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To-day's market was fully represented in ooth fat aud store departments. Buyers were numerous, and the weather, though threatening, held floe. Pat Cattle—There were 175 head of fat cactle yarded, steers and cows being in about equal proportion.' The demand was very litelesa, and with the exception of a few prime steers not bins came in for competition. For inferior steers aud cows there was next to no deniaud, ani peu after pen was passed in unsold. Best beef may be quoted at 16* 6d to 17s 6d per 1001b, and inferior from 13s upwards. Mkssrs Matson and Co. (associated with the National M. aud A. Compiny of New Zealand, Limited), sold for Mr Bilton, 1 cow at £4 3t (id ; for Mr Hey wood, 5 cows at £3; for Mr H. Harris, 1 heifer at £5 and 1 cow at £4 03; for Mr C. O'Neill, 4 cows at £4 s<to io 12s 6d; for Mr K. Mclntosh, 4 steers at £olos to £6 2s lid, 5 heifers ac JH s*; for Mr W. Fell, 1 cow at £3; for clients; 4 steers at £0 to £6 ss, 1 zovr at £6 10s. Thk Nbw Zealand Farmers' Cooperative Association sold for Air W. Boag, 2 steers at£7 as, 2at £6 12s 6d, and 2 ac iO 10s; for Mr K. Meredith, 5 heifers at £4 15s, 2 at £4, 2 at £4 03, 1 steer at £3 17s 6d, 1 at £3 10s. The New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company, Limited, sold for Mr E. Jones, steers at £5 12$ 6d to £6 2s 6d, aud heifers at £4 10s to £6. Messrs ToDHUNTER AND JENNINGS sold, for various clients, 2 heifers at £4 17s 6d, 1 at £4 1* 6i, 4 heifers at £5,1 ac £4 17s Gd, 3at£l 2s 6d, 2 cows at £417s 6d, 0 heifers at £4 a*, 10 steers at £5 15s, 4 heifers at £5 12s 6d, 9 steers at £5 12s 3d, cow at £5 12-. 6d. Messrs Pynb and Co. sold—4 steers at £ti 10s, 1 at £5 ss, 4 heifers at £4 10*, 2 cows at £4 10s, 1 at £4 17s 6d, 4 at £4 109, 2 at £4, 4 at £3 15s. 3 ac £3 10s, 4 steers at £5 17s (sd, 4 at £5155, 4 at £5 10s. Store Cattle. —The entry presented a Very favorable comparison to those of the past few weeks. Fully half of the pens were filled with young cattle, moat of which were forward in condition. Buyers were evidently anxious to do business, and nearly the whole of the entry changed owners. Two and three-year-old steers and heifers made £2 as, £2 12s 6d, .£3, aud up to £3 16s. A few store cows also came in for attention, and made good values. Taken all round the sale was one of the most satisfactory thac has been conducted this summer. Messrs Todhunter and Jennings sold for various clients 4 head mixed at £4 15s, 15 head mixed at Jfc2 7s, 6 three-year-olds at £3 10s, 8 at £2 Hβ, 17 at £2 7s, 4 heifers at 28*, 18 head mixed at 295, 19 three-year-old steers at £3 15s, 10 head at 30s, 3 cows ac 365, 3 heifers at £3 4s, 4 head at £2 18s, 20 head at 28s, 4 heifers at £2 5s 6d and a number of store cows up to £2; also a number of springers from £3 10s to £8. Mkssrs H. Matson and Co. (associated with the National M. and A. Company of New Zealaud, Limited), sold for various clients, year-ttnd-half old heifers at 355, and three-year-olds at £3 7s 6d, also dry cows at from 14s to £4 ss. Messrs Pyne and Co. sold dairy cows at £3 lOs to £6.

