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THB CANTERBURY WEEKIiY PRESS ! established ISBi ON ttttchiag the twenfcy-flfth year of the publication of the arse weekly magazine In Canterbury, the Proprietors of the CANTJfiR* BUR if WKKKLY Ptthi3d refer with extreme pleasure to the soccers which has attended their efforts in the pa&u Consistent adhesion to Che policy that the beat and earliest inf orma•ion on every subject, carefully edited, must cause $he WI£KKL¥ PiUSaa to rank as the , LEADING WEEKLY NEWSPAPER .' :.. . ' ■ ■ '.m ■ ■ ...; . NEW ZEALAND Has proved the secret of their success, and readers may feel assured tbat no efforts will wanting In the future to maintain the mOH STANDARD OF EXCELLENCE Already attained by this most popular journal. Ihe CANTERBURY WEEKLY PRESS is welcomed hy ail sections of tnacommnnily—by the bnaiheed man,"ttie farmer, the miner, axui the politician. In buoy olticcs and in mountain huts, in social clubs and in wayside tents, it is alike eagerly welcomed. The shepherd, in the back country and the prospector by some lonely mountain scream are constant readers. Tho saw miller in tho heart of tue bush and the shearer tn the noisy- shed both rum to its pages for that recreation which is afforded py no contemporary. - < -• • ' ■ ■'■— ■ ITS WIDESPREAD POPULARITY Is due tn the variety" of its' contents, both useful and • amusing, which are most carefully chosen, and thus meet tne requirements of ail sons and conditions of men—and women. The sterling character of the articles in the WKttKLY PKE£3, collated and Written by a large aiaff of contributors in both the Old and' New Worlds, has placed ie in the foremost rank of Colonial journals. THE AGRICULTURAL COLUMNS Are under the care of an expert whoso knowledge of his subject is second to that of no one ia tne colony, and the r treatment which Agricultural and Pastoral subjects have received at his hands has called futih the highest encomiums from those in a, position to judge and has. gained the confidence at all practical farmers, therefore upon these topics the WKKKIjY. PBKtiS. has long . rulea as an authority .and in England and Australia it is always quoted as the recognised authority on New Zealand farming. THE StORl , OF KIIKGS, As racing has been termed, is made a specia feature of the CANTKRBURY WKEKIiY PRhsJS. The colunine devotea to this subject, dear to the hearts of all colonials, are edited by a gentleman who has the advantage of knowiuK the Nortn and South Islands equally well, and readers- may, therefore, rely on getting the best and Utest information about racing matters in Auckland, .Napier, Wangftum. Wellington, Canterbury, Wejtiandand OtagO. The siitf of Sporting Correspondents poseestied by the WKKKLV PRKSS is the beat of its Kind in the colony, and only the most reliable information is published.

Favoritism finds no .place in these columns? and while no personalities are indulged in, any J thing like unfair aud unsportsmanlike tactics meet with their due reward, and the WKKKLY. PKKSS speaks out fearlesaly and without respect of persons, be it steward, starter, judfe, jockey or owner. The page devoted to ATHLETIC SPORTS. Uij (airly be claimed t<s be the beet of its kind. Iα any paper published, south of the line, and Is regarded, as each by ail Now Zealand Atttletes. Kray descriptipu of Achletie sports ijb dealt with, and under its presenc management thi» department, of the CANTERBURY WEEKLY PRKS3 ecUpsetanything which has ever appeared in the colony. THE FOOTBALI* CRICKET, c AND ROWING Columns are each allotted to experts in these manly sporte. ■■- ■■- --~ ,: ;'■";:■■;■-> *"-■ With regard to Football -to W'BBKLY PKJI.BS has become known to evegy player in the two islands for its brilliant descriptions of play, the sound advice ie has giveu and the clear explanationa of title knotty points which have from time to time arisen In New Zealand and which have been referred to it. The Intellectual recreation afforded by CHr.SS AKP DRAUGHTS Has not been lost 3ight of, sad the two game under very able editorship, occupy « worch place in the paper every week. Ihe Puzxle is another, managed column. THK LITKRARTdKPARTMENT Of the CANTERBUBY WEEKLY PRES3 Is another of its strongest points, and it is In this department that it has perhaps done the greatest amount of good work. It is with "sa" ißxacdon that' ibb" proprietoi-s of the CANTSKUURY; WIiEELY I PRB3S can declare that nothing has ever boou printed, n their paper to which the'least objection .could be taken on the score of impropriety. , The high standard of the articles which have been published in the WEEKLY PRESS have given it the position of THE BKST FAMILY PAPfiR Published In the colony. ■ Without wishing to cast a elnronanyof its several o£ which have been considerably improved by competition with the ever popular WEEKLY PRESS, ie may be said that, no journal issued in Neir Zealand has done so much to improve the caste of. its readers in matters literary as the WKAKhY PRKSS has done. Headers of all sons and sizss can always find something amusing aad instructive id this depantnent, and can.-sever put down the paper without being better men, women, or children fdr whac they nave read. There are two or three special features connected with this department to whicn attention ia diiec ted. In -tbeJtirdfc place, the Serial Novels whiehfrom time to time have appeared in toe WiSEKXiY PRESS have always p^en

