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AtrcTioirs. — The advertisements of

Messrs Todtmnter and Jennings, E. C. , Bejnolda and Co., D. Thomas, Fredk. Jameson, Wm. Base, Joan Ingram, George Jameson, and the Timaru Woolbrokers , Association, -will be found on page seven , of this issue. Polo.—There will be a game of polo on Che old show grounds at 3.30 this afternoon. Sides—Hon. E. Parker, Messrs .Palmer, H. Rhodes, and Harper, in colours, against 'Messrs Archer, Lane, iJeanetts, Scort, and "Williams, in white. A tram leaves the square at 3.15 p.m. ; Btitciubs' Picnic.—At a meeting of batchers,, held in the Oxford Hotel, last jught, it was decided that all entries for handicaps close on Monday, February 15th, at. 8 o'clock. It was also decided that a ball ifcould be held at the Oddfellowe* E*U, on the evening of the picnic. District Court.—His Honour Judge "Ward held a short sitting of the District Court at Ashburton yesterday, and disposed of some businesß, releasing the Deputy Official Assignee in the matter of Bgtera bankrupt estates. PaoTKTANT Amjance.—-The usual fortai«htiy meeting of the Boyai Standard Lodge, Ko. 61, was held on Monday eveniojf, ta the United Free Methodist schoolworn, Sdwyn street, Addington, toe Wowhiplul Master Bro. A. Bleach presiding. Several accounts were passed for He rules adopted by the waited Friendly Societies' Conference *e»Mpro»edof, after whioh the Lodge was ctoAd by the W.M. v^f cro * R ~~^ lsfc evening the Bey. W. fieney delivered a lecture in the WeegJwSchoolrooin, Colombo road, upon the *«aoaisfc Ecumenical Conference, with Boles o£ American travels. There was a wir attendance, the chair being occupied »y »c Eev. J. N. Buttle. The lecture was «««aedto with evident interest, and at «c dose a vote of thanks was passed to Mβ wr. lecturer. ftraiLM Mbmorial Homb. —The inmates w Uus institution were conveyed to Sum- «* on Thursday last in a three-horse ®«, kindly supplied by Meears Delamafn 5L? o ' , Of the Eink sables, while the «jw«nment3 were obtained by money fpsjad by the Society of the King's waghters and other kind friends. All Wed their trip immensely. The Master -.[""re to thank all who contributed ■****d 8 the expenses of providing each an fwagfortheold ceople, also Mr Bowwm "JPle and plums. Hsx's Chkistuk Association. *"«» Thursday evening the members of p_i.M.C.A. met to say farewell to Mr S. to ik a^ti! > wto *is shortly leaving for ««t«mr Cej •H-here he has been pronaofeed; ***o> present him with a silver-mounted *j*wng ease as a token of the very high in which he is held by the members. *** President, iamaking the presentation, *W that in Mr Smith they were losing »«« who took a keen interest in the AssoSir Smith replied at some length, 2r~*S the members for their present, *?«■& he assured them would remind him s*«»My pleasant hours spent in the trl v 4 *' aad t°e friendly associations »«aed there. The General* Secretary &^k°? ed the S reat assistance which Mr «oi«i had Deea to jjjjjj in every branch of ~« w ork, and trnsted he wonl( j find a {wjjgenukl sphere of iabour in the M«l- ---,, g»n» Messrs Kaye, Purdie, > > SlT'li' Herrick and McCormick also The proceedings were enlivened by " V J^^ r oi *nd recitationa by DeMaus, Lake, Moss, Wagstaff, »• wtaWaw, H. P. West and W. H. Brown. *£ acted as accompanist. l»r*sJ, l *V for afternoon tea, oae AulSeBiscuits and Cakes, a cfossea, bridal and hand artistically arranged at Nairn »T° K 5 Liucola road, Chrietehan*.

H*M> Ovms.—Owing to pressure of advertisements we are compelled to hold over a number of letters to the Editor and & quantity of other matter.

