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PoLrricAii.i-i'Mr Blakei member for Avon, addressed his constituents last night, and received a vote of confidence.

Supbeme CotJBT Vacation.—The vacaof the Supreme Court oommesoed yesterday morning, and will last till March lOtib. ?Daxing thU period, the, offices- will be ciosbd: at V,p*BtO&&toJx? I. ;i i\j!j U Polo.—The game this afternoon will commence at three o'clock from sides picked,on tbe i gronncL?''-. ' "\ o ■-- a i : T * AB^«aT.- t -A xßfin naaafid John Black was arrested yesterday by Detective O'Connor on a charge of stealing a watch, value .£5, the,prt>nerty;of Edwin Lusher/ on the 20th October/at lyttStdn. ' ' i;A

Cricket. —The annual cricket match between, the Canterbury and Qtago Elevens ■was comaiericed on lencaeter Park jested day. The home team went first to tbe wickets, and stayed there all day, patting together the large score of 354 runs for the loss of nine wickets. Flay will be resumed at*lo a.m. sharp to-day. A full report of the ma&h will- be found elsewhere.

H Union Bowing Clot. — Competitors ia the swimming race this afternoon are requested to be ready to start at 2,30 pjn., a3 toe tame hab been altered to suit a number of the members who wish to witness thefcaoe; .and alao eed: Profeeeor Baldwin at Addington, whilst others wish to be present; a£> InterptoviEuriai Cricket Match.

Supitsar* Obxnw.-—The ease of McKay t Oram came to.a close yesterday, when his Honor gave judgment. The decree was to the effect that on pays ant of MaOO within two months by plaintiff to defendant the premises should be conveyed by the latter to the former* His Hoaor explained that he would not hare given this option only that the defendants in their pleas offered it. , case this, is .not complied with the action is to be diatoissed with full costs.

Personal.—Mr Buckley, late Inspector of Police, who ia veil known in Canterbury, especially in Christchurch, Kaiapoi, and Timaru, is about to take up his reaideßce ,peananently in this city .with, his faeuJy,L Mi JBoekleQf was lait staiaoaled- at InvercargilL He _ was one of those who retired' l in - acebrdanoe' with the eetrenchHiemftOTr.friende in the disfcHcft are "sore to actordliim'a hearty welcome.

■'-"PI CbavbX& Sirrraa.—AS Bis ceedsto Timaru oi» Monday, a Chamber Bitting will be held this morning $& 10.30 in order to dinroe of the lisfc * v Palace 3ink.—'The walking-, JUstei if Joe Scott was continued last night at the Eink| ;*hdn;there was a fairly dance of visitors. '*"

Masteb Bakers' Association , .—-A special general meeting of the above will be held this evening at the Shades Hotel at elg& o'clock. ■• ■ ...... ;■ ff Gas Company.—The annual general meeting of the Chriafcchuroh Gas, Coal and Coke Company will be Held on Moa« day, February 4th, at 4 pun* when the annual report and balance-sheet will be presented, and three Directors elected. BSAPBS AMD HINDXB TfiUlA—Exhibition trials of the Wood single aproa Mara* and binder and of Beid and GraVeNW Zealand twine binder- will take place on Monday next. The former will be held at Mr Eyan's farm, Grasslea, Weedons, and the latter on Mr Busch'g farm near Ashley.

National Leagui.—At the meeting of Irish National League in Dublin on cember Ist, Mr George Hutchiaon, MUGbH of Wanganui, was orie of the principal speakers. He will asaiat Sir Thotuaa Esmonde, Messrs Dillon and their coming tour of Australia and New Zealand. ; Hothl Peopibtt.—The Boyal, one of the first hotelß built hi the'coaching daya at Temuka, is to be brought to the hammer on February Ist by order of the executor* of the late Mrs E. Heap. The always had a capital reputation, and although much changed from its origins! appearance, may still be- looked upon as a land-mark.

Caebinb Match.—The following team will represent the Lyttelton Navalf in their match with the Canterbury Engineers, to be fired on the Bromley nana to day : - Petty Officers Sinclair, Jory, Semmens, Ounneia Chap* man, Field, Fisher, .Palmer, SchoulOar, Burnip; emergencies — Gunners Dimond and Newton. - ■ r Cathedral Services.—Gn Sunday-next the services in the Cathedral will be choral aa usual, the members of tihe choir having returned to their duties after the usaal annual vacation.'. During Mr TendaU's absence, his pupil. Miss Raohaeli Bora, presided at the organ at the Sunday services.

South Pacific Petroleum In confirming the announcement through the Press Association that the pipes hare been successfully withdrawn, the agent for the Company at Gisborne telegraphed ye&> terday s—•" Later news states plenty of'od in well. Weaver engaged aecertain the flow, aueceas."

