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Magisteate's Court, Kaiapoi. — On Monday, at this Court, before H. \V. Bishop, Bsq., R.M., there was no public business to be disposed of. The Late Peemieb.—The St. Albans Council last night passed a motion of regret at the death of the late Hon. •J. Ballance and of condolence with Mrs Ballance in her bereavement. —The Secretary of the New Zealand Freethought Association, of which the late Mr Ballance was a Vice-President, yesterday received a letter from Mrs Ballance thanking the Association for their vote of condolence.

Tinwald Tkmpebanoe Socuty.— There was a large attendance at the Tinwald Gospel Temperance Society aod Band .of Hope held on the 3rd inst. The Rev. A. Blake presided, and gave an interesting address on temperance work. The Rev. TV Farlay also addressed the meeting. A tiumber of songs, readings and recitations were also given. The Canterbury Tramway Company.—A Conference.... takes .places at the' City Council Chambers on Thursday, 18th met., at 3 p.m., ot delegates from the various local bodies, to consider the advisableness of purchasing the Canterbury Tramways. The City Council will be represented by Crs. Anderson, Gray, Swaun and Wood. The St. AlbanU Borough Council has decided not to send any representatives. " The White Czae."—A lecture bearing this title is to be delivered in the East belt schoolroom, on Thursday evening, by the Eev. F. W. Isitt. . The rev, gentleman's ability as a lecturer is well known, and the lecture in question was spoken very highly of by those who heard it in Nelson. It may be noted ;that admission Iβ by ticket only, 6d each, to be obtained from the member! of the Mutual Improvement Society. Lectures at Annat.—On Wednesday and Thursday last the Rev. John Hosking lectured in the AzroatOrange Hall, Sheffield, to large audiences, on "The Bible and Science " and " The Bible the Religion of Protestants. ,, The lecture announced for Friday evening was postponed owing to the boisterous state of the weather. Mr Hosking received a pressing invitation to deliver a series of lectures, which he has accepted. Institute of JoußNAMsra—The Auckland branch of the New Zealand Institute of Journalists have resolved to recommend the Council of tb* Institute to take eteps to obtain a charter during l the Session of Parliament similar to that granted to the Institute of Journalists in Great Britain, the Government to be asked to make the Bill conferring the charter a Government measure. St. Johk Association.—-The monthly meeting of the Commitieo of the above Association was held yestecday afternoon at the City Council Chambers. Pre?f.ut~ M^ F ' B *% iv the ohair » Mesdamee Gibba, Kmsey, Hacoa, Louiasoe, Isard, Misses Pheney, Bowron, the Very Rev. the Dean, Mestre Jekyll and Barker. Apologies were received for the absence of Misa Steele, the Mayor of Chrietchurch and Mr Cfaae. Louiisson. On the motion of Mr Jekyll, eecacded, by the Verjr Boy. the Dean, Mr Chwe. toasMcm was elected Chairman of the Committee for the ensuing year. The Secretary reported two cases of invalid traaa. port. He also expjajaed that ho had accideniAlly omitted from the annual report the names of Dn. Miekle and Deireauh-Mearee, who should have been included in the list of those lecturers to whom a vote of thanks was uwdiEoc their services. A letter waa read frsa |sr. Mwkle, explaining as he was gowa away fee would be uaible to teke up hii lecturea o» First Aid thie year. The Secretary etated that Dr. Meares had very kindly consented to fill th« vacancy. Letterji were read from Sir Herbert C. Fcrrott aod the jjearetary 0 | toe Dueediii branch, wiiico jsad beeft attended to, The Secretary reported that the First Aid lectures would be eomEteseed la the evooinge or May 17th and in the aft«rsootw by Dn. Meares on May 19fch. The entries no far were gool, and there would be room foe & limited number of old members. The Committee passed a few accounts for payment and then adjourned. Stars amk Com mc,.. oracft wbixKNOjys, MASKS EFtfACINO.—Ot*r No, 7 Star ac £l& 10a Is good value. Twelve asonth* , etaarautc*. HPltedd with Un eoHd tyres. Easy payments. ADANCg, CtJKTies AXD Co., 70 Manchester stsettt Ohiietchurch—fADVT.} 13