Stork Shekp—There was a large number of store sheep yarded, including a number of good-sized lines. Two and four tooth crossbreds, aged ewes, and a Rprinklingofmerinoes constituted the bulk of the entry, aud for all classes the demand was firm. Young stock came in for considerable competition, lines of crossbreds making 6* 4d, 6s 9d, 8s lid, 11s 7d and 12s. Merinos went from 4s, 4s 3d and os 4d. Messrs H. Matson and Co. (associated with the National M. and A. Company of New Zealand, Limited) sold for Mr Christopher O'Neill, 112 store lambs at 7a 2d; lor Mr H. Hawkins, 141 crossbreds, mixed, at 10a Id, 1200 crossbred ewes and lambs, all counted (the ewes three to five years old) at 16a 9d; for Mr James O'Neill, 182 two-tooths mixed sexes at 12s; for Mr H. Hawkins, 415 crossbred ewes and lambs, all counted, at. 5s 9d a head, also 598 crossbred ewes, three to five years old, with lambs at foot, at 6s 9d, all counted; for a client, 509 full-mouth merino wethers at 4s 4d; for Mr J. HardiDg, 21 woolly merino ewes at 8s; for another client, 100 full-mouth and six-tooth breeding ewes at 10s 3d; for Mr H. Hawkins, 63 crossbred hoggets at 8s lid. Messrs Todhunter and Jennings sold for a client, 300 two-tooths at 11s sd, 152 two-tooths at 11s 7d; for Mr J. Jones, 51 merino ewes at 3s Id ; for a client, 33 merino ewes and lambs at 4s 8d all counted,; for Mr T. Sutton, 52 merino; ewes ia wool at 7s sd, 38 crossbred ewes at 8s 3d, 20 merino e*res and lambs at 8* Id. Messrs C. Newton and Kon sold 183 store lambs at 6*, and 60 two-tooths at 10s sdr MisssßS Ptne and Co. sold 59 merino wethers at 5% lid, 50 at 5s 3d, 170 crossbred ewes and wethers at 9s 9d.

Fat Lambs.—To-day there was the largest entry of lambs that has been yarded this season. All the lamb pens were crowded and extra accommodation had to be found in the riheep pens. The quality was varied, but inferior sorts were Iα the majority. Bayers for export operated freely for the latter sorts and prices for these were well up to last week's. Inferior sorts did not sell as well but sales were generally effected. The market was topped by a pen of grand lambs, cold by Messrs Macson and Co., which went as high as I4s 3d a head. Other sorts made ,7s 3d, Bs, 10* 3d and 10s 9d.. Mksshs Todhttntkr and Jennings sola for & client 60 ac 8* 10d ; for Mr Pat Ryan, 9at 9s; for Mr T. Hughes, 9* at 8i 6M ; for Mr P. Clark, 10a at 10s 7d;, for Mr Candy. 25 at 8-t 2d; for Mr J. Jones, 32 at 9s 2d; for Mrs G. Hay wood, 19 at lls ! 2d, 19s at lls 6<l; for Mr J. Muir, Us at β-i 6d; for Mr H. Osbourne, 20 at 12s 6d, 20 at Its 9d ; for a client, 8 at 12e 6d, 7 at I 10s 9d, 55 at 8s 3d, lat 7s; for Mr H. Stace, 6at 10a 6d ; for Mr F, Searle, Bat 8s; for Mr Saddler, 4 at 8s 9d ; for a client, 220 «*t 10* 6d. MRP.C.TABABTsoIdfor MrTosswill.B at 8s 9d. 15 at 10s; for Mr J. Pearson, 9 at 9d, 30 at 9s 8d; for Mr Parker, lambs at 10s 9d ; for Mr S. Pearson, 22 at lls 2d: for Mr I J. H. Davidson, 40 at lls 7d, 80 at 10* od, Iβ at 9s Bd, Iβ at 9s 3d; for Mr R. Allan, 6at 10s 2d, 7at 10s Id: for clients, 10s at 10* 3d, 12 at 10s, 25 at Its 4d, 18 at 10s 7d, 13 at 9s Bu, 9at 9*. Mjsssbs Milks and Co. sold for Mr H. McConnell, lambs at 10s 3d; for Mr T. Knee.sbaw, lambs at 10s. Messrs Ptoe and Co. sold 42 at lls, 39 > at 10s lid, W ac 9s 7d, 11 at 9s 3d, 7 at 9s, $ at 9s 6et, 7 at 8s lid, 10 at 9s (id, 10 at 9*, 20 at 8i 3d, 15 at 12s 4d. Messrs H. Matson and Co.* (associated with the' Nation at M. aad A. Company of Npw Zealand, 'Limited) sold for Mr W. Davies 20 at 9s 10d to 10s 9d; for Mr C. O'Neill, • 50 at S% Id to 8s 6d; for Mr T. Hoult, 10 at lls 9d; for Mr J. McGuinnees, 10 at 8i 6d; for Mc W. J EockinK, 5 at 8s 9d; for Mr G. D. Greenwood, 6 at 9» 6d; for Messrs Henderson and Sons, 18at lls 6d to 12s Id; for Mr -Uhtltoni 13 at 9s to 9a lid ; for a client, 100 at 7s 6d to Sα ; for Mr R. W. Harding, 16 at 7s to 7s 8d ; lor Mr J. Dolan, 107 at flhirMr T. White, 160 at Wod to Hβ lid. 'Mkssks C. Newton: Son sold for Messrs Dyer Bros., 30 at 9s 3d; for clknt«, 20 at 8s 9d, 12 at lls, 13 at 10s 9.1, Sβ at 8i 3d and 8i 6d. This New Zeaxand Loan and Mbbcanttlk AGbJscY Company, Lim.. sold -for Mr Stubbs, 40 at 10s 2d to 10» lid; for Mr Wiffen, 66 at 8* lid to 9s; for other clients at 9s 6d to 10s 7d.

