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Pbopertt Tax. — The payments (n respect of the Property Tax are duo w> day, and payable at any Poet Oifloo whieb id a money order office. Thb Hospital.—During the montb of October 84 patients wore admitted, 63 d echaiged, 4 died, leaving 93 in ti»*w etitution. United Pmsa Asaocuxiow. — A| * meeting of BhareUoldera p( tbe vmm Press Association at WeUinffton yWttfW Messrs J. 8. Gatbria (OhrietchurpW end E. W. Knowjee (Napier) wej?e e«#d Direcfcora. At a subsequent meeting « Directors Mr 11. Blundell (Wetflngtoo) ** B unanimously elected Chairman. . , Angmhg.—The following ie a fou* Q»p record made by. ft well' fenown T*»w» angler:—Nineteen iiab, 128|lb; twtntf. eight fi«b, 198ilt>» twenty flea, 1881b ytm fiah, 8841b. Mr P. Coira landed » nieeW> fish with the fly Iβ tbe Temukft fl*f together with come araaltor flab, M* W rivers generally, which are in Wβ*!*® , condition, are affording capital ipotk , TiMAEti EowiNe Ctouß.—At a eepf*; meetinur of tho Timwa Kowing Club «w night llr 0. Howard Trlpp wae ejected Captain, vice Mr M&tb.<won, rciigflfd, aae Mi-Frank Canaoron Deputy C*pt»Uli »IW Mr MoLean resigned. U*W *° have the Club represented tWBSSi Kesatta oo January l»c, in the PooW* SyuUa and Pair Oar race«. . Jeß | Boat Accident. — A elfgW wcWW occurred at JLyttelton yeeterdaf afternooa. A youns miw named 0. KIW«« a '™J a small boat in tbei harb*»r. and «ze* between the molee tba wind. ™?J3 blowing from the north-east, figg™ slightly, with the result that KWP.;«»J the jib and main sheets of w&lch iwj I made faefc, otttwiaed. The men «>« JWJ the (Jovernment epeam launch, wmon^ , iuat leavinj; for Ripa IBland,.eft* g? rJL dent, and steaming down, picked £W'£ and towed the boat to tfie Watf»»»] Stepß, where she was rightad and m^

out. » **so» Ths GovfcnNou's Eeswkawoi*.—* Jzrr lotion waa passed at last night's •Nβ; of tbe Dunediu City Council exptWS appreciation at the able aud manner in which Lord Onalow had <»*««« out his duties ac Governor of tbe colony, of his deep and untieing interest in eirerj project for the welibeing of the colony* w* of the gonial eocial qualities dispwyw »/ him, wtting forth tue deep *•»«•* JJJJJ bia departure, and concluding by »o|»* hat he and the Couafceas of Oaelow Wftaw tojoy » lonar and happy life. "'. Liability o» 6habbhoi.dbb9.--IQ *° Supreme Court, Duoedin, y^tordeyrW , " liquidator of the Viotoria Quartz MWra| Company sued Win. Korr to recover CRU* payable by the defaniant. which <al"> *** made before the Company was wound mh and in reapecfe of which his eharea we beeu forfeited. Mr Justice William* »« v that when a share wae forfeited for w» payment of calls » call was able Iα Victoria, but such w/ia not «!»•«[• here, aa aeotion 65 recognised for oeT T\ purpoeea the continuous c »"J ence^ l i 1 . liability iv reepect of tbe call, »Wg. Btaadin ff that theeharehad been each liability bein* additional *• W recojrnised by eection 64. Jadjgnent therefore for the liquidator, and W«» the loweafc ecale. Sir B. Stout internes** that defondoat would appeal. WoUe r a Soaaapp*.