Masonic—The monthly meeting of ,il'B St. Augustine Lodge, No. 4, N.Z.C., «SR be held thin evening at 7.30. lf§ Annivbhsaby Soibre.—The annivor*J|f soiree in connection with the Primitini Methodist Church, Cambtidgo terrace. »l¥ bo held this evening. ' *¥ Women's Institute--Elsewhere will h.l found the time table of the various claew!!' in connection with the above Institute '< Caledonian Society.—To-morrow oven I ing the tirst of β-seriwof weekly social* f J U the members of th* Caledonian Society *Z b their famtlie. *^**J£ t ss't fij rooms. It »a intended to keep these v* I during the winter, and eomo excellent pro-1 grammes have been arranged. p I RtFL* SHOOTINO—The fourth onn,n.ti i tion of the Amberley Rifle ffib?^ P fM President* Cup, given'by Mr G.d an I wood, waa held on Saturday. O w t« B »ft ®d weather being very unfavourable !c 5 ihi' # ing there were only seven competitor! Tkl conditions were .even shoU eooh at2t» 300 and 700 yards, and the following 2i the ecores:—J. BroVn (24) 93, W (scr) 80, I. Brownlee (20) 73, R. a IW* '■ Dr. Stuart's HuAi.Ta.-The cointnußU. as a whole, says the Otago Daily Timu «tft regret to learn that Br. Stuart i» .till •" weak health. He waa far from we«'u [£ latter part of last week, but occupied th« pulpit in Knox Church on Sunday ni ff i,i The reverend gentleman was obviotuly »„ i , well, however, and, though at th* bej&affi & of the service ho felt confident, ho 2 if l that he would be able to couduot it through* I out, he subsequently was compelled to I forego the delivory of a sermon, because *» he felt that he would have been unable to complete it. Tai Taptt.— The first ordinary meeting of the School Committee was hold on U%j Ist. Present—Messrs Ednuindion (Ch*ir. man), Herrick, Leathern, Walker, Peiyman and White. Mr Millar sent an apology. Mr Munnings wroto returning thanks for for vote recorded. The master's report contained a long list of absentees, and the Chairman was requested to write to patenti. Winter holidays were granted from the 20th to 29th lust. The Chairman was appointed § Secretary and Treasurer. Meeere Herrick and Walker were appointed a Visiting Committee for six months, with power to attend to defects pointed ont in master's report. After passing accounts amounting to £15s, the meeting adjourned. Asuburton Old Men's Homk Inmato. * —At the Ashburton Magistrates , Court Jesterday, before Messrs W. G. Rees and . W. Sawle, J.Pe., William Story, another of the inmates of the Old Men's Home, wai brought up on a charge. of having no lawful visible means of support. The Master of the Home gave oviuenco that Story wae a very troublesome inmate, and had frequently been guilty of petty larceny. 4 week ago he left the Homo of Ins own accord, taking with him anothor man's coat. The police said that since leaving the Home he had been loafing about, and was without means and without eupport. He could not be ro-ailmitted totboHome without a special order. The Bertoh held that the best courso to adopt would bo to commit Story to gaol for a month, and iv the meantime arrangements could bo made for his re-admission into the Home. ,

Government Peintino Office.—A good deal of interest (says the Wellington correspondent of the Otago Daily Times) is felt in the appointment to tho headship of this department. All sorts of rumours have been set afloat. It was rumoured that the position was offered to Mf G. Jooet, of Oamaru. The Hon. Mr Cadman (Minister for Justice) is in charge of the office at present. I understand the Government have been approached with a view to retain control in the hands of the existing staff. There are two sides to this department—the printing office and the store department. It is thought that no change will be made ior the present. It is considered probable that the composing and printing side will be separated from the store side, and that each will be placed under the charge of one of the chief officers of tho existing staff. A "Government printer" may be appointed later on.

