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Ltttilton Habb'ob Boabo,— The tt& nary meeting of the Board was heidn* terday, when a considerable amount oS routine business waa tranßaelssdp fiw annual meeting of the Boarif'wft Uk place on Jaquairy 18th. " \ /?? "Weatbsb Fomkjabt; — Captaia Edwin, of Wellington, telegraphed to &t Harbor Master., at Lytteltoa at 2.13 p,a, yesterday:—" West to South and Soutfe east. .iwifch'.' colder weather, lad dear further rise." ASHBUBTON BOROUOH COUNCIL —TJM) following nominations have been received for the vacant seat on the AsbburtWi Borough Council : —Messrs W. Aoderwa, G. W. Andrews, E. Cookaon, and Dr. 2, &

Accident to a Hobbh.—The we» fcnown bay trap horse Monarch, the pro perty of Dr. J. M. Tweed, fell in East street, Ashburtoh, on Saturday evening, and cat hie knees so badly that the aotail had to be dfeSfcroyed. Moitiaroh was an oJ4 horse, but ft fine" upstanding animal, and, consequently, a valuable oao. Mbhouiai. LECTERN.—A beautiful br&s leotern haa jiuc been prases ted-to §(• Saviour's Churob, Way, of 4 Eaton' square, Ltmdoti, fa| memory of her brother, Dr, Way,' wta died on board the s.s. Buapehd, in LytteSc ton, some six month* uioce. _ ■ >?v Pool CuxiißEße. —At ye3ter4sy'fl'ia# ing ( "ot tUe* Harbor Board the the«cool chambers in Lytteltou «am# # again. The Commissioners object t<l m pfeaenfi aite an shutting eat tb£ -tieW .Che steamers' wharf. Tho ever, combat this idea, bat in tW time the tender for thu Hto up, as is also the' order for the animi&jf procese plant. ' .-''# COMMISSIONEES OP &ZOWH tik^M-^ WellingCoa Fceea Association t9\«g&Q aaya :—lt is.understood .that the Mfoi*& of Lands has abandoned bis iataaties ■« making Mr Baker of Christchtiroh ~&ml m Adams of Ddaedin change places as CM& yutveyore and Comuutjsioaera of; Linda in their rospectiyd di?fcriofe J? JUaker will continue to hold the &w& <&*> in. Chriafcchuroh, and on Mr 3, F* M# land's retirement at .the end d the y«BS the Cqmmiseionerekip Drill ferred on Mir Adams in cohjunetiiSl fiw the Chief Sarveyorehip,.whiuli hs aketp holds '' '

St. Babnabab, 3«* rations at this church was no 6v> ecn^jjtf* aa on former occasions, Offing scarcity'of flowers? but the beat «**.,*•? been made of such as could bts JsrJctoW) and the general effect was very plefcW The deeorationr of the chancel ens W betokened both care and tuate., vicee were conducted by the iAchaMm the Bay. J. W. Stack, who preft&hed fjMfit Luke ii., 12. The service was semi-e^f®-The anthem, "Ut m m»W. gfr..e»*> .WJ Bethlehem/" was very well reaaew^W the choif.: Tendall prided es.we organ. The congregations both at ~^ early celebrate and niatiaa were jfoo^f** the offertory above the average. ' . f»«i at AsAburto^.—The 'Jt6B?»fW* fire bells rang oufc an alarm '©» S-^M afternoout and it was eoo'n !fp* a fire bad started in an old coach tha* l,^ lying near the paint aliop ia Messrs S»|» •n^Sona , ptemUea. Th*» i'ice B fl |!?n turned cufe with great promptitude «w wicb<?ufc -waiting for a han» raa *yfrf maanal .engine to the, ©t*^ fire, but fortunately their services ««» not required. Ur B. Steel and sMew otb«» having extinguished the fire by «""?*£* buckets of water on it.' ttfca vahiele«• entirely deetroyed,.and only for th» o^ arrival of Willing heads ibe firf «•«} have spread to the paint jaW eerioue'o'ahiaffe, there being; & etroagwuw

blowing at the time. . Sx. Pjbteb!s Cuvbcb, SfbijM«bs»'~* bazaarwaaopened on Boiing Day, B| Br* John Hall, in the echtolrooin, s P n £rT* in aid of the building fund. The vari<*« stalls were loaded wtfch *««* article*, and, in-spito of tbe: sqwjj weather, the attendance «™* #*>& ±jw ladies were doing a good Wold of the day, and at tlie djWjJJJ were very few articles unsold. ifle were presided over aa follow; r-x,mv staU-Missea l>ermau . (2) « f» Plain stall—Mesdames CbeefcarfleW, aw Fitegerald, Liadop, and Mies f Fergueoa weJJJJ , field, feiau pie —Hiss ' Befreshmenfe stall— Meadataes Fraze*,a^ lrioeon> Koberts, MqKay, and W™J%*R bazaar was one of the mott ea««*««ifj held in the district, tbo caaa the day bfelng £42 6fl T WJ§|., Various aniounte to come te **^. bring the nab proceeds up *> *•• best thanke of the Yeafry aw due to ladies who worked so well to *»** ttm ..,; <By***»' '' ■• *■' • :;\jti? ■■ .:. ' ' ' &. ;

