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CimisTcnimcii R.M. Court.—At this Court on Saturday, before Mr R. Beethunt, R.M.. a firdt offender for drunkenness Wβ! fined 10s. There was no othor business.

Bobbery at Kaiai*oi. — During the . temporary absence of Mr Moon, tobucoonist, t from his shop on Thursday some one entered the shop and stole sonio change from the , money drawer and some sticks of tobacoo. ', Import of Coal. —Messrs G. McClatuhil and Co. have arranged for the opening of ft '■ Port offico on Norwich quay, to meet the . convenience of their numerous clients.

INDUSTRIAL BUILDING SoOIKTiT.—At * meeting of No. 2 Industrial Building . Society on Thursday last tho thirty-tint appropriation of £300 was made by ballot. The appropriation was obtaiued by share No. 205.

Dramatic Performance.—The Standard Dramatic Company will inaugurate a neriM of mouthly dramatio performances on Tuqi- . day next at the Lyceum, when they will, appear in "The Rightful Heir "and "My , Brother-in-Law." The oompauy has given several performances in the country dti* tricts.

Band Art Union.—A meeting of the Art Union Committee was held on S»tur» day evening. Mr McLean occupied thf - chair. A tender was accepted for th« ,- printing of tickets, and prices were aleo ' received for the supply of prizes. The Coinuiitteo having dealt with a good deal of routine business, the meeting adjourned. Concert Company.—ln emulation ol the successful Thursday Pops we are now : * promised a Monday Pop. Tho programme I includes the names 01 Miss North, Miss Lucy North, Messre C. C. Buiiz, A. A. North, J. B. North, and H. Poore, together with the Garrison Band. Tho location chosen is the Oddfellows' Hall, and the date fixed for the opening concert is May 16th. New Zμaland Cheese in the Glasgow Market.—The Stratford correspondent of the Taranaki Herald writes :—" The ( Cardiff Co-operative Cheese Company coa« tinuea to recoive excellent reports of its cheese in the Glasgow market. The output for the season will be about 100 tons, and will net the suppliers 4d per gallon for their milk. A few yeara of this sort of . and our dairy farmers will bo plutocrats."

Savage Club.—The Savages of Christ, church—who have a festive time—hold their usual corroborree at the Chamber of Cora*

mcrce Hall to-night. At eight o'clock punctually the mace of the Club, in itielf an aboriginal relic of great natural beauty, will be borno solemnly in to the strains of what has been facetiously termed a " A Lode; ,,

The korero portion of tho programme will be exceptionally good, and our Savagej, > * friends have promise of a very excellent evening. One good rule of the Club, is rigedly enforced, is early closing.

Thursday Popular Congests. —So attract , live was the programme of last Tnurecfoy / evening's popular concert at tho Tuarn street Hall, that the management have decided to re-engage all those taking part in it for the one coming on Thursday next. In addition to these several other attractions have

beeu secured, and no doubt there will be, as usual, a very large audience.

Freethougiit Leoturks. — Yeslerde,y afternoon the Lyceum was well filled, when Mr W. W. Collins delivered a lectugt in reply to the Christian Evidence lecture of the previous Sunday. In the evening tile Lyceum was again full, when Mr Collins took for his subject ♦* The. Civilisation of Religion and the Religion of Civilisation," Sunday Lecture. —Tho Hall was well filled yesterday aflenjocjn, v when the Rev. H. C. M. Watnon leottHflia on "One of the most certain faotfe'eg , hietory." Mr W. L Ballinger prefldftj. The rev. gentleman spoke for over an hour, and gave an interesting address o<* the historical evidence of the resurrection, ' During the course of his remarks he w*a frequently applauded, and at the Jlot*:< questions were answered.