Magi3TßAtb'6 Coubt, Kaiapoi.—At this Court on Friday, before Captain" <J. &. Preece, R.M., a previous offender for being drank and disorderly was sentenced to forty eight hours' imprisonment. *» EirraeTAHfMEOT- —An entertainment will be given at the Lyceum on Monday evening next, when a variety programme •will be produced. Meeting or Mabtbk Bctchkes.— A meeting of master butchers will be held at Warner's Hotel, on Monday evening, at eight o'clock. Pbohibitios Lbagtte.—A meeting will be held in -the Wesleyan Schoolroom, St. Albans Lane, on Friday next, !9th inst., to form a Prohibition League for the St. Albana district.

Local Wool Salis.—The last of the series of local wool sales for the season will take place on Friday, 19tb inst.

Thk Ltcktm.—Mγ W. W. Collins will lecture at the Lyceum to-morrow at 3 p.m. on "The Fatherhood of God," and at 7 p.m. on " The religion of Shakespeare." Lictobb ok Samoa.—Mr T. G. Busaell was to have given a lecture hist night entitled " Samoa " at the Fendalton State Schoolroom in aid of the funds of St. Barnabas' Church. In consequence of tbe limited attendance, it was decided to postpone the lecture to a future day, of which probably more notice will be given. Fibh BaiaADKb' Demonstration. —The prizes for the art union in connection with the forthcoming Fire Brigades' demonstration, which are displayed in a shop in Luck's Buildings, Colombo street, now present an attractive appearance, the window having been rearranged. Among the prises for the competition are five silver medals presented by Mr Superintendent Turfcon, and they are also to be seen in the window.

Meirrao op Sydenham Batkpatebs.— A meeting of ratepayers of the borough of Sydenham, convened by Cγ. T. E. Taylor, was held in the Oddfellows' Hall, Colombo road, lost evening. A resolution expressing an opinion that the extension of Burke street to the Windmill road should be made a condition of the granting of permission for constructing roads through Mrs Tancred's property, was proposed by Cγ. T. E: Taylor, and carried by twentynine to twenty-three, a large number abstaining from voting. Owing to pressure on our space we are compelled to hold over a detailed report of the proceedings. StrxDATT School anniversary.—By the kindness of Mr James Haughey the annual picnic of the West Oxford M.F.C; School was begun in his paddock on Wednesday, but, the weather becoming unfavourable at midday, a hasty adjournment was made to the Town Hall, where the children enjoyed themselves with various games till the evening, when they were addressed by the Rev. J. Benning.and a goodly number of handsome prizes was distributed. Ch&istckubch Amatbuk Swimjuno Club.—The last of the monthly.series of handicap races was partly decided on Thursday, when the preliminary heat 3 were swum off, the final being, left till this afternoon at 4 o'clock. The first heat was won on the touch by Harker with 18aec start in 90 l-sfch see. Denbam (2sec) wou the second heat rather easily from Raphael in 74 l-stn sec. The third heat fell to A. C. Macbeth (Ssec) in 76 3-si;h sec; and the fourth heat H. P. Jewiss (ISsec) won in 89sec. The racing all through was very good, and the final should furnish an exciting contest. OBANaEisM.—The Star of Sydenham Lodge, No. 82, held its ordinary monthly meeting on Tuesday evening in St. baviour's schoolroom. The Worshipful Master, Bro. E. Jones, occupied the chair. The reports of various Committees were handed in. The room wa* opened at eight o'clock to visitors and fxiends to hear a paper read by Bro. Bleach, several brethren speaking in reply to it. Votes of thanks were accorded to Bro. Bleach- for his paper, and to the visiting Brethren. The Lodge was then closed by the W.M. .• "•

