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Wednesday, DEJSDtcua 7. There was a fair entry of stock at tho yards to-day and gooi attendance of buyers. Fat Cattle—Tho fats cattle pen* were fairly well filled, chiefly with good quality beef. There was a fair demand, and prices were about on a par with those ruling laat week. Messrs H. Matson a*d Co. (associated with the National M. and A. Company of New Zealand, Limited), sold for Mr Wright, 2 cows at £5 7e 6d, 1 at £5 17a 6d ; for Mr Mcßride, 4 6teers at £6 15s, 1 at £3 103, heifer at PA 17e 6d; for Mr T. Greig, 2 cows afr £6 15a; for Mr J. Small, 2 steers at £7, 2 at £8 53, 1 heifer at £6 12a 6d ; for Mr E. Parnhain, 5 steera at £7 12* 6d, 3 at £7 7a 6d, 3at £6 15s, 5 an £8 23 6d, 4 at £7 ; for Mr K. Mclntosh, 3 ateera at £7 7s 6d, 4at£7 2a 6d. Mejbks Pvrss and Co. sold 5 steers at £6 10a, 2 cows at £5 17s 6d, 6 steers at £6, 1 cow at £6, 1 heifer at £5 17s 6d.

Store Cattle —There was a. small entry of store cattle, including a couple of lines of well-conditioned young stock, which brought satisfactory prices. Dairy cuttle were also in good demand. Messks Todhunter axd Jenkisus sold for various clients, 16 eighteen mouths old steers at £3 ss, 17 yearliugs (mixed sexes) at 32s 6d, 3 two-year-old heifers at £2 17s, ?. heifers at £4 13s, 3 cows at £3 17* 6d, 2at £5 15j, 2 at £4 53, and a number of apringera and cowa iv profit up to £7 IQ3 for beat sorts. Mfissita Pyne asd Co. sold 20 three to four-jyear-oid atecrs at £6 7a, 12 two .and a half-fccac-oldsat £418 a, 9 two-year-alda: at £3 IBs, 26 at £3 3s 6d, 12 eighteen months old heifers at £3 13s, 3 two-year-olds at £4 83, 6 at £2 133 6ti, 15 calves at 39a, 2 cows at £4 2s 6d and £4 7s 6d, 3 at £3 3a, 1 at £4 15a, 2 steera at £3 ss, springers at £5 to £8 2s 6d. Messrs H. Matson and Co. (associated with the National M. and A. Company of New Zealand, Limited), sold for various clients, yearliuga at 32a, two-and-a-half-year-old heifers at £4 103, three-year-old steers at £5 to £6 2s 6d, and cows from £3 to £6 7s ; also 17 dairy cows and spriogera at from £3 8a to £7 103. Mbssbs Miles aud Co. sold for various clients, 7 cows at, from £4 to £6155, 1 heifer at £3* 2 cal*ea at 263.

