "Woiah'Flannol9, all wool, to bo cleared at J)Jd. 10»J. and Is Id yard, worth Iβ 2d, Is 3d, aud Is ud. ToneyolirTe f ADIKS , "Travelling Fo "t Hals, . ribbon 1 J edmmed, Sβ lid each, worth double. J. Sullantyne and Co. < TT\"LO".—AII the New Shapes in Winter 3_f Uletere at epocial sale prices at the IU.O. Special Uinter Sale. _^ X ATKINSON—For Cheap Boots. Cheap • Buote. iO3 Cosbel etreut, X, "ATKINSON—For Men't, Women's and t Children's Cnnvam 3iiou3, value ltd* Cashel etroeg.- ■ D" I.C.'iSpocial" Ulster Salo TtTday. « riH)MATOKB '• r Sauce or Jam. inqunntllion. J very cheap. At Cummina's, and Colombo streets. , „ _. WHARVKY, Dyer~and * has, for the convenience of hin numerous custom ore, Removed from Victoria street to Central Preniieo", Hob be' IJuUdiugg, Ottthedritl square. Katahltaliod ifflA. IF you have a Birthday ox a MarrlaKocoming aloug. lemember Cuuuntng for Fruic; h«» will treat you ilbor.vily. CiuninluK. t>o Choap Colombo D'tC.—RcofcrCoftte and l»riuroa» Cape c Ulster?, nil at speoiai salo prlcoa at the ju.1.0. Ulster Sale. __^_ OUR Second Delivery of Oolonlnl Bloukcfa ond Flannels is Now Opened. Please compare our value beCoro puichauint; tdnewhere._J3lack, Beattio ond Co. ; BKST Manuka Charcoal and Irons of all kinds. Aitkcn and Roberta. Ironmongers, corner Colombo and Cashel sweets opposite Banantynae. UMMEB UrcKoee, Suite, Curtains, &&, of every deecriptioo, cleaned or dyed aviS well flaiehed. with ooepalch, at motler»to prices, by J. Avrnlgec, Chrintchurch Dye Works 48 Oxford tcrraco West. iWf EQUITABLE DUILUINQ tSOOIII'Y See AinPßemont (?oiumti. Blaaketa.Jγ? We have now opened our wlutor supply oißteam-ahrunk Blank'*!a andFlrma;l3» which sr»ined for ua euch notoriety last; yetir. Toney* clilfe and Carey, ihc Ready Mottey Drapera. MUSIC— Cheap Music, in great variety.' 8P£ nX J c eye_ cn d 9_0.. 2w_HlKa atiecit. 613(1 WATCHES FOR and Son, WftU;hmakeje, Jowellor*, &c, havo a largo stock of Watcaea of every description at pricss within tha roach of an, from 16a 6d up u> £;.'5. a largo urock of Qockn. from 44 6d upwardi. Repairs a speciality. All work guaranteed. Note address—Nexc City Hotel, T.iaogle. 1337 HFUHRMANN'3 for Iron Bedateade j» from 3ft to aft, „,„.., ..r.^— #» •« WILL Obtaiii~Tw«!nty Pounds' WortH 3b& of Furnltnro, and ao on in proportion i>y the Cash or Hire By-ntem Tinjo Deferred Payment of Walters and Co., Upholder*), CaDin't Makers, House B'urnishora, «1, 43, AS, 47 Victoria etreet. Beautiful Goods, beet twata* rial and workmanship. Low prioee. marked in plain figure*. T«rm»~Oue quarter of the value down, balance by easyjnautlniottts. i&JI D' k jfc7^3K^Fle r Uiiittotti, «U aft RpeoiaTs«to I.SWKLLVRY SAbK-HavlnK benwht tho •F bankrupt etock of A. Black, watchmaker asd Jeweller, Aahburton, through th«? OiHclal Aseigave t for 10a in the Pound, conditlng ot wntch69, clocks and jewellery, we aro offering the same at less than half tho tieual price. Don't miss this chanco to e'«ouro barualus. Silver Knglioh lever watchoa 4Q* 10j, aalo prioa £3 lua; ladies gold watches Hi 103. sialo price &1 &a- Karl GrtosUabsr, mi High eltoetl opponito Trainßle.__ EQUITABLE BUILWNa~ JU "SOC3ISTX See Aruuuemout Oolojcbjq.

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Press, Volume L, Issue 8478, 9 May 1893, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 7 Press, Volume L, Issue 8478, 9 May 1893, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 7 Press, Volume L, Issue 8478, 9 May 1893, Page 1