I CAHTSBBtrBT METHOfIIST COVXCU>.~ -A meeting of representatives of the United Free Methodist, Primitive Methodist, and Bible €hristi«n Churches was held in the vestry of the St. Asaph street United Free Methodist Church laafe evening, The meeting was opened by the Eev. S..Macfarlaue, who in a practical 'address advocated the reasons why there should be a closer sympathy cultivated between the variaua sections of Methodism. It was then unanimously agreed that a council be formed, and that the representation be upon the basis of two laymen to one minister. A conversation" ensued as to the various objects of the association, and a committee of six representatives wa3 appointed to draw up a constitution to be submitted to the meeting to be held February 26fch. Seventeen ministers and laymen attended the meeting , , • which was of a moet cordial character. J ;

Maktbb Plumbbks and Gab Fitjbbs'; AssoCiATiow,—rA general meeting of this took place last night at the Foresters' Hall, Mr Havill in the chair. Accounts in connection with the v late picnic were gone into and after they ..had. been passed a very hearty vote of thanks was accorded to Messrs Ashby, Bergh and Co., Mason, Struthers and Co.,audEeece and Sons for the handsome presents given by them as prizes. Also' to Mr Gαw, the Traffic Maiiager, for his kindness in placing reserved carriages at the! disposal of the party, and to Mr Constable, of the Ocean View Hotel, Governor's Bay. for the manner ib which he carried out his duties as caterer. The meeting terminated with votes of thanks to the Cocuuittee and Chairman. . • , ■

Sondat Sbbyicbs.—At the * Caihodral: to-morrow 3Sev. W; Dunkley will preach in the morning, Rev. H. T. Purchas in the evening. At the Durham street leyan; Church, Eev. W. Baumler will preach in the morning and Eav. L. M. Isitt in the evening. At the East belt the Eev. L. M. Isitt will preach ia the morning and Bey. W. Morley in the, evening. Mr C. Bay will preach at Sumner at 7 p.m. At the Baptist Church, Oxford terrace, Key. C. Brown, of Timaru, will preach morning and evening. Mr Wprtnington will lecture at the Oddfellows' Hall, at 11 a.m. on "The Crucifixion" and at 6.30 p.m, on "The Being of God and Creation of Man." At the Sydenham Wesieyan Church, Bey. J. N. Buttle will preach both morning and evening. At the Trinity Congregational Church, Bey, T. J. Baker, of Liverpool, will preach morning and evening. At the Bible Christian Church, Lower High street, the Eev. J. G. W. Ellis preaches in the morning and evening. At the Methodist Free Church, St. Asaph street, the Bey. John Hosking will preach twice. The morning subject is "Christ the Lamb." In the evening the lectors on "Buddhismand Christianity: a Comparison and a Contrast," will be re-delivered by special request. Chrxstchukch Bsgatta.—lt will be observed elsewhere that an additional number of places, together with the offices connected with the Canterbury Fire and Marine Association, give., notice that they intend-dosing on Tuesday for the Christchurch Regatta. These, with a very long list already published, assures a successful meeting. The Lake is estimated to b.e 2ft higher than last year, which is fortunate, as some of the fields are so large. The full particulars of train arrangements for the day are announced. A noticeable feature in this regatta is that the number of entries exceed any previous one. " oar" sends some notes on the training. He thinks that the Junior Four* will be between Canterbury arid Kaiapoi, Lyttelton haying to row in tin old boat owing to an accident to their new one, and the Union crew being too light, though they row well. The four crews for the Maiden Fours are all fine ones* bat he has & preference for Canterbury or Union, the former if the lace is a slow one, as their long steady stroke win tell, though the jjnion crow are powerful and heavy. "Bow Oae** thinks Canterbury will be sure to provide the wieners of the Senior Pain and Double Sculls. Among the eight entries for the Maiden Double Sculls he fancies Timaru or Lyttelton, and any crew may win the Maiden Pairs, in whioh there ie another large field. The Ladies Plate should fall to Union by a short length from Canterbury. The Union crews are training from the Stunner •be**

Ikpbsial Bandsman The Collector of Customs i* anxioug to see Pensioner Godding, late of Band Marines, as he has information of advantage to him.

