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The Eev. W. Morley delivered at Z Durham Btreet Weeleyan Church W evening a preliminary discourse T« American churches and preachers a report will be found elsewhere. " Girls' High Scnooi.—The annual die. tnbution of prizes by the Chairman o! the Board of Governor* to the pupil* attend! ing tho Girls' High School »iU take tC this evening at 7.30. Kaiapoi Bbqatoa.—Owing to several of the beat men of the Kaiapoi Bowing Club being laid up with influenza, the Q*uL mittee of the Kaiapoi Begatta hav»X cided to postpone the regatta to a date ta be decided upon. • Honouaby Ekskrvb Coßya. ~ Afe &» adjourned meeting of the Kouoraw Reserve Corps held on Saturday, the election of Mr H. S. Harris as a meiabei was duly confirmed. *

Volunteer Paradb. — The name <A Major Richards waa inadvertently omitted from the paragraph giving particulars of the Government daylight parade of the head. quarters' Volunteer Corps on Friday eveninsr. . ™

Cricket.—-The following team will pl»\ at Amberley on Anniversary Day, leaving Cathedral squire at 6.45 akarpj-l Treweek, Tapper. Steeds, Bates, Preect (2), Murray, Welle, Jackman, Youny Hassall, Willis, Johnston, Barnes, Roberts.' Marshall.

Planet Juotob Toots.—A final bition of the Planet Junior garden and farm implements will tako place at the School of Agriculture, Lincoln, at 2.30p0a, to-morrow. Mr Sanford, tho expert, iriU be present on the occasion to afford anj information with reference to the tools, and no doubt there will be a large attendance of those interested.

