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~_}&&am -JWrtew -"' ~f ,: - ~ t ~. r 4 i -- - • -- - ' *", SPJB,I:N G BE.ASON - .._.- ■'- -! . ',;- ' 1896.' ' - J1 ' - r -'...',".. ■ -''-A -\ FI B'Q.T • BHIPM EN T S TO HA N t>, COMPBISING ""-- - CHOICE AND ELEGANT DESIGNS IN - ' < " ' '- * f ' DRESS FABRICS, SILKS, &C. It is weH known «hat the fas-Uonablejwopls of f^^ aStyle tm¥chw*c™ to this expectation on their part we have drawn from t*p looms of Europe many of their Choicest Productions.!■■ j .. THE NEW fIOW ROOMS HER»WILLBB¥OI-ND MANTMI !MI MILLINERY m (MASiOSQ VARB3TX OF THE MOST FASHIQKABLE PARIS STYLES. INSPECTION INY-HSD. New Robins Opened for Famishing on the Ground Floor, - qire sHkuNQ off every pound discount foA cash.

DR. DOBEIat*, S<aiii<M?fl|ysioiantothe t 1/ r-;;-.. ' . j_£* : /..*.■'..<..■ ' : - 1 —-T|h ' : j * ItV,W;:IFG^|P ; #A CHEAP, '*If:we could nip every Catorblu ™SJER ¥^QSANT. >•■'' ' aairi , 'Wmfflfc fc he bud, what-a catalogue of ilia we .-*- ----«' - s__ffi_lf should prevent. And yet this 1b not . . , IMPORTRR QB* ALL S3ND3 -• - » if rrer?frv**llAl> Q_*aJ£-P»V J@M&sm® anch a difficult thing when we>havo ;>_»,,¥ » tFreOTUAL WrMEOY. ||ifjf a chance of tryingjt. But, unfortu- «--__^ T « T ,,,T_ a mranr a.« H ' solightlj JBUJ M A3^Rl_-I-5 _iuw in, ~i, i j. .i.i1..,',,i ~ji of biTpatients that they > seldom try *♦-*"«*- ... -w***--a~v -ffin_\ _J^^_|K'to stop them tiU fchey'have become Suitable to eil Kinds TO severe, hove'lasted an unusual time, CITY AND SUBURBAN Pw_SLI_NGS fiP E^Jr t^l™l *'"''' i '^" % '* l "' ffi * r " 1 > eJaWJiK-' or have produced some complication. - -*. ,-.- , ,!S HiK 1 <^^!P-?i^ Nevertheless, I believe they would „ . >'> .aim .r :■.-../.i ._•<. I do better In this respect if they had FARM AND STATION BUILDINGS. f_v_sfiili -Si—S?s^-®fia&-^^^^^ \ -more faith in the possibility iof stop- •-" -_l_. •_ -~_- ■-_- -__rr — ™^- r -.. r _. r K. *wt t;d._. Timber, faj^ ~..., Galvai_seuiton,Ria^^ ' USftSSI! rlllffß ataymgat Jwm»,twwaity way. Inter — . ._. ■ Ti4A, ® ( _h^ i^T *i ' BUILDERS' EBONMONGERY. l<i_ y ©_nilplM-t_:_r lllllH BAXTER'S LUNG PBESBBVM T/*WiTQ<F R ATVfi -. Speedily even , AAJ ¥T I!»© I WmieM**™'' J ' where covwlications have arwcn, used * — ,"" ~***!*.—. ' J H - ISP™""' *® * l ** * ** Hiffil «ntdic»«s thecomplaint. 90AM BTREBT. CHrasTOBnjROH, IMPFOR CQVCHSf%WM>* •.. wTT ■"; *•- ■ < *» j§ ' StaCHrTCQ, A9THMA, DB.EWART writes:-"! regard / v-'ji - .r M _„ o«- mBSx preparation. In cases of Asthma it V. . _ ~„, g§' QIFfICiKTY OFSSKATHmCt /m_Wm quickly cutaahor the paroxysm. In , % ~ , '" " WOAJA AfrWl3N3-PmUW«Jil™ s ■ ' X El 80/kucMßi- Ts3A/«t-r-a 1, 1 lovtiv - I__l%W ifr * B useful ;-the discharge osmacds 8 SAfig-ft. o\ ig g_ ea tly assisted, and t|e.whee_lng „ ._, . _. . j.