Shakshpearian Festival. — The re« hearsaldf the grand, m&rokof chacactora in connection with the above took place at the Palace Rink yesterday afternoon, Mid was gone through, most successfully, giving promise of an excellent performance' on the opening night. a Opbn Air Music.—The Stanmore, Brass Band gave a performance'last night oa the lawn of the Wort ing Men's Club, whrch was highly appreciated alike 'by the'wives and sweethearts of the members' and a goodly gathering of the general pnbiio. music very well'indeed.

Profsssoe Baldwin.—- The Professof will mate another trial at the AddlHgton Show Grounds this afternoori at 4*p'.nv The gates will be open at 3 p.m., and aa the inflation of, the balloon, will b» com« inenced bright and early this morning, no doubt the ascension will be carried out successfully. AokxowLßDanf bnt: —The Master of tfel Orphanage begs to acknowledge with thanks the .receipt of .£3 3s id, being amount collected and subscribed by three ~ frittida at ELM. Customs, Lyttelton, in aid of Bie recreation fund, per Mr W&rde ; a band cap and band ornaments' from Mr , Malcobnson, Lyttelton; the usual parcel of i monthly periodicals from, Mr ( , Brifetan, i Christchtiroh t and a box of biscuits frois ! Mr Aulsebrook, Chriatchurch'. |

I OBarßANJiaßf—The.tisual xnottlihly Bftnd 1 of Hope meeting was.held in the Orphanage f schoolroom on Tuesday evening last. Mr/, Parkes, Christehuroh, gave a short addtef I editable to the occasion. The little cks ( were greatly delighted with the really f clever performances' of Mr Tucker, yea* \ triloquist, who has kindly .-promised!- fctf I entertain the children on a future occasion. Miaa MoLeilan, with her msaii kind* ne«a, presided at the piano, and tM entertainment was a complete success, it one may judge by the hearty enjoyfflssi and the happy faces of thfl- orphans. The Band, played a few selections at iatemls during , the evening. , , . : . " k Ctolino i CiiVß.«m-Aa etfess*» tive programme of sports has been issued by the Ashburton Bicycle Club, to be rue off during the second week in February. A number of entries have been received from Christohurch and other places, and j tome keen and interesting competitions? j are expected to take, plage between, taf ; wheelmen. Trains will run £rom Christ» churoh to Ashburton and back at exoursica rates, and it ia anticipated that there'wftl be a large gathering on the AehbttttoS sports ground to witness the various races. Volunteer Parade. —The first parade \ under the new .regulations of the various Companies recently forming the Ist Canterbury. Battalion, took place last 'nifpat at the Drillsbed. llie officere presas| were-—Lieut-Colonel Lean, Majors NeflteU and Joyce. Major Newall was in commajad. The following; was the parade state o! "t&e various Companies—City .Guards (Capfeia Bishop), 67; Chrisfcchurch Rifles (CapJaia Bristow), 57; Irish Eifles (Lieut. White* sidee), 50; Scottish Eifle,s, tCaptain f Camp* bell), f&yatio'hm&nd; fC!.*pti«in PttwtQß), SI; Sydenham (Lieut. Hobday), 55; College (Captain Harper)*. 59 j Band (Bandmaster Searell), 24. Total on p&r&de> 481, iliesßfttfcalion was. marched to Park and then dismisesd. Kaiapoi Sailxno Clttb.—A meeting of members, Mr Nalder in the '■ chair, was held on Thursday evening. It was resolved that the race between the Madge and Dofc for the prizes given by the Club, be sailed, again to determine the result of that com* petition. The Dot had gained 6 and the Madge 7 points in the previous races, aa«' as the boate for the final sailed over aa ; unauthorised thY tacT should -be * bvir-the. craft gainiiv? a . total ,of ; 9 pomte becoming.i&e-wiiweif. It.wa* «e4plved thaif the course for boats be from Lock's Point? to the Fisherman's and back, unless any, alteration for special'reasons be sauoi tioned. by the Committee. - M>| f vans notice of motion to 'allow the use of poles in fending yachts of ep*M was The; captain of the Club the second heat for hia Cup would « Saturday, from Stefcarfff GoUfte the bar, winning, off the gully tjheseeofia time. The meeting then adjouriKia. y ghtaALDiKB Eifles.—-The annaaifgeaeS'&J meetine of the members of this corps foes place in tbe Orderly Boom on Thursday evening last. There was a Rw4_, a **j?r* arice of members. Captain E, E. point occupied the chair. The report Mjo balance-sheet for the year were read, 2»* former.; stated that the corps twenty-seven parades and had earjH»J» ! > capitation. The amount : weeivea*.*lW* letting the hall had been £38 b«a«e»«heet ehoweid'that the wiceipaj m the year, inclnding a credit ba^^lg 1 last' year of J656 10a 123, were 474 «Jg? The expenditure, including a bill for £&* for uniforms, which fell due the day after the.lpat anntwil mating, W^fS , leaving a balance in hand of ££> I*9 SdThe report and balance sheet sidered very satisfactory and "we l Th» lWbflitiea were Bhown td be ebw Mf 149 4d and -the assets, 4101 4s 93, ! -I»a| 'A credit of Je33 10s sd. A considerable «J cuseion took place as to the allocanoa « last year's capitation,. It was M&W decided that the members should the wbolie oMihe capitation JW one shilling per month dues, m&\***® ever fines t&ey had incurred. The SS« Committee elected were as Color-Sergeant Stonehouse and Sergeas* Millard, with the officers ex officio. yeJw'siMateli 'Commit!®*: «W 'fWS Mr T. Sherratt- was re-elected tary and voted an honorari«m , qf£i J* for last ywiFe services. 5; Vote* of >W& to the zetaring Committee,. way in whkh'hß'W®®ducted the affiww of Wd,worked corps, and to Lieutenant Ward,teHwn»W«