Theological Debate.—The four nlgatj debate between the Bey. John Hoakmgj, of the United Methodist Free Church, Si, Asaph street, and Mr W. W. CoUina, Freethought lecturer, will commence at the Tuam street Hall to-morrow evening, The list of subjects appears elsewhere. It will be seen that each disputant affirms tw« propositions and deniee two. CAPdizß of a FisHiNa Paett.—A part] of fishermen left Ashburton ou Friday te indulge in a little trout fishing near the mouth of the river and a little trawling for kahawai along the sea coast. When nearing- their destination the horse thsj were driving indulged in a little ttmk, with the result that the occupants of the vehicle were shot over a terrace, but fortunately escaped without any serioiv injury. MonEia Tubs Shooting.—On Friday evening last the members of the Christchurch W.M.C. Rifle Club fired tho ninth stage for the prizes of No. 1 competition. The following are the results.—A. W. Jones (scr) 34, A. Manning (sor) 81, E. Hardcastle (scr) 31, J. Hastie (ecr) 31, C. W. Sherwood (scr) 30, W. A. Oaldwell (1) 30, W. G. Munford (1) 30. On Saturday they competed for the prizes ia Ko. 2 competition, the distance 300 yds. The following were the principal scores!—W. A. Caidwell (3) 32, W. G. Munford (8) 32, E. G. Frost (sor) 31, JR. C. Welle (ecr) 31, W. Gaward (ecr) 30, O. W. Turpin (scr) 30, P. G. Voyle (scr) 30, J. Hotnreell (8) 30, H. Spicer (2) 30. llampstead School Concebt. —•The Ashburton Oddfellows' Hall was crowded in every part on Friday evening, the occasion being the Hainpstead nohoo! concert. The first part of the programme consisted of vocal items by the children and by Mrs Gamble, Mr Black, Mr Millar, and a violin solo by Mr Wood. The chief attraction, however, was the kinderapiel" The Mowers of the Forest/ which wae rendered by the children in a highly oreditable manner, the large audience testifying their appreciation by frequent applause. The children bad been trained by Miss Shirtcliffe, wftH Mr Gamble as musical conductor, both of whom are entitled to great credit for the proficient manner in -which they brought" their young pupils before the poMk, x Att efficient orchestra under Mr H. A. G*tea added much to the enjoyment of tlie coa« cert. The Committee decided to hare the entertainment repeated this,evening. Sitddbn Dbatk. —On Saturday after' noon Dr. Thomas was hurriedly called in to ace Mr W. J. OUiver, at his residence, in Gloucester street. Mr OUiver had beea taken andSenly ill, and was dead before the doctor's arrival. The deceased w&sfoi many years a partner in the firm of m* kin and Co., and upon its dissolution he' commenced business on his own aec6fln# as a grain and seed merchant, in Hejefors street, and subsequently he became « commission agent. For twelve months , pasi he had been ailing, bat not enough to take to his bed. He suffered from neuralgia and insomnia, and on Saturday afterncxra he went to lie down, and about helf aa hour later Mrs Olliver was called b»JM eldest daughter, who had noticed that aej father was oreathing heavily &fl& appeftteil very ill. Mrs Olliver immediately Beasfos, Dr. Thomas, but her husband expired in the meanwhile. An inquest will bo ab 35 Gloucester street* at WQw»«»-W Natitbal Phbnohsnon.—Two genila men recently bad a curious experience « the Lake Flat. Driving down Ktftra Valley tbey perceived some curious ioa* ing cloude in the neighborhood of tw railway station and adjoining hill. Vβ"' ou3 theories were broached to account tot them. They were caused by duet raises by a pair of equestrians, they w ete.c<Maposed of miet rising from the earth, m*s were emote, they wete all eorta of thlnge, But a closer acquaintance reyealea, W fact that thoy were composed entifely « small fliee. The driver aaye that he*«m rather drive through any duet storm th*Q again encounter ench ecu exparwnce. w» passenger coinplaina that hi "Jβ*. faugh at the vagariea of norse and drITM. On passing the point and looking bacitiae flies, now viewed from a different ■ stan* point ac regards the setting sun, presenile the appearance of black columna of smofte. quite equal to those prodoiced by burning a series of heaps of gorse down a ifenfif «v& One of those, at all treats, who } wlm**m the spectacle, expresses his infteStlon ol making a special trip with his camera, ia order tc secure a reproduction of w Wy?* describes ac one of the (moat WOawniM sights he has ever witnessed, ' ! N«W ZIBA'OASD MSDtCAti AfISOCIATIOS/^ The annual meeting of the Canterbury Branch waa held at the Pubiie Library on December 10th at 4 p.m., D*. President, in the chair. Th© foUawMt officers were elected:—President, Dγ- *• y * Guthrie; Vice-Presidents, Dra. Inring »aa TiLomas; Treasurer, Tit. Jennings? »<?»*♦ Secretary, Dr. Murray-Aynsley; of Committee of Management), *«*• Guthirie and Deßenzi. Dr. Thomas ,J&h an able and interesting retirinor pretiaen" tial address, congratulating the Society «» the advance made in the last eigkWfP months. The Bociety had eatablisaed tM position as a representative body, its rou of membere had increased to forty, ao* there was a satisfactory balance at tae Bank. He dwelt on the disproportionately large demands made on the charity of tne jnedieal profession.and upon the edvantago of union amongst medical n?en. A a t r £? number of papers, some of great merit, Jrt been read, and several cases and pathological specimens exhibited. Hβ hoped that the resolution lately passed to the effect tna« special subjects were to bo allotted to certain members would be fruitful of good results. The efforts of the Society "I,. 1 * 5 ; lation to Government insurance, medicjU evidence at inquests, reporting of diseases, dissemination of indecent literature, ana, in conjunction with the St. Johu Ambulance Association, the f 01 " 11 ***? 0 /.®* a Nursea' Directory had borne estistactcwy results. In conclusion, he adrooated the formation of a pathological museum, «*a that efforts shduld be made *» Beo a*iJ» more efficient euperrision of P ,1 ®" 0 hygiene. A hearty vote of thaafee W*B given to for Us address. The ordintfry monthly meeting was then W<*> Dr. T. O. Guthrie, President in the eaapf# Two now membere were elected, »*» * clinical case was exhibited.

