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Licensing Notices. WAI PARA LICENSING DISTRI^ NOTICB! is hereby «iven that in persr,.... I of tho Lleonelnu Act, 1881, AmuSS* t Aot, 1882. the QUAUTBItLV lAnnmM) MkS» ING of the WAIPARA MITTKK will bo held In tho }>**• Board OlHco. Wftikarl. on SATURDAY jS»* the 10th. at tho hour of Noon, for the pu3> of Considering any Applications made 3» the said Acts of which due notloe ilujgj been ci^ n MACKK3Y PEMBKUTON, * Waikarl, Apr^2Bth^«.^_^ O ' nujl^ [t Acie, the Q&AKTICULY (ANNUAL) W$ » ING of tho LIChNdINc,} COMMITrKfT , - the MANDKVILLK and KANUIORaVj ;\, TRICTwiU be hold ut iho Hculdont aQ* 5 trHto'a Courthouse Rinsjiora.oiiFKlD.Vy !* 2ND DAY of JUNE. 1303. at noon. for a! ! purpose of considering all applications »».&£. I the said . Clerk to the Committ*. ' __April29ch,lS!)3. j HEATHCOTE LICENSING DISTRICT; ' NOTICE is hereby givon. In pursuant* : thn providioua of iho Licensioß and the Acta amending tho eamo, ihutiT , QUAUTBHLx" , (Annu.l) MRRTINQ of ff 1 Licensing oommittkh tav the : & district will bo hold in the Ofllce of tho iffij ; coio Hoftd Board, Forry roiul, on FRIDAY ,i 9th doy of J UNK, 1893. at Noon, for tho pu3 f, of Considering auy AppllowtionH uiado utS v tho anid Acts, of which duo notico bWi ff* f been given. w T> c MILLg •* | Clork io Corataittta t: letjtty. 1808. —JJfc »cm«"bV F4 ppup^TWN s for TRANI ? WHITTINGTON. of Oho*. - Uctolkeeper. being tho holder of «|^ lican'e Liconee iv respect of the house m . nrcmieessituate at Olioka. and known"*,? Junction Hotol. dc horuby giro notice ib,?? ' desiro to obtain and will, ut) tho noxt * Mi-oting to bo bolden «l phok.i, on the i^s2 of Junn next, APPLY tar, a TKANaWj tho said Llconee irom myaolf to WiLLl'.B HOUUHTON OLAHBIIIIN. my appffi ll Dated tho lOth day of Mm oh, 181*3. **" JA M Ed W HITTISQTOV IiOUGHRKY AND LANE, . • ao)lclu>.B, Chritttohurch. j^. I WILLIAM HOUGHTON CLABBUS» 9 of Ohoko, Llconsud Viotualler.doffi give notice that I deairo to obtain, and »18., the next Lioem-lne MeoiJnrf to be vowS« Ohoka on rho let day of Juno, 1883. AmY i for. a Cerlifloato auLhorisiutr Uie iß.n a «n PUBLICAN' 3 LICENSE for a lionsiug l nt Ohoka, nnd known «» ilio JunctionUotrf ; contaiuinor twelve rooma. exclusive of ffl required for tho uao of iho fuiuily,-i)at»| ! ISt Xio'UGIiTON CLABBORK ' LOUOHRKY AND L.VNK. , w, ; Solioituve, . jyi i NOTICE J--IJOHN GREGORY H A KRIB. of Rkesttei \ 4 do hereby give noiico ihut I ivtm^ obtain, and will at tho ucxr, LiconslngMtetlsir if to be liolami at Christchurch. on tho 'M dJ U of Juno, 1803. APPLY tor, a Ct-nlUcaioauSi* ri,iug tlie issue of a PUHLICANB LlOKNat for a houeo uituate at Ricourton, known »c the Kiocarton Hotel, containing eighteen faomj. ' exelnaive of thoao required for iho mc ol ih* !! family.—Dated tho 2n<i duy M»>. 1893. ! 3117 JOHN QKICGUItYJUCBML ! NOTICB OP APPLICATION FOrTAH* ACCOMMODATION UCKNSa; I HANNAH PHILLIPS, of Tipapa, yt\fow I • dj hereby give Notico that I Mh s -» obtain, nnd will at tho next Llconsing to be holdou at Wuikari on iho I l * liduy6fJtiß& 1893, APPLY for a OKKTIPIUATIUaWiIui the issue ot an AccommodMiou Liestiion hou»o i-ituato ut '.'ipupa, oonui<ii«g wvea rooms, exclusive of those rcqutivu fotthew? of the family. Dated the lib. day of May, 1803. IIANN.-vKPHItUEfI ACTON-ADAMB AND KIPPIcNBSJtQGH, aoJicitoia for Appltcaut. jyj NOTICE QF APPLIOA'IION POIIPUaLIC AN'B LICKNaB. I CHARLES TJUR'ION", of aiiietefeßfah, a Lic&nsod Viciu iller, d<) Jictobjr give notice that I docl<'o r,o obtain, titi'd ttillttthe ! next Hconßiiiy; Meutlng to ba hold'iri tarho City Council Cuainhcrs, Clirletohnreb. im the sovonih day of Juno next. Ah'LY tor ft uorriiU:uto uutlioiising the ot rv PUBLICAN'S LIOifiNSK for i\ lioueo hlamto as Ho e'ord atrceh, Christclnrch. aud known >• tho Occidental Hoo-1, ouiicuiniug twoiuy-fonc rooms, exclusive of i boss required for tuu use ,©f tho family.