association.— The attendl**~tLfaj at the annual saae&ag of ***£3K* Association did not show ¥$££&<* the part of the male SPfMTonly three gentlemen—one of the Secretary-attended. One ? *•* iSes drew attention to this state [ * trusted that some steps to indoce the members to Krely interest in the affairs of A report appears else-

Cosduct. —At the Aanburyesterday, before Mr T. Jsv**TjJ?-« Patrick Clarkin was charged JfrJrS-haineg and disorderly conduct, "vldeoee to the Commercial Hotel at the morning, and after kiek--s*fctibe to* 3l boisterously demanded adHe was further charged with gjj"% a g a lly on the premises of A. J. sentence of fourteen days' imwas imposed, accused having a £SjrdE previous convictiona standing ***£&& < ASTESBTTKT BICYCXE Cum.—A held on Thursday at King's jSj» Hotel, Eangiora, Mr C. E. SmZb m the chair. A programme of 2Z%J18& of the coming bicycle races was aad fees fixed. Letters were JfTfiojß the Bangiora Domain Board, 'jTgßg the use of the ground and the P?rfad from the Amateur Athletic offering assistance. It was fSgidto arrange for an entertainment ■jJSgflrenißg of the races, in aid of the

Shootikg.— (The third competi'jfajff the members of the Geraldine S, Coepi for the cup presented by See H&Uenstein Bros, took place at the range on Thursday afternoon. am unaifhrr was aot conducive to good Sjotingi being intensely hot, causing a Abuser along the ranee. The cap is fejdfar at intervals of three months, the -winning it twice, either in sueintervals, to become the absojgjeewwr. The conditions are—2oo,3oo, ad 500 yards, five shots at each range. fefaSetgesnt Stonehouse holds the cup fcjtl* *ext three months, having headed $c taxes on Thursday with a total of 3L rjgrt rae sixteen competitors. 'gjaroiT Sbsvices.—The Ber. C. H, trill preach at the Durham Church to morrow mornag,«wi the Eer. C H. Laws in the even- »* At the Sydenham Wesleyaa Church Zger. L. M. Ldtt will preach at both ggrieea. The Bey. C. Dallaston -will ggpar fee tkird address of the secies of 40, talis to young men to-morrow fg&jng at the Oxford terrace Baptist (jsad*. At St. John's, Latimer square, fHaarrcw, sermons will be preached by the gg& JF. lanes Jones, M.A. ■ Sftus** Botaz..—To-night Mr aad Mr 3 gssge Darrell and their company will their season at the Theatre js»aL The piece chosen for the occasion kSX- Dsrreu's dramati nation of Fergus fee's novel, * The Mystery of a Hansom. la addition to Mr and Mrs Darrell

§ Siggaapaay comprises the names of many I' tsStawwn to Christchurca playgoers, mi- , SoSsx Kiss Mabel Tracey, Messrs J. J. : ftejtedr, S. D. Haygartii, E. Vernon, j &£&;, «c. Tbe new faces -will include I Sis Haggis Oliver, of whom report i s/aiks iagSly. The piece will be pat on i $9 sage wife every attention to detail, i ssLeos cf tie principal features win be ; &S JStIoS&CtiOQ On &<** Stage of & WVmyifn

