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Cycling.—This week's Weekly Pressing Referee we notice, contains a very 'interest*, in-; budget of English and American wheel notes. • ■ The Female I._fuo_,—The Charitable Aid Board have decided to hand over the management of the Female Refuge to St. Saviour's Guild. Sale op Privileges.—Messrs Bowman and Son have received instructions to «ell by auction at their rooms next Saturday the privilege, in connection with th» Electric Light Carnival. Important to Sheep Farmers.— Ttepto* aentations have been made to the Govern* ment with reference to declaring New Zealand clear of scab, in order tbafc tho importation of stud sheep to Tafl» mania from this colony may take place. Old Racing Stories.—That old tun* sporting writer, " Hermit," contributes t« the Weekly Press and Referee what manprove a very interesting article to all New Zealand racing men. He is eloquent in this week's i»3ue on Stormbird ma Bel lo of the Isle. Thu Twigger Bequjst—The ChantwW Aid Board yesterday had a discussion W the bequest of the late Mr Twigger to tM Board, and have decided to confer wita their solicitors as to whether it is advisabM to approach the Trustees with a view W arranging for a sale of the property. Th_ _-UG_r Game.—A very interesting description of the team selected to Mpresent North Canterbury against Sooth I Canterbury appears in the '<»'*"* columns of this week's issue ol »• Weekly Press and Referee. It ia written m " Three - quarter - back's " well known j style. A Prominent Athlete.—The WW! I admirers of a great amateur athlete, ana that ex-Christchureh hurdler G. B. anm in particular, will be pleased with iw notes on his recent successes in » n ßJ**"* that appear in this week's VfHftgT and Referee. Both " Vaulter "and * Bandicapper" have chatty notes about Sn»w-» latest performances, whioh seem to go w show that he has recovered something h» his old form. .j. *v* Cathedral Organ Eecital.—At tne [recital to be given in the Cathedral w> morrow evening, Mr Tendall wul pl»7 selections from the works of J*»«n» I Beethoven, Handel, Mozart, Spohr, &c* ; and in answer to very many requests ne willalao play Lemmen's famous "oWrw fantasia " and Braga's serenade, *- a * Voices of tho Angels." . _ Legal.—His Honor Mr Ju«t"» WJ niaton sat in banco yesterday. The caw of tbe Bank of Australasia v £*#_«« occupied the whole day on an ar B am *?" for a new trial or the entering up of iaag ment for plaintiff. It will be rememwr«j that the jury in the case, which was an action to recover J. 5000 on a go******* given by Mr Keynell to the late Mr •»• * Gresson, returned a verdict for *? 9 ?rl fendant. The defence , was that «J guarantee was intended to to tor taw only. Tho argument was only P-**.** heard, and will be reaumed this morW»g at eleven o'clock. • The McCobmick Harvester.-—U» . ■ letter dated 18th June from the McCornUW Harvesting Machine Company to tnew New Zealand agents, Messrs Morrow, Bassett and Co.; they mention the fact tna» the demand for their reapers and « un *2 waa so great this season that they _«>*• through their inability to supply, 10"*% sale of between two and three t harvesters and binders in the beat oasa paying districts of the United S»w* They also state that they had « r «-*ffiL shipped out more machines than they »«*» last season and were 500 car loads hem 0 " their order at the date of writing. expect to complete and sell 37 *°-*| harvesters andbindars, 35,000 mowers, an« 3000 reapers. On all sides they have W» best reports and no machines oouia n* apparently nearer perfection. ••Arab"and "Shah- brand ,T«M *»* all Grocers and Storekeepers, Fomcast.— Captain Ed-win teK" yesterday as follows .-"Ola* • ,f?._r rim and hard frost to-night." 1 L,c?iies-A torture will be delivered *_SSSnff at St. Paul's Sunday-school-tb Su e Z by the Eev. J. O'Bryen HTreT" English Cathedrals," with fc C-Lieut. A. J. Weeke.. _f the City Guards, has {successfully nassed his examination, and has received comm-ssion. The percentage of marks gained by him was 83. Columbia Rink.—There was a very ff ood attendance of skaters at all the Lsions of the rink yesterday. To-day __d this evening it will be again open. Opawa. An entertainment will be ffiren this evening at St. Mark's schoolfooin, Opawa. A very good programme has been prepared for the occasion. Stdbnham Woekino Min j 8 Clttb.— Messrs Wiilmer and Pooley's operetta vill be performed this evening at the •boTeClub. ™ w .. , Ths Hospital lioesks. Hospital Board at ita meeting yesterday ref used, by g Substantial majority, to alter by-law No. us. Th l9 l** is among the now onea MPjJntlY adopted, and it provides that the night nurses s__H take two ho_.r_' -__>-__._ _«rvre_n ____ time of t_-_—ix____oel o_ ♦>jaj— _nties __icL _t__ X—___ _— fc_.___ __t____i^

