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Peesohal.—By the Doric Mr W. Mont* gomery, who has been on a visit to the colony, returns to England. Mr Montgomery intends returning to New Zealand about September next and will probably be accompanied by his eon. Supbemjb Cotrsr.—His Honor Mr Justice Dennieton held a short sitting in Chambers and Bankruptcy yesterday. To-day there will be a sitting is Banco. Wkights and Mkasubss.—Constable Weathered is appointed Inupeeter of Weights and Measures for Counties of Ashley and Selwyn, and Boroughs of ChrUtK.hurob, St. Albans, Sydenham, Lyfctelton, Kaiapoi and Bangiora. Thb' b.B. Wakatito-. —This Teasel will leave Ly ttelton on Wedneeday, the 16th, on arrival of the 2.40 train for Sydney, vis Wellington, and not on Thursday, as previously advertised. TiLDKUBaT Pdswc CmcBTKRT. — The Templeton Eoad Board is appointed a Board of Trustees for the Yaldhnrsfc Public Cemetery, for which five acres ie reserved in Uhe Bolleetoa Burvey Dietrict and five acres in the Christchnrch Survey District.

New Zealand Athmjmc TeAst—Those who have liets collecting funds to aid the New Zealand Amateur Athletic Association Iβ eeadinjf their team of ametenss to Sydney in May are requested to return •ame »t the end of the present month, and ia meantime to use every endeavon* to collect aa much m powible. Only about £M baa been collected already, while -6150 is necessary to oany out the trip.

COKMOBATIOK Off ASCHBS^^^ —Hie Cathedral Chapfe* «9* >«&, morrow efternooa to make *1 for the consecration of Bishop-Elect of Chrietcharob,^^% Homokabt Reserve * mentation of prizes in oonneettj***® Honorary Eewsrve Corps Warnor'a Hotel at eight o'cloekT*%a Aiusaro Labosny.—A woaT'm 7 Jane Horriok wae yesterday**!: Detective O'Connor on a g ing jeweUery, value £5, fromC? %f. William Chapman of tho g? Habkwood Koad ThrsshihoT' —A general meeting of tho abo ?8 will be held on Saturday next & I*s% the A.l Hotel, to receive the liquidators. aWt «t ShBSP SHRABINQ , the Howard Geddea Sheep gT* H Machine will take place to-day J, and 2 p.m. at the Canterbury V^ 1 * »>i Aβ thia is a novelty no doubt tW a large attendance of those iawJ? pastoral pursuits. k Parish MsETiNas.—The aaom ing of the parishioners of 8t Merivale, will be held at tho < l2J* this evening, at eight o'clock. ing in connection with St. Johu'a, equare, takes place on Friday neetT schoolroom. * : Earlt Closing Dbmonsteatkj, publio meeting in the Tuain last night resolutions were in favor of retail shops cloainir h^ ! ? every day of the week, and employees should bo allowed » r* holiday during the week. The b»l« ,sil " reported in anothc-r column.JBiPLK Shooting at Bahowm a Saturday tho competition by \v *^ ? Cavalry and Eangiora RiQe Yo& for a trophy offered, by Mr Jβ Br?* resulted in favor of Sergeant 6 n» "& Crossley, of the senior aer»ice pointa out of live, at 200, Sfrj «f yards, for carbines. There'teS,? 3 competitors—four for carbines *h> J** riflemen. •*• *^>

Tka.—The Government Qsattti rf j 10th comes out freely illustrated Jtiff brands—Ceylon, Indian, Draaja suT Buffalo, Kangm, Crescent, &*sss> phant. Mikado and other teas, «SV? respective brands, which are, at fimi, advertised in a way suggestive of t&Sj that the ponderous, podaatie » Gaxette has undertaken the T 3 grocer and tea dealer. The aoßfeJ;' and woodouts, however, tJT& registration of the brands of t»J*> Em P ireT * a <*WJ Thb Electoral Disr«iCTS.--B w% f V applications made for jT£ epeofthe electoral maps, ahowicgtwh boundaries and rural seetioas rf # Kaiapoi and Ashley districts, antJuk the reeponee that the detail ttapsjLT , ! reaohed the Registration 08k if, correspondent pnte it, although cot4L? able changes have been mado districts, no one is in a till the boundaries are better «rtikfefrj BANOIOBA DIBATINQ SoCJßJf^f.j.t weekly meeting of the Eangion Society, held on Monday eraitg ' jj r g Wright, in an interesting papej.knJ' *' That prohibiton, as advocated fe? t Temperance party, would prore grade step." Mr T. Keir opposite side of the argument) t&ik«d deal of discussion was evoked, en4isg|j_ division in favor of the opener's tlm-*l against 9. The usual votesjof eluded the meeting.

