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* in** Wean* PiMSS.—With the Ohrifltof Weekly Pre» Iμ fttjortrait of his Excellency Lord of New Zealand. It is 2Tsdmir»ble production, and a worthy fLfSStiott of each eaeeeesfal pictures as issued by this journal of Sir Juliua Ton Haas*, l&XoVand others, and we make no .vgffitwUbehung up in thousand* of i£u a pleasini? memorial of one 'OTto moet popular Governors« the h5 blessed with There ST other interesting illustrations. "XL f%ristmas stories are on a 1& Xof » erifc Scott Webster 'Hfsustain tie reputation as a writer of r|t szreeabie fiction, verj true in local ■f&t »nd very natural in motive and fS. Those belonging to the prise JSition show no falling off either in Sfcror number, the four published ££« eminently readable, and three more :JS published next week. The Christ-. ■Scries are the pnncipal items in this te* attention may also be directed fctfee Omterbury Amateur Athletic Club's Ske ssd the notes of " Handicapper" !^n»Haiaber," the account of an impor£rt Victorian dairy factory, the South- & Agricultural Show specially reported wtoV«% PreßS ' and " Arobfta P Mtty kiisimas story for the children. Hre £xcsu.k*ct THB GovBENOK.—Lord Obs&w accompanied by the Countess, will aaiTe i Christchurch to-morrow, and will 5L Coker'a Hotel during their viait. fyjis the first time her ladyship has Ltd a visit to Christchurch. Bkgatta. yacht Dewdrop *trrlTed in port at 7.30 last night. Cathipbal' Missiok Choib.—The usual -acbce of this choir will take place tosietfow evening at eight o'clock, instead of #ie evening , . Cbeist's CoLLwa.- Elsewhere will be loaad a report of the proceedings in connection with the presentation of prizes at CfcyUfe College last evening, together ' wti the prize list. CTCSWxa.— Up to last night 202 entries vere received by Mr W. B. Eyre for the Xntarpravincial bicycle races to be held at JjßcasterParkon Boring and the followSf day. Further entries are notified by egraph from the other provinces, and vafawfre by to-day's poet The complete ]& trill be published in to-morrow'a *pߣic Clock at Banoioba. —Mr E. E. good, the Mayor, has promised a donation rf i≤s towards the cost of a large striking ekicfe for the Post Office building at and it is hoped that, as the prswst public clock, erected by the late Hr Jeanings, has stopped, etforts will be made to obtain the convenience of a good .fsbUeckck. Sew Zealand Amatedb ATHfrno ¥zi%.~-The Illustrated Sporting and Dra* naik Seas, of November Btb, gives a of the photo(»raph by Tuttle, rf %dasy; of the New Zealand Athletic ta&JB which competed at the Australasian Chiiopioaship Meeting in Sydney, on May llrt. Tbe illustration ie aocompanied by letterpffea, giving the perfonnancee of Bie several members of the team, and is *ltcgetier s good advertisement for the Hem Zcalaad Amateur Athletic Asso* cialioSf « Affpanc—Mr C. H. Manning, photp. gnsiNPi* has just completed a splendid duJlQjßSph of Madame Burton, ha Sebrated contralto. Tbe picture, 9&tekJMof the size known as Imperial, ia • and artistically finished, whilst th§ likeness is perfect. Altogether it-is one t|* most successful of Mr Manning's ftsajr charming pictures. fh Laws Excursion. — The usual samtiOß to the Heatbcote bridge 'lawn place to-night, when there will te * step-discing competition on rather trntH lioes. Each compstitor has the tfeoosicg? of his own dance, which, of β^rse, -srill be the one he excels in, and will give the excursionists a varied and fat^siang. programme. The, Sydenham Bass Bfcod will accompany the special taa, , vhich leaves the town at 7.15 p.m. : JSffißflAS's Co-OPSEATIVB StO»3B Coat»ASt»—A meeting of the shareholders of the above was held *t the Al Hotel last «jgl»»tp receive the final accounts of the liqaidaio?!. There were received, and a was passed thanking the %«idatof3 for the manner in which they Iμ realised the assets, and voting them , tbe b&Uace of as somn compensation , fair their labors during the past two years. SOSTE OSAEI SCHOOIi COMMITOBB.