AcciDKirr.—Mr M. 6'Oonnell, on coming from Waikari on Thursday nigh fc, met with a somewhat; serious accident. Hie horse shied and threw him heavily to the ground, aud injured him badly. He ie now lying at the Waipara Hotel.

Busstham Escapees.—Two boys named James Jackson and Brnest Feke escaped from the Barnham Industrial school yesterday. Jackson appears to be fond of running away, this beinsr his fourth attempt to obtain hia liberty in a fortnight.

Athletic Thah fou Exolaso. —The Committee meeting of the New Zealand Amateur Athletic Association, called for the purpose of considering the advisability of sending an athletic team to England, has been postponed from tonight until Monday at 8 p.m. The North Caj.tbbbubt Calsdonjan Society.—Tbe Committee of this Society held a meetiag at Amberley on Wednesday, when the Secretary handed in a list of special prizes which had been promiwd for the annual gathering in March. Laat year' 3 programme was passed with slight alteration. Two amateur events were added, 120 yards and 440 yards, also a snake race. The full programme will appear in a later issue. The Wobld's Faie. — Kenters Tele. gram Company, Limited, acting as Inter national advertising agents, have been appointed sole agents to the Columbia World's Pair at Chicago in 1893, for the purpose of publicity for Europa and the British colonies.

Da. Babnabdo's Homes.—-There was a very crowded assembly at the Ashburtoa Oddfellows' Hall on Thursday evening, when the Bey. W. J. Mayers, the Deputation Secretary to Dr. Barnardo's Homes, gave an interesting address on the rescue work carried on by Dr. Barnardo. The Hon. W. J. Steward, Speaker of the House, presided. The eight boys from the London Homes were present, and their performances on the hand bells, bagpipes, and other instruments were much appreciated. Lttteltou Lawn .Tbunis Club. —At a meeting of this Club held on Wednesday evening , , it was decided to hold a bread and on Thursday, 25th inst., in aid of the fund 3. The members of this Tennis Club are never behind hand in giving their assistance to all matters pertaining to sport, and there is every reason to expect the affair to prove successful. Sailing Eacbs.—After an interval of several weeks the Brighton Sailing Club will hold another race to-morrow noon, when a trophy presented by Mr. Preece will be competed for. At Scunner the Christchurch Club decide the first round for Mr Martin's prize,- for which the following entries have been received: —■ Stella rating 1.1 scratch, Moana .76 2min 55sec, Petrel .70 2min 55sec, Pakeha .67 3min o9sec, Huia, .57 omin 22sec, Marama .57 smin 22see, Wallaby .54 smin 50sec,- Crest .46 7min 17eec, Julie .23 }4min 3aes. The race will start at 4.30 from .Monck's jetty to the Heathcote bridge and back. Time allowance* will