"~, WBKit Peess.—Tho cable has *<.• - M t><Mifinne<i some of the reports of *H WsTn the Murchiaoa goldfields, Xv JSAuetralia. An opportune letter . ,nW Canterbury man, Mr Frederick i 9 Published this week/and fvLfieldandof ivepresent Hespeaks of i t as probthe richest goldSela ever known. The Jamero^Cd & amateur photographers a those who contemplate joining it, 2u UkT great delight in a series of rhVlea which Kustlcue is goinj? to confhnSon "Dry Plate Photography." The nb^ D °" 5 this week, and it will be P* 1 Sable not only for the technical SSSedi it conveys. but for the ri? style in which it ie written, bum.roua . endeavors successfully AnOth lf-n7 Sietnent with the instruc- *? C °lf rfres is the author of a remark*l°, ■ pap" in fcbe Farmer on SSLSS and P Feeding Swine." In the a.pj is also a good practical article BMn «£ple Milk Tesciu* Methods," °° , eboold commend itself to d.« attention of »U interested in dairy%Z whether they make butter themselves Supply milk to a factory. The Ladies' JJiiine contains a short story by Wyard Kipling, and a sketch by Mrs Mnlrooney, entitled •• The Kitchen and the Registry." Among the literary matter we note a review of Kip-ÜBJT-β new book, and a paper by Robert Bnchanan on the Modern Novel. The R'feree pages this week include a portrait of Florxie, the Derby and Oaks winner The editorials deal v/ith the leading questions of the day. " Spectator" supplies, besides his budget from Ins note-book, an article on the coming yearling sale at Wellington Park. "Horses for Millionaires" is the heading of an article that will be fouad very interesting-, while "Sir Launcelot and " Observer " are greatly iv evidence once more. Rawing, swimming, cricket, jaehting. boxing, and the other branches of outdoor pastime receive full and carefel attention at tbe hands of the various Members of the staff. ■' Tbk Latb Mb Pet sb Donald. —The tana*! of the late Mr P. Donald will take : {dMeVto-day at the Linwood Public Cezue{gnr leaving the late residence of the j Zasased, St. Albans, at 2.30 p.m. Wool Sales. —The series of local wool sales will commence at tho hall of the Chamber of Commerce this morning at nine o'clock. 'There is a very full "' CHaISTCHCBCH LI3DEBTAFEL. — The eemi«Wer abend, or ladies' night, in connection with the Liedertafel. will take place at the Tuam street Hall to-night. TVery excellent programme of part sougs and solos will be given. In order to allow members »n<i visitors to attend the diocesan choir festival at the Cathedral fteprogramme will be commenced at 8.30 njn. Cbickkt Club.—A practice of |be member* of tbe abuve Club will take 'to-day ou Hagley Park. Diocksan Chobal Festival. — The •anual festival of tbe Diocesan Choral Association will be held to-day at 3 p.m. and at 7 p.m« * a tbe Cathedral. The .Bishop wiU preach the sermon on the oocaeion. Lost night a very suocessful • nbearaal took place. Hanstek Spbjnqs.—Mr E. K. Wheeler, the well-kncwu photographer, ia one of the vieitore now stay in;? at the northern 'jftaatorituo, and desires to add his testimony to that of many others as to the health-giving propnrtiea of the atmosphere tbere. Hβ says—" I. like the majority, Had been prostrated by influenza, aud fcoold not shake it off, but the* first day on tbe plains of Hannier, with just an ' in and out' at the springs, acted like a charm, and I have been feeling better daily. . Apart from any complaint I should think no place could be found which would be more likely to ' pick up' the jaded man tf business, aud take away that strain on tbe brain which continual sticking to work Tarings to most of us. I feel gratefully ebmwlled to say my little word of praise ftwS&amer." <,3&URK3 of Fibs.—An alarm of fire

ma gwea at ten zninntas to nine yesterday an incipient fire in & back i&m ittHLv Moaie's rooms, C*thel street. "If *H however, extinguished before the inrjral of the Fire Brigades. At twenty fej&ates past eight last evening the fire f tdia again rang, the signal coming from tjie box in Victoria street opposite the ,fraction Hotel. The Brigades proceeded •to the ipots, when it woe found that the -box had been broken the previous night : .for a gone fire in St Albans, and the glass J *9S pot renewed during , the day. some one had in a spirit of jaiwbief given the alarm. Stew J-Jbigeton Excursion.—An excursion by tram to New Brighton took place last night, whon there was » good tnußta? of excursionists. The Stanmore Baud accompanied the trip, The weather y«« plewint, and &n enjoyable time was spent by 'those taking part in the ex-