Fiax in Paprr-makino.—Referring to, the experiment* which the Agent-GowK*} has had made through Meusts Cowao, the well-known paper merchants and munufac. turers, as to the suitability of photmhttn tenax tow for paper-making, the Wellington Pott says:—" The first experiments showed that though the result was favourable v regards strength, it was found impossible t« bleach it sufficiently to secure a proaW white enough to make a good white pstap These preliminary experiments were intfi at the mills of Messrs Cross and Be*W* The result pointed to its suitability, fol the manufacture of papers of a special itiftA where strength and toughness are such as cap papers, high-class wrftrtjtgl papers, and papers required to quantity of pigment, Mr Charles AfoJ,*. son, as a famous manufacturer °f v w»fc papers, was then asked to nssiet, conjunction with several other m&kftijfLt note, conducted further experiments, direction which the first results seem« 4. ±r indicate. The final result was not factory as was hoped, the fibre having bJI expected by the experts to yield a W&L&JI and stronger paper than it duced. It was found that the reealjJl-V paper was specky, and had not strength looked for. The manufa&ut»2 thought, however, that with and better knowledge of what to them a new fibre, better results i&yiu be shown, but the fibre would reaaS. to be obtainable in England at a V6 tylfoSt price—Messrs Cowuu's representative p*?f! against juto, which is averaging from £4 '"Z* £5 per ton. If the results anticipated J* consequouce of the original laboratory had been realised the tow might hay« iJ*? worth from £8 to jJIO per toll. The fttcturera were willing to conduct firth** tests, but aa they found the quantity ej:* sent too small for exhaustive ■ • they consider that. sto 10 tons of |j»! bo required for the purpose." v

Chaik£.E3B.—The Star Beared la op to data. Pitted wttn p»ei|S£2l tyree. Imtaodiate delivery. payments. Adams, Cuktiks, Ama q!? Chris tchureh.—TAdvt.3 |j*»

Globe Goldmikixg Company, Limited.— The manager of this Company telegraphed jlr Janies fienderson, Hereford street, the return for the past week as follows, viz., J6ooz of from 160 tons. New Auctioneer at Raxgiora.—Mr W. F- Joynt has decided on mounting the rostrum, and will hold sales in connection irith Mr A. P. Tutton's business at Rangiora. After making his first bow ou Tuesday last Mr Joynt proved himself an eligible candidate for public favour. Mcddy SfREEis at Kaiapol—After a fortnight's rain the main streets here having become very muddy the Council have had the s*rae well scraped, but the tradesmen complain that the scrapings are left an unreasonable time in front of their business premises. Reading-room for Ambeblev.—A deputation waited ou the Town Board at their meeting en Thursday to ask if the Board could see their way to granting the use of the Board's large meeting room as a public readiup-room. The depute!ion were asked to put their request in writing. A public meeting is to be called to consider the matter.

KAuroi Rifles.—At an inspection parade of this Company on Friday evening there were fifty-eight present, including all the officer*. After two hours , steady drill a general meeting was held in the orderly room, at which it was decided that a bazaar tor the joint benefit of the Cadets' uniform fund and for the erection of a gymnasium Dβ held. The Bazaar Committee was requested to meet on Tuesday evening. It jras decided to enter one or two teams at ;he military display on the evening of the Queen's Birthday. Ashbtbtos Co-operative Society.—At a general meeting of the Ashburton Working Men's Co-operative Society, Mr T. M. Jones {the President) in the chair, the balance-sheet presented showed an increase of £70 10s in sales over the previous quarter. It was tkci<JeJ to pay a bonus of 5 per cent, on the capital, 6d in the £ en members' purchases, 6d in the £ on wages, and to fcdd £2 to the reserve fund, and £5 15s 7d towards the depreciation of fixed stock. Officers were elected as follows:—President, Mr F. N. .Schneider; Vice-President, Mr J. B- ilayuard ; {Secretary, Mr W. Mcßae ; Treasurer, Mr A. C. Hardy; Auditor, Mr A. H. Fielu; Committee, Messrs Muir, T. Scott, an«l taterson.

Asii burton Fire Police.—A meeting of the Asliburton Fire Police and Salvage Corps was held in Mr C. Braddell's office on Friday evening, Mr T. E. Kilworth presiding. The rules of the Dunedin Salvage Corps were read, and Captain A. Fooks, of the Ashburton Fire Brigade, said "he had been in communication with other Brigades tritb the view to obtaining information as to the working of Fire Police and Salvage Corps. A number of gentlemen signified their intention of becoming members, and a Committee was appointed to draft by-laws to be submitted at the next meeting. Thxatrical. —Mr J. J. Kennedy and Company are passing through Christchurch to-day en route for Ashburton. The wellknown and well - worn " Shaughraun " fetched the Kaiapogians on Saturday night to the extent of a record house, and the Company goes forth to conquer at the Oddfellows' Hall, Ashburton, to-night, in a drama with the extremely suggestive title of " Current Cash." The Company is spoken of as a very clever all-round one, •ltd all Mr Kennedy's friends in Christchurch will wish him success in his venture.