-a . _»_ __ _, """ ' r ' , "_ l *' ' " and difficulty of breathing are greatly A'" r ~ ' A AC '_ '-.J, ffl« Bronchitis . .. .. rT .f. M HMDPWLIC SegAKSB, wmmmi. ll is also beneficial; and while it ••" '■> a- "- '- --■ •M . > tends to check inflammation, it pro- ' - v - . „ ' Ma^ltod.t»>H4iM«^JHßssr SSTfiSSSs SS %KS CORNS , EXTBAqTBB"*" H ■«*«-..«.»«. '_.;... -. breathing so general in these attacks ■*.*.•.- i -.- -t » e-EPAfi.G_.dMLV BY f As a Cough Medicine for Fersonaof H «f« B<Sb-£ "STSSfI* , | "Book WITHOUT FAIN Medical Hal_,viotoriaSt_iitJ forfiver y Home „ \. ,- . » t . p____ *a»gißT«HeacH f wm. |l - - T "AND STOREKEEPERS. l J 'lA. MH)BTANT TO PURCHASERS. ' . > "r|rj t > ' _nmr3s_Be»-r»-eQuested to see that each packet of Lung Preserver offeredfor ■ ▼•#■<»- *-»**u-*----aate la a facsimile of te© above drawing, and that the. wordß,," Baxter 8 Lung Pre . , . '.- ser-er, OnristchuTch, w are blown in the Bottle. •« *_*- __rt*taa«Av_T r»?rtTfihptfr^TS'r Js&jof& ■ UHIHOPOBIST. Bears the Proprietor's Trade Mark and Autoar*«>h y ]_P Yj <>???' _? r " Z '„ / -____, _-»--«_ alone wi&t-e late f»i HIQK STRISST , RB_%SE ALL OTHERS AS COraTEREEITS' " " - -J_%AXTER*S ALTERATTVa; ELTXIR IT|ALTERS COMPOUND QUXNISiB .-- JS AND , , JO * PILLS, •;..'-. , 'J ' SPRING MEDIOTNE, FOR THE CTTRE O)? * «.-* Highly recommended for all afl*ec«onß of Indigestion—Live* Complaints—Wind in, -„_- in»T__Wnrr_*nnT!ff W-Trfni'TTnv tto_^j -the Stomach and Bowels — Nervous Flß** KAiUJ*mON of the blood, as Scrofdla, Sbdr- JD-bility—-nd thft whole train of «ymp or Chronic Affections of the toma induced hr debility and weak - v " ' * C*"!sH.—»v. Joiata, B samatiam, Syphii*, ■ n &*ot organs of digeethialia eenre ~ „ , VlSlfi^s-. scesses, "leers, Whitlow <or Epidemic ,_-_ ° d.. ~-.•- - < \lf|||!__S|^^ FingerX Blotohes, Bcsuy Carbuncles, . y ***» ■ •***te_' ( t . \WtliMiLWkm The almosfc unprecedenteu and dallyin. f '•' ' ' V^^^S v--^ 8 creasing demand for Pills, an/the . ■' W ■' Vl^^i-li ' expressed in thefr behalf! • r, l^g^^gl^lglfSll S^^ a^ d r a ba!^ e rmiShW&? ' hw V A £ weeded xhe most sanmilna ex! - _Sr_;* *«* bpermacorrnoea, «c., pecfcati6nß __ ,__,„ he feels \^HiC»^Sp _. mm«r»niimi>iimi/i more confidence than ever in recommend XSSSsBS^SS^a^^BSI 1 ? 0 i»e •**"»• A very brief trial wiH prove " W^|^_|^^^iW THE KSBVOUSSYSTEM. ... 4ibat, UNLIKE many of the Qaack Nos- ' '^^Ml^MBiiMM -r— trums of the day (pretending to,cure all * * _S^^^_4-^^J-*^^_^V _B«d*nd46Bdpergofefcle. , l < diseases and caring, NONE), Baxtkh*s ( it^^W^^^^^^^k " ' -. -- "Compound Quinine pills are of sterling n ! L i^!^^^ m _^^ : __^^^^f^L:" BAXTER'S ANODYNE J-CNIMENT, W Their sacoesa is entirely attributable to " fob x »'_l their Tonic or strengthening oower- r•" s ✓^r^^r rv *-o i v>-g ] CH__BL_JSS AHD BHBUMATIO _W assist Nature to do whatftnYoaS " * . r "frt^lfS /v..,(- | i * -- PAINS. weakness, she cannot do unaided. They fc :. i* . .v . ; '«T TUtt-ntATE UKUfiV. Seesds CTJ»a. decease the energy of the stomach and .