' " of Laboe.-~A public meeting .-WM ield last evening in the Primitive Jtf#odJ«t Chnrcb, Lin wood, for the purpose of forming an Assembly of thia Order •tbne. A large aod'ence was present. The orwateev at length erplaiaed the aims and of the Order, and at its close about -Jfranty persoar handed ia their names for Jilfcbewhlp, To-night a meeting of a •impAr sature will be held at the Town 'Hall, Papanai.-.TUe Key. O'Brien Hoare »m occnpy the chair. Addresses will be fillverea by the organiser and members • (^.WβOrder. \Voits Belt Pbksbttebiin Chuech.— *he annual soiree and concert in connecKoawith the above, will be held at the Oddfellows' Hall this evening. Songs will £*ji?« Mrs Kaye, Mrs Campbell, end fflasts Hatley and Johnson, recitations by aessra Watt and Uoss, flute solo by Mr Resher, piano solo by Misa Beattie, and t?o part sdagt by the choir and other **hee and gentlemen. During the erenwg addresses will be delivered by several

Csajcbmoj? GowMßoa.—The, quarterly Reneral meeting of the Chamber of Commerce i»M,heid yesterday. Mr E. S. **ney> Vice-Presideat, presided in the "Knee of Mr W. D. Mearcs, the Prcsi«g*. through illneef, .and gave a short MwWi $a the grain, meat, and wool 'fMw. A resolution with reference »intercolonial free trade and the attitude « the delegates of the Chamber at the Chambers of Commerce/was -*™ 1 * 4 report appear* elsewhere. H U-~Among the victims of the Fw*Ui)»jepidemio ie Dr. Prin*, who for R.Vu Ja P* Bll ha » seriously ill. f" B Wβ cttcle of friends "in, however, pleased to le«n that he is now watering. St. Johs'B.—a Tory pleasant and enjoy«»«teetauißißat was given laetr night at fti® 0 * L Schoolroom, ia ft.d of the choir 2J- The Bey. H. C. M. W»tswi.preW**u bere * R8 au excellent atteodftSt J*t «°o» being well Oiled. The firac few? consisted of musical 1 "citations by Mrg Coyness „«"« L, "Watson eaiiff "Dear 3JL T . er y niwly indeed; Mr T. Acland, jr. \jf* Toice > sang •• Non c ver; Se», ?»«<i'iier gave "The owl in the W^ W , , a kee » appreciation of the 2"",*« the song • an d Mrs Townend firi\ J* neen of tl »e Earth " in her usual •wT®! "We; Mrs Chynoweth recited Womeaof Mumbles Head" with great effect ' aQd waa encored, grading irith « Tbe Baked p otato «f\«*i cl l anain ? little piece full cf P l e *>«mty. The second part 3g«*?d a talk by Mr G. K. Hart on eM2!r"^ e3 I have met." The numerous j»ratea personages in science, music, b» thai?* ' Were ad niirably described interspersed with several JJ™"ef journalietio experience, which « y i. eu J oyed b y the At ■ toil * ?1 the telk the chairman proposed ™« of thanks to the ladies aud geutlein the musical porfcioa of 2: maie and to Mr Hart. Mr D. %i - SMolllled the motien in * few *• had WOE ? 8, cx pressiuff the enjoyment *te ( SuL r f ceive(i from the music, and the W*T£»? descriptive account of the various «?sS5 c*e * m ictl the y bad lis t«ned to from Bk£a»l' JQotion was carried amidst fW° Ra< * fc^e entertainment closed. liftfcSL* Wauioe article such as Wolfe's f*»4«\j,rir^ s ear oad a good name for iUeIX