!«Naa horse. Bsmst. —Thft usa&l monthly meeting &&e Belfast School Committee was held esSteßciay, 14£h instant. Present—Messrs hfe&att (ehaimaa), Allenrier, Swift, and Iα consequence of tbe additions kffig pot to tbe school, the holidays were ssSea&d to February 18th, and tbe annual tessfeto be held on the 15th of the same Bsath. The panchasing of prizes to the tifosA of OTer jSU by Messrs Pafcchetfc and Fagtasoa (teacher), \ras approved. The acdaaag of proviflions for the treat *as kA to tbe Chiwrman, also J£2 iras voted tomads the" treat, for toys, <fee, as prizes, as Isspeste's report of the side school wae seseived. It stated that the school was

imtj sss&iaetenly eandocted by the teacher % TSSwHtSBa), wadißg, (spelling, and wrifc- ?| bmng very good, drawing very fair, j Sniaesesc moderates, manners -well coltir I fated, and discipline very good. A motion ! m (mpsMaikm -ras passed to Miss I S«b by "^ e Committee. After going ] «wejpi aaaeainor business the 'meeteiiff J &»£(L ; " -^* I H*k«ic.—la installation meeting of j Jaßßwaafeessaf &c Southern StsrLodee, I ». 61§, &<X, was heM in the Maeonie aft on Thursday evening last. MW&irae s Tery large attendance of I J"™™* Lodge was opened in doe I Bmbyß».H.l>nnlop, LPJd. Eoutane j 2S*»s baring been transacted, the inI "Sγ® ins Proceeded with, and was § Mre jaaaner, vhile Bros. B. Scott and I Lf^ 054033 * p acted as Grand WarI The following officers were installed: I •"&>. G. H. Patrick, 8.W.M.; Bro. J. I Warns, W.S.SI. ; Bro. A. Eeid, W j>JL; 1 S.W.; Bro. W. Brothers, I |w.; Bro. A. Balrer, Sec.; Bro. K. Taylor, awnr; B». J. W. Pye, S.D. ; > Bro. i. White, J.D.; Bro. E. Thetr, Lβ. • Bro. £Wafler, Tyler (re-elected); Stewards, I fee. J. Mtcadell and K. Dunlop. The I «rP h * 7ia S been closed, the members I ss down to aa ? eicellent dinner, when tiie I £?* and Masonic toasts were duly ■■3 enorad, - •

h _£_ s »w Plat.—The late -Sir Charles '.• Seeag, the attthor of that remarkably r ®mttH play «Jim, tie Pemnan,* , left <5 g awaw an unfinished trark. jof, tbe I See «tyie sad djaracter, and signified his sboeld behaadM orer to |ow- G. Mills for completion. Tiia has the play will be produced I van eariy date. ' I OF A PAROUS SIKBSS. T*aA«™» W*teM l > & c °ixx celebrated contralto, «ose Vrbano, in the " Hagromots - was W&m&y eae-oomparable -with Albani'e, h&9 I mitrite by panayais. She comes of I ftiteeh family, and married the tenor I It?? i *'-' Tiieir <Ja ? l g llter * Who is. also I fsSea with a beantiful voice, has just H ssde a successful debut upon the lyric H fege m ftsry. • '. IJ&&ms*i*.—AiQQing the fftssesgers who «rea from London by .the ELM. asam (says the N£. Hendd) was Miss E. t.JCSIec, the anthoress of the popular "la the tride of his Moanood." Mm Muler is on her way to Christolraxch, she takes charge of a private

load's Fibst Cosckbt.—A curiosity has turned up in of the pro* PBamfi of the first oonoert given by Liszt, aea deren years of age, on the 12th **&, 1822. One of its nomben is » -R-hich the youthful -composer * Si *rakes to perform upon to he ?S?9sted'by the audience. "His appeal to **P»twns is cooched in these words: — *%«at and noblesse! praisroyal army! estimable f»& ! I am a beginner, and I could know ~* happiness, before my departnre ***aace, than that of being able to offer r? ™c first fruits of my education in •J*® of my gratitude. Perhaps I shall ** oay be fortunate enough to become, in 5f own branch, an ornament to the ««%." '■ • ■ . - , • ,***£ BtTBGLAB* oir THB Stab*.—* She ■sastabateto realism on the,stage has by the manager of 6ne of the ISLI 0 * th ? in order to giTe I S ?J to a scene in which J jS*^ B *° be broken open, engaged two I seT ß^?* 1 to.transact the busiI S/ 11 " snperior dexterity and despatch, j I 6 eaan applauded, by p S^ 31 ? 3018 rf the «»Uery more particu- [. Si 4 ?««" aafe had to be presided Ir*7 because the work was per--rith the regular in-of-a fitat-dass housebreaker.

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Press, Volume XLVI, Issue 7265, 26 January 1889, Page 4

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NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume XLVI, Issue 7265, 26 January 1889, Page 4

NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume XLVI, Issue 7265, 26 January 1889, Page 4