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1 Bn_M_k»«*l»a_! Bnrimiw Ho—aj TAYLORAND OAI-XETT % YOU R ATTEKTION FITTERS. TIMr£g£lRWN pOssT* IS INVITED TO SOME Telephone No. US. JBW »« WONDERFUL JOB LINES *f *&Ss3£2: Pi ?? s « Iro » Tanks, Force WB ARE NOW OPENING FROM OUR LONDON BUSER. designs on hand, andlanding ex Crusader. __Hydraulic Rama;. Baths in Cast-Iron: Plate, Zinc, and Galvanised Iron in Stock, at Lowest prices. Price Llste on application. 50 pairs large B ize white Blankets, at 14s lid pair. , _ . _ Country Orders pi-oWiv Execnted. P iece » patent Kidderminster Carpet, Is 6d per yard. This carpet is Iyd wide, Casttoaa Daflr and w -rth 2s lid yard. Brtfcasiw given of worklaoon- Another 73 pieces of the wonderful Melton Qoths, at 6fd per yard, section with the trade. 9 dozen embroidered wove Table Covers, large size, 4a lid each. _,___, ■■■' ' ' *" . t.; * ' . 1.. ■■ And in all other lines we are saving real good qualities at the prices of inferior. .-.'.- ...... . .. .■-...■;..-.;..'. MEN'S AND YOUTHS' BOOTS AND SHOES IN GREAT VARIETY. GOOD WINTER Gents' English Balmoral Boots, 12s Qd, 15s 9d, 17s 9d. „ Colonial ~ „ lis 6d, 13s 6d, 14s 6d. APPLES » Shoes, from 9s lid to 235. Scotch Rrain Cookham Boots, 225. „ Goloshed „ „ 18s. rtrva. f_s_ Men's Pegged Watertights, 15s 6d. TOB u& „ Strong ELS. Boots, toe and heel plates, Us BcU •OA-AAA STRONG ONE-YEAR-OLD Oil VVV CUP. MAC-tOCARPAS. __. _,__„__, wv w VV w _-__*, _-*_- -IADIBSr BOOTS, SHOES AND SLIPPERS IN A LARGE VARIETY lO AAA TWO-YEARrOLD Do. AND AT LOWEST PRICES. •!_• Boe__Jhave been well ;Cu* Back; and wil «--* LONARGAN, McCI_EA & CO., THE GENERAL NURSERY STOCK IS READY. CORNER CASHEL AND COLOMBO STREETa Catalogues now ready,.and sent to any address. CHRISTCHURCH. W. GIMBLETT, " raSltß _^«,_-^_^* l! • *" THE BAMSAY POLISH, mava ' FOR POUSEUNG AND CLEANSING ALL KINDS OP FURNITURE, GILT MOULDING, BRASS WORK, &o. -, /; .. .-•'■ ' \ . . ■ ABE: YOUB GROCER OR IRONMONGER FOR A BOTTLE. Oc-jveyaace-. W • fe li 1 > >:>■'- - .-.- " * WHOI-ESALE AND RETAIL OIL, COLOR AND GLASS MERCHANT, T_/YF QT>T*rNTr«Q COLOMBO STREET . CHRISTCHURCH. XAVJA OJTXI/A-l'-TO, Specialist in Plain and Artistic Painting and Decorating of Houses. Designs and _-¥ A "NT M TPP PT A TWG Estimates Free. W. Sey personally superintends all work entrusted to him. —- PAINTERS' MATERIALS— Paperhangings, Oils, Leads, Paints, Varnish, Turpentine, r*o0 p «B' s ROYAL MAIL COACH (the _. „ _ _.' QL^i^ i ± i^ H^ G^dG^a er Plate * Sheet * Cafchedra1 ' Lußfcre ' ' »" P Black in Turps, Dry r ehurcb, returning on MONDAYS and THURS- White Lead, Gold Size and Dry Colors (best brands). . ...... DATS la timeto catch the 8.30 p.m. Train for CABINETMAE__RS' MATERIALS—Mirror Glass, Oil, Varnish, Polish (N. and H. s), <3___*church. _______ ___, ■ 'M'pfhvlated Soirits. Room Mouldings and sundries, Cut Corners, &c. • Mi #^ a^?&ft_?^l_rtK^__tt, ' &o - and WiMor Md .■.Ea«__-ta__«_NßS _-?_. ______--I____!3_S-_-M Shellac, Stiver •Snt Monday after date of issue. Price, 80s , . Leaf.-Pictures, Fresco Tints, Bicycle Enamel, Rath Jinamel. fim-elass for coach and railway fares., This VftTR.-—Laree Sizes of British Plate Glass are now to hand. Orders will receive _ l e^tA_en^ ,lmeCtio,l wittl C °° k ""* rB ° B ' B immediate attention. Special price for quantities. " ReturnEeketbolders will be driven to the _,_,„„-..,_, T~ q_q H-_mer Plains any day of the week without TELEPHONE No, 343. extra charge. Baggies and Saddle Horses always on nitre. Perfect civility and steady '"drivers guaranteed. Parcels and telegrams carefully attended to .