—• The zsoathly meeting of this Committee fas held on Monday evening. Present— Mems McLeod (Chairman), Bennett* Bates, and Wakely. The Inreport on the school was read, »d considered highly satisfactory. Seitars connected with the school treat *$*a discussed, and final arrangements e*£e faff carrying it through." feBCAL Socibtt.—To-night the Musical will give their concert in the Qpi&'ilowa , Ball. The piece d* retistmee « fee programme will be Gaul's cantata, v«*a of Arc/ , which was given with .««siderable success by the Exhibition war at Dunedin, under Mr Towsey. ifesfidssobo's trio, for violin, piano, and «80, wiU be interpreted by Mr Wallace, *» WiMiog, and Mr K. H. Loughnan, itisoiTATA 131.A8D School.—A lecture

C£ "Africa," in aid of the incideatal wads of this school, was delivered in the * wboolrootn by the Bey. T. A. Hamilton, *» Tessufca, on Friday evening. The was crowded. Mr Grainger, Chair<s£ the School Committee, occupied »* cwur. The lecturer, who has had per- »&« experience of tbe vicissitudes of *«*e&a life, having served on board a *»3-<&trar stationed on the West Coast of *««*, save graphic descriptions of the «s»ry, life, scenery, &c, of the Dark During the evening several *P<Bs were sung. "J*p»<-p-.cAj. thfi ««!&l meeting of the Midland Pbarmaoeu- «*• Asssc-ation of New Zealand, Mr W. rjf^f 4 (President). in the chair, the fjPGtt aad balance-sheet were read and r Barnett was unanimously President for the ensuing- year,, . *»» received the thanks of tbe members - „_*?* hiterest he had taken in the I £**»&««» MrG.F.Dodds, of Alfarpa, %, tt^ 6e^^t^P resi dent>mainfeißingthe of past years in ele img a resident in the country to reposition. Mr Price was re-elected Sparer, Mr HiU as Bon Secretary, and ~f bte?easi as assistant Secretary. The ~*j®& sheet indicated a healthy financial for which the retiring Secretary »?**»ded the thanks of the Association. J**; Membership now numbers 85. The of the Asseciatlon will be «»e*ea to Victoria Buildings. ** Mode..—There is ou *** at the Palace Hotel the working « a rail-ay station aad train, kv^ll* B rm^ n higeniously constructed who is showing if. It is .g««JJfim ali sorts of odd scraps of metal. t„i_*r- , tie «ngine is wade from an 2? ffv 11 ?.-* I**1 ** fußnel f rom a portion of « ttmbreUa, the -wheels' ordinary cartridge cases, sad all other parts |»*e cleverly converted from Bome--2«I °^ r *„ T* 6 station is 3«e vx & aU it 3 accessories, each as Snfcf' lamps, cranes, &- in fact , «MUstnre fwm the hfe. The greater &** ot aye work was done |y Mr SmiKt ha _ 1, »"« d a** to it eiuee. The -_855U"W ■•» ™U repay a visit pf

Xot» S»ociS attJ«rß~&r wnifequeaee of days falling-en .such inconvenient 4aj 8 , the IHwo&ya of the Saleyards Company have decided to hold them on the the 22nd and 29th instead of the 24th and <31st. /« .• -.- ~W«ra Sum*.--At; the Cγ. Gray as Mayor of Christchurch yesterday, the retiring Mayor, Mr S. Manning, called attention to the necessity ieted for the citizens considering €he matter of a water supply system. Bots* High Schooi..—The annual distribution of prizes to the successful punils of the above was held last night, and pleasantly, the boys refraining from making much noise, and interrupting only at appropriate intervals. Thb Citt Matoraltt.— Cr. Gray was yesterday installed as the Mayor of Chrietchnrch. The ceremony this year was not to largely attended by ex Mayors as on former occasions, ex-Mayor Louisson b*ing the only representative of the past civic rulers who was present. Ltttblton SAix»oßs'Ho]nt.—»The Superintendent of the Lyttelton Sailors' Home acknowledges with thanks, the receipt of a parcel of magazines and illustrated papers from Mr Browning , , Lyttelton. PoiJtBD Axgus Pkdigbes Cattle.