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Judge—Mr Thos. Teschemaker; Clerk of the aoales—_lr __ Smith; clerk of the Conrso— Mr JS. P. Guinness; Timekeeper—Mr W. Lindsay; Starter—Mr John Meikle: Treasurer—Mr J. Grade; Secretary, Mr p. w. Eiby.

The South Canterbury Jockey Club opened their meeting at the racecourse, Wasbdyke, yesterday afternoon. The weather waa threatening, and light rain fell, nevertheless a goodly number of people patronised the special, and as the weather in Christehurch at the time of the special leaving was tine, a very fair cou-th-gent of passenger, from here and Ashburton went by io. A few minutes before the first race started the weather cleared, and as a result the total attendance for the day was equal to, if not better than that ac previous meetings. The course, owing to, was a trifle heavy going. The arrangements were the same with the exception mat the iron fence bordering the saddling paddock, facing the course, nad been removed and replaced with a picket fence. The gate leading out of the paddock had also been removed and now iron t s the entrance from the main (leu-uka) road. The arrangement proved an excellent one, leaving cue course clear and getting peopie and uoi'ses direct into the paddock. The norse boxes had also been repaired and generally -ecu to, an attention which owners and iraiuers much appreciated. Mr T'eschem_i_er filled che responsible post of *udg. witn satisfaction to ail. Mr Meikle wielded the flag, aad he Bent his held-, which in two or three cases were huge ones, away pretty well, tnough not witn the evenness o£ former _ue_.u_g_. As to the Secretary, Mr _\ W. _.i_y, your reporter, in common with the other memoers of the Press present, fiave to heartily thank him for His kindly help, and to express regret that tne Club is »o soon to lose the oenefic of his valuable services. Mr Dowse* the Club's Handicapper, succeeded in carefully covering che winners in cue majority of tne races, wiiich, on the whole, were well contested. .-. Sport commenced at 1 p.m., when the numbers for thtf Hurdles were hoisted. The scratching of Mainmoc and The Chief left a trio to saddle up, Waitangi going out favorite, and it proved but a schooling gallop for him. The District flate proved rather a surprise, the o. tne _«'airlie Creek Meeting just getting Uonie after making his own running. In. this race the fir.o of cue flilie. by Jttaveuscralg, from tne Mount _.es_ing stud, was seen under silk. J. he ran very itiudly, and was very quiet at the post. "Tne;Hack Race was a gift to i_mma, and the drawing of the Secretary's pen through cue na_4_of Kimberley, Miss George, Warlock, and Assyrian King, left only a quartette to spore silk for che Cup. St, went out favorite, Ahua coining next in public favor. Ac tne -all of th. dag Catamount made play at a merry pace, but had nardly covered lour furlongs, wnea<Ahua was taken to tne front, and che pair fought out the finish with the result named below. Old Jack won the Selling race with a lump iv hand, and Liberator got another bracelet by appropriating the Welter. Tne J. lying Handicap was rvu almost in thedarJc, auu ___i._.e, who appear., to take most kindly to the Timaru cour_e, run home naif-a-d'ozeh lengths in f__nt ofiioad MetaL. Mason and Hobercs had the macnines, handling ___738 during the day, or _S_o_le.--than iv 18c.. The following are cue details: — Tmabu Hu-_-__3 of 60 soys, second horse 10 iron* tne __._.._. 'J*wo miles. - 56. Mr foole'a out _ V. ai_____, byJta v ens* a_e_, 10_c izio (.Owner) 1 30. Mr Mei-i.'a b _ Cathedral, aged, lOst _io 10. Hobbs* 2 9. Mr Beid's b g Cymaro, aged, Mat (-"amber) 4 ' Mammoc, lOst 21b, and The Chief, 9st alb, i were soratchea.