Whitkfoobd, RM-j-Je are glad Jtfcfc'thit Mr Whitefoord. 8.M., la no« Srymaoh better. Hβ was so far recovered iSerdey that he was able to leave Dr. E£w«,where be has been «teyi?K, and 5 *Cuni to hie own home. It will prob--sjv be some time, however, before he •■m be in a condition to resume his official

Itbb Gladstoxb Pies.—At yesterday's lAtitt? N t hfttelton Harbor *oard, a read trom the night watchman VeTibe Gladstone Pier, complaining of the Spoking o/ the pier by trucks being left M it til night. ■Jfkw Bbiqhtos Bsidge.—-The question M to tbe removal of the New Brighton nwmway bridge is not yet settled. The iVoo Steam Packet Company press for its temonl, and the New Brighton Tramway aanpaßy respond by statiu)? that though ~»ted by the Company, the bridge is yet JiltaALlf public property, and ia ueed for" .gyle convenience. Rifi.»s.—The members of this /wpg go to Sunnier on New Year's Ere, ■here they will be entertained to a supper ja Morton'e Hotel, by Mr P. Cunningham. *be prises won at the shooting competition, on Boxing D-y. will be presented to th e successful competitors by Mrs Cunningbam, who contributed a cheque for •gn guineas toward the prize fund. The Coipe will be conveyed in drags, leaving Cathedral square at 9.80 p.m. ,

lux Owhaxage.— The Master of the Orpbas&ge desires to acknowledge the .Jeipt of the following money and Charles Clark, 10a; Mr W. JL Hargreaves, 10a; Mrs leard, 5s j Mrs JWtbß Williams, sa; Mesera Fletcher, Hwnpbries, and Co., £1 Is; Mr H. Atkinson, Manchester street, toy bagatelle; Mrs Cambridge, lime juice. &c. LTrrxiTow" JBegatta, IS9l.—The New Shipping Company and the caplein el the barque Waimea have kindly consented to allow their fine vessel the WaUnea to lie flagship at the forthcoming lam* EIVEB Brrut Club. —The third imadieap prize competition took place at '$be littie Biver bates on Saturday. The eopditiona were seven shots each at g»jds, 300 yds and 500 yds, Wimbledon noting. For the three competitions the geore* of the four leading competitors •re as 'ollows :—S. Harris, scr, 20?; H. Wheeler, 3,176; A. J. Joblin, 14,173} H. Thomas, 8.171. Quoits.— Our Donsandel correspondent Writes: —Becently the local Quoit Olub pUjed two matches in one day, winning both. At nine o'clock in the morning; the gouthbridge team came to Duns&ndel, Mid were defeated by 71 point*. The ' local team then journeyed to Leeston, and there defeated that Club by 94 points. pgSKAWEXT Investment Association. — A special meeting ofc the shareholders in tbe Permanent Loan and Investment Attociation will be held at 7.30 this '«rening at Mr Charles Clark's room, to receive balance sheet and coasider payment of dividend. ' Stobat School Tbhat.—The echolara . attending the Sunday school in connection jrith St Mary's Church, Merivale, held their annual treat yesterday. The eh ildren *»ere conveyed by. special tram to Mr amnington'e paddock, Ferry road, where a moet enjoyable day was spent. Mr ' Bonnington, besides throwing open his •grounds to the scholars, presented each ot them with a Christmas gift, and to show fcjw they appreciated that gentleman a kindness the children gave him three hearty , ebeers previous to leaving the ground. Oα ' the arrival of the young folks at the jtrsonage lawn, Merivale, a favourite Hymn was sung. Three cheers were then giren to the ladies for providing the good things and to the teachers and the incumbent. The children and friends then to their respective, homes all well pleased with tbe day's outing. - - Saiusq Back.—On Saturday afternoon first competition of the Brighton : &31iag Club for the President Cup was decided on the usual course. The comr |ie4itors were—j?ukaki, ecrj Hawk, Bachefcr, Tui, Ketapo, Kauri, IS mm; and ; toterbury, 20min. Tbe nor'-wester ' vhioh blew in gusts, was anything but .fuForsble for tailing, and sooa after the : start the Canterbury had the migfor, ■*$&c to carry away some of her gear, thus putting her out of it. Soon after the Hawk's chance was Spoilt by an "Wcident, and two of the other competi ; tors tan aground. In the run down the )fcfc&ki rapidly overhauled her opponents, ami although the Tui and Bachelor stuck to her gamely, on the return journey atlther of them were able to get on terms, and the Pukaki won by from Mst Tui, a like distance separating second Mid third. ' * Cxlxoostas Cosckbt Ax T«aixiKA.—rThe