Methven Presbyterian Church.—A aoiree in aid of the funds of the Presbyterian Church was held in the schoolroom, Methven, on Tuesday last. Tables were provided by Mesdamss Cameron, Springfield, Henderson, Anderson, and McLean, and the bachelors , presided over by Misses Anderson and GilL The Lauriston choir gave a number of selections, and a number of solos were given by Misses Anderson, Hibbs, Gill, and Shann, and Messrs Lyne And Walker; addresses were given, by the Ueve. Riddle and Rapley; the Rev. Westbrook presided. There was large ftcdiecoe, and the financial results were very mtisf&ctory. •

KxicHTS of Labour. —. The Rawhiti Assembly held its -weekly session on Wednesday ; the Master Workman presiding. Correspondence was received—From the Bon. the Minister for Lands Department, re the public lands for disposal. From .the Boa. the Minister for Labour, and from 44 Shorter Hours," re labour questions. The Master Workman informed the Assembly that he had forwarded a telegram of condolence to Mrs Ballance on behalf of the Order here in Canterbury. A letter of thanks was ordered to be sent to Mr Bareett, for his very interesting and instructive address on the Lake Ellesmere drainage scheme. A deal of discussion •rose re the amount of land available. Beoommendr.tions were received and approved from the Parliamentary Committee <a Twious subjects. It was resolved that Steps be taken in the direction of erecting •erne memorial to the late Premier, and the details wera left to the various Assemblies.

Br. Savkjcb's. TjeanrKA. — The annual pariah festival in connection with this church was commented on Friday. In addition to a bazaar and sale of work numerous attractions were proTided in the shape of tableaux vivants, lire Jarley's waxworks, songs, a shooting fpftejt and a display of electrical aopli- *«*■. sßie grounds of the drillshed, where tee festival was held, were lighted" by •fcetrieity with an arc lamp of 10W) candlepower and the buildings with two lamps of 800 wndle-power and a number of sixteen CBtdle-pgwer. Electricity \ras supplied fcese two dynamos driven by Mr C. Batetraction engine, the installation being aader the supervision of Mr J. T. M. Haj'nerek A pleasing spectacle was the Maypole dtnee, in which a number of children, twined by the Rev. Mr Butterfield, took fttts The tableaux, waxworks and groups •f: statuary were also well carried out. TJ» stallholders were Mesdames Havhurat, AtliwcH, Phillips, Gillam, Pilbrow, Gaze, A*pi&all and Pinckney and Misses Cox, Nurtee, Lβ Cren and Pilbrow. Mr West aad a, stand for ferns, Mr Levens a shooting gattery, and Miss Timson a bran pie. The «va. Gillam and Butterfield, assisted by ■MBibers of the Vestry and volunteers, vdrked hard to ensure the sueijess of the fathering, and although the weather was eepjorable the attendance, especially in the **eaiog, was very good.

Little River.—At the monthly meeting of the School Committee the members pre*ent were Messrs G. T. Sefton (Chairman), «{. Haughie, T. Radford, W. Forrester, H. *3wHnaa, and John Wright. It was resolved ~*That the schools be closed after the inspectors' examination, and re-open on the loth of Hay; to expend about £12 for prizes for tte main school and about £5 for prizes for -«»aide school; that ihe school treats be held later on; that Mesdames H. White, H. D. Buchanan, and Miss A. Bach&nan be asked to judge the school children's needlework ; and that the Hon. W. Montgomery be asked to distribute the school prizes. The Chairman was requested to arrange a day for the prize distribution.—A social and entertainment was given at the main school an Wednesday evening by the Wairewa Boating Club, and, considering the inclemency of the weather, the attendance was good. Souga and musical selections Were given by Mrs Wright, Misses A. Buchanan, S. Moody, and J. E. Morrow. Mr Hayneld contributed moat of the dance emtic, and Mr Jos. Reynolds acted as M.C. Refreshments were provided, and during the evening Mr Coop presented some trophies to the successful competitors of the «£ab.—Heavy rain fell on Wednesday evening, and continued during the night. Some of the Terawera tramway bridges were swept away, and several land slips are to be *een on the Okute Valley summit road.