J?at. Shbep.—The pens were well filled with & mixed assortment of sheep. The demand for prime sheep was well maiiitained owing principally so competition amongst bayersfor eiport. Inferior sorts did noc come in for much attention, and prices for them suffered Iα consequence. Several line* vrere withdrawn late Iα the afternoon, bat taken all found the Hale was satisfactory and prices good. Ma F. C. Taßabt sold for Mr J. H. Davidson, 25 crossbred wethers at 14* 2 J, 23 at 13s yd, 20 at 13s 6d; for Mr S. Pearaou, 17 crossbreds at 14*. Iβ at 11s 9d; for Mr TosHwiU, 24 cro-ssbreia at Uβ 3d, 24 at 11s Id ; tor Mr J. Pearwou, 20 two-tooths at 15s Id, 26 at 14s Id, 7 ac 13s; for Mr T. Armstrong, 30 crossbred wether* at 15s 3d, 82 at 14s; for Mr Inwood, 56 crossbred 'wethers at 14s; for Mr W. Murray, 20 crossbred wethers ac 14* sd, 20 at 13s 9d; for clieuts, 25 crossbred weohers at 14a, 23 at 13*« Td, 23 at 13-» 4d, 27 crossbreds at 13s 3d, 26 at 6d, 38 at 11s, 26 at 10s Bd, •16 crossbred at- 11-» 6d, 30 at 13^ ! lα, 27 M Ib 6d, 27 at 13s 4d. 27 at 13s. THK N EW ZBAJ.A2JD LOAX AND MeRCAN- ! TU-E Agency Compamt, Limited, iold for Mr Wiifcu crossbnd wethers at 13s lid; for MrStabbs, merino wethers at 5i fid ; for Mr yV. merino wethers at 9s 10d to 10s 6a; for Mr Coater, hultbred wecbera at 13* 9d, and ewes ac 13s Id to 14s 4d; for Mr Job Odbome, 60 crossbreds at 15s 61; for Mr F. C. Murray, 30 ctoshbredn afe 13s lid, 24 at 13s lOd, 25 at 13s 7d, and crossbred ewes at 12s lid, Thb New Zbalasd Fabmsbs' Co-opeaA-TIVJS AS3OCIAWOM Of OANTJBBBOBy, LiiUTED, bold fur Mr J. Little, 48 crossbred ewes at 12s Id, 22 at lla 7d; Mr J. Cunningham, 28 crossbred ewes at 12s lid, 22 at 11s 2d, 22 at9s3d; for MrR. Dancao, 70 aaerino wethers at 9& lid, <0 at 10s Id; for Mr T. D. Boag, 20 crossbred ewes at Hβ lid, 42 at Us idTfor Mr J. T. Wright, 64 crosabredwethersand maiden ewes at 13s Id. Messhs Ptne akd Co. sold 27 merino wethers at 8s Id, 17 crossbred ewes and wethers at 12s, 15 Down ewes at 12s »d, 45