' Freights to this Colont. —A cable message received from Keep Bros., London, by a firm in Auckland announces that freights have been reduced from 10s to ss. Thb Patnb Faiult. —These clever vocalists aud instrumentalists will give two concerts at the Oddfellows' Hail, commencing on Tuesday next, when a very excellent programme will be submitted. Skiavtn Council.—At the annual meeting of this body, held yesterday, Mr D. McMillan was re-elected Chairman for the ensuing year. Prize Cattlk.—The p.s. Terranora. which arrived yesterday morning, brought down from Wellington nine prize cattle, intended for the Dnnedin Show. Two of the animals weighed 1 ton each. Spobtinq.—The attention of owners of trotters in Christehurch ia directed to the advertisement appearing in another column, of the Auckland Trotting Club's meeting to be hell on December 30th and Jannary 9th. Nominations, particulars of which are given in the advertisement, close to-morrow night with the Secretary. ' It.M. Coobt, Lytteltok.—At this Court, yesterday morning, betore H. AUwright, Esq., J.P., S. W. Muller and P. Lyons, two of the crew of the s.s. Duke of Buckingham, pleaded guilty to disobeying lawful commands, and were each sentenced to seven days' imprisonment. Citt Council. —A statutory meeting of the City Council was held at noon yesterday, when members were elected to represent that body on the Hospital and Charitable Aid Boards. The members of the Council who were present were His Worship the Mayor and Councilors J. T. Smith, Flesher, Widdowson, Swarm, E. Smith, Wood, Bonnington, Thomson, and Gapes. Acknowledgment.—The Secretary of the Hospital begs to acknowledge with thanks the donations of flowers from Mrs Bishop, Papanui, Miss Wilkitr, aud a Lady Friend; a pair of fowls, old linen, and periodicals, from Mrs Inwood, Fendalton, and periodicals from Mrs Crattan.

Supbemb Covet.—At the Supreme Courtyesterday Joseph Flynnwas acquitted on a charge of perjury arising out of the recent alleged smuggling cases. Basman Jorgensen, an habitual offender, wa« sentenced to four yt-are penal servitude for larceny, and Jas. McCrenor was, on the direction of the judge, acquitted on a charge of horse stealing. There are two more cases on the list to be disposed of to-day. Alleged Larceny. — A man named Michael Corcoran wna arrested yesterday, by Detective E. Neill, on a charge of stealincr a silver watch, brass chain, and gold locket, value £10, from the person of James Thomson, at Christcuurch, on the 17 th July last. Corcoran was arrested as h? left traol, where he had been serving a sentence. A man named Jackson, who said he got the watch, from Corcoran, was sentenced to two years' imprisonment during the present criminal sessions on a charge of stealing the watch.

Kaiapoi Friendly Societies. —A meeting of the delegates of the Kaiapoi Friendly Societies tvas held last evening in the Farmers' Club room. Mr A. T. Clark was voted to the chair. All the Lodges were represented. The question of holding an excursion and picnic wa.s fully discussed, but in consequence of the prevalence of influenza it; was decided to defer the date of the excursion till further on in the summer, about February or March. The meeting then adjourned. Kaiapoi Rifle Club.—Oa Saturday last the members of the Kaiapoi Eifle Club fired fon the prize given by Mr B. Moore, M.S.E. The distances were 200 yds, 300yd3 and 500yde, five shots at each, Martini weapons. The highest scorers were Mr H. Stone with 62 points and Mr N. G. Kobilliard 60, both from scratch. Mr Bobilliard scored six buils eyes in succession during , the afternoon in this competition and practice in succession. Runway Sbbvants Society. — The quarterly general meeting of the members of the Canterbury Branch of this Society will be held on Friday nexb, at 7.30 p.m., in the Oddfellows' Chambers, Lichfield street, when the recent.proposals of the Commissioners re insurance will be coneidered. Members only will be admitted. Biflb Match.—The following is the team selected to represent.the Honorary Beeerre. Corps'pa SfJturdejv the 28Ch mat,, against the Alpha Martini Club:—Sergeants Hibell and Manning, Corporal Milee, Privates Wakelin, Walker, Hammond, Cameron, McKay, Eichardsou, Hon. Member Sandford; Captain Harman and Lieutenant Stringer, emergencies. Conveyances leave the square at 1.15 sharp. Ammunition free on the ground.