__ ■ By COOPKR, ___*Oontraetor, Culverdeu Hotel Proprietor. —--—•-— _-___-_-__-__-»___-. _tt»POSITION IS THB LUTE OF TRADE. The followtog are the advantages of I sravet ;■ togPlr Coopers Royal Mail Coach:—l. They ■ , rM_#S d THE ZEALANDIA WINNOWER iSwriU's Coaches, 8. The Rates for __roe_! have likewise been reduced 60 per cent. And A Cooper makes no charge whatever for extra •f-tgg-ge.—W.H.C. . jglQ AND :'•'--_■■!■ i. ':' •' ■■ -. '—■— ■ " ' '"■ ■■■ - HOT SPRINGS, . SEED SEPAHATOE. ROACHES leave. Culverden for Fry's HoteL !_/ Ti&laiaaesVß, Jack's Pass, BveryTnet- . on arrival of mid-day train _«to (3_rißteJiT_rcb. Returning on Mondays endShuMKiaysTn tirn© to c__j_ the43o,R.m, —_— Iraia for Chnstchurch. T-rough Return Tickets are issued at Christ* Stetton only, available by a weeks feomXhu-f. J # __L__UJ_kJL!S A l__ .O __3-JN JD \J\J»9 ■ lav ester date of lame. ■■„_■._ __. _ *"^ lf.B_-During the Summer Months a Wiet lines Fowioree Drag will run, built etprefaly » _-H*_Ti-_Tn-i« ktjbe oojafort e££ convenience of iuvaUdß AGENTS and vi-itora travelling to the Springs. An extra *_,**._**•« * #-**, conveyance for luzgage. . The proprietor Is always In attendance on >~an--rala-ddepartt_*eo- train. _ __ * .-..Retu-n Ticket Holders __a, be driven w the _-_._-_— ____r-_-_>-- nm -_-_'■*_ -ram . COIi O MBO ST BEET. ...tortraeharare. r - -»- v _-_ -»- ** ■ : - CULVERDBN TO WAIAU* .. CSeaeh leaves Culverden for Wfdaa and , fiotberham daily on arrival of mid-day train from Christchurch, and leaves Waiau 'or - - . — ■ — ■— ' i i . i '" ■ ftotfeerham and culverdeu daily. Monday's Coach to waiau connects with KaikCiura CoMh tearing WaJau on Tuesday's. ia torn- loh with"_ae above line, I have ' Special Celebes, Double and Single Buggies* *ML Wagsoaatt«9,tftnd Saddle Horses on imme- ~..... 4jPe hire. Orders through post or wire receive j . fea£_R_an-«a-- T e». g.ic. kincaid's.* g.i.c. eyeea*-, DKU j ßrrrt ai ...-, ..■ . Proprietor. ■ .*■.■•■' ';'•'■ "■ ' r— " TUST RECEIVED a consignment of SCOTCH MARMALADE, la lib and 21b aOVERNOR-S BAY ROYAL MAIL COACH *B - __ ' . .- « . "White Pote, which we are selling at same price as tin*. f\N and rafter MARCH Ist the Governor's -- ~- -*. '"W Bay Coach will leave Lyttelton Railway 1 Station at 8.30 a.m. and ASO p.m.; leaving * ©OTernorßßay&2o ai.s p.m. _ n4 - fc that we do not tjoso as being superior to others engaged -• •• All parcels to be paid for on delivery. | n the grocery business, OUR ADVANTAGES for giving equal value are SECOND W * T-rtteito» TO NONE in Christchurch; therefore, knowing this, it is with pleasure that; we Mitre wte _, to the re^e ni e nts of our numerous cusiH>mers and fcienofe, ooßfiOcft* ,tt»t ■-• —. - . """J" the value we give ■ • fi-ddleSorses and Boats on Hire. IS NOT TO BE BEATEN IN TOWN. : 5 ftWaWConveyaneeforWeddi_KPartly ;' ',' ,'„ ' . • } >_-_-_-_____—_—_—- •. ■ - _-. ... ■ . - TAI TAPU COACH. To those who are not ou_ oustomers, and wtobing to procure our SQ N TEAS OR COFFEE, t*. TaiTapu, depart at 8.10 every moruiii|r. \'\ dmtog f B They shotdd bear In mind that we have no agents or small sbops selling them, conseSatnrdaya depart 3 p.m. quently, to obtain the genuine article, it is necessary to order them direct from. *> t" .and IC.SS. TaiTapu, depart 6 p.m. our shops, either personally or by letter, which, It is needless to say, gets c*reful .PueßlsiefoattheßotheTfleldorattheßoyal attention and despatch. Purchasers observing these precautions have the satiwao- ?