Hyalop'e Teae ue dim! fttNtt t* consumers, and coaseqeaeUf r 9 ** Talaee to the public.

stefcion on Saturday. te iSaiAi»-At dTßeaideutMagisCourt, Christclprch, on Saturday, • a 0 business ?>r transaction, Cempetittw are again re■Ogittae entries/for the Pioneer Sob's race/meeting close toBW >evening at <* c rooms. Cathedral »^B B raHTOs TOTAT.-The 0 a.m. * #L*m Cbristchnfch now goes through md tram leaves Now *?3»at »*5 ail ' f ° r Chrisfcchurc a.— Gold ItertrßNS. —The manager »• 3 South Keep-pSfc ff*° e -liaff Coapanies telegraphs Mr i Hereford street, the of RS^a lll from I£ >O tons Tor ■ w* 570z of from 84 I <* 8 , 4e No. 2 Dark. a tons Hbthodist CmrncH.—The 3 Psi*" ggynces in connection with the - refi^^ B jf e fnodist Church, Cambridge ,- prfjaini^ fe p lace yesterday, when the vj jg potter preached morning and B? f \ ,' ijjj a concert and straw--9 wiU t»ke place, when a very i mraeof vocal and instraI <2S music wiU be given. f of Barlow, tbe original * S5 Barloir" of "Blue-taUed Ply" '' Sty arrived in Chris tchurch on Satur- - , LVow is taking a run through the I <# .Tyisitm" tbe scenes of some of his t f&npbs of twenty odd years ago. It I Mr Barlow will give one i JMS gsa^ a S entertainments in Christli <*z!L before he leave 3. ? j *Stat« Match Postponed. — Tha ji .'r tma tcli between the mercb ante and *]&*nßß, to have been held in Lancaster !- is unavoidably postponed till || notice. Ticket-holders will be able if "Se use of their tickets when the day H r/jAg juatch is finally settled, and in the JrLjjjae the City Mission Home will be 1 sof fuuds (now in hand) before ;: C &gpTja£PLABY.--The Desire of Sydea*l umliodze No. 6 heid its weekly meeting '• f Free Methodist Church on Wednea- \- L jit, Bro. Cameron, G.T.S. preH There was a very fair attend- >| 0 « members and visitors. A y- Zα aionnt of business was gone • !ta»eb 4^e offi(,9 °* Treaeurer J Mac vsoanfc Bro. Hill, senr., waa duly Sctod and installed to fill that office. fkesrty rote of thanks was passed to Cameron, and the meeting closed in ; jVa S80&1 forlll. BwiHHXNG CiiTiß.—The twelfth jjjgjjf exhibition of aquatic sports in connection wttk c Christchurch Amateur - getonang Club took place on Saturday, at ' I tbs Uest Christchurch school bath, under '3 themosSfa T£>rable auspices. The atten-j-fl Tras good, the weather fine, the batha j-3 and the races well contested. y jihoat ninety-nine competitors took part •3j fourteen events, the last of which j tts* retarn polo match with, members of "- ft? East Christchurch Club, which was s; 3 voibj the J' lolll9 team, l> Salb Off Wobk. —The annual P* Ble pf in connection with the parish P afjleriviie will take place on the 19th i 1 issi. The delay that has taken place has I! ssbfded an opportunity to the Ladies* 11 etamlfctee to secure a most varied assorts% eat of articles. There. will be ChrisfcU sa trees, a collection of articles manuP ftgtured by the members of the Ladies' sf fosk Society, and a hundred and one If Set attractions. In the evening an m fflsrette will be given, for which Mrs H Srry hae been training a number of fe wane ladies for some time past. M Ghildbbn's Concert.—The repetition p lithe children's concert at the Tuam ikcet Hall on Saturday night attracted a G ssxSly number of viaitora. All the items % »Uj« programme were very brightly a Bffig,and Mi Daltry deserves the utmost J KBoble credit for the admirable manner |1 iinbich he trained tbe children, and also 4 ' is ■say in "which he conducted the two < jeteances. It is to be hoped now that ' feeßjericnent of a children's concert on so krge a scale" has been made, and pd a success, that the North Can* t&sj Wesleyan Sunday School Union