Ashburton Caledonian Sochetjt. <—Af> the annual meeting of the A shlntrkm Caledonian Society, held in Mr J. Tucker's o&cs on Saturday evening, a report wai iHtf showing ft small debit balance of H» g& . The sum of £100 had been pfcid away (a prizes at the annual gathering, in addition to a number of special prizes. A high compliment was paid to Messrs A. McKenssie, A, McKay, ana Broadley for the aucceßeful work they had done in connection witll th« dancing classes carried on during but* winter. It was recommended that thy classes be resumed during tlio ensuing winter. A strong appeal wos made to ft? members to do their best to further the in terests of the Society. Officers were olected as follows:—Directors, Meeers A. McKenzin W. Oraighead, T. Sealey, J. Cochrane, J. Corbitt, J. Jamieson, junr., \V. Atidereon, C. Reid, J. Tucker, J. Scaly, G. Robertson, and B. Jones; Secretary, C. Beid; Treu« surer, W. Anderson; Auditors, Messrs Shury and Minuis; Pipers, Messrs A. McKay and O. Robertson. A President and Vice-President were also elected, and the Secretary was also instructed to writer asking their acceptance of the position. Export of Pork Acoordirig So th« Wellington correspondent of the Otago Daily Times the promoter of the new enter* prise mentioned in a late Press Association telegram is Mr Veitch, the reprdeentative of the Intra-Marine Supply Company, which undertakes the supply of most of the European ports and to the Admiralties of various countries. The snpply sometimes runs short. The Company have ,aucoo?»----fully established this trade in eomg of the maritime couutriea of Europe, such as Holland and North Germany. Experiments with skim milk-fed pigs have beea going on for some time at waitau. Pigs fed in this way, and' afterwards upon " eh&rps," sure eaid to bo exactly «nt table for tho proposed trade. A carcase h«w been sent Home and* approved of according to tho latest advice. It is said the Company will expend between £50,000 end £70,000 in the erection of factories in various parW of New Zealand.

South Rakaia Wobkino Men's Monk? Club.—An adjourned general meeting of this Club for the reception of tbt repsrfc and balance-sheet was held on B»tur3*y» The President, Mr John Stevenson, w&» In the chair. The Secrotary read the report and balance-sheet, which were considered very satisfactory and adopted. A dividend at the rate of 10 per cent, per anmun w*» declared, and the sum of £3 4s 5d carried to a reserve fund. The Club have taken over'the building, and guarantees 5 per cant. interest to the shareholders. It was arranged to take steps to oarry on the meetings of the Mutual Improvement Society,..and «1» J° form a Draughts, Cbesa and Whist Club. The following officers were appointed :—Mr John Stevenson, President; Mr W. Ke'mbw, Vice-President; Mr W. Cromio, Treasure* J Mr R. J. Gee, Secretary; Messrs F. Windsor, W. Pycroft, G. Clark, C. Shaanon, F. Saunder* and J. Iran ■ were •hew* a Committee for the ensuing year. A Committee was appointed to revile tRi SHiiea and report to an adjourned general meetingFootbaia.—At a meeting of tii* Committee of the Ashburton Football Clab oa Saturday, ib was deoided to play ths ift&toh with Tiniaru on May 24th, and it waa ft"" , decided to invite the Chriatcharch oe*m to come down on that date. The following ■were picked to play against Tlmara* — Full-back, H. Stewart; threequjurttn, Matson, Purchase, Curtis; halve*, KttifiM m& lavery j forwarde, Clark, Sootfc, Hefford, Page, J. Lewie, L. Price. A. Orr, Canter and Priohard.—The first match of the season at Dunaandel was played bet*e*n the local Club and Rafeaia on Saturday, *a* resulted in a win for the visitors by Jo points to nothing. The ground was web aad slippery owing to the raio, .w»d *« c home team wore out of form. After the match a lunch was provided in the library.

