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j -''StoTic&'so Jubors.—The Special Jurors summoned to attend at the Supreme Court on Mon_ayn__t in the case of AtklhsoMti V Atkinson, ats* notified elsewhere that they wittliot be required to attend. Musical Societt. —A rehea_raal in connection with this Society will be held toJ '">•;.;[ 'F?\ f QA__i_3o» t ßAiroCotTc_itt.--'At the meeting of the City Council last night, the patronage of the "Mayor and City Councillors was aoeord«4 >te the concert to be given at the Hall by the <3arrisonßapd.,, .... ~.._, -.•_ A_BlCUl_Co6±t. ! Ak_» Assoc-A-TIO n. At -mc meeting of the Committee of the Canterbury Agricultural and Pastoral Association, held yesterday, Mr John Anderson; junW wa_s elected as President *bf the Association in the room Of Sir Jdhn HalL-whojtesigned. „ ; ~..,. Vbtkba-i Cbic-__t Club.—A match— the laetof the se_-Mm~wi_l be played, on Haeley Park, between two elevens of the Veteran Cricket Club, on Thi_r_aay next, commencing at 10 ... <t< _- . L . ... ~ Tbmu-IA T6#» BoAUDi—Messrs' A.' R. Allan and Job Brown have been nominated for electionto thef _?emu_a Towft Board, to fill the v-uJMKsjr caused by th« rwignation of Mr K. P. G«*y. : If«w' B__-BF SflaauusiiHO Maohjkb. r-f-A special trial of the Howard Geddes sheep shearing ___-shi_W will" take pta*jl *b the Canterbury, Wool Stores to-morro*v, at 11 ____: p;m- 'Iri; where the xnaenrne.hafl the results were; exceedinglysa_tl_&etory;and a_ eVery class: of sheep will be operated upor., no doubt the trial here will be watched with a considaVrabi* khfrmt of v , :jp Lrrria- RrV-sa? —The annual treat and in TOntteefion with So Andrew's Sunday. School took place on Friday. Tea 'Was"" provided by the; teachers, parents .and friends of the scholars. Afterwards the prizes were dis fiflb#edby:;Jfe-S. B. Tyson, the ichool. JChe-number of | children on„the school roll ia ninety, average attehdattce ; - Honobaby Rbsi*bv» Cobfs.—The fifth annual distribution of prizes in connection with will tato place to-morrow evening » 6 „ Wa *J""L* HoteL at seven o'clock, when all members and the prize *">d are requested to attend.

,'___«_ Bmm_._Bfcs^*- !- --«,_ 10.30. --ta-a-ifcS-fi *|?S_sS?___2?fi,-*.„ and dealt with routine hla«i fc estixbates for the year bttSVaes * *»4 fi B Pf?*J ""attmr o! the absrg2i--l will be held at tho a____._£*s£*lfa_ morrow evening at 7 o'clock to Weatheb Fokecast--Pa«a.„-Edwin, of *. Harbor-master at Lyttelton yesterday, as follow*:—» North iand south-west gale, with rain »itu **« ten hourß; glass further fall» WUa »«« Thb OrBRA.-."The Yeomen "f Guard" was repeated last i_i__**_*• capital house. %he audieoceVi*' enthuaiastic, and several of the _, _*l were redensanded. To-ni_ht »?S' played for the last timeS t_-2 * the company will produce •« The _t& whioh should draw large houseg Biros Shooting. —A match w teaani selected froan the Littln nL French Farm Rifle Clubs tookp&S Little River range on ditiona, ten men aside; seven «C*_ % at 200, 300, and 500 yds, W__V_* targets. The match resulted in a S? the Little River team by 35 poinfe? S Gbbaldin-.—A meeting of tha <__ mittee of the Geraldine Floral hL- % tural, and Industrial Association w_fS on Friday evening, Mr J. nS,,** occupying the, cfcair. The bdaricSj showed a small balance to credit it* decided to hold the annual meeting in a* Oddfellows' Hall in May. ArSSfiJ. ing routine business the aSS adjourned. was l Kaiapoi Rifm CLUB-On Satntdiy. match was hredon the ivaiapoi Kifle &M range for a trophy giy tia by the vW President. The ranges were 200, 500 m and 700 yards, five shots at each and __ highest scorer wa_3 Mr J. Simpaaa 08 Iff. H. Bardon 61 Mr N. G. EobtK'l There were eight computitors h Plbjjjant VAt.L_r.-Our Gerald 'fa respondent writes : A successful mJUkL aid of the prize funds of the VlmJl Valley school took place in the sohooC on Friday evening. Mr N. Danlop ©cci pied the chair, and the building m* crowded. A dance was held altertWT which was very enjoyable.

