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Thd Wbhklt PB«ae.-.«TheYeoa We » the Guard " is tho subjeofc of an iatetatt. ing notice by " The Man in the Pit" tU» week, and besides local and foreign and news, the dratnatio page -coataiia ga article on the training of nctota, hkssa interview with Mr Hormaa Veaia, %. "Poema of Austral" 'receive critical notice in the " Art lwtfeKj"*!)*!, also Mr Montagu Williaiaj , niscences " are reviowed. The «*pl»niy<ni of " How a Bill of Costa is w m be appreciated by all who hate «« ceived a specimen of this and perhaps even more by those ttho lists not. The "Football Notes," bj mond," are vigorous and mooh to and we congratulate our having found % worthy auecma to " Three-quarter-back." " Spectatoj 8 b&f some good artides; we especially rtea mend the one on "Blood Stock si % 3}]* count."

Labgb Land Jβ reported in town that Mr ousoffi Cameron has purchased from thG«£&u, tors of the late Mr George Goull tkli interest ia the well known SprisgM! Station proberty at Methren. %It understood that the price of the ehSJa; was between and jBI2S,(KK>, wkisSs is the largest sum paid for & fmrnM estate in Canterbury for soma time b&|.

Weather Forecast. — Captain Udwi* telegraphed to the Harbor Master at tyfr teltoa yesterday, at 4.47 p.m., as foUoear- " N.E. to N.W. sale in. tba mzt twelve hours; glass farther foil." " Tbnnis TouErriMam , .— Qfting to ik prevalence of influenza the tonuuwnent, Hagley Park V Merivate, which tm arranged to be played on Saturday aeacfc, has been postponed. Life Insubanck Cist."- We understand the correct title of the defead&atisfe Napier case referred to in Monday's U&a was the Mutual Life Asiur&nca Aegb tion of Victoria, Thia. As&ooifttion it ®k identical with the National Mutual I& Association of Auatralia. Death of Hoboes at Etbotoh.— UtL Scott has recently lost a third fcorw® his farm at Eyreton, en exfemjastfa leading to the conclusion tiuttt ist &i instance inflammation was the ciuss. As thie farmer haa bat thveo valttifctee* male ' within ft few days, very ge&n! sympathy has been felt towards Mm If his neighbours. Thjs Influenza at the patients suffering from " ia «d 0 may be noticed the abaenoe from mfox* of the popular manager of the CalouM Batik, Mr Fulton and his family fewjaj experienced a rather severe vUitefe though hie numerous frionds- will bijaa to leacn that they are now recovering Acclimatisation Socisjtt.—The ass« meeting of the above Socioty fcsefe W® in Hobbs , Buildings, and waa a bfttaw while it lasted. In the Couacil eoa««* } trouble occurred abaiit a letter hew«» of the members, and afc the larger jt*tßßj ing an exception taken to the we ß " report aa not being fchab of the <to«*| gave rtte to an animated dlwww-, J report of the proceedings ie jebtatw elsewhere. , .j,.,, Bik,b follovfef bf **? chosen to represent the KaiapoUt^ 1, *' against the Honorary lieserre p*F'« Chrisfcohurott next Saturday t-~Ustf ft. Bordon (captain), 3, Siaipsoa, *■• £ Eobilliftrd. J. Higgine, G. 0««** | Wilby, F. Humphreye, W. »«,} Humphreys and K. Kidd { emwgee* I *" ,, Millar, A. Johnston and P. B*te. , 4 Footbali..—The followiag W r| Kaiapoi v Christchurch og Sa*" l • W. Barnes, Mathewe, Loech, w**v*" Harper, D. MeGre/for, B. Scott> A. »-«■ G. Fantham. E. darper, O.^ ff « Widdoweon, H. Taylor P. ?»»SJS L. Oram. Emergencies-G. i&WfS Burton, J. McGregor, T. Hasas, ft 554 ft

Catholic Litebaet Socim.--J» day thirty members assisted at flw *«£J meeting of the above Society *% were read from Mr Bowdea, sttttutf' »»* a Literary Sooiety was being 'MgLj, Ashburton j also from -*Jr « Wonld Bflteottiiig Fortto tto jy Closing Movement," '• Was the English Empire tit • Decay," and many other interesting speeches. An on%is**¥i "Eecollectione of a read and criticised. Members' invited to the musical effisjag ■»