> Itawes. ■arm- patton tion o| knowing that they have only one profit to pay instead of two or three, as _.„ 89th March, 1890. sja is case where they pass through so many hands. '_ <-.m. i i i r...... .ii... m. urn 'i t -' fvxsp tve-ovo CoaonlSvee l*mgbe__h Daily PRICES o» 088 WELL-KNOWN BLENDS of TEA Xs QD, sQS, __iS 4.D --•-JL ittunuajra«*«wwi<jiy tot Aanourtwa, vtl.U ' '. . " uu'i <rv »wsrwu, oao ttja.; A-uteo. «.<_» a___; -'■'■''■_-_. '■' ~" ■■ - _-_. ; :jbttme-»rtaof> w^tJ^_n(T amCbxißtohureh RICH MALTY INDIAN _3s. FINEST CEYLON ___S OD. . toTiaißru«* , -ii*uaedia. Tne Ooacuieavassne .*■ restumce at A6O p._u, arriving at Longoe-oh -" "- : ■ , at Parcels eatru-ted to the Pro* |-|tettwwi» be promptty delivered at their _-no o in "c» -ra . G O F F E E. ngle.osireturcc-i .- . .;.—' . .;.>•-.■-,„ 1 /ass contmnfiK Avn oLENTQjwat Ou» is _W» wtLunaduiterated, and we are the only retail firm In town who JiASS TO **^^^f^^ ( ?J^ A « H « fil « guppUes it fresh ground on the premises. At our shop you can see w_Ai4 jbauj w . the berries'ground., while you wait ■ a MAIL CQACR leaves Glentunnel |or Owing to our contract fer ; isupplying the Hospital with medical comforts having ~ £%. Coleridge, TiaWindw-usue House expired; we have determined to 'reduce our stocks at considerable reductions SkT anoybden, every jkida- morning, EOR CASH. These stocks comprise finest Port and Sherry Wines old on arnv-l o£ Train _-om l-_-~tehui-eh, retara. _kmtoh Whlskv Brand v &<_ - for £veu_ig Train SATOKiJAy.s dcoboo yvnissy, _»r»nay, «c *■-•' Speoi-l attention given to passengow, aoUl ? ■■■;■- »• . parcels torw-rded for delivery by eoacu. _—_»__- :■■., : A.M. BURKITT, p-rop-letor, _._ ._ : : g-?-**-.. 5 .., G.1.C.. KINCAID'S.: . G.I.C. ,■: . fobbot 182~akp m COLOMBO STREET,CB-__3TCHUBCH. ' /_IH_S above Coaches will leave the Methven c at 11 aan. on Tu_tSDATS, and SATURDAYS. Returning from Alford Jrorest foa. Onlceati pMu on each of the _bove_aendoned days. . __Puseagers will reoeive every attention. "' Paroels and Ordeis attended to. Rors«sand -- - - ■ IJ__«ieaon th« undersigned. •- —■ ■ — ---.-. ? —■**-■. —: ......... ...-!. ■ H.FUHRMANN fio X4i TNVITES the attentlouof tt©Public A^i^ ' of Canterbury to his - _S-£dl_Sttr^ ft___J Oil LARGE AND WELL-ASSOBTBD OaJTsCaaeh from Methven, renaniog ■--._ Ifßrrn Kl|3f -rrffl r_r__iiiiiT ™ ■■'•■■■ TfiiilTii nt BHa_r=- ip*^, l "] cTfiPir np *__mat tc hI jp-.-fi »__uci_ Ui< ■ fubnitue* - ■ i ■i ■ Ii rtfTTI Now being offered at especially AKAROA L-NfiOF COACHS3. Inspection invited aud every l_d_)_a__Tratol* litfleßiver,leaving tau-isfa&m-ch at&llS train from Christ WlJt Wm NOW LANDING. ,^Uii--* n w lMri «4a M ( i lm 111 fflE H* «» New CJh-iw, TM-sts the Steamer at Pigeon Bay on Tuee- la_gjß--!i lli __g£_j_Hl MM-S-g _J_f_3 Brussels Carpets, Linoleums, Curtains, W a-m. train &C. Catalogues, with price list, post . |gg ffee ° n ap °" c - t;iori ' DuvaueaeXi p«y, - |fei!«wftaig»_MM| II r Houses to Let, furnished or unfur-,-—i —- ~^Kg^ r fjpCT i nished. Piree Register of Properties for , f^u^t&iS-a. 6 " wW< *^ tow FUH_^I_4N^S N t T t^_^^ B SM v IiS FURNISHING WAREHOtsX A. MAHaHALL. Manager.'

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Press, Volume XLVII, Issue 7567, 2 June 1890, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 Press, Volume XLVII, Issue 7567, 2 June 1890, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 Press, Volume XLVII, Issue 7567, 2 June 1890, Page 2