A-ix deposit tickets issued by the Eden George Company, are extended •nd can be used up to September 30th. A* the studio and workrooms are now ender the personal management of Mr BtNJss, the delay which has lately been experienced in the delivery of orders will aooa disappear, and every cabinet and opal will be inspected before delivery so What none bat the most artistically finished photos will be allowed to leave the studio. «J*SB3 WbigguswoßTH AND BtNNS will ahortly open a studio in Christchorch for the production of their J*****™ ™* fc t opaltypea. which hare S£i« -* trore among fashionable circles in Wellington.—iAb-vt.] See Stakdish and Pbeecb's beautifol Platinett«s, also Photographs of the Earl «id CountesH of Glasgow. Vestibule, 218 Hfeh street.— Adyt.J Ikgram Enemas and Fountain Syringes at reduced prices, hot-water bags, muscle rollers for massage. "Health," The New Method, by Dr. Forest, a wonderful book. Sole agents for Dr. Schnesler*s cell Raits and books. Health Supplies Co. 179 Colombo atreet,—[Ajjvt.J

Frozen Chrtsaotkrmums.—The s.s. Rangatira brings with her a collection of prize chrysanthemums for exhibition at Wellington. This is done in response to an exhibition of frozen blooms from Wellington lately shown in London. Police at Raxgiora. — Attention baa been called to the want of a second constable at Rangiora ou Tuesdays—market day—and the matter has been brought before the Borough Council. Railway Excursion*.—Elsewhere will be found the particulars of a special excursion for the Circus to be run ou the Northern and Oxford lines on May 11th. The Art Gallery.—The very successful season of the Arc Exhibition came to a close ou Saturday evening, when there was a large attendance of visitors. The Truda Brothers played a number of selections most artistically, and their music was greatly enjoyed by all present. A Lady Commercial Traveller.—The army of commercial travellers in Now Zealand" numbers a new recruit in the shape of a lady, who is now in Tiuiaru. The Herald states that she is doing good business as the representative of a Home firm of manufacturing chemists, and she " very evidently knows how to do it."

Entertainment.—On Friday evening the Trafalgar Lodge, U.A.0.D., held a successful entertainment in the Orange HalL At the dance which was given about forty-five couples were present, and the M.C. was Mr Johnston, Mrs Higgins providing an excellent selection of dance mu3ic. Several songs were well rendered and a hornpipe by Mr Dickie. Bro. H. Featherstone, A.D., occupied the chair, and one or two complimentary speeches were made at the supper, the wfiole of which was supplied by lady friends of the order. Tee affair was one of the beet ever held.

Camp Utensils Missing. —Quite a l<p n £< list of missing utensils from*"the Pojiu Volunteer Gamp is reported to have been drawn up. Whether some of the corps may have found some of the camp utensils missent with their baggage, or whether a number of articles have been stolen, is just now forming the subject of an enquiry. In the event of the articles referred to not being accounted for, we believe it is the rale to divide the prime cost of the same pro rata against each company. It will thus be seen that it is to the interest of all the members of the corps to assist in missing Government property.

.Entertainment at Rangiora. —An entertainment in aid of the funds of the Church choir and. for repairs to the organ, was given in the Rangiora Literary Institute on Friday evening. There was a large attendance, bat the weather unfortunately prevented some of the performers from Christchurch being present. Musical selections were acceptably given by Mr Day, Mr Hodgson and Mr Cofclough, the Misses Lingard (2) and Watson, the Yen. Archdeacon Lingard gave a humourous reac?uig. Ac the conclusion of the entertainment the Rev. F. P. Fendall proposed a vote of thanks to the performers and to Miss Ternpler, who had got up the evening's amusement. Mandeville ank Rangiora Road Board.—The annual meeting of this Board was held on the 4th inst. Present—Messrs Mulcock (Chairman), Duncan, Kelcher and Pearson. The annual report and balance sheet were read and adopted. The balance sheet was ordered to be printed and advertised in accordance with the River Board Act. The monthly meeting was held the same day, the same members being present. Mr George Bun ell wrote, requesting the Board to take his name off the rate roll for Rural Sections Nos. 5223, 5226, 8136, 8300, and substitute A. NiokoVs name in his place. Agreed to. It was resolved that the Chairman and Mr Duncan accompany the surveyor, and inspect the River Cam, to decide on any necessary work to be done to improve the water-way. The tender of Messrs King and Joyce was accepted for clearing Nos. 1 and 2 drains south, at £6 7s Bd.