T e£2a*-A cricket match W* «W* on Saturday last between Ac berley, and resulted in a win for on the first innings by 34 »»***s>First innings 86, «e«d Mj^Sjk, were top scorers in the iwrt aiß»ft » b the second F. Sraitb 32 (not out), J- j 20, l.Loyd 10; while 15, Adams 13 and G. H. out) were the principal scorer* # the' winners Secured fire **%£j runs,and Adams five for 18. Smith were the most successful w» ball for Ashley. _ Mart ~kl ASHBtmTON CAtsPOMUN Soci»n^ a the annual meeting of the' -*JJL,w Caledonian Society, held <» JJJV evening, a report and balsace-sb^t satiefactory position. 1 here flw «jj ß , .Presidenta, Ifon* W. Hjjcotojj^i Scaly; Treiwuror, %c&& Secretary, Mc J. Scaly; DlI «J t0 S s £e*» J. B rown ' t f' Znde®®' J. Scaly. W. St. G. flfiegjj* Messrsl H Shary fSm Mr A.Hck HoKay. Mr Bouai* a^ •■•*ar.

The B.M.S.Toneaat Hobart *£ #9 *tlSr£tf ******** at 6 p.m. fot oi ' *£wUI be held this evening at St. K^ n fof tbeChristchuroh WorkPftSSS wiU be held in the HaU of «?ft!ieS»t o'clock to-night. Ci.uß.-Th. final fsTiWs in connection with Club will be played on Hagley ;fgji to-dsy- members of the *^^ C '*RaTi&at tickets for the banc»ft««fS(a the evening of April V* *° the insfcall&tidn of iW>>i? ll 2Sisito* Or&nd Master of the Grand ****k> banquet will be held for «ji of the Chamber of

oVTßSßS Jieeaerßl meeting of the «-Xhe «U"*[ %£& at the rooms of the above wfll ***pastoral Association on f * P- m -» to receive the report, elect directors * adMldK Sksß.-At the annual meet* KUbM end Storekeepers' Aeso ing of it was decided that ciation.**%itie members would close alter places of business at 6 Saturdays. P , *' ■ grf*AßlsfO very ®?jL\AM oi the Howard tfeddes machine was held yester•fcefrSj canterbury wool stores. A a*L«i CotiST.-Hiß Honor Mr Jus* held a sitting in ban* Judgment was lot de I 8 8?* in tfcscaee of Somera t Biby; ffSJI an? jedgment reserved. To jS^fijWf?* lll in CgMSKHCSce Cathtobai.. - Harves* Services will be held toAt * a.m. there * Jwn Olfbwtioa of the Holy folly cbwtal. The Ifcm H. T. pS?MX,.irai preach at the latter service.

ppjSAK STEItT WSfLBYAN CHURCH. •He annual soiree and public meeting in iaaection with the above will be held Su«tenia?»when oec%Sion wiU be taken KSSJ&iß*rt.W.a Oliver and B. >r*vlvt The chair will be taken at the V&Ba meeting' by Mr F. J. Garrick, and iMitsm will be delivered by Eeve. G. ffiSeL MX, W. 0. Oliver, E. Taylor, pid W. Sorley. Hie cboif wiU 6mg a Bpecial Bslection of mneic on the ofifiasitin. « e ln*t» I«aw>- FAOircxtißO*." —An iteskl«ttd correspondent telegraphs aa foBo«f Williamson, Garner, and M»poVe a matinee performance ihte aifcemoon of -the charming play «Wh Lord Fauntleroy." The crush wae tbe box office was rushed, v trea the Governor's box not beinjr scared. Howerer, before the arrival of the Viceregal party the management Bucceeded in restoring order. Altogether. the present season is the most snceesßfnl ever given here. The Company leave by the Mana* poari to-morrow for the south. &4sa&sz Saso o* Hppi.-#he anjmal aaeting of the AshleyiJand of Hope took place in the district schoolroom on Monday ereaiag* when there was a good attendaaae. Toe retirine Pfesident, Mr J. Ell* wood, occupied the chair. The election of efficert for the following term resulted as Mr J. Toss,- ScoreMr k. Collie. A bhort address was gi#a by Mr J. MarthalU a station by Miss A. Pound, songs bfr Misses Ellwood and Collie and Mr T. ii&as} tnosicul selections by Messrs Adams &ad Coiiie and the Chairman.