Waitaugi made play, but on getting to the first hurdle wa. uisplaced by Cyiharo, who declined, and was not lurcher persevered with. The pair then went dead slow, and many thought that they would drop down to a waiK. Waitaugi was; first w.r the hurdle opposite tne stand, led round to the entrance to the straight,, and coming along fast for the final run, won by jive lengths. Time, _min_l£sec. Totalisator. _*..; dividend, _,1108__-

District,._____, of 50 sots; seoond horse 10 aovatcom rh. st_Ke_. One mile and _ luuf. 22. Mr T. Daly a br „ .Liberator, by .Betrayer, _yr_,_3c .. .. ._ 4rt-.ce) 1 88. Messrs Hobbs' bo Road Mstal. 3, yrs. 7so___- .. .. <Jack.on) _ 14. Mr i*cott's eh g Ponnine, 5 jrs, 7ec 710 (Kay) 3 88, Sir Julius, Sst; 47, Quickstep, 7st XOib; 53, Carina, 7st_io; __, Hollywood, toe 51b; and 7, Outwork, fist'.lb, also atarted.

After a alight delay at the post caused chiefly by Quickstep and Liberator, the lot got away well, with the exception of Quickstep, who ran off. When they had fairly settled down Liberator was just in advance of the others, in. immediate attendance being Carina and Pennine. Road Metal was pulled on a little at the turn, but ac cue sis-furlong post began to go np with vigor. He was on terms witn the Betrayer gelding as they came into the straight, out tne latter drawing away again won cleverly by a bare length, Pennine another length away third. Time, 2__in lSsec. Totalisator, £_0_; dividend, £12 7s.

Hack Race of 15 soys. Seven stone seven pounds up, Half a mile.

42. Mr Coulter's Emma, by Albany, Sat lib 7, (Brown) 1 3L MT Bennett's Jack H. (Late Jack), 7st _ib (Wisby) 2

13FUrt8rt_lb,10IonIc7at 71b, 11 Merino 7st Tib, 16 Vixen 7at lftlb, and 14 Eniily Bso 121b also ran.

Emma jumped away, with the lead, kept it all the way, and won easily by half a dozen lengths. Totalisator, £143; dividend, £3 is.

T r_t_BT7 Cup, of 200 soys: second horse 20 soys and third horse 10 soys from the stakes. One and a half miles. 153. Mr D. Rutherford's b h Ahua, by The Painter—Cornelia, 7st 81b .. (Ray) ,1 _& MrH. Hammond's br c Catamount, by

Apremonc—Mias Kate, 3 yia, ost 71b (Thomas) 2 Ida, Hon. J. McLean's b h St. James, by Leo-

.inns—Pungawerewere, _ yrs, 7st 51b < Wlsby. s _S. Messrs Hobbs' b g Quibble, aged, B.tl_ib (T. Buddioombe) 0 Kimb-riey, __i_s George. Warlock, and Assyrian ____X were scratched.

A good start found Catamount first on his legs, and he led the small field past the stand, with Ahua and Quibble close np, St. James a length away. Sweeping round to the back Ahua in a few strides displaced Catamount, and St. James collared the others. Approaching the turn Ahua, Catamount, St. James, and Quibble were racing In that order. On turning into the last few furlongs the latter fell away still further. At this time St. James looked dangerous, but once the whalebone was put on Ahua kept gamely to his work, the result being that he beat the light weight by a long neck, St. James a good third. Quibble easing up, Time, -lmin 4_sec Totalisator, _____; dividend, __.-_6d.