—Mr W. Acton-Adams sent to Sydney per Hauroto yesterday a draft of twenty-six pedigree bulls and heifers from hia celebrated Tarndale herd, under the charge of Messrs Wachsmaan Bros. ■Tax VFa6Hdtke Drownino Casb.-—At the inquest on the body of Cartin, drowned on Tuesday at Washdyke, a verdict of I accidental death from drowning was returned. The main facts were as previously published. The "Mxssiah."— At the instance of the Motett Society the railway authorities have agreed to run a late train to Lyttelton at the conclusion of the performance of the " Messiah "on Friday evening. This will gire Lyttelton residents an opportunity of attending, Kjoapoi Licensing Cohhitteb.—The adjourned meeting of thie Committee was qeldat noon yesterday. Present—Messrs E. Evans (chairman), Feldwick, Ward, and Coup. It was decided to adjourn for three weeks to receive a report from .the police on the furnishing of Burnip's hotel. Mining. — Our Beef ton correspondent telegraphs that No. 2 Darks are firmly held there at from 5s 6d to 5s 9d.—Our JJunedin correspondent telegraphs that a Melbourne gentleman has quietly purchased 2000 Big Beach shares at a fair price. CAtBDONiAH Ingleside.—On Tuesday I evening an ingleside gathering was held at the Oddfellows' Hall, Kaiapoi, among members of the local Caledonian Society. The attendance was hardly so good as expected, but the proceedings .were very, enjoyable. Dances, singing, and musical selections were the order of the evening. Mrs Higgins played the dance music in a way that left nothing to be desired. Mr D. Brown, to whom was entrusted the catering, gave every satisfaction. Cbiss.—in the late match by telegraph between Canterbury and Otago, Mr C. W. Benbow, of Wellington, has adjudicated upon the five unfinished games, and, as we predicted, has awarded three to Canterbury—viz., to Meesrs Smith, Scott and Byrne* and. has given the other two as draws. The result of the match is, therefore, a draw, each side haying won four games and the other two being drawn. : KowAiiPpUAiN Boabd.—At a meeting of this Board on Monday, Mr S.. Coleman in the chair, a credit of .£44 was reported in hand. It was decided to sink a well on the Amberjey Domain, In reference to, the Sefton Domain, Mr W. Yaughan showed that £4,7 was still due to him on an old debt. Mr Coleman was re-elected Chairman of the Board. BbacksnfisxiP Hounds.—At a meeting of subscribers to the Brackenfield Hunt, held at the Crown Hotel, Amberley, on Monday—Mr E. Wilder in the chair—it was stated there was a deficit of £54 on 'last year's accounts, which was, however,; reduced to £15. It was decided that the hounds be hunted another season under the present Master, Mr E. J. Parsons, who will arrange and appoint, the respective runs. j Caklylib Stbeet, Sydenham. — The Customs examination shed at the Christchurch Railway Station has been completed, and in use far several weeks. In i order to make provision for the increased, traffic on Carlyle street between the shed and Colombo street, the Bail way Department have had the street widened, and this improvement will also be out of hand in the coarse of a few days. If the department could see its way to remove the etabiea at the corner of Carlyle street and Colombo j street so as to prevent the view of the railway, crossing being obstructed from the drivers of vehicles coming from the I Customs shed, the danger from accidents j on the crossing would be conaiderally lessened. • ' | TiMAjrtT Habbob Boj&p.—Tjbi& Timatu Harbor) Board yesterday resolved to make an experiment for ninety working days at shifting the shingle,from the accumula tioa at the breakwater by water carriage, lifting it over the mole by a dredge into a hopper and discharging it to leeward. The engineer, Mr Marchant, says groining would be cheaper, but this would nob correct the denudation of the coast northward now. going on owing to the stoppage of shingle. An amendment to appoint a Committee of Engineers, to advise was lost by one vote. The accumulation is growing slowly but steadily. . JJeljpast.