ls«a their way clear to repeat it. . K& Gkb'b ScHoor..—The annual pre- .} station of prizes at this school was made i <a Friday. The following are the results ~:4 af the examination : —Scripture, J. H. ' I Brown li, T.Wftlkden 2 j marks, H. Goodman I wdH. Berryl,T.Walkden2,W.Gamble3; 1 teak-keeping, H. Goodman 1, Y. Barrett 2; ~ I ganuaar, H. Goodman 1, Y. Barrett and 1 fi, Berry 2; geography, H. Goodman and -. T. Barrett; 1, H. Berry 2; arithmetic, H. ' C. Clarkson 1, V. Barrett 2; science, H. * Goodman 1, T. Walkden 2; history, H. . Goodmaa 1, Y. Barrett 2; Latin, H. ; \ Qt&bte; algebra, J. H. Brown; writing, ' X- Barrett 1, T.Walkden 2, G. Clarkson 3; » dawing, W. Hall 1, J. H. Brown 2, A. s Peppier 3, At the close of the proceedings ; tie boys presented Mr Gee with a hand- \ Kme photographic album, " as a token of * . Had regards." I" Xaueoi Caledonian, Socibty.--A fj? lasting of Directors was held at Marshall's in fiaudeville Hotel on Friday evening , , )-'; *hgn a number of matters connected with :.- tiaaaaoal gathering were discussed. At ' -j ». general meeting three new members ■.- *as nominated. The President, Mr "W, ~ Sskj, reported there was a larger entry i d eompetitore for the sports than last &«, and the handicaps, would be \ on Monday. A Committee of JW'Diieetore, with Messrs Kot>b, Pearoe, v& Stewart, was appointed to arrange grounds. Messrs Fraser, Moore, and were requested to see to the surveying of the courses which had been r fedly promised to be carried out by' Mr - - »Ofiapman. Light refreshments being I prwide-j, a social entertainment was then iaa, at which songs and recitations were ; PMi, including an amusing piece "The s 1 «ath o' the elder's coo," by Mr James < Sewarf. 'fhe promised recitation of £' "fm CShanter," by the President, was efttred till next meeting. The pro- & gfflßgg were terminated by drinking the g> ««aidenb"s health, and singing, "Auld |- le^Syae." j. Ca4NGEisai,—The usual quarterly meet- %] «jßo£ Ko, 5 Temperance District, L.0.L., S" tod in the Orange Hall on Friday 5&, wnen there was a large attendance £.2 «J»mbera and visiting brethren. The P| tewal election of officers took place during i r ] Jkevening, with the following result: — c| Bro. J. T. Smith (re-elected); a JBro. J. Tollerton (re-elected); ; Secfetaty, Bro. A. F. Carey (rej ; District: Treasurer, Bro. H, 1 wdett (re-elected); Chaplain, Bro. Colei J&M (reflected); Hon. Chaplains, Bros. ' *U. Hsakingand Ker. B. H. Ginger j ««rhsl; Gommittee, Bros. Bleach, Middle%B, S. Ferguson, Bang, and J. *«r?asonj Tyler, Bro. W. J. Sloan. ~ « mntatiou from the ladies' Lodge to - tfS 14 m **£** meetin S nex * Friday to stsesss the presentation of an address - *'« P*s President was accepted. The eMaaas-fi&pefc for the past year was re&n<J adopted. It showed a credit of nearly jE4 after all the exoE the year were mefe. Delegates «re appointed io the Grand Lodge, and other items of tontine business A vote of thanks: to the brought the meeting to a close. Semovai,.—Meeera Jameson, Anderson ?** Co., -whose cosy little tea-room has ■£fc&e each an institution in Christ- ***«■!», have removed to new premises in block between Hereford, sneet and C^. cI street. The shop has been very • £*«ily fitted tip with, all kinds of nic - suggestive of oriental lands. Inside ». L^P rett y little tea-room, fitted with tables, at which parties can enjoy a ? bL 6 * **** This is served ***** Httle js' S^ 8 - , are constructed on a novel #5 drawing the tea to perfection. „! this is the shop, which is both . £ ffitot aad ooaimodious. Here is a lift ft * ile P ac king room, and further back ia f% I? 6 °ffice of the firm. Upstairs is situate "I iaj!? 40^11 " room - Here the tea is P tbe various sized packets whioh are f , a the shop or in the bosses intended ' fcL *V consumption. The firm are *?• FAcldng in very pretty boxes what they r" theit Christmas box of tea— * Sogt practical and sensible present for ' lu??iH &c t0 **** off - Th ? packing room ia are displayed - tortoise iheU - oases, combe, Ac. * «£ ot *F£Hfrtheketlle on and we'U hare Tea, it's so delicious and _ «»tehing this hot weather.— lAdvt.}