juwa&i concert held on the evening of •Boxing Day under the auspices of the ' Itemuka. Caledonian Society was again a ■access. The large Volunteer drift shed Vu filled with an appreciative audience ; tf between 800 and 900. The programme , comprised vocal and instrumental seLec felons'and Scotch dancing. Messrs Sidney UTolf (piano), E, Wood (violin), and J|3. ' "Wood (vioiincello) played trios, the ' tbetnes selected being Scottish and Irish -Airs. Messrs David Campbell and J. Haben gave bagpipe selections, and dances : %ere given by Messrs W. E. Stuart, and J. .' Banks and Masters Peddie and Smith. Mies Fanny Martin was accorded a very Janily reception, and gang "Hoist the % of ScoUand," " Doon the, Burn, Davie," •ad aa encores " The dear little Shamrock," *• O , a the airts.** Miss Hardy, of Wellington, was loudly applauded for her singing of "Bobin Adair," "Tell mc my heart, 5 '•Love has eyes," "Home sweet home," Hid • Good-bye." Miss a'pensley's singing fate her a favorite with the audience frena the first. Her selections were " The X«fc Bose of Summer/* "Whistle «ad 111 come tae ye my lad." " The land «* the Ual;* and "The donkeyeirfc ride." Songs were also given by Jfewre Tosbach, Blade, Hosie, and Sergt.Majar Jones. The concert concluded with we singing of " Auld Lang Syne "by the performers, led by the President, the , audience joining in most heartily. Alter we concert a dance took place, which was «psap with spirit until the small hours. • wn Guauds.— Last night, at the invitation of Captain Bishop, the members of tae (Sty Guards, with the Stanmore Band, Jgst at his residence, Cambridge Terrace fittt, for their annual reunion. The poßiide were lighted up with Chinese - laateras and a splendid device in gas of a «ewa and one of the latest invented tops afforded plenty of light over the ' wpper tables, which were spread on the ' v I?* 1 * had been done J9fte hospitable providinjf, the health of Captain Bishop and Mrs Bishop was propOMd m felicitous terms by Lieut. Baker, •adttostjheartily r*spondedto,Capt. Bishbp « «eplying announced that he had that «?ieot in his resignation, owing to his easaieae engagements preventing him fctvmg that attention to the daties of ' teaaunding officer which he considered ««SSMy. Tbia determination, it is MMless to say, -was received with exPttasums of regret—a regret which will wwared by all the officers o| the Voluu«eew ia Canterbury. The other toasts ' r^J ad nono «d were "The Stanmore \ |«4" and « The City Guards." DurS . ™*T«unj? tte band played a number of . wecticns excellently, and an exceedingly Peasant time was spent by those present . Awha Bifle Club,—The Alpha MarEifie Club holds its second Maeal p me fi r j n g on Thursday fSfew Jj»" D»y). The Club has arranged a P*°gwn»me i n mch a way as to give a ■ 'JH****^ practice to those during "wwad the Zealand Bifle Assodaaeeting in Kapier next month," end «tteeame time give good opportunities w»Sn a good number of prizes. Tradesand others have ÜberaUy responded wx&fi appeals made to them, and the Club »ut be in a position to offer at least ten jWttesin each match, exclusive of ranee J«tes. and they witt in the aggregate «no«Bt in value to between JHO and B^ 6 ■ n three for Maitiniriflea, and one for Snidera. The JEr iQ tb «onghrepair, nothing wiU be left undone by the would tend to enhance* the ;: SS °f Jhe meeUng. In order to get SfSLwLI" Pwgwunme ia the

— The BoW & McLean, Managua Director of fee Union Skamship Company, was a passenger to San Francieco by the Monowai, which sailed from Auckland yesterday afternoon. Cbxcxtt.—The Veteran Cricketer* will practise in Hagley Park on Wednesday the last day of the year, at _ SrotHsa Excußaiojr.--The usual weekly excursion to Stunner -will take plaoe thfe evening, the tram leaving the square at 7.15 p.m. The Stanmore band will accompany the excursion.