—A number, of ladies gave a social to their many friends on Thursday evening in the Town Hall, Belfast, which was -decorated for the occasion. The social afterwards resolved itself into the form of a leap year ball, under the able leadership of Mrs luarlefield, who acted as chaperon and M.C. The dances were ex cellently conducted, for which she was highly complimented by all present. The musio was provided by Mr James Drary, During the intervals songs were eiven by Messrs Squires, Lee, Cluny, Howie. Mr Newton, |a veteran of Parihaka, sang a descriptive eong of the siege, composed by himself, for which he received a deserved encore. Dancing was kept up till four o'clock in the morning. Sotpbsmb Coubt.—The case of Thomas v the County Council of Amuvi, was commenced yesterday before his Honor Mr Justice Denniston and a special jury of twelve. The plaintiff sought to recover a certain amount of money from the defendants on the ground of alleged misrepresentations ia the plans of the recopstrue tion of the Hurunui Bridge, for which the plaintiff was contractor. A large number of expert; witnesses, in the shape j of civil engineers, were examined, and at | 4.80 p.m. the farther hearicg of the case was adjourned until today at 10.30 a.m. co fa? as the jury was concerned, Mr Jayut moved for a nonsuit op certain ■ grounds, and the matter was argued, his , Honor taking time to consider. I St. Assbit&tos.— -The anneal j garden party in connection with St. Ste { phen's Church, Ashburton, took place pn December the rendeEVOus being the parsonage grounds, a place particularly suited to an outdoor social gathering, well grown trees and shrubs affording cool shelter from the wind and broiling sun, gfcallsforfcheealeof fancy work, ments, &c, were placed underneath the fcrees, and the attendants did a fair amount of badness during the afternoon and evening, when there was a numerous' gathf ring. The Ashburton Band was in attendance, and played a varied selection of music to the enjoyment of all present. There was a display of fireworks in the evening, inst prior to the gathering disZgftcrne o'clock. The Eev. 1. A. Swtt and Mrs Scott worked hard to make the gathering a success, and to add _P»e more to the many enjoyable garden parties that feavt b&m hejd jn with St. Stephen's. The proceeds w0! be applied te dsfrayiag thfi expenses no * being incurred in impwing the appear aaee of the exterior and interior of the eijurcb- Tfce outelde has t)een. re-painted. with a fresh'coatiM of #mp-proof coznpoSsLea. The upper portiosf of the walls of the interior of the church have been <*is- & pale eojpr, an 4 the lower portions m a warm chocolate, wjuie the ireodw©fk abjjttt: &c eosneei has l?een cleaned and oiled to show ap the grain. 'The white stone pillars and the window sUis are to be re-dressed, and when thisjs done the whole of the interior of the building will present a ple/wing appearanceiand add much fa the comfort of the congregation,

liOcat. Wool. Saiks.—The third of the ienea of local wool sales will open, to day at 1 p.m. at tte Hall of the Coamberof Commesee. There is a very excellent {mow of clips for the sales. Drainage Boabo.—The triennial nomimtim e& members for the Chratchurch District Drainage Board close to-day at jnoon. L ll *? 1 ™ Boyas.— The Harvey Com. mura gave a change |of programme at the Theatre Eoyal iast night. They will appear again this evening. PopntAß Spobts Association. — A meeting of the Sports Committee of the above will be held at the rooms, Colombo street, to-night at eight o'clock. Owing to the necessity for a re issue of the tickets in the art onion the drawing has been fixed to take place on January 4th, 1891. School Tkbat.