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Australian News.—On (ho next p«« will be found a varied collection of A_*.

tralian nows, telegraphod from the 3l_ffW our special correspondents on tho other si"_f

Among tho principal items aro a summary I of the liquidators' report on Mr J 6la _, 1 Munro's Real Estate Bank, accounts of two 1 dreadful tragedies, one in Queensland a ß( j | the other in Victoria; a report of a case in 1 which an insane blackfellow waa charged I with murder at Adelaide, and a descriptto.. 1 of the dire results of tho drought ia central 1 Queensland. I

Municipal.—The ordinary o{ i tho City and Sydenham Borough Cooncilj will bo held this evening. Tuam street Drain.—A public meeting of the burgesses of Linwood will be held to. I night, iv tho Phlllipstown schoolroom, to j consider the question of the Tuam etres| drain. C___K-M__tr_on R M. CoiTKa?.—_hsro w^' no business for transaction at the [ church R.M. Court on Saturday. I Lyotklton Harbour Board.—.sptdn \ A. Parsons, who has represoutod the Ashley I County as its member on the Lyttelton 1 Harbour Board, has been -.-appointed. This 1 announcement will be received with m&tf § satisfaction by the residents in that county, I Young Men's Christian Associatiok.-. I

The winter classes in shorthand, book. s keeping, __<_, in connection with the above will be shortly opened. . Lkctures. —I-ev. IL C. M. Watson will to-night commence a .erics of lectures hj the Tuam street Hall, on " God aud Mao/'. Musio in the *" cantata "Tho Crucifixion" will besought the Cathedral on Wedno3day, tho __ntiinst4 by*the full choir. Mr Weir will sing thf tenor bolos and Mr Millar, if su_icien_fy r®» covered from his present severe illness, will sing tho bass solos. < '' * Thhatbj- Royal.—The programme of the preceding evening was repeated p_ Saturday night by the Emerson-Wdot Minstrels, and went excellently, {EM company appear again to-night. This is th. last week of the stay of the company. Acknowledgment.—The Lady Superm* tendent of St. Mary's Home acknowledge, with thanks the gift of a quantity of rhu. barb from Mr Weston, Kaiapoi, I__i_roi Church of Eng_anu. —Ga Thursday an organ recital waß given atthkli ohuroh by Mr G. E. Tendall, organis of tfei Cathedral, at whi.h th* was a good congregation. Themu.b " .oughout was very much appreciated. Swimming.—A swimming competition, to have been held on the Waimakariri on Saturday afternoon, was put oft' owing to the cold weather.

S.S. Talune.—We were advised ou Saturday by the Union Steamship Company that owing to the weather in Wellington being very bad, this vessel would not be able to leave that port till to-day, aud will consequently not leave horo till to-morrow for Dunedin and Melbourne.

Alleged Larceny.—A Maori has beearrested by Detective Benjamin on chargea of stealing two £5 notes and a£l note, the property of Sydney Horras at Little- Riv<wv* on Starch 10th, and a silver watch value £"4 10s, the property of J. J. Kissoli at Littlt River On or about Docombor 27th last.