to rest. LttT—lton School Co_c_citt__:.—At th.c meeting of this Committee, held on Monday evening last, there were present-— Hers Coat-S, fin-ley, Mackenzie, and Chambers, and Messrs AUwright and laurenson (Chairman). The master's report showed that the average attendance . j. fhg main school for the past quarter had been 6?1, the largest number ye. recorded. Xiie attendance at the Bide gcbool hid also increased. __r_ Conferencb op Racing Dblh--O_TES. —The Weekly Press and. Referee thia week, *c notice, includes in the "Official Calendar" of the Metropolitan -Lacing Club ft complete record of the business transacted at the Kacing Conference. The official report of the business transacted At tbe last two sittings of the Conference, together with the letter to the Dunedin Jockey Club from the Conference anent the formation of the New Zealand Jockey Club, appear in the Referee pages. Qu__k'B " .'ADBTa' Akt Uni. n.—The art union promoted to raise funds for the Queen's Cadets promises to be a very successful one and" the tickets are selling veil. A. the adult corps have been largely recruited from the ranks of the Cadets, it is hoped that they will show their appre ciation of the value of the Cadet movement by liberally patronising the art ■anion. Homb Bulb yon _b.__and. —At the Lyceum Hall last night Mr W. W. Collins delivered a lecture, which was entitled " The True Story of the Irish Struggle for Home Kule." Mr Clarke presided. The audience, though small, was appreciative, and loudly applatded many of the remarks made by the speaker, who in the course of bis address stated tho kind of Government to which tiie Irish were subjected, and adduced reasons for the struggle which aimed at Home Kale. A Needed Changs. — Ihose whose ill fortune necessitates their attendance at the Supreme Court either as jurors or witnesses will be glad to learn that the very ancient Testaments which have been in use so many years have now been replaced with some new gilt-edged ones. This salutary change is aue to the liberality of the Canterbury Auxiliary of the British and Foreign Bible Society, and the new Bibles, with a large gilt cros3 and tiie words " Supreme Court, Christohurch," emblazoned on the cover, make quite a brave show. An Important Judgment.—Elsewhere will be found the judgment of his Honor Mr Justice Denniston, delivered yesterday in banco, on the question of the construction of the words " special direction " in connection with the will of the late Mr J. B. Gresson and a lifo policy of hi 3 for £2000. The effect of the judgment is to take the money received for the policy out of the scope of paying the debts of the deceased. The remarks of his Honor are veil worth the attention of those about to Iff wake their wills, and also the profession. Lttt__ton Naval Abtillbet. — The ' final competition for the cup presented by - Messrs Coates and Co. to this corps took place on Saturday evening, when Gunner H. Field secured the trophy with a score ot G2, P.O. Semmens was second with 53, and i P.O. Sinclair third with 55. A well attended general meeting of the corps was held on Monday night. The Secretary read the half-yearly balance sheet, which showed the assets of the corps to be about £90. It was decided to ask the Government to place the Hinemoa at the disposal of the Southern Volunteers competing at the military tournament- to be held in Wellington in November. It was al.o decided to Bend teams to the tournament. Inquest at Eangioea.