UHivßßsrrr Examinations.—The December examinations of the Uni?ereifcy of New Zealand are appointed to commence on Tuesday, December 2nd. The Matriculation, Medical Preliminary and Solicitors' General Knowledge examinations will be held at the Canterbury College Hall The Junior Scholarship and Barristers' General Knowledge at the Provincial Council Chamber.

Gebaldinb Ootjnty Council.—Afc the annual meeting of the Geraldine County Council yeeterd&y Mr W. Balfour was reelected Chairman, and Meeers J. Juokeon, "Wm. Moore, J. M. Barker, and J. Talbot to represent the Council on the Hospital Board. The Eagineers reported that the Orari bridge was now completed, and the Waitohi water races finished. The races on Seadown were laid off, but work wouid not be gone on with ti?l after harvest. It was resolved that the Chairman should consult the solicitor as to the necessity of having , exact maps of water races prepared in order to comply with the Water Supplies Act, 1891. - Pbbbbhtation at Kjrwbe.—On Thura J day evening last, at Kirwee, Mr C. J. Denby, for nearly three years station master at thac station, was entertained at a supper at the Kirweo Hotel. Mr T. H. Anson presided, Mr J. (Jough filling the vice-ohair. There was quite a large gathering, and besides local residents others from Courtenay, Kimberley, Charing Cross, Halkfctt 1?own, Aylesbury and Darfleld, were present. Tne Chairman proposed " Tho health of their guest," and referred to the able manner In which Mr Denby had assisted everything connected with the welfare of the district;, but more especially the efficient and courteous way in which his official duties had been performed. Ho regretted the loss to the district through Mr Denby's transfer and his own loss of a friend. He then presented him with & well filled <rold pursa and a pretty album from the residents of the dietriot. Mr Denby returned thanks for the toast and handsome presents, and expressed regret at having to parfc with so many good friends. Mr Gough then presented Mr Denby with an order for £5 from the Midland Cycling Clnb, the recipient suitably replying- Other toasts were proposed and responded to or sonars given by Messre Mcßae, liftrrett,Belgrade, Feutz.O'Malley, Templar (2), Bedford, Daviee, Sheldon, B«id, Paterson and otbera. " Auld Lang Syne " couclndad a pleasant evening. The album bore the following inscription :— " To C. J. Denby, Esq.: a mark of esteem and regard from .friends in the Courrenay diatrioc on his leaving. Kirwee, 20-11----1891." ~ Valedictory.—On Monday the residents of the district of Medbnry met at the school for the purpose of bidding farewell to Mr and Mrs Hayman, who are leaving for Kimberley. During the afternoon various games were engaged m, after which ell sat down to tea. The centre table was crowned by a large cake, beautifuliy decorated and inscribed by one of the school girls, and presented to Mr and Mrs Hayman. During the after meeting Mr E. H. Brooker, Chairman of the School Committee, presented Mr Haymau with an illuminated address and a purse of sovereigns on behalf of the Committee and residents of the district, expressive of their deep regret at his departure and the sense of the excellent manner in which the children had been taught The children also presented their teacher with a poem, partly original and , prettily ilinminated by themselves. Mr Hayman, while retnrning thanks, took the opportunity of gratefully acknowledging the receipt of a large album, presented to him during the early part of the gathering by several of the elder girls. A song in chorue brought a pleasant meeting to a close The Largest and Most Complete Cycle Works in the Australian colonies ia at 70 Manchester street. Chriatcbarch. Abajms. Cbuties akd Co. Cycle* BJCMftiv* Biae«ilß.-HABTT.]