Kaiafoi Cooethousb.~l6 it wiwssii?. stood thai; the Government km fe offered three-quarters of an aore oJ ten? Charles street, Kaiapoi, for theCostilkiy and police quarters and sUbi©, is n> change for the present quarter ejf esegf wbioh has beenocnupied bypolt«9?,jjaf;|ii and Courthouse for the past tMttf juskj at the corner of Charles 'ail 'Cwtes street. A proposal boa also hmSsmitted to th<s Government to fate ?':i? corner site in the ' occupation if Ik Borough Council at Kaven u4 Si|ij streets, contiguous to tbe Coussidw ber. Both sites offered will replug*! amount of filling up, and ssitk? $& better suited for tho purpose in m existing one, which ia eminently vioXuA, ■■ An Ownbr Wanted.—The , fits fees from Cbristchuroh for the aorth &i Bm» day morning ran into a'aotag e»§!» to! crossing at Chaney's, aad carrki Us* animal along tho line for some dfete#3 the cow catcher. It was badly Ml o%\ the legs and side. Mr Vhimsjwkii home, and attended to its Iβ now on a fair way towards tmnfy The animal is a chostnnt hßeksfs%» good condition, shod all reandi ml branded X on the near --ekalte. -ft Chancy will be glad to find mows* forit. V

Babbt's Bay. — The annual tm%d distribution of prizes to the eoboteli? longing to the Barry's Bay ediwi fes place on Thursday. Sporte wero SieM-ai? ing the afternoon in Mr Stawerfe l& dock, and many visitors wera proseat-&js the surrounding baya. Toward* areata the children were supplied with refraV ments in the playground, after wliM 'M parents and friends eat down to tea, iafe Bohoolroom. After tea Mr D. Lβ <>A Chairman of tho Committee, dittafe&A the prizes, and in doing co connate* the master on the effioient msavs fc which he had conducted tho sehod i dance was afterwards hold, whiefo Wd& 5ight....... Til Tafu.— The anniversary <rf tta&s Tapu Wesleyan Churoh and Jubifeeiafle was held on Wednesday. Over W&& sat down to tea, provided by Meetes**J. Hemok. Mangele, Dulieu endßMs* In the evening the public the church proved very te,*: Moor, of Christchuiob, presldisf Jj, dreases were delivered by Brown, SUvester and the Kuva, f?.S^ ?i L. M. Isitt and L. J. Garlick oa ** eariea in general and on tho jaent to raise the etim of this Jubilee year of Methodise Jβ iS ' Zealand. Or?er i}4o wae promised fesew the fund. Mr Pasryman readftptefos* of the Church trust; account, Mr J. J. Hencick, who wae prevent*? <£' eevere accident from attea4in#. i» aaeetinst concluded with the usual to'-- ,- thanks. T«innci k -Lw»a*eTSocim.-- , ' meeting of the members of took place on Monday eveniag feUowe , Hall, Temuka. The Eer. «f. >»*■'. son, President, occupied the cbft»« balance sheet, which showed s »** debit, wa# adopted. The assets and liabilitiee ahowed a »-; balance. The ekefeion of ac follows f-Pwidenfc, Bew J. M.A. (reflected) j Vic#-Pwsidc«% Ber. B. S. Buna and Msssra Joa and W. Brysrs, B.A. surer, Mr P. MoCmWUi B*t#f* W. Cooper (rejected) { AssbfeHJS tary, Mr 3. Sim } Committee, M«» 7 ModSn' were deaM. At meeting eubseqnently held it *«• fe M to open the season with a ooavers*tt*« B early ac possible. w pondent writea: For the pwfc««% the weather haa been of Indian nommer, and at ""•WV-K has been quite nottoeably the case oa t _ Sunday. Since then there indications of wet, and there if *ff of heavy rain. The «rass lf£ -. goffered te«ibly, and many o? Worope appewp to be fading. O» | 5 like damp ground, however, there «» heavy crSpi of turßip. if they too much to top. -Utiwygh toe river »lower than it bae been yeara, the races to the J Water Supply District «». >»?* K'ff with » fall head of water, the benefit of stockowneru. •* t f \, ir the settlers complain that taeir plies are affected by the largo «f£j* water required for the races, ibeen eu7gested tfcftt the be cut oft with the view dj'j ffing if tbJa ia the wal BborW The engineers of ~ oppoee this view, and are coa*££ a s tf&e wells a?e affeoied by other e«g>i the headwoika of the water-race, although the wa moan*it dry, come good •?«*■«• tapped, and there BKumee* tofl» »J eapply of water when the w«a«»»» plet^.

