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GENUINE SALE OF FURNITU& 41, 43. and 45 VICTORIA SlrkejJ R. W. W. and Co. Invite Visitors aadoflifc ' i to Inspect their Establishment below u«d32 elsewhere. I BHORT PRICE LIST: . $ Suites in Cretonne, trom £S Sβ. f Snlres in Hair Cloth, from £11 Us. ; Suites in Tapcsfry, £15. I Couches in Cretonne, fit fe 6d. | Best Five Frame Brussels Carpet, sene r »»i miido and laid. ""*.*■«* Velvet Pile Carpet, 5s t!d. ! J Tapestry Carpot from Is lid. f ! Felt Carpet from Is. Cornice Poles, complete-with rings and brtekrt* from 10s 6d. ""*«% Ohest of Drawers from 25a. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF BRAB3 AN» IRON BBDSTED9. Tf BEDDING, PER AMBULATORS, &t HOUSES FURXISHKD ON DEFERRB), PAYMENTS. <" m — . VX7M. r~l I M BL X T tT." NURSERYMAN sSKKD.SMAN. FLORIft AND FK UIT GROWER. T Ornamental Shrubs, r'erue, and Pot Pla&feh Table Decoration, always on hand. Cut Flowers, Ladius' and Gent.'c Button-fedM Wedding Purer and Ta >lo Bouquets, WrSff &c. supplied on the Shortest Notice/^ Camellia Bloutus, &c, in season. \ Nurseries—WooUtou and Ilea hoote Y»fl*» Shops—HoandaOGGolombo stxeot.. ChrUtehuj£ ~ CHIUSTCHURCH STABLBsT~^™*" Cathedral squaro (opposite the Past OBlm' i\nd <J louccstor street, "*.- - JLUKEY, having i alien the MwveStaMM •' trusts by strict attention to busuuefi merit the patronage of the public. * Horsen. Buggies and Drapj on Hire. Horn carefully broken by the proprietor to e<ul<U«~ harness, and compleio docility gnarauteel Good stabling. Moderate charges. 9619 Telephone No. 235. S. ECOL EisT^ A 1 TAILORING ESTABHSttHHOT Al Hβ Colombo Htreet, * (Opposite E. Reeoo and Sons'). ' •* S. K. being his OWN CUTTER, and « having to employ ono at a high salary, |Jm pared to iuako SUITS 20 PER CENT. CHEAPER Than those Firms who inpioy Gotten. LINCOLN COAL AND TIMBER YARDS Try T>ARTRAM AND OQ. ALL KINDS OF BUILDING MATERIA ON HAND. j Newcastle, Westport and Malvern Co»a On Sale at Lnweet Current. Ratot. ]$} Surgeon Dentiafc MAT B8 CONSULTED At hie New Chambers COLOMBO S T R ait Oppoeito Buggy a : . <j$ GOVERNOR'S Bα V COACH, ''"' ROYAL MAIL COACH. ON and after NOVEMBER Ufc, the 00> VKRNOK'B BAY COACH wUILBATI Lyitelton Railway Station at 9.30 a.m. aid I p.m.; leave Governor's Bay at 8,20 a,m, ut 4.15 p m. daily Parcels to be paid for on delivery. ■ W. H. TBAPIL Mitre Hotel, Lyttelton, or Governor's Bty, SADDLE HORSES AND BOATS ON HIM NOTICE. JMIXON, TAILOR, haa removed tl • J3I 101 Colombo street, (lateJohßMO* and Sons)- A New Stock of Tweeds and o** lose to hand. «*__ HEALTH FOR ALL. " HOLLOWAY'S AND OINTMENT. mBE Pills purtfy the blood, correct aotie JL orders of the Liver, Stomach, Ktdnot ana BoweJs, and are Invaluable In all ona* plauita incidental to females. Tho Oinunent ia the only reliable remedyftf aa Legs, Old Wounds, Sores and Ulcere, fat Bronchitis. Diphtheria, Coughs. Colds, (kit, Rneumatism, and all Skin Dlaeaaee.Jt hseit equal. Sold by the proprietor, Thomas Hoiaowav^ 19 New Oxford street, London, and by all mod/ t tne vendors throughout the world. Sporting. Lancaster Park J/BOTTOft C/LUa A MEBTINtJ wTIL BE HBLD AT THE LANCASTER PARK GROUNDS, Oh SATURDAY, DECEMBER 23th. Stewabds-S. P. Antirowe, J. B. Greraon, t, Jones, A. M.Ollivier, H. H. Prins. W.RP* ceval. F. H. Pyne. A. E. G. Rhode*, W. A Scotf, A. Cracroft Wilson. Judge— J. B. Greason. Starter—C. A. Calvert. - Hakdicappiks—Handicapping Commltteft PROGRAMME, . , ~ 1 Maiden Tkot (in baddie), of 20 son, seeOM horsu to receive 5 eovb out of the stakM) for horsee that have never won any pQbUa money; wei|rht not less than lOst. Bβ trance, 10h. Pull and go. Two « six times round and 80 yards, 2. Novel Race Handicap Ttmb Tnof fif harness) of 20 so vs. The winner to be M Immediately after the race. The whole OS the proceeds to go to tho Club. Komls* tion, 6s; acceptance. 