—The »rinffi*l school treat was given on Anniversary Day to the children of the Bfc. Albana Wesleyan Sunday-school. It took four tram oars, which were well filled, to convey them to Mr Gimblftfc'e paddocks, where they enjoyed the races, the tea, and the outing. They were well looked after-by the Superintendent Mr E. C. Brown, and his assistants. QbATOKIO IS TOT CATHHDBAI..--Sp6br , S oratorio of "The Last Jadgment" will be given in the Cathedral on Monday evening next at eight o'clock, by the full Oalhedral choir. The solos will be sung by Messrs Weir and A. Millar, and Masters Harper, Andrews and Bunz. There will be no charge for admission, but a collection will he made for the Cathedral choir and library fund. A Step in ths Eight Dibbctioh.—A Dunedin Tress Association telegram states that the Middle Island Dairy Association are inviting applications from persons having (knowledge of dairy business to go to England, with a shipment of butter and cheese, which is to be closely, watcheti with the view of securing a report on the causes of deterioration. A ■ Successful Compahy.---A Wellington "Press Association telegram states that in addition" to the'payment" of a divideni on $he paid-up capital of the Company at the rate. of 10 per cent, per annum, the Gear Meat Company carry forward J83657. The reserve fund has been increased to .£IO,OOO, and the insurance reserve to £8274. St. Joseph's School, Tsmtoa,—The annual juvenile musical and dramatic entertainment in connection with St. Joseph's Convent school, Temuka, was given by the pupila in the Volunteer Hall, Temuka, on Tuesday evening. There was ■ a very large attendance. The programme consisted of vocal and instrumental selections, dialogues, concerted ■ pieces, and several dramatic representations adapted: for juvenile performers. Every item displayed the care bestowed upon the tuition of the children by the sisters. The overture and accompaniments were well .played by Miss Quinn, a. former pupil. The performance was an unqualified success, and the receipts were very satisfactory. Mb J. L: Tools:—A private letter received, from Mr, Toole states that he has been reluctantly compelled to abandon hia intention of paying a return vieit through! New Zealand, as he contemplated. It is pleasing to note that Mr Toole retains most pleasant recollections of his sojourn in Christchnrch. He says:—" Kindly convey my very best wishes to all the many hospitable and kindly friends I met with during my most enjoyable sojourn in your charming city. I shall never forget the geniality and truly English welcome accorded to my company and myself by our Christchurch £riendsi and we leave you with regret. Amongst the many ' objects of interest which I have accumulated during my Australasian war, which will form quite a colonial museum in the vestibule of my theatre, in London, the unique presentation from the Canterbury Club jwill hold a foremost and honored place." Mr Toole and his company leave Adelaide for England about the middle of January. . ' ? ■ Matobal BEirinojff.—-At the invitation of his Worship the Mayor XMr.C. M. Gray), the members of the City Council and others, with their wives and lady friends, assembled at the .City Council. Chamber last night to theinstallation of the Mayor. About sixty . were present, and a very excellent supper was laid in the Council Chamber by &r Buggey, the menu being an exceedingly good one. A noticeable feature about the gathering was the entire absence of intoxicants. His Worship the Mayor presided, with Crs, Prudnoe and Cooper in the vice chairs* Amongst the visitors we?e the Mayor of Sydenham (Mr G. .Booth),, the Chairman of toe Liawood Town Board (Mr L. heigh), "Rev. Gordon Webster, and ex-Mayors Manning, Gapes, and Ayers.. After the usual loyal toasts and the health of the Governor had been duly honored, the following, were