Gbealdine Eoad BoAEO.-At the vmL ing of the Geraldine Road B<wd- T !yi yesterday, Mr W. U. Slack wrote tontS ing his resignation as a member of X Board, owing to his having l_»t trict. A resolution wa9 passed exprewtag the Board's appreciation of Mr sicft services. Tho members present also spok to the same effect. It was decided to m&i copy of the resolution to Mr Slack. Littlk Akaloa.—On Monday, „ Bij| of Hope meeting and farewell somes ts the Rev. F. quiatrell was _Md {% % % schoolroom at Little Akaloa. The m, gramme consisted of musical ajajJecfcjgM recitations, a dialogue and addretek Mj J.S. Wilson presented to the rev.iantlejagg a purse containing six gaineaioa Jjjs_flj of the inhabitants of the place as a fofei of their appreciation of his past Wrrt«ta, Mr Quintrell leaves the PeniasuU, f 3 Otago. Literabt SociETT.—The opening _ji ing of the present session of the TJtfi, Literary Sooiety was held yesterday «*'< ing, Mr Bmeaton nrer,idingt PatPj|-i evening the Presiaent, Mr -C_ye, : d&ft«) a short address, in which he set forth h principal advantages of such eoci<stis Songs were given by the Misses Baft£ Duncan, and Dunford, Mr Smeaton t_i others; readings and recitations by Mm Telford and Stenning. Refreshments m served during the evening, avid after 10 a pleasant meeting wa« a close.

Bosinkss Chanois.—As will be an advertisement elsewhere, Messrs Darin and Lamb, the well-known fa'faidKsslii and tobacconists, of High street, m £h« sueeeasful tenderers for tbe &c., intha bankrupt estate oi Ht kH Fleming. They will commence a4&u% sale this afternoon. It is understood thfj have taken a long lease of theprejafa lately occupied by Mr Fleming, awi- intend pulling down and rebuilding t-e-Wfloteot the back portion, repliwiaf it wife<• saloon, baths, Ac, preparatory to tmas* femng their business from High street Donsanmi,.—A meeting of tho Domala Board was held on Saturday evening ia .the hall. Members present-tota ?■ Westenra (Chairman), J. McmlUra, l, Henry and A. Irvine. It was that a concert and dance be held.« Friday, May 2nd, in aid of the funds. Tw following Sub-Committee was ftppoiwlte carry out tho concert:—Mesera v. iWright, F. Lill, T. Irvine and K. Bam* with the members of tbe Board. Afltf dealing with a quantity of routine aw ness th meeting adjourned.—On Satsrday afternoon a Hre occurred in the anrafr gears' hut belonging to the Dunsa«sM Hotel. The origin of the fire ia unburn. On Friday evening a dance wm held b the Hall in connection "with the las 'Draughts Club, which was well atte-M The whole affair reflected much CN-iSoS the Management Committee. Thb Dunedin Log.—Adeputotioaroa the Tailors and Tailoresses' iJnioaywta" day spent nearly three hours. *Wi'« Chairman o£ the Directors of tto*W* Factory in discussing the imtiatioa of «* Dunedin log by the Company. Tbe tars?* view had arisen in consequence « « alleged statement by the msmm (-» Pascoe) that he refused to work wubrw Dunedin system. The was assured that instructions law -WW given for the introduction of fte■<«_■**? system aw obtaining in Dunedin, .mffj* to submit in writing to tbe **»■*■ points whioh the Union W* After leaving -he Kaiapoi M*Ui deputation visited Mr Meers at ftoOter church Factory, where theyto_-Ulw» w work was being carriod on Dunediusystem and at tho A report of the interviews sfg«*« »* W W S Chbistian t U»iojr.-The monthly jneebng* ** Union was held on .WefaewLw w»3 glue Gibbon Ball. The »»*« gjS being smaller than usual,, it/£%g that the report of the work of tfat M*J .throughout New Zealand «!»«&*** given- until tho next lurat-Oy ««»*" May 14th, to be held in the upsiaw* **J of the Tea and Coffeo Chester street. An account of these rooms was given by the The Committee hop© that tlw w^', : prove a boon to many, and that wjfifctle time it will. bs! f^tfg f Members were invited to bniig &_*»«**. i them to the next meeting, tjw.»£; Moa to Mrs Fereday's report of J«£JK a paper on'« Woman's Suffrage *fJL. ri__4l It was also «»«^*j as* noon tea would' be provided,«f*^* ffl9 . hoped that a large number woaia w i EABLT CIOSXWff A6BOCIATWN.--A^ ing in connection Aslooiatidn wia be held this «*fg # the Tuam street HallMayor will occupy the chair, •^•Sgja. ? ilf be L, M. Isitt, C. H. Bxadnury, w"-^ M.H.E., and E. M. Taylor, __£.«* A chair wiU be taken at «gjt oj» A meeting was held at the HaU last evening to the best quisition of the Early Closing ASfOUf. Soliciting sympathy in the I""-"* £ JT; T. Smith was voted to the eta** Mr B. £ong as Secretary. B some discussion, resolved, on a. n»»« * Mrs Curlett, which will bo sent W Association for to-night's m*W* » operAte, in nil means, to *w™£jS: i &te,>th JSJSSS> the said movement. The fouow»B« Durham street Wesleyau Union; Veaabies and _*i men's Christian Temperance 10a W of 'Christchurch Lodge, J, 0 -V'i J, JW»* Long and Bleach s Dainties* Lamb, sen., and HHe the Orange LodgejNo- 2k, Durham street al T\J 6 S^ Union, it was resolved—••» b a» *™™ g dtom again csS«l a reply from the Eafly losW » tion. ' ■