New Brighton.—A special meeting of the New Brighton School Committee was held on Friday last, in the Schoolroom. Present — Messrs Winny (Chairman), G. Hawker, G. Wilson, Seftou, Procter and Moor (Secretary). Correspondence was received from Mr Mannings, thanking the Com* mittee for their support in the late election. From Mr Clothier, offering to give lantern entertainment in aid of prize fund on certain conditions. Left in hands of the muster. The Visiting Committee for the quarter was instructed to attend to the tan pit rouud gymnasium and swings, and several other matters in connection with the school grounds, also to draw up schedule of duties and procure tools for use of caretaker. The Secretary was instructed to write to the Board of Education, pointing out the state of school grounds through defective drainage. The meeting then adjourned.

OaANGKiSM.—The Wiekliffe Lodge No. 36 celebrated the fourth anniversary on VVednesday last, in the Methodist Schoolroom, Addington, by holding a tea and concert. Two hundred persons took tea, after which Mr G. T. Brown took the chair, supported by Bros. Carey, G.S.; Smith, P.D.G.M.; Hounsell, G.C.; Dyson, Curlet and Taylor. Songs were contributed by Misses Weston, W001e3% Browu, and Mr Jones, Bro. Parsons, violin soio by Master Farland, clarionet solo by Mr Forbes, and Bro. Carey gave a recitation which was re-ilemauded. The glee party did much to entertain the audieuce, all the items beiug re-demanded. Bro. J. T. Smith, on I>ehas of No. 36 Lodge, presented Bro. W. Dalley, I*. M., with a handsomely framed certificate, and spoke in high terms of the way in wliich Bro. Dalley. h<ul worked for the advancement of the Lodge and the order at large. Bro. Dalley briefly returned thanks. A vote of thanks was passed to all who had helped to make tue gathering a success, and a pleasant and successful gathering was brought to a close by sing "God Save the Queen."

Marshland. —The monthly meeting of the School Committee was held on Thursday evening. Present, Messrs C. H. Walter (Chairman), G. Bradshaw, J. Goodman, J. Davidson, R. Gibb, C. Lange and R. Watterson. The head teacher's report showed that the average attendance was 103, admitted 4, withdrawn 2, which was considered very satisfactory. Correspondence from the Manager, Union Bauk, asking for the signatures of those appointed to sign cheques. A letter from the caretaker was received, applying for some remuneration for the extra duties she has to perform in connection with the Church of England. The matter was allowed to stand over until next meeting. A received from Mr Munnings thanking*"!* Committee for voting for him at UiSftgiiucation Board election. Resolved — the Chairman write to the Board of Education drawing immediate attention to the state of the head master's residence, the cement work of the foundation being in a very bad state. Resolved—That the Chairman call for applications for position of caretaker for the ensuing year at a salary of £20 per annum. On the motion of Mr Goodman, seconded by llr Mattersou, the Chairman and Mr Lange were appointed a Committee for letting the school for entertainments. After transacting other minor business, the meeting adjourned. "Mcsjcal SociETr.—-There has been quite a rush for seats .at the concert to be given by the Musical Society in the Oddfellows' Hall oa Wednesday evening. The main attraction will be the violin playing of Mr AUredHill, of Wellington, who comes to us with a very high European reputation. Mr Hill studied at the couservatorium at Leipsic, and came out with high honours. The performances he has given since his re-" turn to the colony have been very highly praised by competent judges. He will play two solos, and will be accompanied by Mrs Queree, of Auckland, and Mr R. Trist SearelL The first part of the programme is of miscellaneous music, and comprises vocal solosby WissDavie,MrsMcEwan, MeisrsM. Gard'nerand Carl PuscbeU, and also two part songs and two madriguls by the members. The second part is Mendelssohn's setting of Goethe's poem "The first Walpurgie Night.'' The soloist in which will be Miss Davie, Messrs Puschell, M. Gardner and A. Lawrance. One of the three annual religious festivals, and the great-eat among the ancient Scandinavian that held on the night of the first ofMay (Wal-purgis-Nacht). It was dedicated to Woden (Wodan, Odin), the All-father, or Supreme of Gods (the Scandinavian mythology was a polytheism), and served to welcome the approaching season acd to invoke success in battle. After the spread of Christianity, when the Pagans were persecuted, and any open celebrations of their rites was snppressed, the Priests and their attendants would assume the most frightful shapes, and with unearthly noises would often put to rout the detachments of ignorant and superstitious soldiers sent out against them. Sucq is the theme of Goethe's poem.