given and responded tor —"His Worahijp the Mayor and City 'Council," proposed by;."Jfr J. Tippett Smith, responded to by the Mayor and Cr. Prudhoe;/'* The/Visiting Mayors,' , proposed by Mr H. Crooks, and responded •to by tbe Mayor of Sydenham and. Mr' L. Bergh; "The ex-Mayors," proposed by the Mayor, and responded to by Messrs Manning, Gapas, andf Ay'ers j "%e Preas," and '-'The Ladiee." The toasts were interspersed with some excellent songs' by Mesdames Gray and Corrick and Mr Hajley, a violin solo by Mr Cliff, and' a recitation by Mr <$&o. Kelly, and a pleasant evening Was spent. Pkopeett Sat,b,t—Mγ Charles Clark will offer lor sale by auction, ai his rooms today, at 2.1S p.m., the splendid'residential property of B* D. Thomas, EsqVPark terrace, full particulars of which will be found in another column. ' BiNDEß,—This machine is again to the front, beating .all comars, and has added another win to its already long list by taking the first and second prises at the Grand National, Waruambool, beating the Massey, Deering, Mercer, McCormick, Wood, and Brantforjd. , Sjdek Gkobgs Goapany, Limited, the lea&eg of Cfariatchureb, hrve-now reduced their prices. Cabinets, 10s ptr doz; enamelling, 5s per doa( extra; a»y style pr positipß, We arc only photographers who make no extra charges jo visitors from the country. See advertisement on anpfihep page.—(Advt.J . ... Stftndjsh and Preece's* Photogfranhlo Work is' the most reliable and Artistic atuflio, 218 High streefe.T-[ADvr.] TTNivßSsrrT Appointment. — The pointment of Lecturer ip M[ete.Uurgy to the School of Mines of the- ©ttgo XTniversity. New ?galaad# has been, filled up by the appointment of Mr David Wilkinsoa, comparatively a young man, ,«ho was nominated by Mr C. Eoberts-Austio, F.E.S., the well-known chemist and asaayer fa the Koyal Mint. Is rr Chabitt ?—The New York Medical Secord says th&s» jf the petarns of the numbier'Of patients treated at She dispensaries of New York are correct, the number of n>edical paupers of that city have incre&aejd in two years from to nearly half a The $mr& a>ks, rfttfegr sadly. '• Is this ch»nfcy ?" These returns mean that one out of every three or fqur iphabitenbs receiye medical ad?icfe gratis, which looks as though charities were sometimes misappropriated across tfre pond. The Bkst Sids ©?? Life.—The, half of life is in fjx>nt of the mm ot tfprty, if he be anything of a man. The work he will do will be done with the hand of a master, and .not of ft raw apprentice. The trained intellect does not; see "men a3 trees watidng," but sees everything clearly a.ud in just measure. The w&iped temper does ijofc rush at work like a bjjnd ball at a hay • < stack; but advances with the calm and ordered pace of conscious power and deli- ! berate determination. To no man is the worid so new, and the future so fresh, as j to him who has spent the early years of cis -manhood jn striving-to understand the deeper problems of science and life, m 4 who lip ma4e some headway towards coEoprefcendtng thgm. To him. t&e 90mineBest things are race and wonderful, foofcu ia themselves, mi 4s parts of a beautiful and intelligent whole. §nch a thing in life and its duties he cannot understand. Knowledge is ajw&ys opening out before him in wider expanses and xnoxe commanding heights. The pleasure of growing knowledge and iaereasing power in his peculiar field of work makes every year of his Ms happier and more hopeful tha» the Ispt. bucjj in the valuable testimony of a recent issue of owe coated

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Press, Volume XLVIL, Issue 7738, 18 December 1890, Page 5

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NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume XLVIL, Issue 7738, 18 December 1890, Page 5

NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume XLVIL, Issue 7738, 18 December 1890, Page 5