- Eaiapox B&Asa Band. —On last Satur* &]F ereniag the members of the Jtaiapoi i&rsas Bead csst at the house o£ Mr i}. W.

Blafelej, to present him with a cornet in seeepitios of bis efforts to re-establish fee Mai, and a hearty vote of thanks •«l»fss«4to Mr B. Blakeley forthe vnse c! karoos for practice, as well fiS for his * : gssso! BBißtsnae» It was resolved by thosa present that the cordial thanks of tie kad were due to the public of the town, who had assieted to purchase th* Isstraaigjita, which it was proposed to test ia & body of trustees. Arrangement* vera concluded io purchase tiro additional iseimments, towards which the band W&& be happy to receive donations.

Saw Zbaiahd A.TBLBTtc TftAJJt.—Mr CbS, Secretary of the Hew Zealand Ama* tttu*. Athletic Association has received wotd from the Union Steamship Company, Dauedio, that the Wakatipu will be leaving Lyttelton on May 14tfa for Sydney, via Welliagton, and as this boat will Arrive ia Sydney on May SJOlh, it has been , aecided to eeM the Association's team by her. Ihe Union Company has promised to reserve berths for the men in Danedin. Aa the Kew South Wales Champfenship Meeting does nob take place until May Slst> a good ten days will be available for toe mea to recover from the effects of the sea voyage, and put a few finishing touches to their $hQ interest to the -football matcato be played at fcMHHUter Park next Saturday in aid of the team Iβ increasing, and a good attendance is anticipated.

• _ SICTTKOXD MpttTAli IWBOVBMBHt S* i! ?Tr--' i * e inaugural social ia connec- •«* *«& this Society -was held in the Sekwlroom. last eight. Musical items W floatnbuted by. Misses Cooke and Wilsos, Messrs B. Mormon, J. Morrison, &ad H. Pearee Endingsweregiveu by Mr H. Fearee, and a recitation by Mr Geo. Stenning. JJefreshznents were served £^? g c . eTensn «- There was a ««$e tmthenng to say "good-bye" Kobineon,4oa£w£g The Key. S. Macfarlane of the active part that Mr Bobinson v cWeh for many years. £ J?** W *&*. tbe oldelt memoir of Slw^V^ 30 presented Mr Sift ?° bm3on *M* » beautiful album, 2gi had been subscribed tot by a few of . Jg™**, Mr Robinson madeaeuitaad the meeting closed, i Urn of Bobbie BimNs.-Captain • of the ship Greta, now in |*V«8 aa interesting relic of Kobert «"s possession, in the shape of a Qttt a cocoanat. It is said £Z**esp wag by the poet in the jk. ftL* «Qties as an exciseman. toZJ&fjt » ship in full eail. rorJf a wreath of leare* and carved upon it In are the initials, " W. Mol£" c ; bottom is "J.B. Dumfries," Jock Brodie's own bandfile cup came into Burns' poehe intended to embark for KSy adie ?; QoiD S on board a ship carving the shell and so much admiration for it that 5X5 faim »«b ifc. A short * ie ' who latum gave it to of Captain Cassady V through *asa it came mto the Captain's banded fi^hJ^o? 15 the leading photo f Chrwichunrh, is now taking 2£KL finlS H ed «**»««», ia any po»* "«.«»10a per dozen.-{ADVT.I

Of A COAX, FIJJLD IW KINT.— ttv£* *$ tvo or I^ , "** years Sir Edwin ' eaktT. Chairman of the SonthBaiiway and Channel Tunnel Com *•"«•» lias been directing bis attention to for coal at a point on the SouthBaUway adjoining the erperi2™*« oeadias? for the tunnel, and the Z* T< *7 of a bed of coal aae now been by Mr Frances Brady, the 2J* *er-m-Chief cf the South-eastern ditenfi; Companies., under whose Jrr** 0118 the operations have been conJ^ 3 - Mr Brady gaya that coal wa» tadtK *** 11S0 feet l*low the surface, wiat a small quantity of clean, bright \ i£ fon ?d ia the clay m tested by burn- ,^* ad found to be o f good bit'tminooe The lines of bedding in the -~*iai«,r re dlst i Dft fc 1 y horizontal, and this is Saeß^ 0B tliat the measures wiU lL*l-l b l touu<i &t » reasonable depth JSard! &mfch - Eaetera Railway to the