Am. <1 enoHft tickets is»ued by the Bo**! GteOBGK Company, L.IMXTBO, are end can be used up to fceptembtttf S)* , " , A» the etudio and workrooms **<& ®?5 under the peritonei nmnaftetnenfc of Mr Binks, the delay which fc&a lately hem experienced Iα the delivery of er&sra will soou disappear, end every eablnufc f9w ppal will be in«pecfcea before de!lv»rjM« that aoae but the most artistically Saiwjp photos will be allowed to leave the atu^ o * Mes9»s Wbiggusjwobth and Wf 1 ? %vill shortly open a Htudio in Cfcrl*** church tor tbe production of their patented mate opaltypes. which «<*J c cheated euch & furon among faefetes** 10 circle* Jn Wellineton,—lAdvt.] ..... 3oe BTANDIBH and Prkecb's tew™™!PUtinefctes, also PhotogrAphH of the Ban »«« Csoonfcee« <»f Glasgow. Vestibule, SW Hish street.—, Advt.J

AtSTRAMA* ** EWS -—^ e «°spension of Dje National Bank of Australasia, the pro!j!Lation of five days' Bank holiday by the ■rietorian Government, the opinions of pro--jaeet men on the situation, and many of . exciting incidents in connection with \\ jecent financial panic in Australia are jjy dealt with by our special Melbourne in another colnmn. Hβ also an interesting account of a great SgJlery robbery, the arrest of the thieves 'Treeovery of the jewels. VouncAi-— Mr Blake, M.H.R. fop Avon, the electors at the Papanui KJruHftll this evening. A anjgsHAM Chess α-vd Draughts Club. |Lfirst annual general meeting of this riteb will be held in the room, Colombo road, 2Wt*daynext,atß Chbtsasthemcm Show. — The annual jXmathemum and fruit show in connecSfwith the Christchurch Horticultural Society will be held in the Oddfellows' adl on Thursday and Friday next. , p c> . cslJ ; E ixo Entertainment.—A very •mkme entertainment, comprising PunchifjiL moving waxworks, tableaux, 4c., inwith action eongs, will be SSthis evening in the Social Han of the fjSSents of Truth, opposite the Temple in at the Oddfc£k>«*' Hall, an entertainment comprising JSI items, instrumental selections T»y the gSh When and a farce and a comediette, S be given in aid of the funds of the for the Prevention of Cfuelty to the Mteglgg. tr*te* Ctmrt on Saturday, Mr Beetham, SS, gave judgment in an affiliation caseation v Jirga«b-*eard on May 3rd. The defendant was oraered w> pay 10s per •week &r Ihe usual period, and to find, two eneties in £50 each for compliance with the order. Mr Donnelly was for plaintiff, uv Hoban for the defendant. (jiSH Amateur Bicycle Club.—A smoke Mggeft was held in the rooms of this Club evening to welcome the return of the (Wain, Mr Chris. Wilson. There was a £jga attendance of members, and a plea- * t evening was spent. The first road jaee of the Club will be held on Queen's Birthday at 10 a.m., the route being to pitbWeton and back. Dramatic Performance. —At the Lyceum to-mght the Standard Dramatic Company viJl give a performance of "The Rightful Heir" and "My Brother-in-Law." The ticket* have sold rapidly, and it is anticipated there will be a large audience. An ewfaestra, under the leadership of Mr C. Jjfinz, will play the incidental music. Baud of Hope.—The first of a series of monthly entertainments in connection with St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church Band of Hope took plaoe last night, and, as visual with these evenings, a large audience assembled, the Rev. Gordon Webster taking the chair. Recitations were given by Masters Creig (2L Grawley, and Misses Geddes (2). Virions items were also given by Messrs Ensxley, Renshaw, G. Webster and Misses CMtiek, Kelly, Campbell and Webster. Creditors' Mebtikgs.—The adjourned meetings in the estates of Messrs T. W. JJmde,G. Harper, and L. Harper took place •eterday. In the first-named Mr Wilding Rftd a very lengthy report upon the matter of the shares of the Lyltelton Times Company, which will be found elsewhere. The qpMtieaoi the disposal of the furniture oi Mr T. W. Maude was discussed at some length, and a motion to adjourn until Septiaber Bth was negatived. In the other flgtate* the Official Assignee had simply nothing to report. A report of the meeting jraan elsewhere. Obdes of Rechabites. —The fortnightly me&ag of the Pride of Christchurch Tent, Jf0.26,L0.R., was held in the V.M.C.A; rooms on Monday evening, Bro. F. Robson, Q.R., presiding. Visiting brethren were present from Sydney and Melbourne. The toaace-sheet and Auditors' report for the girt quarter was presented and adopted, fee total receipts in the Sick and Funeral find now amount to £683 17s 9d, being a Mi gam of over £30 for the quarter. The Sim of £2 was voted to a brother in dietSMil Sundry accounts were passed for payment, and the Tent was closed by tfcH&R. fss Gaeetx , CosiPAiiY.—A Wellington eeriwpondent telegraphs: — "The public have been most enthusiastic in their recogthe abilities of the Company and mounting by Messrs Williamson and Musgrove. Messrs Lonnen and Ooartneidgo, and Misses Conyers, Lethbridge and Jjeaman have become great public favourites, and several recalls are insisted os each njgat. The Governor and Countess of Glasgow, with a large party from Government House, have been frequent visitors to tfes theatre, and the leading members of the Company,with Mr H. Musgrove, were the goeata of the vice-regal party last night. 41 Carmen up to Date" was presented tofclght to another bumper audience. ,, r&ESEsrATioy.—On Friday evening the members of the East) Belt Wesleyan choir, toother with the Trustees of the church, Mietabled in the adjoining schoolroom for tie purpose of presenting Mr F. Dewsbury, tWa kte choir master, with a handsQme toiTellißg clock. The presentation was aade on behalf of the choir by Miss Danks, vlffi thanked him for the manner in which be h&d «h!y filled the position of choir Easier, md for the keen interest he had Uiea is Use welfare of the choir during the pes* tirte years. Messrs J. T. Smith and Shark, on behalf of the Trustees and Suntdbol, also spoke in similar terms. *«c meeting then took the form of a social, *tea refreshments were kindly supplied by taelady members of the choir, after which spread items were given by members and