—An inquest was held at Mr £. Murfit'a house, near Cam Mills, Rangiora, yesterday, touching the death of Claude Arthur Murfib, a child fourteen months old, before Mr J. L. "Wilson, J.P., and a jury, of whom Mr James Murray was foreman. The evidence of Mrs Murfit and her second daughter, Emily Selina, aged sixteen years, was to the effect that deceased had gone out of the house, on Tuesday afternoon, to his mother in the yard, but on being missed and sought for was found in the Cam river, drowned in about 2ft. of water, tho stream being about 10ft from the back of the house and unfenced. The jury returned a verdict of accidental drowning, adding a 'rider that the owner of the property, considering the danger which existed, ought to have a fence placed between the house and the river. Caledonian Socibtt.—The third social gathering in connection with the Canterbury Caledonian Society was held at the rooms, Hereford street, last night. There *as a very large attendance, the room being crowded. The chair was occupied by Mr W. Boag, the President of the Society. The programme was a very good one. Vocal solos were given by Miss Ferguson, Miss McGregor, Miss Morrow, Mrs McEwan, Mrs Davis Hunt, Mrs C. J. Marshall, Messrs Wagstaff, W. Fraser and D. C. Sbier. Two quartettes were mc r& Kmm by Mra Hunfc * Miss Duncan, and Messrs Shier and Johnston. Mr T. M. Johnston gave a very humorous reading *v his well-known pawky Btyle. The Society's strathspey baud played some strathspeys and reels, and Mr D. Sinclair a clarionet solo. During the evening the , Chairman stated that the final social of the series would take place next month at the Oddfellows' Hall, when a dance would tate place. Thiatrb EoT_i_-Theatre goers do not seem to be aware that we have now here a very clever exponent of the art of E__ft?S° D in &» * h *V* oi Df * Canaris. _?X & ht thßr * was » t** l ! Kood house « tK but aot *4 "o large I Lerlf "ft"? _* the e-"«tainment n_!?T_£. Th \4 oct °f introduced several ISi_S_J" ? b v\ Ch Were ver y Beverly performed, notably one which he calls the telegraph illusion, which is really well IT, _JL B f mg . . The cabinefc -Romance to usual created a great amount of amuseSnnrf^f 8 ? hTe Be sang very jell indeed and was loudly applauded fo. The doctor wal appear again tSisevening, tod he announces that he will give a change of programme. i_« _ Pabnell Mbkoexal.—The adC^Ji. ,M _ t, the Commit__m l he _ t S - -°* ParneU memorial will be ____• **_ City Cottncil Chamber this | "emng when some important business' Wlbe brougnt forward. In compliance *ith the request of some of the members «tte Mounted ____es, the Executive have decided to add an event R Y e A unteera to tbe programme. Gordon, th? officer £»» the district, has kindly given Session for competitors to in ™"for__ on the occasion. A very large jraaber of offers have been received for on the occasion of the % TLvZi "r lfchas been decided to offer them by aucti °a- As will be seen by elsewhere, Messrs Bowman »fi„^ Upat them U P to competition &turday next, at 1 p.m., a t their fcStaiS 1 ? h oWthe * e *!° n -\ OT Panting moderitf' 1 faave a S?* fc variety at very &l__^\ pncCß Gr_re__rr_, 140 SKS •s**? Catalogues now ready. I*_tt_-f l .K H l Blo H, aild C°* B "Imperil" •SSJLSS 6 SpecW v<att * ta ******