_j______ Race, of SO soys. Winner to be sold by auction for £40. Welter weight for age, ; with 71b allowance far every £_ redaction in selling' price. Six f urlonga. 38. Mr A. J. Lesley, bg Jack, by Burlington, aged, 9st lib .. .. (Johns) 1 89. Mr Craig's b g Warlock,4 yrs, Bst __> (Campbell) 2 12. Mr Daly's b m Lady Darling, 6 yrs. Sat ISLb .. .. .. (Fbx) 3 6.Derwenter: 7, Outlaw; 92, Loo; lSKaiini; S, Zero; 18,Collingwood;and 1., Lopear; also went to tha post. The short journey was well commenced and, with the exception of Collingwoodjand Zero, the lot were bunched at the deciding time. Jack lying handy and coming along full of running he won in a canter by a length or two. Time, Imm 18sec Totalisator, £307; dividend, £7 ss. The winner was bought in for £40. Washdyke Weltsb _____.ic__> of SQsovs, second horse 6 sots from the stakes. One mile 101 Mr Daly's br g liberator, by Betrayer, 3 yrs, Sst .. ... .. (Price) 1 15. Mr Binney's b m Prima Donna, 6 yrs, 9_t_lb .. . .. ..(C_nip-e_. 2 27. Mr J. S. Rutherford's eh g The Chief, 3yr_,-»t-_lb -.. . .. (Kerr) 3 85. Mr Scott's eh g Pennine, 3 yra, 9sfc 7lb. (Bamher) 0 A bad start, The Chief and Pennine being left at the post, caused by the latter running across. Liberator was taken to the front, and was never collared, winning by three lengths. Prima Donna came fast at the turn, but had not foot enough to catch the leader. Time, lmin _dsea Totalisator £168 ; dividend £19s 6d. Flying Hast.ksap, of 10 soys; second horse 1° soys from the stakes. Six furlongs. __. Mr Craig's La Rose, by Apremont—Red Rose.-yrs. Sst 121b ..(McLanghlin) 1 S3. Messrs Hobbs' b h Road Metal, Syra, 7st7lb ... .. (Buddieombe) 2 93, Mr Popham's b h Ateinous, _yrs, 9_t Sib (Hohnes) 3 30. little Shamrock, and 23. Savoy, also ran. _______r_._, Aprs. Moi, Sir Julias, Leinster. > Miss George, Catamount and Red Cross Were I Box-tched.

Darkness having set in, ft was impossible to dis _________ the colors. Savoy got

away badly, and La Rose and Road Metal -unuingxogether to the turn the Dunedin mare then, drew away and w.oii -easily. Time, lmin lisec. Totalisator, £-55; dividend, £o 4s.

The following is the programme of todays races:— , County Plate, of iO soys.' One mile. _ _,„ - ■ stlb stlb Road Metal •,.... 810 Prima Donna ..7 10 «?_.■_—■ -.8 0 Liberator ..7 7 Quickstep .. 712 Savoy .. ; ..7 0 Pennine .. 7 10 Outwork .. 6 0 Hurdle Race, of 50 soys. One mile and a halt Wl ■ . st lb I st lb y __-*?_* •■ 11 7|Sec_n__ ..10 0 Cathedral .. 10 0 1 Holly wood ..'9 2 Sankey . ... 10 2 {Cymaro .. 9 0 South Canterbury Jockey Club Handicap, of 125 soys. One mile and a half. stlb stlb Alma .. sl2 Catamount .. 7 3 La Rose ..8 0 Li*tie Shamrock 7 0 St. James .7 7 10 Quibble ..6 12 Novel Handicap, of 30 soys. Six furlongs. T ._ stlb I stlb . *_**« „ .. 912 Vixen .. 612 Lady Darling .. 810 Outlaw ..610 Derwenter ..8 5 Zero .. 610 Wire-in ..8 0 Kaimi . 61 Kmma ..7 12 Lopear ..6 7 Emily -.7 3 Lady Isabella .. 6 0 Stewards' Stakes, of 30 soys. Six furlongs. stlb I stlb Aloinons ..10 13 Sir Julius ..9 3 La Rose .. 10 io Liberator .. 810 Litlla Shamrock 9 12 Savoy .. 8 0 Road Metal .. 9 6 Outwork ..8 0 There are also a Hack Race, of 15 soys, post entry, four furlongs, and a Consolation Handicap, of 40 soys, one mile.

The following should win to-day :— County Platk. QUICKSTEP. Hubble Rack HOLLYWOOD. S.C.J.C. Handicap. ST. JAMES. Novel Handicap. JACK. Stewards' St akes. LA ROSE.


[PRESS ASSOCIATION TELEGRAM.! ■ 4 AUCKLAND, April 17. The fine weather this morning enabled the Ellerslie trainers to work their charges. Recruit was sweated, Darnley did long slow work, Patchwork and Quadrant performed three-quarter pace work. Teksum appears slightly sore. The other horses of Wright's team did serviceable exercise. "-■- The racehorses Tirailleur, Aronoel, and Volcano were shipped to Napier to-day.

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Press, Volume XLVII, Issue 7528, 18 April 1890, Page 6

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SPORTING. Press, Volume XLVII, Issue 7528, 18 April 1890, Page 6

SPORTING. Press, Volume XLVII, Issue 7528, 18 April 1890, Page 6