be given at the start. * Dkath at Eybbtoh.— Yesterday Mr Thotnas Chiltan, one the first eetdese at Eyrefcon, in 18G2, died at his resideaoe there, at an advanced age. He was a ! native of Herefordshire. As a farmer he ■was a thoroughly practical and successful man. He took considerable interest alwaye in matters-tending to the advancement of the Eyreton district, and was highly respected by all who knew him. Hie* funeral takes place on Sunday. Mr Chilton leaves a widow, three eons and two daughters. One of his sons is Mr Charles Chilfcon, M.A., head master of the district High School at Port Chalmers. ■ Cantebboby Kcgbt Uniok.—A meeting of the Committee of the Canterbury Rugby Union was held at the Christchurch ■ Football Club's room 3 last night. Present —Messrs Gk Harris (in the chair), T. L. Smith, J. S. Hawkes, W. Q. Garrard, F. D. Kesteven, F. West (Hon. Sec), and Dr. Moorhouse. Mr Johnson wrote re the* disputed appointment of thexeferee in the. Cambridge-Kaiapoi Junior Flag match ; last season^'and it was • decided to reply : tbafc the Committee were of•; opinion that "the letter was not considered' altogether satisfactory; but' they would take tiaj further action in the matter. Theques-' 1 tion of removing the disqualification im- : posed by the Rugby Union on three members of the'; Sydenham Club during the pleasure of the Union or Until they apologised, was considered at length, and Dp. Moorhouse eventually proposed, anxl Mr Hawkes Seconded, " That it is the pleasure of this Committee that the diequalification of the three members be removed." Mr Kesteven moved, as an amendment, " That this meeting adjourn i '■until February 26th for further considers- ! tioa of ths question." The amendment was carried, and" the meeting then adjourned. . Thbateicaii Cbickbt.—A match, was played at. Lancaster Park yesterday between Mr Walter JBentley'sDrarnatie Company (who~ played tjhirteen men) and a local team got together and captained by Mr F. C. Raphael; and after a most exciting finish the game resulted in a tie, each side: scoring exactly the century.; This result will come as a bit of a surprise to the majority of those taking part in the contest, as when adding , up the home team's score the scorer made the total 93, the Theatricals thus winning by 2 runs, but on checking the totals it was found that the Park had scored the same \ as their opponents. The Profession Went' in firsthand Mr Walter Bentley filled the; important role of top scorer with a well; jjoj 16, while Messrs Foster, Love joy and j Hill each made 14, and Mr Money 10. Messrs Cohen, Jones. Fairhurst and i Laurence divided the wickets between them. The principal scorers for Lan- > caster Park were — CaygiU. 22, Lawrence 19, Jones 16 (not oat), and Cohen . 14, Alderson and Foster i bowled well for the company. The fielding on both sides was above the average seen in these matches, HiH's wicketrkeeping: for the visitors being admirable. There was.a goodly attendance of spectators, including Miss Laura Hansen and the other ladies of the company," who took a Hvely interest in the game, applauding the hits for their side and condoling with, the unfortunates who were got out. The Misses Raphael provided afternoon tea for the ladies and the players, and their kindness was greatly appreciated by those who partook of their hospitality, the afternoon being very hot and fatiguing.

Another large display of opals on view at; Bdeet George's entrance. Everyone has been delighted with results, and owing 'to hundreds now applying for deposit tickets Mr Eden Geobgk has decided on issuing 1000 more next montn. Full particulars Iα future advertisements. Persons should visit our entrance, daily, as we show nearly every order executed. The Earl and Countess of Meath having sat to C. H. JOINNIMs * for their photograpiia before leaving for the feouthern I/altes, specimens of them may now be seen at the Studio, Colombo street, as also those of the Earl and Countess of Onslow, the Ladies Gwendoline and Dorothy, the Hon. Huia in Maori garb, the late Duke of Clarence, Cardinal Manning, and the usual Brilliant and Artistic display of PhotOßrephie Work so much admired- by the general public at this Studio. No oae should miss seeing the latest novelty of photographic ars now exhibited in Standish and Pbeece's vestibule High street.—lADVT.] The best medicine in existence Is CoIs?£ANJB and Sojf'a Eucaiypte Extract for colds, coughs, consumption, bronchitis, gravel, and kidney complaints, liver complaints and fevers of all kinds. So that you are not imposed upon by wood turps, see that each bottle bears the Tree of Life and our signature, Colemane and Son*. Coot&mundra, N.S. Wales, without this it is a fraud. For gout, rheumatism, sciatica, try our special Eucalypce Oil, 2oi bottle Is Sdi Awarded medals and diplonms, Sydney, Adelaide and Melbourne beating ail competifeore. Sold everywhere A Oskat Success.—We are informed tHat the great Clearing Sale at P. Gabitks', Victoria street, is a greet success, and has been crowded daily, notwithstanding all counter attractions, and no wonder when you tead the following quotations:— Ladies' straw hats, all qualities from Iβ" to 4s 6d; men s rock straw hats, Is, worth 2s 6d, only a few sizes left; dress pieces, Is lid the dress of 12yds; ribbons, 4Jd per yard, all qualities; pare silk gloves, Is; also, special jmsohase of traveller's samples, only one of each in all classes of gwods, SO per cent, diacount.