TaAii BxcußSiOH.—A tram excursion to Sumner to-morrow evening. Twuna leave to* square at 7.15, and Samner at 10 The Stanmore band will play e» route, and also at the Cave Sock, Samner.

Chicago Exstbitioh.—A meeting of the General Committee in connection with the Canterbury representation at the World's Fair at Chicago will be held at the Chamber of Commerce at &30 p.m. on Thursday next Citt Coiracii..—The ordinary meeting of the City Council will be held to-night. This is the last occasion upon which the present Mayor will preside, as the Major elect;, Mr Prudhoe, will be installed on Wednesday, 16th iaafc. Tub PasMxaa nr 1 ComuLOUK's Etzb. —At the Efcetabuua banquet, Bays the Post, the Hon. W. P. Beeves referred to the Premier as one of the "most fluent speakers, eloquent orators, and clever statesmen, the world ever saw." A contemporary aptly remarks that Mr Keeves has a penchant for indulging in sarcasm. The Nbw Zkaz.axj> Sbuwwq Compant's New Boat.—Captain Greenatreet, late of the 8.8. Bimutaka, has been appointed to the command of toe N.Z.S. Co.'s new steamer Buahine, and it is very probable, says the Wellington Post, that Captain Pindlay, of the Koapshu, will take the Bimutaka. The Suahine is to leave London in February, taking up the Ton* gariro's running, as the hitter is to be laid up for repairs. Obittxaky.—Mrs Blakeley. wife o£ the Mayor of Kaiapoi, died at her residence on Sunday morning after a short illness, although she had been in ill health for some time. The public of the town will sympathise with Mr Blakeley on his bereavement. On Saturday morning Mrs Edwards, wife of Mr James Edwards, died at the Church Bush after a short illness. The deceased was known as being among the first settlers at the bosh, and owing to her kind and neighbourly disposition, her death is lamented by a large circle of f needs.

F&ZSHDI.T SOCIBTHS' EXCXTQSIOK. A fioal meeting to moke arrangements foe the Friendly Societies' excursion from the Lincoln district to Little Kiver on the 15th inst., was held at the Lincoln schoolroom 09 Saturday evening; Mr J. Hastie in the obair. The various delegates reported upon the sale of tickets, which was satisfactory. All the arrangements are now completed, and, should the weather be favorable; it should be a great success.

Thb Wkathkk.—The weather in Ashburton was oppressively hob on Friday and Saturday. Ou Friday afternoon a thunderstorm, with vivid lightning and a heavy downpour of rain, broke over the Weeterfield district, and there was a smart shower of rain at Ashburton towards evening. Another thunderstorm broke over the district early ou Saturday afternoon, heavy showers of rain following. Sunday School Anniversaries.—The anniversary services in connection with tbe SK. "Albans Wesleyan Sunday school were veld yesterday, when the Beys. W. Baumber, W. Morley, and E. Erwin preached. Special hymns were sung by the scholars. Tomorrow evening the anniversary tea meeting will be held in the schoolroom. —At the North Belt Presbyterian Church the anniversary services in connection with the Sabbath school took place, when sermons were preached by Betrs. W. Erwin, M.A.. W. S. Potter, and W. IS. Simpson. During the services specially selected hymns were sung by the children.