ABSOIjUTBLY NJSW to the people of the colony. No novel which can already he obtained at any bookseUwr'a in a cheap* Australlan edition is published. The novels wuich appear in the WhuHELLY PRK6H appear ao the same tlmo in some of the beso Kngliih weekly papers, and until they have run their course in these papers they do not appear fn book form. ' The serials, it may be added, are all by Kngliah novelists of the first rank. Another feature is one in which the WKKKJUY PKKSS stands alone. Instead of completely tilling the paper with a collection of articles reprinted from English, American; and Australian papers the Editor has gradually tOrroubded himself with & / ;

STAFF OF LITiEBARY COOTRIBUTOR3, whoso names have become household words from the Three.Kings to Stewart Island, and from on* coast to the other. No otherpuper published in the colony baa such a staflrand tne management of the WifiEKL IT PRKsti take credit for the acumen with which it has been selected and the encouragement which has been extended totally gifted and capable writers. . . All departments of literature re represented in this gathering,: and the excellence of the contributed sioriea, verses, essays, and Sketches which have helped to make the WfiiCKLY

MOSTPOPUIiAR WEBKJiY PAPEB in New Zealand is recoßnised aU over the colony. It is with feelings of pleasure and prldethat the proprietors of the WICEKL PRESS draw the attention of. their larre circle of readers to the success which has attended the effoitsof some of their contributions in wider fields than this colony offera. "M. C. V." has had her charming vereee p inted in " Longman's" and other magazines, and essays bY the came talented lady have aDpeared in the " Atlantic Monthly, one of the bees literarr American magazines. Fresh and graphic articles by The Warrißal " appeared in twSve consecntire isstiea of the widely-circulated Melbourne - leader," and " The Meld," the reooznised English authority on sport, has alap printed several clever sketches of NewZealano Hport from the same facile pen. "Austral " some of whose verses' were recently crimed by the critical Lpndon weekly, the •Spectator has been a frequent contributor of prose and poetry to sne columns of the WEEKLY PKKSS; and Scott: Weteser'e masterly noveL "Lowes, which recenty appeared in this journal, h&s drawnhigh praise from competent authorities on SngUan fiction. Several other contributors have also had articles accented by the chief Australian weekly _papers. " mTm * who writes specially tor the WEEKLY PRESS the cleverest pen : picture3 of modern Pariaever published in any journal, ia an occasional contributor to the ••Spectator "and other htehclass Kngliiah journals. «*»w i THE WEEKLY PRESS la which provides for the re qnirementeof persems engased in the vorid's COIIMERCUL IKFORMATrON is THB CANTERBURY h*s «araed a deservedrepafcffifor raliabiUtar. and consfituted a etandard. for reference. Br a tJon aod supDOrt from the Dabliewhi^^e PRESS hereby acknowledge ia grataftutermj %&& PEOPLE'S PAPER, ! farmers, stock owaers. eonuneroiia^M m» eaeasod ia trade. prtvatetonUtet, »S throoeh seagoing veeaeta. tine*, reaching every xjfflce or nimhi* J»T£l unmshlpS"-of lbs *Imi^readere^TJMciv mecum-tebestvebiei, FRIU3a «» Waj

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Press, Volume XLVIL, Issue 7741, 22 December 1890, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 Press, Volume XLVIL, Issue 7741, 22 December 1890, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 Press, Volume XLVIL, Issue 7741, 22 December 1890, Page 3