Ekwite.—At a weetlni? of thk School Committee oa Wednesday night Miss Thompson was chosen for the position of school mistrees out of the three applicants selected by the Board of Education. AXXEOBD EITBKZLWIKNT. — William Mardon was arrested yesterday on a charge of having, oa 27th November, 1890, embewled the euoa of £10 s*, the property of his employer. Eichard Smith, Christchurch. Eakoioba. Hoses Faib.—At this sale on Friday Mr Base reports an entry of sixty horns, including a *P«**l Jjne from Kaikoura on account of Mr A. b. LoUins. The prices for this string were—Light broken draughts £12 to £17, spring cart horses £10 to £12. light unbroken two-year-olds £55 108 to jeS, mares and foals £9 10a to £11 10e, polo ponies £9 10s to £11. Iα the ordinary sale—Unbroken draught colts and fillies £14 to £18, brcken-in Rood sorts £17 to £23, lighter sorts £10 to £12. Lrrriiß Kaxaia School.—Oα Wednesday evening Miss" Dawson, who hae been mistress at the Little Rakaia School for the past fire years, and is now leaving to take another appointment, was entertained at a social by the parents and friends of the scholars at the schoolroom. After the tea a concert was held, and during the interval Mr Wm. Gabbie (Chairman of the School Committee), on behalf of the Committee and pupils, presented Miss Dawson with a silver biscuit barrel, bearing a suitable inscription. Mr Piikington, the llad master, oa behalf of Miss Dawson, thanked the donors for the gift, and spoke in eulogistic terms of Miss Dawson's manner of teaching and her genial manner among the children. BiFLB Shooting.—The following will represent the E Battery against the Permanent Artillery, at Lyttelton to-morrow. Lieutenant Jackson, Sergeants Were, Henwood, Treleaven, Bombadier Berry, Gunners Lester, Cropp, Higgs, Eobertson, Godfrey. Members leave by the 1.25 p.m. train. Ibe following will represent the Sydenham Eifles in a friendly match with the Kaiapoi Bifles to-morrow, on the Kaiapoi Bangs, as the Bromley Bangeis not available on that day :—Captain Anderson, Sergeant Hunt, Privates Shelton, F. Osborne, Harrison, F. Bourdot, A. Bourdot. Fright, Butler, Parker; emergencies Sergeant Board, Privates May, Lisle, Carrie. Competitors will meet in the square at 1 pan. This f&ernoon the members of the Alpha Martini-Henry Rifle Club andjthe Honorary Keserve Corps will hold a practice on the ranee of the former. The conveyance will leave the square at 1.30 p.m. sharp. Tkb Goveknob's Luncheon.—lt was Mr N. W. Edwards vrho replied for the ladies at the luncheon to the Governor on ; Thuradav. Sun Spots.—Mr Arthur Bererley writes to the Otago Daily Times -—-"An enormous cluster of spots is at present visible on the sun, the iargesfc 1 have ever seen. It extends over a space about 120,000 miles by miles, or one-seventh by onetenth of the, sun's diameter. In the middle of.the cluster is an oval penumbra, 70,000 by 60,000 miles, within which are two very dark spots, nearly round, and with diameters 14,000 and 12,000 miles respectively. It lies to the south, of the sun's' equator," and will be near the middle of the disc on Saturday. 16 is easily seen bj looking through a bit of smoked glass."

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Press, Volume XLIX, Issue 8097, 13 February 1892, Page 5

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NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume XLIX, Issue 8097, 13 February 1892, Page 5

NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume XLIX, Issue 8097, 13 February 1892, Page 5