Success of a Canterbury 1 Student.*» Tho many friends of Mr T. W. Boaro, 6f Sydenham, who was rccontly appointed manager of the office of Messrs Guinness and —Litchu-ginan, aolioitors, in Greymouth Will be pleased to learn that ho has auo* ceasfuUy passed his examination for tho LL. B. degree. Mr Boare was for a number of years in the offices of Messrs Garriofe, Cowlishaw and Fißhor, and Mr T. 0. Russell, and carried on his studies outaide of office hours, which fact renders his. success all the more praiseworthy. Bank oir Australasia. —In reference to a cable me-Bage which appeared on Saturday morning, stating that the Bank of Australasia has declared a dividend of 2 per cent., we have been requested to state that it should have read "£2 per share, which is at therate of 10 per cent." The message in question was printed exactly as it was received. A Press Association message from Wellington says: —" The manager of the Bank of Australasia states that the dividend paid by the bank is 10 per cent., not 2 as cabled* The latter was apparently mutilated in transmission." , Belfast. —A very pleasant meeting took place in the Belfast School on Friday after* noon, when the teachers and pupils met together to say good-bye to Mr B. pupil teacher, who is about to sever his ec-hi nection with the school. In tho absence ot the Chairman of the School Committee, thtf Head Master, (Mr R. H. Ferguson), After speaking in high terms of Mr Sword's ability as a teacher, and regretting the loss the,, school would suffer, presented Mr Sword, ou behalf of the teachers and pupils, with a handsome silver watch chain and pendant, as a small token of tiieir esteem. Mr,, Sword briefly roplied in suitable terms, and the proceedings then terminated. ;,.' E^NSON-WALLACE CoNCKRTS' — T_i*> numbers of tho programme allotted to Madame Bahnson and Mr Wallace for the first concert on Wednesday, next at th. Oddfellows' Hall iappear elsewhere. Mada_» Bahnson, in addition to " The Carnival of Venice" with variations, also sings Weber l -.- ---" Softly Sighs." Her other two numbers, Clutsam's "The sea hath its and Schubert's "Aye Maria," will eSXoti Madame Bahnson ample opportunity for the display of her voice. Bar Wallace will play Mr Hill's Scotch sonata, of which M. Musin spoke so highly, a Gypsy melody by Saras„te,anda " Benediotus" by Mackenzie. The numbers allotted to Mrs Wiiaon, M~_srWeir, Barkas and Merton are of a high class. The plan of "reserved scats opens $himorning at Messrs Milner and Thompson's music warehouse.

Cemtbal Dairy Co_o»any.-—A meeting of the Direotors of the above Wftsi held on Saturday, when there was a full attendance. The Secretary toported that the engine and boiler we« i"" position at tho Central Factory, .hattovarioua contracts for creameries were prno , tically completed, that tho buildings were r ready for the reception of the machin_r>'* and that arrangements had been made for > the forwarding of boilora, &c. Ho utated that he had had an interview with i-sj' dents in the Little River and iv the Ladbrooks districts, that there was every probability of those districts joining tho Central Factory, and also the Lakeside district at ari early date. A number of applications wcrreceived for appointments under tho Com-, pany, and those referring to creameries aa'*!; cadets dealt with. The Secretary was instructed to call for tenders for sinking wolls, for milk and cream cans, and for the interior fittings of .creameries and Central Factory so soon aa specifications had been prepared. Arrangements having been marlo for the purchasing of further machinery and fittings.; necessary, and a number of account, passed. for paynv.ent, tho meeting closed. SuND_x.LE_TU__ss.--Mr W. W. Colli o -, lectured at the Tuam street hall yestofda/* afternoon to a good audience, taking for hi». subject Jeremiah v., 31. There waa a S-*rg-t; audience at the Lyceum in the cveni-gj-u. when Mr Collins lectured on tho " Reiigio»"f and Gods of Greece and Borne." Mr J. ■ NanoarrOw occupied tho chair on both occa*, sions. Tub Pbimb Minister ov says:—That the benefits derived frotß| eyclinfir are incalculable. Think of tvm Testimoniaj. and get a Star at on *!J_{ Immediate delivery. Adams, Cubjibs kJm . Co., 7aix__nchestcr street. Chriswbtu<a>*f iCAnvT.} .«