A Nobth Island Daiby.—-The Eangitikei Advocate of Tuesday seys :—"Twenty kegs of butter, with an aggregate weight of 12601b5, were to leave Mr Henry Sanson'splace at Campbelltown this morniag for Wellington en route for England. The butter is all sold, having been purchased by a Home buyer. It constitutes the product of two weeks' churning. The dairy is, perhaps, the largest roundabout; iv fact, it resembles a small dairy factory, the churning being all done by steam. At the present time there are 75 cows being milked."

Thb Patnh Family.—Tonight these very clever, entertainers will give a performance at the Oddfellows' Jiall. The programme comprises some of the best vocal and instrumental solos and part songs which - the family have made so popular. As this ia their last appearance in Christchurch for some little time at least, no doubt there will be a crowded house on the occasion.

Bakaia..—The anniversary sarricea connected with the Wesieyaa Church and Sunday-school at Bakaia were celebrated on Sunday, 6th inst. In the absence of the Bey. Mr Griffiths, of Greendale (who hod Been invited to officiate, but; who was laid up with the prevailing epidemic), the Rev. Jos. Bapley conducted the set rices. On Thursday last a tea meeting was held in the Oddfellows' Hall, at the conclusion of which a service of song, entitled " Uncle Tom," was rendered by a choir led by Miss Seymour, with Mr John Gaarden at the organ. Mr O. Nixon read the narrative. The hall was nicely filled, and it is understood the financial results will be gratifying. Govhbnob's BlT.—The annual entertainment was held in the Governor's* Bay schoolroom in the 11th met., in aid of the District School prizes. Mr Allen occupied the chair and there was a large attendance. The programme consisted of nineteen items. Concerted pieces, consisting of duets, trios and glees were rendered by the choir and school children. Solos were sung by Misses Allen. Hall and Kadcliffe, and Mr Cocks. Duets were sung by Misses Bamford and Kadcliffe, Miss Hall and Mr Long, Miss Hall and Mr iJudd. The school children sang five songs with great spirit and heartiness, and were encored for three of them. The room was subsequently cleared for a dance, which lasted until daylight. Mr Gray kindly provided the "music The success of the concert was almost entirely due to the efforts of the schoolmaster, Mr Bttdd. Amatbub Ofk&a CoMPAKT.—To-morrow evening the first of the series of entertainments for the joint benefit of the Mount Magdala Asylum and the Amateur Opera Company will be given. His Excellency the Governor and the Countess of Onslow have announced their intention be being present on the occasion. The first part of the programme will include a Christy minstrel performance. In this several of the lady members of the Company will take part and one of them will sing " Way down upon de Swannee «*«."„ The other soloists will be.Messrs A. Millar, G. Steere, fi. W. Barry, a Edgar, and W, F. Moss Mr P. Blaiceitfy will play a banjo solo and with Mr F. Arena* toe pretty « Steohani© " gavotte as » duet for banjo and Kuitar. The majority of the songs Haded are of the good old mtnstrelstyle, indposwss that sweetness of melody which helped to make this class of music ecpopuiarV 31. Leon Driver will play a pianoT solo in the second part, and the peiformaaefe will conclude with the operetta - Cox and Box." The characters ?Hhich will be taken by Me*™ St John,E. E. Anderson, and P. W. Mobba. The rehearsals have gone excellently throughout and there is every prospect of a most successful series of performances. Australian Wool.—Mγ V.P. McCallum, of Temufca, who has been in charge of the shearing shed at Benerembab. station, Eiverina, N.S.W., has just returned toitoe colony, and has brought with him some splendid samples of merino wool. These he has left on view at Mr Gase's office, Temuka. The station is tie property of Sir George Bally, and has been managed for the last eleven years very successfully by Mr Geo. Smythe. It is a breeding station, and some remarkably gcodLperoentagee of lambs have, been obtained. This year, aa indicating the healthy state of the flock, ifc may be mentioned that two-tooth ewes with 89 per cent, of lambs yielded 71b of wool per fleece. Some 40,000 lambs trere shorn for an average of 2lb of wboL The sheep have beenTery carefully teed. The rams, some 300, are originally from Mr G. Gibson's Tasmanlan flock, and many of them dipped 191b wool. Mr McCaltam speaks verybJgbly of the Biwaina country as a era*in« district, and intends return there. As manager he was agreeably surprised to find that be had comparatively little trouble with the shearers, although both Union and noa-Union men were " on the board."