Pigs—-The supply of pigs was below the average, and there was keen competition, for all the lots offered, which chiefly consisted of poekera and stores, messes TouaojfTSß as» Jensinos sold foe Mr VV. Hayes, 8 storee at 8s 6d, 7 at 8s; for Mr Boydy 2 porkors &fc 24a ; for Mc Gemmel* 2 at 22s 6d ; for Mr J. Kodey, 4 stores at, 145,, 6 at lla 3d ; for Mr T. Bfoy, baeonersa£34a and 283 ; for Mr Clark, bacoaere at 29!s ; for & client, baconers at 325; for Mr C. Brock le-. bank, fcboconersat 33s »,for Mr Mullins, 3 stores at 18a; for Mr H. Arnst, 6 porkers at 233 6d, 1 at 20a; for Mr Rpealer, 5 porkers at 23a 6d; for a client, porkers at 21s j for Mr Partridge, 2 stores at 15a 3d ; for Mr E. Prebble, 2 porkers at 23a 6d; for a client, 8 porkers at 2ls~ Messbs H. Matson and Co. (associated with the National M. and A. tympany of Hew Zealand, Limttedl, sold for Mc Orr, 4 pqrkersr at 225; for Mi- J. Doling* 5 ab 233,2 at 133 6d ; for Mr Fearon, 2 at 33s i for Mr EL Vale, 4 at 21s, 3 at 20a 6d; for Mr A. Marks, 1 baconor at 295; for Mr Saviile, 5 baconers at 30s, 5 at 25a ; for Mr Sanders, 4 baconers at 265, 2 porkers at 223 6d; for Mr J. McNamara, 2 stores ut 14a,, 5 at 15s, 9 at 12s 6d. Messes Milks ano Co. sold for Mr Manaon, 2\ stores at 11s (3d to 12s. &bosk Sheep —There was a good entry of store sheep and a. satisfactory demaad. Cross-bred ewes and lambs brought xip to 18s, merino ewes and lambs up to 13a 6d, and two and lour-i<ooth erossbreds from 12a to 14s. Messrs Tobhunter and Jknnixgs sold privately ami at 'auction for a client, 797 two-tooth, erossbreds at 12a j for Mr J. ilackle, 603 two-tootb crceebredd at 13a j for Mr R. Latter, 357 tyro-tooth ctoasbceda at 12s 2d; for Mr B. Taylor, 76 hoggets ab 11s 3d; for Mr Thos. Sutton, 118 age<s merino ewes in the wool and 95 per cent, of lambs at 12s 3d, 106 aged raeriuo ewes ia the wool and 80 per cent. o£ lambs at 12s $ for a client, 50 crossbred ewes andlambe all counted at 9s, 200 shorn crossbred ewes and 100 percent, of lambs at 14s 6d, 63 cross* bred ewes and 80 per csnt. of lambs at 15a 6d, 41 foar and six-tooth crossbred ewea and wether t 8 at 12i» 6d, 76 two-tooth erossbreds at 10a 3d, 151 crossbred ewes in the wool and 100 per cent, of laiaba at 18s; foe JJr A. Truscott, 90 merino wethers at 2* 3d,, &SS3ne J. IV ¥o&v> anu Co. Bold for Mi; J. i'atteraon, 350 mmhxt owee, with 90 pec cent, of Jamba, at 13s 6d. Misuse Miles as a Co. sold'for a client, 86 merinoeweeand lambs at lie 3d. TffE New Zealand Loan and Meroantilb Aaßsev CoMPAior, Limited, 8O(.d for a client, 150 half bred Downs at lie M 85383 PJTNB and Co. sold J6O cross* bred wevherg, two. and fouMooths, at 14a Id. * , , , La»i*—slbe eatry of lambs waa a large j one, and the quality was chienyA-ery good* Best pens brought uja to lm M* *nd the average waa about 12*. Mbs&KS H* MatsoJt aKd OoV (associated with thg Na«ioriaf M. 6nA A. Company' Bf He* Zealand, Limited) sold for Mr F. Carter, 9 at 11s 9d; for Mr Preston, 8 at lie 3d, at 8s 6d; for MrW» Gay, ID atslia&d; fo« Mr T. Guy, 31 at 12*; for Mr Scofct, JO a| Us to Hβ Mf for Mr W. Bavies, 10 at 12| 9d' lot Mr S. 1&. JoßHeton, 8 at I3s 3d \ ita Mc #atSon, f at 10a 9d; for Mr j>, Bafcl2» H 7s& 12s Mf TMU* M. for Mr C. Chllton, 10 at 12s3d; lor Mr'J W- Overtoft, 9 afc 12a Id, 23 at lie \M iff at Ji* 6d l for Mr W. TtKhnpson. 'STi*ll«6dieifc forMr J, S. Kemp tf at 12s 6d; for Mr J. W. O/erton, 15 at 12a* The New ZfuaMUD and Msrcantil* AoENcr Commsy, LiMiTBD, Bold for M* 3 M Furze, 20 at 13s ; for a elfent, §Q a| lis (xl to 12s 6d. Messrs PyNE and <Jq* sold Us 9d, 11 at Us4d, 9 at Us, 7 a* 10m 7d. 5 *& J3s» 3d. Messbs ToDKPJtTSi* 5444 fw Mr W< Matthew., r B. Pebble, 10at 114 Mr" W. Hosking, 10 at 12s j $w Mr W, Templelidft, 10 *t Hβ M ? tot Mr J f MeUm, Mr P. Maniofi, 10 at 12a 3d, 10»trl2»f for Mr S. Leslie, 6 at Us j |o^ . Kcetey, 20 at 12a 3d.sjor ft clienfe,. 16 a«i IW 6d, 9 it Us 3d, 15f at 11s Sd ( far Mr m PhiiUps, 10 it lit ?d j for Mr Alf.,Bennett; 13 at 1& 7d, 9 U Us Id; for Mr 8. fiat 11b 3d; for Mr f, €»*»«, 10at ltf»; MrF.C Tababt soil for Mj s Garland 5 _a 6 12a 6d, 4 at 13k i for Mr B. AUan, 6 «t 13s, J2B, 26 Moes and Co, cold for Mr Neadham 42 at lUildto 121 9d. Mbssbs J. T. Fobd asp Co. sold foj Mr F. D. S. Neave, 0 at We W, 4 at 9s Ud. , , Fat Sheep—Thb faf sheep pens wer« somewhat better filled than for the previous We weeks, proportion c<w ifeted of very good aaa«t| sfeeSp. fc The demand was ohiety }o«l, llirtrtWP. heUj bosinese being done lor export, \nd pace* therefore showed no inatsrial, alteration,j bA <nmpws& with the results of the lost ft»w ealel. Messes H. Matson Am)' C* {as»»*" «iatad.«ith taae National M. and A. goal*