I' q npsE __Co_l_'.---His Honour Air Justice toiston will hold a siting in Chambers at tiftm to*da-*' His Honour Jurigo Ward 5 in on Saturday as Acting-Judge ftiie S , -P reine Court before his Honour Mr Tn'tice Deaniston. Ba>d of Hope, Greenpark.—The Comtnittee of the Band of Hope met.on Friday evening, -l r Baker presiding. It was ■:'i Aecided to open the winter session with a I " concert on Friday, April 7th. Mr A, ■g-awley was appointed leader of the choir, and various matters of local interest were discussed, after which the meeting j__F__ANC_ Society.—A juvenile branch tf the Church of England Temperance Society has been established at Temuka, m.d the fortnightly meetings are well . attended by the children, who give recitations, _.., under the supervision of the Revs. J. V. E. Gillam and Butterfield. . *fl_e society numbers 100 members. Sefton.—An enjoyable social, in honour of the twenty-first birthday of Miss Clara Philips, a resident of Sefton, was held in the Town Hall on Thursday evening, more than 100 beiag present. Mr Hammon, the schoolmaster, in a short speech, referred in complimentary terms to Miss Philips during the time she attended his school. The siipper tables being cleared, dancing commenced and was kept up until the small hours in the morning, the Misses McCallam, Peckering and Barclay officiating in turn at the piano, and Mr J. Shaw playing the violin. The presents were numerous, and in gome cases expensiveATHLEna—A Dunedin telegram says there were some records at the sports in aid of the Queensland relief funds on Saturday. Galloway (scratch) won the mile walk comfortably in 7min llsec. W. J. Burke, on the occasion of his last appearance on the track, won the half-mile from scratch in 2min 2 l-_th sec, a record for Dunedin. In the 440 yards W. A. Low, giving starts up to 38 yards in a field of fourteen, which he had a difficulty in getting through, finished a yard behind the winner. Time, 52sec. *o_axg£ism.—The monthly meeting of L.0.L., No. 35, Rising Star of Richmond, was held ou Friday evening, at the Foresters' Hail, Richmond, W.M. Bro. Johansen presiding, a large number of members being in attendance. The principal business of the evening was the Queensland relief fund, the Home Rule Bill, &c. Three candidates were proposed for membership. Two members instructed the Secretary to write to their Lodges for certificates and clearances. A vote of thanks was proposed to the visiting brethren, who duly responded, Bro. Willis on behalf of three, Bro.. Middleton for twenty-four and Bro. Taylor for two. She Lodge was closed at 9.45 p.m. Sefton Pkbsbttebian Sabbath School. —The annual treat fo&fche children attendx ing this school tob_yplace on Thursday, x when there was a good turn-out of scholars, parents and friends. The teachers provided the refreshments, after discussing which a number of games and races were indulged in, each child receiving gifts *or prizes provided by the teachers and friends. The Bey. Mr Tout, pastor of the congregation, gave a short address, followed by Mr McLean, Superintendent of the Sabbath

school* This is perhaps one of the largest Sabbath schools to be found in a sparsely populated country district, there being febout eighty children in regular attendance. People's Concert.—On Thursday evening, at the Tuam street Theatre, the second _f the series of popular concerts so successfully inaugurated last week by Mr Harold Ashton, will take place. A strong vocal and instrumental programme is being arranged by the musical director Mr' Weir, whilst Miss Ada Fitzroy has been specially engaged to appear in Jier performance entitled "Les Suhc .^tes^-And also to illustrate her wonderf_i>j>tf_.. of memory. Mr Oscar Smith, the clever ventriloquist, and Mi_s Ruby Clifford, the young elocutionist, will also appear. Ample seating accommodation will be provided, the deficiency on -the last occasion being, to a certain extent, excusable, owing to the tremendous gathering, about two thousand people being preheat.

The Weather in thk Aamai.—Heavy lain continued to fall at Culverden all night "on Friday, and in consequence the Pahan SMver was i unning bank high on Saturday. All sheep for the South, except two mobs for Messrs Colin Stewart and L. W. Tosswill, being stopped. The count out of the sheep from the Culverdeh sale was being carried out under great difficulties, owing to piW&ter flooding the yards. The sheep were r off on the tussocks, some of the ! weak ones dying from the exposure and in--1.. tense cold A dry creek between the Culverden Hotel and Yards collected 3ft of