1 C^TlsrotrsTET.-Mes^■ W&fiKeiSbe fTiVmb3 have reproduced that most fMeinatmg. book "Looking f which bas created so much the reading world. The I cS -in 2is exceedingly good, and there is I f Txery well executed frontispiece on I , Lrer Aa a specimen of colonial I ' lt I Futrrr. —There is now on new at I of Mr Spicer, Victoria street two ) ?Mdii peaches of the Solway kind, grown r W Treniayue of Papanui road Trom the kind referred to. The two stjL three-quarters of a pound, and the *Ttf the fruit is full of flavour and of i Bench, Tejtoka. —An \ meeting of the Temuka Committee called for Tuesday |ffH£ only Messrs Allan and Mayer ! Mr Kaymor.d, after quoting •fosses of the Act applicable to the sßpiied for a temporary transfer of of the Temuka Hotel from to T. HcQuire, which was the various formalities having j completed. *%tu>sT. — Willie Gnffen, a little JKfoar years of age. was lost yester™it half-past tea in the morning he dtf-jk parents' home, Salisbury street, on to the butcher, and at a late * au* aieht he had not returned. Mr STgesrched in vain last night for the rfjo was wearing a brown tweed suit Si fee-went away. it-ar Ukion.—A meeting of the ComrSTof the Canterbury Eugby Union been held at Warner's Hotel TzZsasg, but thtre was not a quorum rfLjt anreral members being reported sick lisfc. Tiiose who attended tLeJfesers F. i>. Kesteven, W. Garrard, «fj Cotterill, and W.Johnson. It was weired to adjourn the meeting till 8.30 (Thursday). *gi)KO2AI£Y EE3BBVE CoBPS. —HlB WOT-A-sthe Mayor has Iriadly consented to Sfbate tiie prizes won by the members Ithe Hrnorary jfteserre Corps at their Ljial prize tiring. The prizes will be grated at a gathering of the members JtJjs corps at Warner's Hotel this eyenis*at seven o clock, and all those who | Jjgously offered prizes for the competing are also cordially invited to be giseiOEA Cake and Apron Faib.—On •fas&y a cake and apron fair was held i a the Literary Institute, Eangiora, in aid d gse funds of St. John's Church. The jgjgty in style and material in tbe aprons jgja&td purchasers plenty of choice, and Mfa tiie cakes, the majority were of the jaesJ tempting description. The ladies of congregation who presided had a toJsftbly satisfactory sale for the articles ijaadjj contributed, and in the evening . tfeaßsaeting was to be held. CostEET at Leestom.—An, entartainBtnl ia aid of the Leeston public school -wise load took-place in the Town Hall on jJrid&y evening, 'lhere was only a moderate attendance. Songs were contributed by Misses iongstaff, Cooper, Eennie and AUeeßaraefct, also by Messrs W. M. Yates and C. Frankiah, wnile the school girls rtsvssevenl recitations, duets and glees. ~2JbsteriL.Luxford gave a recitation very velf, 3fr J- Eennie occupied the chair. AocsmATisATioN SociETT. —The annual tseeting of tbe Acclimatisation Society fill be held at Hobbs and Co/s roems this Wening, at eight o'clock. A great deal of interest ia being evinced in this meeting, Regarding the election of a new Council, which forms part of the business of the evening. There is likely to be a meat on the part of tbe Anglers' Society to secure the electioa.of a majority of their members, who are also members of the Acclimatisation Society, on the Council, sad several members tire working in an opposite direction. It is therefore likely thst a very interesting meeting will take jkce. ' ' - ■ FooTßAti.—Tbe Coristchurch Club had & practice match with the College yesterday, and showed good form, and as the (Sab promises to be very strong this eeason the match Caristcirarchv East Christ&sreh. is exciting considerable interest. TL-o game is to be played on Saturday at Lancaster Park, and as both team? are ?«y confident a good struggle should Rsult. A small charge will be made at