"followlhg Is' the text *_? carried at the last meeting if^Jfvttes to three votes:-« That ■__t of 12th July, 18S9, which W i rt* Oanterbury Lodge to join the of New Zealand, if constiand that such steps as be taken to give effect to fiiis^^wßAßT—We have received a _» quarterly supplement to *$ iSZne of the circulating deparfctsa Library. As it enables *»*_£ for the outlay of twopence, te --» tbe newest books in the W * s?_houtf bare a good sale. &****£S; appointment.—ln refer-. 2* C ? __oin£-ent of Mr C. C. Corfe j to the_»PP" . ToOWO oD_ba Grammar fw^^taof-nt-ratt to state that &««a. lt , o^ y school, established STtfbool » & X_ Acto f Parliament, the «U. JMOO a year. oe ere cted in 1876 I si. a. cost « * Dat u_g Downs at | gtaated on "* ut sOOOft, and the p altitude of the best in {liinate is said *VCL 0 £ the head master ! ittitralia. an( j a £SCO per & present there are j«»rdiDg f^ who each pay forty[.©tyftwboarfers, {or and fc_r f' The school jitirty-five u*y are fifty acres grounds, it "j»f a cricket and footin, extent, a»d **L ten nis oourt, and also field - 3iQm Ll_yU» an '- a well a«o W. Dennison, A Wiff •"■fJS had been found sleeping »youngnj^*. ob taining his living by in tbe _•»* ¥Sorf,t before tbe Christand given a chance to clear trfl_TtS4 red at KaUp ?!' where !f iSSte Jbefore whom Dennison __,bWtupona charge of vagrancy, for seven days. It now *■* _5 he is out and about agam. for ■gSar be w_s brought up at Rangiora jfS&rf with anJ^ c *°» *> & on oat of the district. J harmless ____bp* appearance. «* «eU as the deterbim an undesirable looking fe bouses where there are only SSSL at JS?- Ifc ■««" neccssar y tha ?, ffSfiX*. instead of "moving on" - ■ —jln„ tn __ol a man of this descrap■°S„_'°K_X .»»_.-». , •_«<*» Yotantaer Company held a 2——h narade oa Sunday, whea about iSSJBrf the' <*«"* ° { St - John u th | SHJ. A suitable sermon was^preached Sffincumbent, the Ber. W. E. Gillam, wdAKaropriate hymns were sung. lUQOTST AT T_-*dka.—An inquest was wd at Temuka on Monday, before Mr C. ITwniy, Coroner; and a jury of sis, of *_0_- Mr P. Coira was chosen foreman, touching tbe death ot Catherine, tbe iafaaivlsughter of Bridget and Henry Lvacb. After bearing evidence, the 31117 Jeturned a verdict of « Accidentally suffo-