—Dated theSili <my of Mftv, m^ QHAKLIiia BURTON. LouarißEY and Lank, aolicitars, _JSIS HEATHCOTK LICttKSING DISTIHGT. NOTICR OF APPLICATION FOR A PUBLIOAN'3 LICIfiNSIS. lIGEORGE BUTLKIUof ilalßWfill.PuUiesa, 9 do hereby BlVe no:lco ihut I (le*ire ta obtain, and will at tho ntxt Llo iwlng Me»»J»e to bo holdun at Hcntht ot« Hoad Bwtl Oitlte on the 9th day of June, 1893, «t i\o\>n, AWLx for a Cortlflcalo authorieiuß thu i«ttaoU PUBLICAN'S LIOKNriB for ft houso t& to»td at Halßwd), und known ua tho Junctwu UoMi, cbntnlninK twelve rooma, oxoUmvo « t|w» required for the uso of the fniiUly. Datea the 6th duy of May, H?'J3. GBOUGK BOTMt James A. Cassidy. Solicitor, 3591 Qhrlstoh»rch. ~ ■, KOTIOE OF.jSSSjlffiJ?" A "» I WILLIAM ASMTON GRAHAM, jt • Kal-pol, «o hereby klvo n"'i«° W* » j desire to obtain, and will atihe MXt Ufl«ita| j Mectinu:. to b iiolden at. K-tliooi on tlw 6m ,i day of June, im. APPLY for, a certtt»» * anthorihiug the isauo of a POHWtAJi* i LICKNBrt for Iho houso knowa Mi i|* K.Hikainul Hotot, situate ut- Jβ" 0 ! SmS , road nutl Peraki Btreet, oonti»»nl;ig *« exclusive of thoee required for thvuiootVW g'& too.M;y. .m m^!L noiioe Vjgn&p&ff* "*» ICATHEUINIC YOUN-α, ttow GBAniU , ot Kulaiioi. MotolltfccpiT, bautfino huUW of a tranefor of tho Pablioan , * reepeot of tho house and prtnihoa "";0« u *r .hoKaikatuuiHotul. <lo hurvby an-o n«lo«iMt 1 deairo looutuin. and will ut IiioiKXtWUU. ing Moetlutr. to bo uolaen at Ku !;?' ! i Tuesday, June 6th, 181)3. imply « OP »|YJ|Vi FEH of tb« said LlClCNtflfi to WILWA* ASHTuN fiiamll, my»ppoin c«. at Kalnpcl Funeral Nonces, immiMMMin -"^m«iiWßWnitlWlTT' l «''lWli'W' iimff '* rpHK Friende of the Iftte Mr i are respectfully invito.l to »•»»«** Funeral, which will ltJftve hU laio J°* l .« Kast:rbrook road. Sonthbrook. en *«•**••• 2 urn., for the Church of Kuelud Ui&«Wh Itang.ora. pBLTOS , UndorUkor. FUNEEAL 'iiBFOBM. G. BAiTBBLIi, COMPLETEFI/HNISHINaUNUKaTAKSnAdult Chanf("7with fho Hew COMBINED UKAitSK AMU UOAC& From £310e Ouinyiow. CIUPKRIOR PoltobedTnd other Coffln* *W* »C 5 i"etockfor urneur ooimcry otll Vi!, ir .I9Z ITade eupplied wlon Hearee c' M' , Coachue. T«ieuram«iiuiiucdlawtt *iV MW VSS Addrtßß—Corner Duriuuu a»<l S1 - A " etroete. Telephone SSI, %aMtlMol * m &&i>&®®*°' R. W e Waltbrs akd Cα FUNERALS r'UIINISHKO in ToW Country on the »horus«t notion, %. lowees ratee. PoiUfaed Co3li» iB iv,,,,w Kauri. • Please Note tho Addr<w»- e f 4 3 VICTORIA dT « » * Piivato Ke»»denoe, ill KiljnOfO «»« I'cictpQooe No. *•■*■ W. LANGFOKD, FURNISHING UNDKRTAKH-β Of the Oldeat Firm in New Zeaiaa'! i. EIUBNWHKd FUaISKALS at tWJ LoWfc»» Special arraneomonta mftdawitb poreoo* limited menus. nP nt t « n tloa. Country Oidors receive prompt atwauQ* Pioaso Note the Address - . Workehope, cornor North e« d £if,;S Office. 133 Colombo etraau __JJ^^w» H. SCRIMSHAW UNDERTAKER. .„.,,,- Oldest Ketabliehed Firm Adulta'Funorate frofti f3 10a uAltoo** Telephono—No. **?. ™-~ McCL^^nd- i Ca^Bwg ;, SSS VV". Clothfna. 2S* 6d, ueu.a price 37e fid. a»«l f * J£; price fea 6d; boys'. ««"» fs 1W " _« Vulao in Chriittohiirch.■ ...^^^^^^gr^gS^'

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Press, Volume L, Issue 8477, 8 May 1893, Page 8

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Page 8 Advertisements Column 7 Press, Volume L, Issue 8477, 8 May 1893, Page 8

Page 8 Advertisements Column 7 Press, Volume L, Issue 8477, 8 May 1893, Page 8