t tegateforthebeneficof the N.Z.A.AiA. ' t&3etic team, that leaves for Sydney in \ Iβ. ,: ... J. : ;..-i.- ■:■ -" ■■■• I IiNQiQBA Dohais Boabd.-—A special B»ting of the Bangiora Domain Board nateld on Tuesday. Present—Captain 1 Parsons (Chairaan),? Messrs' LUly, Ir-KT, and Duncan. The Football Club -TKfej asking for permission to use the fsssoii. The Board decided that no obftz&orx would be raised if the Football

o4 Cricket Clubs oould agree to tenn3. Inconsequence of damage being done, it was resolved that the Sports Committee baring the use of the Domain thould sppoint caretakers to prevent injury in fatore, The Board then adjourned.

Maiyeks.—Oar correspondent writes .-— Several days of » steady hot nor'wester ■were eneeeeded on Tuesday by rain from lie south-east, with a low temperature. Houghing oa grass land is quite at a standstill consequent on the want of saoifcture. Pastures are again becoming very bare, no growth being perceptible during the past fortnight, this with the near approach of cold weather which may be expected to eat in at 'any time now, giree a poor prospect of natural feed for stock being at all plentiful during the winter months.

Tmmbical.—By & private letter from r Jaekfeacl we learn that the season o£ ; "little Lord Fauntlerqy,*' under the, Baaagement of Mr W. A. Jinkins, for I WilSamaca, Gamer and Musgrove, has ' Essa very successful. They more South «tttiy,and will foUow the Opera Com l pay &t the Theatre Eqyal here. As no «»bt Mrs Burnett , B fascinating book has wa read by a wide circle, considerable eapsaty will be evinced to see the dra- I aatso adaptation of it. nJ^L?* 8 *^" 1118 Yeomen of the I ward* drew a packed house last night on' the occaaoa o! the final representation, i ♦w-Sr , ?* were exceedingly en-] excellent perform ! Sfri.? I 6 re «ei"ng especial ap- ■£ J h « ahk&do" will be given. It is ! uiteaded oaly to pky this opera twice, as *»A % Pr^ cotte is announced for Friday &tarday evenings. Those, therefor/, J?i to 6ee ' <The Mikado" should cot lose the opportunity. Ctcuks.— The following entries have fees received for the fifty mile road race, to be raa under the auspices of the fto£€«r Bicycle Club, over the Christ«urcfe.Leeston road, on Monday next — JW& E. Fitzhenry, B. H. Thompson, «.P. Ciarkson, L. Partridge, Q gffiams, F. N. Adams, H. Dyer, h! ST j ?* I"?? 1 * J- Bate-T-H. North,, *tfl be aeclared on Friday. KrujNCHT School. — A Committee Sseting was held in the eeaofcl on Friday ttening. Present—Messrs Spence (in the eair>,Tolertoa, Adams, Sanderson, Unwin, fed Bassell. It was decided to vote for Sγ AUirnghfc for the vacancy on the ward. A report was received from the was teacher, calling the attention of the vraamittee to tie very low average attend*a». It was decided not to take any setion at present in the matter. Several ssaU accounts were passed for payment *aa other business transacted, and the Meeting adjourned.