Pbr-onax.—The Collector of Customs desire, it to be known that he has a letter for an old soldier, named James Smith, late of the 23rd Fusiliers.

German Chttbch. —An adjourned meeting of Germans with reference to the German Church will be held at the Wellington Hotel on Saturday next at 2 p.m. Cathbdeal Spire.—The contractor for the restoration of the Cathedral spire is making good progress, and some twenty feet of new brickwork is completed. Yesterday the men were engaged in raising the scaffolding.

Entektajni-Knt. — To-morrow evening the Christchurch Total Abstinence Society will give a special entertainment at tbe Blue Sibbou Hall. The Mayor will preside, and a very good programme has been prepared. Stdbkham Wkslbtan- Chuech. —The annual soiree in connection with the above church will be held this evening. Addresses will be delivered by several ministers and other gentlemen. Business Changes.—Aa will be seen by advertisement elsewhere, Mr G. F. Jackaon, the teacher of cookery at the Girla J High School, and Mr A. Batten have commen<2ed business in Morten'a Buildings aa __6_:_. ..nfectjioner. and caterers.

S__r>__ School Aitnitebs_it. _L tea —-_.<_ 3?_._.l_<=: T—eecin. i_ co—uectio. wX——. thQ anniversary of t_.e S_XK_ay sctiool o_ [ :•' •. i I the Ch._.__*_ of CUrist Tvrill place tonight. Addresses -will be piven. by the Kevß. J. Edwards and J. Orchard and others. There -will also be a musical programme. LacTUR-.-The Rev. J. O'Bryen Hoare last evening l delivered a. lecture, entitled. " The Land, its Laws and its Lords," in th. Oddfellow.' MI, Wootetoo, Tbe lecture was the auspices of the Heatbcote Kadical Association, and there was a fair attendance. It *was mainly historical, and waa listened to xvith interest.

Ladt Visi_ob.s- Fund. — TKg annual performance in aid of the Lady Visitors" Destitute Patients' Belief Fund in connection with the Hospital will this year comprise the production of " London Assurance." The piece has been very strongly cast, and will be produced about September, when his Excellency the Governor is likely to be on a visit to Christchurch.

North Island Land Association. —A meetmjf'of farmers' sons anxioue to take up land in the North Island, was held in the offices of Meßsrs Sinclair and Murray, High street, yesterday afternoon. Mr Greenupjsubmitted particulars of suitable blocks for settlement, and it was resolved that the meeting form themselves in association. At the next meeting it i 3 the intention to elect delegates, and the Secretary, Mr W. A. Murray, will be instructed to write the Hon. Minister of Lands, informing him of the appointment of delegates, and requesting that certain lands be held over for inspection. Prevention op Sheep Stealing.—Mr It. Poster's suggestions for the prevention of sheepsteaUng addressed to the Committee of the Canterbury Agricultural and Pastoral Association have been reported upon by the Sub-Committee appointed to consider the matter, to the following effect: —(1) That ear-marks should be registered for one year only. The two sexes to be marked on opposite ears. (2) That it should be illegal to use an unregistered mark on the legal ear. (3) That a heavy penalty be imposed for altering the breeder's ear-mark. (4) That a list of ear-marks (legal) be agreed upon, and included in a schedule as part of the Branding Act, power being reserved to register new ear-marks (which shall not include tatooing or the affixing of metal clips) by an order in Council. The above resolutions have been forwarded to the Minister of Agriculture for his consideration.

Thb Conval.scsnt Home.—Our Wellington correspondent, telegraphing laat night, says:—" A deputation (introduced by Mr Perceval), waited to day on the Miniater for Public Worka. It comprised Sir John Hall, Messrs Rolleston, Khodee, Perceval, Taylor, and Tanner. Mr W. P. Reeves intimated his sympathy with the object of the deputation, and Mr Joyce would have been present but was unavoidably prevented. Their object was to urge on the Governmeut the desirableness of improving the road to the Christchurch district Convalescent Home. The deputation represented that the road at present was so steep that patients were put to great expense for cabs, &c, to take them up. The deputation asked that the " unemployed " might be put on this work. The road had been .surveyed by Mr Dobson and the cost was estimated at only Mr Seddon replied that if the Minister for Lands raised no objection the Government would expend that sum on the work, but if any more money should prove to be required the Home moat find such balance. The deputation expressed their acknowledgment and withdrew.

Eden George Company, Limited, the leading photographers of Christchurch, have now reduced their prices. Cabinet., 10s per doz ; enamelling, 5. per doz extra, any style or position. We are the only photographers who make no extra charges to visitora from the country. See advertisement on another page.—.Advt.J

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Press, Volume XLVIII, Issue 7922, 23 July 1891, Page 4

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NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume XLVIII, Issue 7922, 23 July 1891, Page 4

NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume XLVIII, Issue 7922, 23 July 1891, Page 4