I Suddik Dsath —The barman at the [Eastern Hotel, John Barker by name, died suddenly at abonta quarter toB yesterday morning.; He wee carrying a tab in the back yard at the hotel when he fell down and expired. Dr. Ovenden was called in. Deceased had been in the employ of Mrs A. Hall for twenty years Be was always sober and steady, a single man, and forty years of age. Tskatbs It tai^—The Faust Family repeated their programme very successfully last night at the Theatre BoyaL This evening a oomplete change will be given, including eeveral novelties. Amongst others Herr Ton Der Mehden will play a cornet solo "Cavatina, ,, transmitted to Australia through the Edison phonograph. A matinee will be given on Wednesday afternoon, in addition to the usual evening performance. Som Kxtv Pionmss ov Mount Cook. -—Mr John Gib b has brought bask with him from Mount Cook some remarkably good sketches of the clond piercer and the surrounding country. The ten colored sketches are almost as carefully done as some finished pictures, and are thoroughly characteristic scenes. The principal sketch, taken from the moraine immediately behind the Hermitage, shows Mount Cook in all the glories of winter ice and enow, and reveals the wonders of the Hooker Glacier. Tourists rarely see the effects shown in this sketch, as they usually arrive when the warm weather has melted much of the snow. The second large sketch shows us the Hooker Valley with Alma and Sebastopol on either hand, and Lake fufcaki in the distance. A third sketch is a beautiful morning effect of Mt. Cook, robed completely in pure white snow, rising above Pukaki Lake, with a reflection of the mountain in a smooth lagoon in the. foreground. Another, a soft tender picture, which was obtained by placing forty, miles of lake and valley between the giant mountain and the beholder, shows the rich yet dslicate coloring which is the charm of inland Otago. The fourth eketch shows a moun tain range, brown based, snow-capped with curious outlines, of rocky erage, stretching across a foreground of Lake Tekapo. Another gives us floating mists and peeping peaks above the same lake, and another shows Tekapo, with its pea green snow-water torn into waves by a squall against a wall of black angry clouds. A smaller sketch showed the strange effect of lake color reflected on the clouds, and tills reminded Mi. , .Gibb of seeing the color of the sea reflected oc the breasts of white seagulls—a common eight probably, but one only noticed by an artist. The whole series of sketches are really pictured drawn directly from nature by one who has spent infinite pains on hie work, and worked out in the studio they will add to the wide reputation Mr Gibb has already acquired. . : ' : :

Beautifnl lilies and lovely ferns from Australia, to be sold at-Bowman and Sons rooms this afternoon. -

JSsxx Gxo&gx Company, Limited, the leadiag photograpbers ef Chriatcburch, hrve now reduced their prices. Cabinets, 10s per doz; enamelling, 5s per doz extra; any style or position. We are the onlj photographers whp make no extra charges to visitors from the countrj. See advertisement on another page.—jAßvt.J K. W. AlKfiBS. Art Photographer. Popular prices, superior workmanship, satisfaction guaranteed. Children a aieclalty. Do not mistake the address— eers, 212 Colombo street. Show room upstairs.—£A»VT.] His ExcEiiBNCY Lobd Onslow having honored C. H. Mankzno with a sittingfor his photograph, specimens of them may be seen at the Studio amoug the usual brilliant display. All patrons can rely upon (heir being photographed by C. JEL Mannjno persooally.. Tie superiority of bis work Is universally known and admired. -[Adyt.

Staadiah and Preece's Phafcographic. Work is the mo«t reliable and- artistic Studio, 218 High streeU-rLApvi.)

DirHTHKBtAAKONa Birds.—Diphtheria, which has" been lurking about Paria ever since the influenza epidemic, has attacked the birds. The discovery seems to bare been made at the Jardin dcs flantea. The men of science ere said to have satisfied themselves that these birds do not communicate the disease to mankind. It hae prevailed amongst pigeons, and some pigeons in the markets were proved to have Buffered from it;, but in no c*ae did the disease spread to persons who came in contact w ; th the-, infected birds.

Assault Oases tn Mblboubnb. — A paper furnished by the police to the Chief Secretary of Victoria statee,, that during the last auc weeks there have been thirtyseven cases of assault and robbery reported m Melbourne. Nearly, all the victims were under the influence o£ drink, and the police had very little ground on which to work. They had b6en able-to arrest; only eight oflfendera on the direct charge. Aα unusually large number of men likely to oc-mmit Btich offeacea had bees discharjred during that period from Pentridge. It considers it exceedingly likely that increased severity of punishment would materially check a repetition of the offence. - '

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Press, Volume XLVII, Issue 7747, 30 December 1890, Page 4

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NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume XLVII, Issue 7747, 30 December 1890, Page 4

NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume XLVII, Issue 7747, 30 December 1890, Page 4