I Gabsisgn Bahd Concjkt.—The concert | I •&? &6 Christchureh Garrison .Band, under;i I eondactorship of Mtß.Triet SearelL * ]gS take pl«* at the Oddfelllowa' Hall on , ftfay next On this occasion the band *U be assisted by Mre W. P. Townend «d Mr A. Millar. The concert -will be eider the patronage of hie Worship the aayor and the City Council, and there is Mrery excellent programme. Mrs Townend JUI «ng Tito Mattel's charming song I Bear Heart "and Pweolomini'a "Ora I Fo Nobis." Mr Millar's contributions 1 delude Pinsuti's song "The Bmrler" ! Boeckel'B erand ba«a song " The I esaia Piend." The iostrumental numt i 6^, the two contest piecee for the "Wagner" and "Le Ccmpte i [^l aa OTerture, whilst the instra--1 teeatal solos will be the contest pieces, j mending opliioleide solo, " Cavatena/' j «f Muschamp, and cornet eolo, "Alexia,* , j *7 Mr Mohr. Altogether the concert pro-. ! «"«* to be a Tery excellent one through* I °Qt. MrK. T. Searell will act as aecosnJanist

I The lffn)iJL»i>BiniTrA.T. ii -Qood progress i is being made on the Springfield contract iof the Midland Bailway. At the Kowai I river long embankments are being carried into ite bed from either side, and along the whole length of the section the per-manent-way formation is in an advanced I etao-e towards completion. The tunnel through a hill in the Kowai bush is in hand. The fine weather has been of great advantage to the contractor. . Duskdin Handicapping.—A Dunedin Press Association telegram states that on the request of a ehristchureh owner who signed the " round robin" at the time of the Exhibition Eace Meeting for an enquiry into the allegations against the Handicapper, and Mr Dowse having made a similar application, the Committee of the Dunedin J.C. will meet on Friday to consider tho matter. Plbasant Point. —A large number of people assembled at the Point railway station on Saturday morning to say goodbye to Captain Laurell, who has been stationmas'ter there for five years, and who was leaving to fill a similar position at Bfeathcote. Before the train started Mr Morris read and presented to Captain Laurell a testimonial expressing the regret of the community at his leaving, and wishing him happiness and prosperity in the future.

WaTEB-BACB FEOM THE WaIMAKABIBI. Our Malvern correspondent writes:— " There is apparently a serious misunderstanding among the water-race ratepayers a3 to the effect the carrying of the poll to take a wateraace from the Waimakariri will have on the whole district. The feeling is abroad that a general levy of one penny in the £ will be enforced. If this is not the case it is desirable that the waterrace authorities enould clearly explain *"he matter, to prevent a mosc useful proposal being relegated to the background." Diocesan Synod.—A meeting of the Standing Committee of the diocese was held yesterday afternoon, to fix a date on which the Diocesan Synod should be called together to consider the property tax question. It was ultimately decided to leave the matter over until after the consecration of Archdeacon Julius, so as to allow him an opportunity of becoming acquainted with the property tax difficulty. The Church Property Trustees will also be recommended to make arrangements to apply, if necessary, to the next session of Parliament for legislation to enable them to pay the property tax. The Synod will probably be summoned about the end of May.

Durham Stekkt Wesletan Chttrch. — The Sunday services connected with the celebration of the twenty-fifth anniversary of this church were held last Sunday. The Eev. B. Taylor, one of the newly appointed ministers to the Durham street Circuit, preached in the morning, and the Eev. F. W. Isitt, of Invercargill, conducted the evening service. There was a good congregation at each service. Special anthems were rendered by the choir. Mr Tnrton, a gentleman from the city of Toronto, Canada, now making a tour of the Australian colonies, visited the Sunday school during the afternoon, and gave a brief account of Canadian Methodism, and how they conduct their Sunday schools. He said he was pleased with what he could see ot the Sunday school he was addressing.

Thk Antheopometeical Court.—Several of the records which have been pat up at the antliropoinetrical court at the Exhibition have recently been broken. The tallest man who visited the bureau vas a well-known Christchurch gentleman, who stood 6ft B}ia in his stocking soles. The heaviest individual was a woman, weighing 19st 7£lb. The strongest pull was made by a, blacksmith, 1931b, and the highest record in squeezing is 1281b. The best record at the spirometer, or lung tester, is 3721b for a gentleman and 2461b foi a lady. The following are the average results obtained after several months' experimenting at Cambridge University and the South Kensington Museum. Cambridge—Height oft Bsin, pull 83, squeeze 87.5, breathing 254, weight 153-6ibs. South Kensington—Height sft 7fin, pull 74, squeeze 85, breathing 219, weight It must be remembered that in the case of the Home men their' ages ranged from nineteen to twenty six, the Cambridge men being trained athletes, while those who have patronised the bureau have been of allagee.- .