Ashley Road Board. — Messrs K. B. MiHton and .}. Stewart have been elected members of the Ashley Road Board. Meeting of Shareholders.— As will be the shareholders of the New Zealand and River Plate Land Mortgage Company are requested to inceb at the Chamber of Commerce 00 Wedaeaday next, at 4 p.m. Dracghts.— The Christchureh Draughts Club haye, to use a legal term, changed the veaue of their meeting to the Metropolitan lemperance HoteL This will be celebrated to-morrow evening by a friendly game at draughts, commencing at 7.30 p.m., to be followed by snpper at 9 p.m. There will probably be a goodly gathering at the latter fixture if not at the former. *i. TI J E Pe£Ml s*-—The President of the local Bootmakers' Union has received the following telegram from Mr Amelias M. Smith, private secretary to the late Premier:—" Mrs Ballanee desires mc to convey to you her sincere thanks for your expressions of sympathy." Benkfit Entertainment.— To-morrow evening at the Oddfellows , Hall the annual benefit entertainment will take place in connection with that deserving institution, the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. There wiil be a comedy and a farce, the characters in which will* be sustained by local amateurs; some vocal and instrumental music, and some selections by the Truda Brothers.

Pigeon Flying. — The Christchureh Pigeon Flying Club flew off a match from Hinds on Saturday, for prizes presented by Messrs A. Gapes and W. Earnshaw. Favoured by good weather, the birds made a fair velocity. The following are the placed birds :—Mr G. G. Wilkins , Little Brick, velocity 1259 yds per minute ; Mr G. Pearce's Fleetwing, 1148yda; Mr A. Gcrrard's Royal Marine, 1145 yds; Mr F. Bull's Musketeer, 1109 yds ; Mr W. E. Sime's Beautiful Star, 1020 yds. The Club de3ires to thank the Stationmaster for liberating the birds.

The Gaiety Burlesque Company. Under engagement to Messrs Williamson and Musgrove, the London Gaiety Burlesque Company will commence their Christchurch season on Tuesday evening, May 16th, at the Theatre Royal. So much has been heard of the enthusiasm created by the performance of this organisation in other parts of the world, and during the recent tour in Australia, Auckland, and Wellington has been so phenomenally sxtccessful, that theatre-goers are looking forward to the local season with special interest. The company are at present in Wellington playing to crowded houses. Kaiafoi Caledonian Society.—At the annual meeting of the Kaiapoi St. Andrew's Caledonian Society, held at the Alandeville Hotel on Friday evening, Mr W. Fraser (President) in the chair, there was a large attendance of members. The accounts showed receipts—Balance, £8 Is 8d ; members' contributions, £13 2s 6d; proceeds from concert, 16s 6d ; total, £41 19a Bd. After paying accounts, there was a balance in hand, £5 16s 3d. The assets were — Outstanding subscriptions £4 103;' balance in bank, £5 16s 8d; ropes, posts, and sports requisites, £10. Liabilities, nil. The Chairman was re-elected President, Mr A. Johnston VicePresident, Mr J. H. Morley Secretary. It was decided that an amount be voted for the special prize to the Borough school, and after transacting some further business, a supper was held, at which two haggis were presented by Mrs Fraser, and pronounced to be all that could be desired. A number of toasts and songs were given, and a pleaf»"it evening spent.

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Press, Volume L, Issue 8477, 8 May 1893, Page 4

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NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume L, Issue 8477, 8 May 1893, Page 4

NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume L, Issue 8477, 8 May 1893, Page 4