•. - j. -F_-&___!PS ,, _f_RrSs -'' J » CLSOG.. £_t%S_ *- ttk *i&^^fi» T . .■' *:*j^«]sa___n._«_».T__ft»s, Sprains, Neuralifla, Feeble drcu-; __: -. :; «AoeiV_'riMVß< PvsiMnnTiTrraAwn -.-saxitch*- a-»wwrff«rr awn am 1 BASSINEyrS, J»»R_J-3ULATOR AND 4&»i_p to to the Region B'^^Rl^iommLLS^^ , - eu-CAJJX MANUFACTDBaa; „, «X the Kidu«ys«-d Liver. -*-* js_uiuu& ifii_ti_. - - - « Th f? e . *!*** *? foun<i _ * Ser-mbulators, v*?r r **,%/*«• FamUy Aperient, ommeatly a_apted ler „ „ _j_dpjst!l_JL VALUE ifit. •*£-.* NOT HE -Ota-' being gentle iv their opera-' - »**raa*a«i-»*««_,■• *»-. ; ' *-?.B.—A teaspoonful «f *hfa Anodyne lioa and 'effective ia their results. Per-, , . , Prico List Free.rufebrad over the seat of pain affords lame- boss subject to blhous attacks will ' " ! «Ua»e relief, and by repeated -ppJJeatkms find & do3e of this medieme feaksaafi' r NeatJy and Chea-lv Executed. ae»sj_«dtiaas) the pain wrfil be eatiteljr bedtime {occasionally) to ward off* w * Mr » ~-***« •»« v?«apiy ™<««* ■* v ple-satrt symptoms; and to those sUffe*- .- »v c j_.-,_T™7 - __ I__1 __ ' : ? • F \ — \\ > ! ' &g from Bilious Sickness and Headache,' . , JAMES,. CLBGG, ~ ,-, : .., laßotttes their operation, will act as a chaxm. Theyl '. 61'•i'BMAG'H BTEfiBT: J 1 - : ~ of property t , *.- " * *""*7.r •_-__<ii«----m-"-'' -*»»» comrdon to most of the Puis now Hold, . t - j , v , .. inboi W 3,le,;lß 6iaM^Mrtai>oh. T . «- . ,w . JL9 _a^te^' -MJBJNT , « . i ' '■;■■ - t ' - " >J '■ - : "-A JUSSASESL. , . LIQUID BLI3TEB --•*-.«--* s- . . «.v .»».. ■ ____^Oteto»^,«^dT»BCordmg y tpU r ... »oß' .\* S k k it g, :. . .'*- i t., ¥ft H «E S, ! mm " '' , , ,„ , "X — 7±£ H__-___S t _____S__!l*vS M&Wl"tobeHhe itatt Blister , -^ J ~,--,-1 wstii «he OIN£*MEaTT. Incases of Cuts - TWt*rTMnWTAT„. - ; .i 'C >* __<i Bruises, the beamxg properties of t-U' ,_ -.-■-/-*- - used i - - — **** % h** m ±*ft L it occasiooa a» pain < % - SaLve It cannot bfwceirsd. Try rWaIM- .__i_ i *:___--. I*»*-»-0w«m» '-..,.- v-* " -""*" •" ' "* r 1 ""* prowe for yxmrsel these assertions. I» « i_otoner3ath,lH»,, „ -.- ,".*.!- . , -•- ■ . - U <Sfe _W __\\ Plumbers* masos. SeeJawTi/1\ s__S^icgs^ 3 |fS r^l --«^^^l-„^^ I, S ™MftHl Pmr"** -gs-de 4 asppliad to Gas Compnoias ; — ami I_&r_e _ ggtablished 1878. - __ _ *''. ••*• M &% **"?? f «4tt-. f |t ft «|yall Vff^".«*.rorkia JH***» «hn-a. An wscksoaraatee-, In_pactfea Wt^p-. * t l ' •-- **■ * c *" , ~* - «**~".. .- . |_ 4 . u _

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Press, Volume XLVIL, Issue 7691, 24 October 1890, Page 7

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Page 7 Advertisements Column 3 Press, Volume XLVIL, Issue 7691, 24 October 1890, Page 7

Page 7 Advertisements Column 3 Press, Volume XLVIL, Issue 7691, 24 October 1890, Page 7