Tbecboicsst Show »J»d« p^* n J ) Jipuw end Chinese 1 ™; tot r preeeafe planting, ** NAXB3* AWD

Bksc&e fbok Drowsing.—While a number of youths were bathing near the jetty at Samner on Saturday one of them fpt into difficulties and was in danger of drowning. Hie position was seen by Mr h ' A. Cuff, who was in the vicinity, and who instantly swam oub into the stream and brought the lad ashore. Kaiapoi Boeough School— *The entertainment, including several novelties, in aid of the prize fund takes place this evening, and the distribution of prizes on Tuesday. This evening there will be another attraction at the entertainment which has not been announced.

AcxwowLirxjMKNT.—Mr Herrick desires to acknowledge with sincere thanks the receipt of the following donations received during the last fortnight:—Messrs Clarfcson and Sons, the Metropolitan Meat Company, Mr H arsh, and a friend, meat; Mr Gillett and friends, milk; Mr Bowker, vegetables; Messrs Ballaatyne and Co., sack of flour; Dnrham street chapel and Normal School teachers, remains of tea; J. S. A., Mrs Manning, Mr Hobba, Mrs E. D. Thomas, and a friend, clothing; C. H. t boots; Messrs Eeece and Sons, scythe and reaping hook; Oliver Twist, 10s; E.M.8., jjl ; Mr Crowe, bread.

The Ectjmbnicai* Contjsb'bnce —Tonight afc the Durham street schoolroom, the Bey. W. Morley will give a description of his impressions of the great Methodist gathering at Washington, fiom which he has just returned. Toe large number of readers who nave followed the remarkably interesting series of letters from the special correspondent of the Pbess respecting the Conference, will remember tnat the gathering was there depicted as one of the most remarkable that has taken place during the present century. It will therefore be exceedingly interesting and instructive to hear from so keen an observer as Mr Morley his opinions on the lcen he met there, and there will doubtless be a large attendance to-night.