Rifle Shooting.—The following is tb», warn selected to represent the Honorary ■reserve Corpe on Saturday, the 28th inst., against the Aloha Martini Club:—Sergeants Hibell *and Manning, Corporal Miles, Privates Wakelin, Walker, Hammond, Cameron, McKay, Richardson, Hon. Member Sandford; Captain Harman and rJl e u. aot Stringer, emergencies. The oiub b team will be as follows:—Messrs 1. a. Anderson (Captain), O. W. Turpin, £• w Francis, A. Gundersen, J. J. »°«Srall, A. W. Jonea. G. A. Toser, J. B. Butler. S. W. Lester, and E. Hardcastle. the ranges will be 500, 600 and 700 yarde, seven euots at each. The third of the series of the monthly practice competitions w "i be fired simultaneously with the match. Ammunition will be obtainable cm the ground. Conveyances will leave the Square at 1.30 p.m. sharp. a* Jh nder^ 11 Photographic productions ?J O irJ? 13 ,"* GEOBe * Co. Ltd. have long mc thro *Sfaout New ZeaUnd. Many photographer* have tried to wrottle t ™ w™ ivOin the Ed *» Georgb Co. tn'U k fiP tO P reaenfc they have eatirely fulled, both m regards the quality and the price of their work. We confidently recommend anyone requiring a really good photo at a moderate price to patronise che Row GKestea Co. Ltd Lxvbr King* Dande hon and Qmaine Liver Pills, without Mercury, are a potent remedy ; remove all Liver and Stomach Complaints, Biliousness, Headache, Sickness.Shoulder Pains, Heartburn, Indigestionr' Constipation. Made only in London. Sold everywhere.— ADvT.I, A Fair, Bhautifui. Ski«.—Sulpnolin Soap gives the natural tint and peach-lite Bloom of a perfect Complexion: make the Skin smooth, supple, healthy, com lortable. Salpholine Soap, 6d. Tableta Everywhere.—{Ad vt.] Now that Influenza and La Grirjpe bas arrived in New Zealand the public want to know the best and cheapest remedy for these terrible complaints. Get Colbman and Son's Eucalypte Extract. See that you get ic. This has proved to be che only effectual remedy for these complaints and for colds, coughs, gravel and kidney complaints, Bright's disease. Has no equrU. Under the distinguished patronage of the Earl of Jersey, Lord Curring;tou. Awarded medals and diplomas, Adelaide, Sydney and Melbourne, beating all competitors.—fADVT.l Thk Prbmibrship.—lfc i« rumored we are about to have a change of Premiere, and various aro the opinions as to who will make tne most competent Minister. But whoever may be selected to be Premier in politics, tuore can be no questioning the fact that the " Matchless " Brand of Teas is the Premier in tbe Tea trade and likely to remain so for some time to come. To be had of all storekeepers. CotJGHs, Colds, Bronchitis, &c— Immediately relief and a speedy cure is secured by using Baxter's Lung Prssjsrvke. For the nursery it is an essential requisite, being pleasant to tbe palate and marvellously effectual. Sold by all chemists and storekeepers.—[Advt.j

Thb Pbice of Posx-cabds.—lt strikes many people as anomalous that the price of postcards from Australia to the United Kingdom should be l£d, while the price of the came cards from the United Kingdom to Australia is only Id. No doubt the colonies decided on the l£d to avoid what they considered would be an anomaly, viz., that posfc-carde to the United Kingdom should be available at the same price as cards addressed to places within our own territory; but in view of the colonies having; entered the Postal Union, and ac the Union is described as a single postal territory for the reciprocal interchange of correspondence* at uniform ratee, tbis decision should be rescinded in favor of the Id rate, whioh is the rate charged in aU countries of the Union except Australia. Since the introduction of the penny postage in Victoria the sale of postcards has decreased considerably, and it appears likely that the postcard system as at present carried out will eventually fall into desuetude.—Melbourne Argus.

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Press, Volume XLVIII, Issue 8030, 26 November 1891, Page 4

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NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume XLVIII, Issue 8030, 26 November 1891, Page 4

NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume XLVIII, Issue 8030, 26 November 1891, Page 4