crossbred ewes at 14s 3d, 18 at 10s 6d, 19 at 10s 6J, 11 *t 9s 3d, a> crossbred wethers at 15s 4d, 20 at 15s 24,53 at 13s 4d, 43 maiden ewes at 13s 100,2 woolly at 18s, 20 wethers and ewes at 12s 2d, IS at 123; for Meadowbank Estate, 26 crossbred wethers and ewea at 13s Bd, 35 merino wethers at 8s 6d, 25 at Ss 4d; for eUenu, 30 Down ewes at 12-» 3d; for Balmoral Estate, 25 merino wethers at 10* 2d, 25 at 10*, 28 at 0s 3d, 2Sat9*4d. 28 at 9s 3d, 26 at 8* lid. Messrs Miles and Co. sold for Mr I. j£. Upton, 272 crossbred ewes and "ethers at 14s 9d, 27crossbred ewes at 13s lid; for Mr J. C. Wason, 30 crossbred* at 13s Id, 90 do at 13s lid; fur Lowcliffe Estate, 20 crossbred ewes at 13s Bd, 20 do at 13s Id, 2i)at 12s lid. Messrs Todhuntkr jlnd Jexnikgs sold for Mr P. Ryan, 22 ewes at B*sd; fur Mr Saddler, merino ewes at 7s 6d; for Mrs Hay wood, 21 two-tooth crossbreds at 12s 4i, ewes at 10s 7d : for Mr H. Odborne, 61 two-tooths at 12*, 108 at 12* 3d; for a client, 22 ewes at 10s 7d, 15 wethers at 12s; for Mr Candy, 11 ewes at 9s 3d; for a client, 75 four-tooths at 13s 3d, 85 at 12s 6d, 50 at 12s 9d. Messrs fl. Matson and Co. (associated wich the National M. aud A. Co. of New Zealand, Limited) sold for Mr A. Gallagher, 49 crossbred wethers and maiden ewes at 13s lid to 149 61; for Mr Meynhoif, crossbred ewes at 12* 6d; for a client, 149 at 103 3d and 137 wethers and. maiden ewes at 11s 10d to 13s; for Messrs Gallagher Bros.,3scro**bred wethers and maiden ewes at 13.* 7d, 21 crossbred ewes at 13s 10d; for another owuer, 85 crossbred wethers and maiden ewes at 12s 6d to 13s 3d; for Mr W. Davies. 15 crossbred ewes at 11s 4d; for Mr H. Hawkins, 80 crossbred weihers and maiden ewes at lls 10d ; for the Lyndharst Estate, 115 merino wethers at 10s 2d to lls 6d; and 40 halfbr. d ewe* at 10s 7d to 12s 4d ; for another ttfnjr, 32 merino wethers at 8s; for Hon. o. T. Peacock, 31 merino wethers at 10s 6d; for Mr J. Hardiug, 13 woolly merino wethers 10a 6d; for Mr G. D. Greenwood, 30 crossbred wathers at 13s 4d, 29 crossbred wethers and ewes at lls 6d, 9 merino wethers at 9s 6d ; for Mr J. Henderaou, 76 crossbred evvos at lls 6d to 12a 4d; for Mr J. Dews. 22 half bred wethers at 13s 10d, 90 merino werhers at 10* 8d ; for Mr J. Hoax, 31 crossbred ewes at 10s 7d ; for Mr Chilton, 9 wethers and maiden ewes at lls; for Mr J. Henry, 54 merino ewes at 3s 91; fora client, 290 merino wethers at 8s Id ; for Mr Hawkins, 53 crossbred ewea at 10s Id ; for another owner, 35 four and six-toath crossbred ewes at lls 10d to 12*, 35 full mouth ewes at lla 3d.

Tue following prices may help owners to estimate the value of stock. In each case the live weights are given :—Prime sheep of 651b to 7Uib made from 14s to Ida 3d, or about 2£4 per lb; prime sheep of from sTilb to 601b, made from 12s Gd to 13s 9d, or about 2£d per lb; inferior sorts of 451b to 551b, 10s to 12s, or about 2d p«r lb. Other classes of inferior mutton of lighter weight, iv some cases failed to reach 2d per lb. Prime ox beef made from 16s 9d to 17s 6d per 1001b, second rate do from 15s to 16 \, inferior aud cow beef from 13$ to 14s6dperlOUlb.

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Press, Volume XLIX, Issue 8071, 14 January 1892, Page 3

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ADDINGTON LIVE STOCK MARKET. Press, Volume XLIX, Issue 8071, 14 January 1892, Page 3

ADDINGTON LIVE STOCK MARKET. Press, Volume XLIX, Issue 8071, 14 January 1892, Page 3