Tkbbibu Acctdxst in a School of CHitms*Bt.—-A eerioua . accident is reported from Bloomington, Illinois. A leotttM In chemistry was beia? given at tbe High School there, when the retort in which oxygen gas was being made for certain experiments exploded. The professor was terribly burned, especially about the face, and it is feared he may lose his sight. Furthermore, twenty of the boys and girls, who are scholars of the school and were gathered round the platform, were injured, three of them seriously.

Batheb too Appßßcti/rrm. —Mr Santley*s concert at Oamara came to a rather unexpected conclusion. Mr Santley responded with an encore to each of the three songs set down in the programme, but declined the request for a seventh song, bowing his acknowledgment four time*. A section of the audience still persisted in applauding even after Mr Stockwell and Miss Atkins appeared to sing a duet and after being assured that Mr Santley had left the building. As a consequence the duet was not given, ike vocalists and pianist withdrawing, and thus bringing the performance to a conclusion.

Teb Musical Wob&d or London.— The number of people who gain their living by the musical art in London is somewhat astonishing. From the "Musical Directory" of 1890 it would ap pear that there are 4500 professors who devote the the whole of their attention to musio. Of these, there are 1600 professional orchestral instrumentalists, including 700 performers on the violin. In point of numbers, flute-players come next,' followed by performers on the violoncello, contrabass, cornet, and clarionet. The Mwnt trade* Pocket Directory shows that in the great metropolis there are 170 pianoforte factories, each employing from half-a-dozen to 200 or 300 workmen, while there are 1300 shops devoted to supplying musical goods of all descriptions. It is estimated that the number of pianofortes manufactured every year in London reaches 90,000. A &BUBBOMB Wbeath.— Mrs Sophia Laramore, of Waterbury, U.S., has just finished a curious mortuary wreath in memory of her late husband. It is made of relics of that gentleman and of the wives who preceded her (for it seems that Mr Laramore was Strongly addicted to matrimony). The frame is of putty, into which, while soft, the widow has put a heterogeneous collection of articles, such as Mr Larramore's spectacles, his pill bottle, and many articles wh-'ch he had treasured during life, each as a jack knife, a piece of candy, &c, buttons from his old clothing, and a small bottle containing cheese made by his first wife. Enclosed in the frame is a picture which is surrounded by a. device in flowers and leaves, made entirely of pieces of cloth, <£c, drawn from the late Mr Laramore's clothing, and the shirt in which he died is used* to compose a fearful and wonderful bird. Hair watch chains, and teeth go to make Up the rest of this most strange and tasteful thing in wreaths. Elements of Women's Happinsss.—ln a reading class a few days since the question arose as to what were the ten elements necessary to happiness in a woman s life. The answers were curious. Here are two selected from the number, showing from what different points of view two women can regard a given subject:—"l. No nerves. 2. A good digestion. 3* Money galore. 4. Self satisfaction. 6. Independent widowhood. 6. A capability for enjoyment. 7. The faculty of forgetting. 8. The knack of always saying the right thing in the right place, instead of thinking of it Afterwards. 9.- To fespect little from onti'e Mends. 10. To die lit fort?" "1. A clear conscience. 2. Perfect health.. 3. Congenial work. 4. Some measure of success. B. A_ few tried friends. 6. To be Considered attractive* 7. To retain for ever a few illusions. 8. To be able to relieve some of the misery one meets. 9. To be philosophical. 10. And keep from falling desperately in love."

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Press, Volume XLVII, Issue 7527, 17 April 1890, Page 4

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NEWS Of THE DAY. Press, Volume XLVII, Issue 7527, 17 April 1890, Page 4

NEWS Of THE DAY. Press, Volume XLVII, Issue 7527, 17 April 1890, Page 4