cated." ■ Footba-.!-—The first series of matches for the Senior Football Championship commences on Saturday, and what shodld wove by far the most interesting match *_1 be that between, those old rivalß the and East Christeburch Clubs. -£--- Gabs have shown good foarm, the ■fcimer easily winning its engagement with the Wellington Club, while tbe latter made _a exce-tent show against theftamons Poneke combination. The match will be played at Lancaster Park, and will be for the ■fees-fit of tbe New Zealand "athletic team which is shortly to visit Sydney to compete in tbe New South Wales championship, both Clubs having generously ottered to give the proceeds of the match to wards the fund to aid the team. The Xaacaster Park Company has given'the nee of the Park free. It is to be

;Js_ped that a good muster will attend. JThe following will represent the 1 Christchurch |Pirst Fifteen v Ohriat'i "College this afteraoon, at ; 4.80 p.m., at i Christ's College:—Turton, Wilkinson, ,W_Ux>n, Morton, Labatt, SanariV Peter, JSawkesi Mardon, Childs, LeCren, Bishop, Hamphreys, Taylor, and Frost.

Avavsob Pbotooba&bio Socxbtt.—The

reg__tr meeting of the A___teiir Photo- „ Society was held last evening at -___ tootas, Manchester street, at which there was a good attendance of members. KotiSc_tb_ was received from his Ekcel-

- Isncv Lord Onslow accepting the position of Patron to the Society. Mr C. M. Phil- " lips read a very able paper on the "Ease * and Progress of Photography," and received a cordifcl vote of thanks for the able : Way in which be handled the subject. A , duicnesion followed, in which the President

: and others took part. Then followed an j exhibition of photographic apparatus, , a_a_a_g which were Fallowfield, Meagher's, cad Marion's detective cameras, and photographs which were taken by them, also - __»t__ur*B roller slides, &c Several fi__h

exposures of groups were made during the evening wife the magnesian ribbon and '. powder, which terminated tbe proceedings ©f the evening. At next meeting, to be _ * held on the second Monday in May, a paper «a development will be read by Mr C. Lewis, and a number of lantern transparencies will be shown, besides -appa- ; ratus.

UT.Z. Axatbue Ath___ic Association.—' . A Committee meeting of the New Zealand Amateur Athletic Association was held at Warner's Hotel last night, there being a stood attendance. Tbe Secretary read a quantify of correspondence on the subject of the projected Sydney trip, and reported that everything was going on satistaatxauy. An amount of _250 has been I collected in Christchurch, and the Auckland Club bad/voted _>10. As, however, Soma JSLSO will be required to meet the trip succesafully, it was decided to make ; a further canvass of the town. The |i*fo__tment of Mr B. E. Lusk, of Auek- , bmd, as a member of the team was confirmed, he having been selected for the; hurdles in place of Shaw, who cannot go. It was also resolved that Mr D. Wood be -■ javitedtojoin __c team and compete in distances, it being considered *WB_ble to have a second string. The the Christeh_xch «*d East Christchurch Football Clubs . haipranased to play their naatch-TitLan* «w Tark, for the benefit of the Associa--v JWy A Tot « of thanks to tb> Cliairman «*t_m_ted the meeting. Mr Eden George, the leading photo of Christchurch, is now taking $£*?«&% finished cabinets, In any poai- «©*«* 10a per dozen.—{Advt. 1 JSf'toataphs executed by C. H. Man- - Vice-Regal photographer, admitted tojbe unaur- ! f_il£*^!! iiere ' See brilliant display at .pßintry visitors please note this. niaitu^?! 0 ? 9 photography, latest pneu_X,We. no extra charge. Best PheS_-^„_ fted - Standish _a_«T Preece, """Wws, High street. ' '