10a. Two mile* of six times round and t>s yards 3. iXiD&vuMKR Handicap , Time I'bot Oβ ' saddle), of 36 soys; second hone to near*' Bovb. out of the stakes. Weißkt not 1(* than lOet/ Ponies, 11.1 hands and taß.tt.9Bi U hand? and under Bat. Nomination. 1%; rfcoeptahbc, 1 soy, Pnll and g<r. Thwe miles, or nine times round and liO yard* _ 4. Handicap Timb Pony Trot (in aarne*#,;«----15 soys; second pony to receive 5 sots 085 ; of the stakes. Height. 14 hands ortuid«l| ponies to be moastired before etartiaj, ; Nomination. ss; accoptance, Sβ. Tff» j .' milea.<orjsix times round and (Byaraf . 8. Seujnq Handicap Thot (in saddle), oy» sovß. The • winner to be sold immeoWg after th« race for £10, aud any some i above price to bo divided between' jhe.UK , and the owner of the second, w** Weight not leis Uian lOse Nomiiiatioa,W acceptance, 10a, Pull and go. TwoimSft or six times round and 80 yards. ' . • . 6 Handicap Time Pony Trot (in eadoMfr." losovs; second poav to receive 5 «0Vl&» of thu atalccs. nelght. U hands or BM« Weight, lZi hands and untiar, 7st 7lmj» \ hande.Bst; 13Jhands.8st71Us;, 14hM»dfc» ' Ponies to bo measured bofore ttartu* Nomination, as acceptance, Sβ. TW ' miles, or six times rounaund 80 yaMfc 7. LANCAf«T«B. Park Handicap .Timb Sf» On harne»»)..of a 5 soys; secona howe»j* ceivo 5 soys out of the stakes. Mow? tion. 10a; accoptance. 1-sov. Tare* EN* .or nine times rouud and 93 yarJa. . AU ontnee, oxctpflor tho Maiden M <fith too necoMary feee in omb, which no entry will be taken, ia the hands of the Secretary. 175 Here's street, by 9 p.m. ooßaturday.Dec«mb?rWt%|g must state the name ot tne horse, age at Jig? of entry, name of owner, and the colon.°»£! rider, and peiiprmauooe of, the home v Bβ*** not trotted at Lancaster Park. Any evm fallinK to declare his colors at the time of W7 wiU be fined 2 soys. Any jockey riding * driving in wrong colors wlil be. flnod 2 som ft ' Ail horses mass bo ridden 'or drives "} proper costume, or the horse will not bealW*" Handicaps will appear on Monday, Dec** ber Zlux. 'mam The winner of any Trot after the naalaW are declared is liable to be re-handicapeo. • :. Aooeptancee and entries for maiden ij£ dose on Thursday, December 27th. at •**3 et 175 Herefoid street. No entry OTB*e*JW£s will be taken on any pretence whatoTefn"* the hour named GENERAITp.ULEa No oatrr wiU be received for any raos on the following conditions:—That »»,S putea, claims, and objections arising out «5l racing shall be decided by the Stewards present. Their decision i&rJB ' points connected with the oarryingoute ff programme eh*U be final. . • Jm ,J Horses msec trot fairly to the s&i&faoawKr the Referees, who shall have powefwjg qualify any horse *or disregard of rfljw**" : i All protests must be accompanied bj '\to*j£ ! 8 sove; which will be forfeited should w» ■<* Jection be conaidered frivolous orvexatwe^ The Stewards reserve 'jo themeeiT«»*r right, U> theerentof bad weather, <£ V&fr mgthemoetinjf. ,_ The Stewards reserve to themselrw "" right of ordering any race to be run in be *^ m Five per cent, will be deducted fjyKw winnings for. expenses, and in tbe ereatwwv wo horses startisg in any race, hall«»»" of the Victorian Trotting <** wiU be adhered to as far as they apply. A. MORTON OLLTVIKB. Hon. Secretary and TteMuret FUTURE MEETINGS WILL BK HKU> .„,. FEBRTJARY--BATUBDAY M^^.

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Press, Volume XLV, Issue 7214, 27 November 1888, Page 8

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Page 8 Advertisements Column 8 Press, Volume XLV, Issue 7214, 27 November 1888, Page 8

Page 8 Advertisements Column 8 Press, Volume XLV, Issue 7214, 27 November 1888, Page 8