PbJCLAR Concerts.—The management oa» wicceeded in re-engaging the services of t&a principal soloists of laat Thursday's concert. The Truda brothers are to make &er hat appearance here next Thursday in quite sew selections. In addition to filling «p tie long wait from 7.30 to 8.15 p.m. with toslr beautiful music, they are to give flute **4 harp solos. Miss Johnson is to eing *w> *mgs, while Mr Fred. Woodhouse will «a« *' The Blue Alsatian Mountains " and "The Maid of the MUL" Mr Walter «**«*ta, who has lately arrived from Lon- *■*»!&» he his been singing at the will make his debut in Qsstehnrch on Thursday night. As all *«*» entrances are to be opened in future ***** will not be the- usual crushing, and «• a&aagement look forward to another esaper house. ut WjtiTHiß.r—A most welcome change ««* place in the weather in the ChriatS™f™, district on Sunday, when for the am time for three weeks a whole day's was experienced. A warm breeze «»»* and the middle of the day was very ■esjaer-like. A great many people appeared w wte Advantage of the unwonted fineness «t theday, and pedestrians were to be met roads leading out of town. f «w«g nsc'-wester sprang up early yesterJ»y mornicg and blew with considerable **»forw drying up the muddy *■«*• Ice wind chopped round to the «•« during the morning and blew steadily j*"**' ertnnjg, there being every promise ™B-Q3t at night.—The weather at Ashwrites our correspondent, cleared on jJ**K»y Wgto, there was a slight frost g*™jros morning, and the sun shone out on j~~**y- There was a change again yester-south-west showers falling *jZ?S *c morning. The sky cleared again *Zrß the afternoon, with indications of j"***tting in a t night. There was a Fridt m tne Asbburton river on na *J» end again on Sunday.

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Press, Volume L, Issue 8478, 9 May 1893, Page 4

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NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume L, Issue 8478, 9 May 1893, Page 4

NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume L, Issue 8478, 9 May 1893, Page 4