Mr Eden George, the leading photo graptver of Chriatchurch, is now taking Beautifully flnlehed cabinets, In any position, for IDs per dozen.—lAdvt.l

Scholastic.—Mr Angus S. M. Poison, 8.A., has been appointed second master in the Waimate High School; and begins his his duties there immediately. Mr Poison lias been connected with the Otago High School for the last six years—first as pupil, and afterwards as master.

SucCBBS of New Zealand Cattlx.—At the New South Wales Metropolitan Agricultural Exhibition £his year New Zealand bred cattle took a good position. Baron Renfrew, took first and champion in bulls over three years. Out of a large class of twoyear-olds Mr K. B. Ferguson,of Waitati, took first, and was second, in yearlings. The cow-in-milk class was large, Peate's Edith, a New Zealander of rare quality, being ■at the head of affairs with the champi jn prize, Ferguson being second, the positions being the same in the two-year-old heifer class. .

A Sweet-scented Fbhn.—At the meet ing of the Royal Botanic Society recently an interesting sweet-scented fern from the Society's garden was exhibited. The perfume closely resembles that of fresh hay; and, like it, is retained after the frond is dry, and lasts for many months, if not years., imparting its fragrance to anything, in contact with it. • The Secretary thought it might be grown as a source of perfume by amateurs, if not commercially. As yet it appeared to be little known in collections of exotic ferns. . .

A Militast Vbtbkan.—Major-Qeneral Hercules lAtkin formerly of the SOth and 4th (King's Own) Regiments, aai late Aide-de-camp to the Queen, died on February Bth at Sandown. Isle of Wight, in hie eeventyifiret year. Born on April 25th. 1819, he entered the army, in January, 1840, and receiving his lieutenant's ' commission in March,»lß43, he Teas placed in command of a detachment of the 80th Begiment for New Zealand, fie embarked the following October ou a private schooner and captured a piratical schooner (fctannah) in a harbour off the Mercury Islands, for which he received the thanks of the Governor of New Zealand and the approbation of the Duke of Wellington. As Adjutant of his regiment he served in the Sutlej campaign of ISIS-β, and was present at the battles of Moodkdte, Ferozeehah, and Sobraon, receiving the medal with two clasps for his services. He became Lieutenant-Colonel in April, 1870, and Colonel in December, 1876, and from 1875 till 1880 was Adjutant and Quarter-master-General of the Eastern District. He was placed on retired pay, with the rank of Major General, in October, 1880, having in the previous January been awarded a distinguished service reward. Death op Father IGKAiitJ-B.~The death of the Bey. Joseph Leycesfcy Lyne, more widely known as Father Ignatius, was reported on Thursday morning, February 13th. He was a Londoner, and was born in November, 1837. He was educated at St. Paul's School and various other scholastic establishments-, " finishing " at Trinity College, Glenalmond, Perth. When he was twenty.three years old he was ordained to the curacy of St. Peter's, Plymouth, and afterwards became a mission curate in St. George'a-in the-East. It was during the tune he held hie curacy that his love of monaaticism began to show itself. After conducting a Church of England mission in East Anglm, he moved to the Isle of Wight to a house of i Dr. Pussy's at Chale; then to Laleham, Chertsey, for three years; and finally to the Black Mountains and built Llanthony Abbey, five miles beyond the ruined abbey of that name. Attached to "the church is a priory of nuns as well as an abbey for monks in the style of the Early Saxon Church. The monks wear the old English Benedictine dress, claim to follow the saint's ancient* rule, and use the Benedictine breviary for choir office, and the S&ruia -missal of the ante Reformation period of tae Church of England. "Father Ignatius ** was the author of many published sermons and hymn, acted as editor of of " Llanthony Monastery Tracts, 9 and oompoeed much eacred music.

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Press, Volume XLVII, Issue 7526, 16 April 1890, Page 4

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NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume XLVII, Issue 7526, 16 April 1890, Page 4

NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume XLVII, Issue 7526, 16 April 1890, Page 4