UNiON.4rhe Otago ___f *_"*f\ itß "Exhibition Notes," '___£!" _2___i v** **"»» ticarets, which i_«« PTOTed "***** a "drag," are now '**** Several thou___t w__V* fe* 0 during the of these ticket! will w__kSs? £%?* "**<** °f the ensuing __»_. Z* *__* M * oca m a position to secure J&™ in the

w 5* BBH 5 1 °*iii»D at Botjbxb.—A cable ™»S« m yesterday's issue stated that roe town of Bourke in New Sonth Wales, '«L i """J, danger- The following from ___*? 5" 1 Bhow hovr *h e residents pro- !!™ *°Prepare for the floods-" The People of Bourke have exhibited presence rf __*? tt a ««aarfeable degree in the face tK_T_ d * a^er *«<» the Darling tributaries ««*J>*s been menacing their town. At a t Z**P°g called to devise measures of pro-~ against the expected flood it waited to erect a dam round the town; ;• "« even under the shadow of peril itself did not forget what was due . » -aemselves and the Goverrment in such \ rf^i?^® Tfae y petitioned for a sum v* *750 to carry out the work 5 the money ;, *** graated, and tenders have been let •ooordingly. This to proceed according to **» sad precedent. It is disquietiTig to *u_? wliat bave happened had the ***** reached tlie town before these for-n_-_tiea were completed."

TsatwesANCß Retbsshhbnt Eoosts.— The change inaugurated at tbe beginning of the year by which proprietors of refreshment rooms at railway stations in and around Melbourne were not allowed to sell intoxicating liquors at their bars seems to have operated with some effect. A few weeks ago the lessee of the refreshment rooms at .Flinders-street station threw up his lease, and the Department advertised for fresh tenders, which were returnable on the 31st nit. When the time for opening the tenders arrived, it was found that not one had been received for the lease of the rooms.

Trrrt3__ SnnraßiNG- isr a Canoe. Advices received at Queenstown state that the American ship Joseph Spinney arrived at Hiogo, Japan, on January 3rd, with six Pelew Islanders, whom she had picked up in an open canoe over 200 miles from land. On November 23rd seven men and their old king set out to pay a visit to a chief on another island of the Pelew group. Their craft was a "dug-out" canoe 30ft long, with only loin beam. Before they could make their port of , destination a gale sprang np, and they were blown out to sea. The were without food and water. In this fearful condition they remained for sixteen days. On December llth the old king, faint with hunger and mad with thirst, decided that his boy, aged sixteen, must be killed, in order that the others might live. Preparations for the sacrifice were nearly completed when the sails of the Joseph Spinney, appeared on the horizon, and the boy was sared. The men, when rescued, presented a fearful sight. The king was so wasted that the chief mate carried him up the sbap'B gangway under his arm, and the old man and another of the men shortly afterwards died.

Tkh Bbtainino Fees of Eotai. Subgeons.—As one of the physicians in ordinary to the Queen, the late Sir William Gull was paid a retaining fee of _8290 per annum. The other physicians in ordinary —namely, Sir William Jenner, Sir Edward Sieveking, and Dr. Reid—are in receipt of a similar stipend. It is probable (writes a London correspondent) that the vacancy caused by the de«th of Sir William Gull will be filled by one of the three physicians extraordinary, who are Dr. E. D. Towell, Dr. George Johnson, and Dr. Quain. The medical department of the Boyai household is quite au extensive establishment. Besides the names already given there are two sergeantsurgeons (Sir James Paget and Sir Prescott Hewett, entitled each to £280 per annum), three surgeons extraordinary (Dr. Erichsen, Sir Joseph Lister, and Sir William Savory), a physician to the household (Sir Spencer Wells, iJ3OO), a surgeon apothecary (Dr. Laking, _J1000), three " surgeons and apothecaries in ordinary to the household at Windsor," three " surgeons and apothecaries at Osborne," a " surgeon oculist," a " surgeon dentist," a " dentist to the household," and two " chemists and druggists."

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Press, Volume XLVII, Issue 7525, 15 April 1890, Page 4

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NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume XLVII, Issue 7525, 15 April 1890, Page 4

NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume XLVII, Issue 7525, 15 April 1890, Page 4