AHATeua Athletic Association—Elsewhere will be found tae handicaps for the first day of the sports meeting of the Canterbury Amateur Athletic Association, which takes place on Wednesday next at Lancaster Park. The handicappere appear to hare done their work well, and the races should result in some close finishes. The track is expected to be in good order by Wednesday, and some fast time should be made. Afternoon tea will be provided on the ground at a small. charge. The entrance fee to the grand stand has been reduced from one shilling to sixpence, so that no one can complain of being unable to be present. The champion challenge cup which is now oil view at the shop of Messrs Petersen and Co., High street, wili be competed for on Wednesday. ".The Messiah." — The Ohristchurch Musical Society have arranged to give "The Messiah" at the Durham street Wesleyan Church on the 22nd inst The Society will have- the advantage of an exceedingly fine organ and aleo the services of a skilful organist. The choru3 on the occasion wili be strengthened by the presence of a contingent of voices from the Sydenham MasicaL Society. The orchestra, under the baton of Mr F. M. Wallace, will also be very strong , , so that it may reasonably be expected that a very successful performance of the Christmas oratorio will be given. It may be added that all tickets must; be procured beforehand, as no money will be taken at the doors. Tickets wili be on sale at Messrs Milner and Thompson's music warehouse. His Excellency the Governor has accorded his patronage ou the occasion. JotrnNAiiisTs' Association. —A meeting of the Committee of the Canterbury branch of the above Association was held at Warner's Hotel on Saturday evening. Present —Messrs G. K. Hart (Chairman), S.Saunders, J. Plunket,W. G. Atack, W. H. Triggs, W. H. Graham, P. Selig, and G. Capper (Hon. Secretary). The by-laws for the branch were considered and a draft agreed upon for presentation at a general meeting of members. It was resolved that the Secretary be requested to write to those eligible for membership in Ashburton, Timaru, Oxford, Eangiora, Akaroa, and Leeston, inviting them to join the branch. The Committee then proceeded to discuss the draft constitution of the institute with a view to suggesting certain alterations therein. These were made, and the Secretary instructed to communicate them to the Secretary of the Institute. It was agreed that the meetings of the Committee in future should be held at 5 pan. The meeting then adjourned. The Auckland branch of the New Zealand Journalists' Institute have decided to celebrate the establishment of the branch by a banquet on Saturday next. Mr Ballance has accepted an invitation to be present. Several new members from Wairba, Thames, and Gisborne were admitted to the branch at a meeting on Saturday night. The Greatest Surprise ever Created in Christchurch will be occasioned on Saturday Next, when the Eden Gborgk Company, Limitjse, make their great annoudeement. The Studio is Closed this Week in order to prepare for the work. Pictures delivered as usual this week. Don't get photographed until you read the particulars of Eden George's great novelty next Saturday.—[Advx]. It is really a pleasure to look in at Mr C. H. Manning's Studio; there is such a beautiful variety of Photographic work. Tae Mezzotint and Opal enlargements, in black and white and colors, are perfect gems of i rfc, while the plain and colored photos are unexcelled anywhere. C. H. Manning has baea specially appointed Photographer to his Excellency tue Earl of Onslow, 150 Colombo street. Now that Influenza and La Grippe has arrived in New Zealand the public want to know the best and cheapest remedy for these terrible complaints. Get Coubma» AMD Sok's Eacalypte Extract, bee that you get it. This has proved to be the only effectual remedy for these complaints and for colds, coughs, gravel and kidney complaints, Bright's disease. Has no equal Under the distinguished patronage of the Earl of Jersey, Lord Carringtoo. Awarded medals and diplomas, Adelaide, Sydney and Melbourne, beacing all competitors.—[Advt.l Beautiful Flower*.—For th* Bett Flora Work in Bridal, Bridesmaids and Hand Bouquets; Wreathe, Crosses, Sprays and Buttonholes, at Vjlixk and Soxur, lorieti, Lincoln road, Chrietchurch. Ask forHyelop's Teas, bear smallest profits, and are therefore best values. Influenza. — Stimulate yourself by drinking only M Arab " and *' Shah" Tea, 2s and 2a 4d per lb.—f Advx,]

Tab&aei PbtboliEuu Oiti Company.— The Taranaki (New Zealand) Petroleum and Iron Company (Limited) haa just been registered (says the European Mail) with a capital of £125,000 in JBl shares, the object being "to carry into effect an agreement expressed to be made between the New Zeaiand Petroleum and Iron Syndicate (Limited) of the one part, and the Taranaki (New Zealand) Petroleum and Iron Company (Limited) on the other part; to acquire concessions, oil wells, iron or other mines, mining rights, metalliferous and other lands, estates and properties of any tenure whatever, in New Zeaiand or elsewhere, and to develop and turn to account the same." The first subscribers are:—Sir Julius Vogel, E.C.M.G., St. Margaret's Mansions, Westminster; Gr. H. Phillips, Lansdowne, Cheltenham; J. B&rcroft, 2 Albion Buildings, E.C.; E. Gould, 18 Landsdowne road, Tottenham-; T. Baxrowclough, Clover Hill, Bacup; Wi E. Whitworth, Bochdale ; W. Greaves, Oak House, Bacup; J* B. Wescott, 11 London street, E.C.; holding one share each. There are not to be less than three nor more than seven Directors; the first are to be appointed by the signatories to the Memorandum of Association. Qualification, 200 ordinary or four founders' shares. Remuneration, J3150 each per annum, with |an additional 5 per cent, on the net profits of the Company after payment of 10 per cent, dividend.

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Press, Volume XLVIII, Issue 8045, 14 December 1891, Page 4

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NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume XLVIII, Issue 8045, 14 December 1891, Page 4

NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume XLVIII, Issue 8045, 14 December 1891, Page 4