water in an hour or two, and was barely fordable. The coach from the Hanmer _"__i_3 had some difficulty in getting over the Hanmer, but reached Culverden safely the mails. The weather was fine yesterday, and the rivers were subsiding. Farmers' Co - operative Insurance Cojlpasy.—At a meeting of the shareholders in the Farmers' Co-operative Fire and Marine Insurance Association of Canterbury, Limited, held on Saturday afternoon, Mr C. Ensor in the chair, the following resolution passed at an extraordinary 3_ee__g was confirmed: — " That the articles of association of the Farmers' Cooperative Fire and Marine Insurance Association of Canterbury, Limited, be altered in manner following :—Article 100—Subsection 'Thirdly'in lieu of as now printed ■thread—"To the payment of a bonus not _3_eed_ng *the rate of three pounds per centum per annum on the called-up capital," aud "To the. payment of such bonus on premiums paid by each shareholder as may be directed by the shareholders in general __e__g.'* Morris Tube Shooting. —On Friday evening, the Christchurch W.M.C, Rifle C__» shot off the fourth stage No. 2 competition for prizes given by his Worship the Mayor (Mr Eden George), Messrs Manning and Co. and Mr Godfrey, witb the following ___ii»g results:—R. C. Wells, scr, 35; C. W. Macartby, 2, 35; W. S. Munford, 3, 35; H. Reynolds, scr, 33 ; C. Sherwood, scr, 33; M. Robertson, scr, 32; J. Hastie, scr, 32; 0. W. Turpin, scr, 31; H. Spicer, 1,31; H. Thomas, 2, 31; E. G. Frost, scr, 30, W. A Caldwell, 1, 30. On Saturday evening, the class competed for a class prize, the highest scorers being:-—C. Morris, 3, 35 ; M. Robertson, scr, 34; A. Allen, 2, 34; W. Taylor, 2, 33; E. G. Frost, scr, 32; R. C. Wells, scr, 32 ; aH. Williams, 2, 32; G. S. Clarke, 4, 32; H. Reynolds, scr, 31; W. Garrard, scr, 30; J. Hastie, scr, 30; W. A. Caldwell, 1, 30; J. Lawrence, 1, 30. Next j Friday evening the sixth stage No. 2 com- I petition will be fired off. . i Gseexpark.—A well attended meeting of those mterested in the establishment of a creamery at Greenpark was held in the poolroom x>n Friday evening. Mr Thomas Qu&yle was voted to the chair, and explained the object of the meeting, after vrhichMr Hubbard proposed—" That it is «"sab!e to establish a creamery at Greenjark. This was seconded by Mr Carter, and carried unanimously. After a dis-"S-ssion as to which factory it should be connected with, Mr W. B. Andrews proposed, aad Mr Wolf seconded—"That the |«___ery be in connection with the Central •*-tory."' Mr Murray moved as anamend"aeat, and Mr Hubbard seconded—" That tai creamery be in connection with the Tai Tapu factory." The amendment was carried _* twenty-three to four. It waa further "Ssoived that Messrs Murray, Quayle, Huboard, Dulieu, and Swain form a deputation to wait upon the Directors of the Tai Tapu -actory with reference to tho matter. It "**& ascertained that those in the room Would supply the creamery with milk from 250 cows __ addition to a number not accounted for, which was expected to reach over IQG. After deciding to hold a meeting i& receive the report of the deputation, the. *a-.ting terminated.

&c___iy_*s Hotel.—Messrs Park, Reynolds and Co., of Dunedin, report that they aave sold the wellknown hotel property in Qneenstown known as Eichardt's, to Mr ■w. L. Philp, late of Philp s s Hotel, D__e_ii_ All deposit tickets issued by the Eden -*£€>__c Company, _.______>, are extended and can be used up to -*eptember 30th. *" 3 the studio and workrooms are now tinder the personal management of Mr -jinks, the delay which has lately been experienced in the delivery of orders will -ocn disappear, aud every cabinet and opal will be inspected before delivery so |jat none but &v» most artistically finished £ioto3 will b-s-iowed to leave the studio. SfeSSRj, "iVRIG___SWORTH AND BlN__s Mli shortly open a ____io in Christ<_*urch for the production of their Patented matt opaltypes. which have created such a. furore amonor fashionable t-reles ia Wellintrton. -[.Advt.] beautiful Photoarapbic Studies !_?w exhibited in Stan dish and Preece's Vestibule, High street, are eliciting the «w-est encomiunis,—[Advt.) .'•

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Press, Volume L, Issue 8430, 13 March 1893, Page 4

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NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume L, Issue 8430, 13 March 1893, Page 4

NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume L, Issue 8430, 13 March 1893, Page 4