pany of 2»«w Zealand. Lims^n fir T. Guy. 26 & fo Mr H. Gay, 11 crossbred wctW 1' ! «* W. HoUey, 28 h»lfbwd ei ee at w }V lid, 48e Wcea tl33 4d; for m 5 TV- l 1« 69 shorn merino wetho» at g! &J , SZZ6l *i J. O. Murray, 34 crwbwd wjS' '* * If U. 34 at 14. 6d, 43 maiden oVeH 13 p 1 * for Mr J. Grant, 20 orowbrec Wet l?? W » 153 sd, 20*1, 14 3 10d, 24 maidJn pu &t 14s 4d; for Mr % 1 J? 1 owes at 123 7d, 59 at 11s, 29 merino .m* 1 at 8 3 3d, 23 at 7s 6d, 28 at Hurst, 25 halfbrod wethera at 15* M ♦ £ 7d, 22 atl3. 6d , for Mr 11. \l%** "' croaabred ewes »l 15a 6d, 22 at, 12* io ' £J halftad ewes at 13s 9d, 27 afc lfc iS.' Mr J. G. Murray, W9 <*U™d owS a [ t 6d to 14.,W ; for Mr R, fcott, u££J3 ewes and wethers at IGs 9d ; for Mr M?T chell, 203 menu» wethers at 83 Ud t<.l £ 4d; for Gallagher Bros., 46 foj r !js maiden ewes at 13a 6d to 14 8 u<s. mi.r ni . « a W. Chapman, 40 wnlittj if 128 to 15s 9.1.; for Mr JTV<L? ton, 27s crossbred ewes &£ n 3 91 Messrs Vyxb ato Co, sold for Mr ft Rhodes, Meadow Bank, 191 crosabrS withers at 14a 4d ; for clients, 150 SEX wethers at 13s 3d. to 14* ftl, 40 cnSX wethers at 13a 10d to 14s 3d, 30 ewes «t 15J 10d, 41 croasbred wethers at 143 3d,g3 at 133 3d, 25 merino wethers atSalliw ; crossbred u-ethers at 15a, 66 Cfmgb r S wether 3 and maiden cwea at 13a 7d to uf 10d, 16 merino ewes at at, 13a 3d, 24 cross! bred wethers and maiden ewes at 13s Sy; » 0 14s, 125 halfbred wethers at M 3 aj n ab 14» 3d, 26 croaabred «\ves at 13a'm. Messrs Toduontek amd Jcn-nisus s»UifS Mr W. Keeley, 62 crossbred wethers afclgj Id, 20 at 14a 6d, 56 merino wethers at 1% 6d, 34 at 9s 7d ; for Mr P. Manion, bred ewes at lls 9d; for Mr W. RobectT 30 crossbreds at lla 6d; for J] r \? Hosking, 24 crossbred owes at 12s 2i![ • % Mr J. Kinley, 40 crossbred tiwta s > 103 6d; for a • cliouli, 90 wethers at 83 to 83 4d, 42 crojibnl ewes at 12s, 24 ab 10a, 37 at 1& Mr F. C. Tabaet sold for the Ucalertua Estate 36 crossbred wethers lit 15e, H$ ** 148 2d ; for Mr F. Crowe, 25 wethers at 10a 9d, 24 at 10a 7d, 25 as lft 6d; for a client, 39 crossbrcda nt llf 7<] merino owes at 4a 9d, 36 7d, 24 at 133 sd, 20 at 133 3d, 30 autfaj maiden ewea and wetheia at 14s, 2d, 38 at 14s 4d, 36 at lbs. MissEslitta and Co. sold for Mr VvV crossbred wethers and maidea 10d; for Mr Needham, 30 crosabml evtgj at 12* 9d, 24 at lls 3d; for a crossbred maiden ewes and wethers k$ 143 8d ? 44 crossbred ewes at Us n\. for a client, 30 crosssbred wethers The Nkw Zea:u*>'d Lqas asd Mbrcastui Aes&cY Company, loaiixej>, m\& for Ut E. Mealove, Down wetliera, at 16? £1 gj half bred ewes at 14* 4d, 33a at 13s 31 ; f or Mr J. M. Furze, croasbced. vvethora mi maidea ewes at 14a, and ewes at I4s 3d 5 for a client, 100 mixed crossbrecbaflSa IU to 14s 3d. The New Zealaku Co-o3Pßl'.axivk Association', Luutej), soli for Mr G. Mcßae, 30 crossbred \vethers ab 15a 6d, 23 ati 14s lid, 35 merino weUjera>&| 12a, 35 ut lls sd: for Mr J. S. Bo% t St iriferino wethers at 13a 10d, 17 at 13s 3d, U at 13a Id. Micssia J. IV Fosi> &x» Co. sold for Mr J. Patterson, 60 tnerind owes a< 10a lid. The fallowing is an upproximato e3t:mat3 o£ tho vahio of livo weights :—Best bes! 18a to 20a per lQQlbs ; best mutUm U to and a ehado over far extra grfeii sheep ; baconora 3|d and porkers 4J per Ife,

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Press, Volume XLIX, Issue 8350, 8 December 1892, Page 2

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ADDINGTON LIVE STOCK MARKET. Press, Volume XLIX, Issue 8350, 8 December 1892, Page 2

ADDINGTON LIVE STOCK MARKET. Press, Volume XLIX, Issue 8350, 8 December 1892, Page 2