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NSW ZJEALAND F_BMKRS' Co-OPERATIVE Abbogiatiqs of C—NTBaao-iT. — The last annual report of this Association occupies a prominent position in the columns of the Scotsman oi inly 25th.

Weather,., Fobbcast.—rCaptain R. A. Edwin "from Well—lgton to the Harbormaster at Lyttelton yesterday afternoon *~' ( North to -west and southwest jjale; glass further fall, and'heavy : rami^'

Kaiapoi Bbidqb.—There seems to be some hitch again in opening this bridge for the passage of vewele up the rive jr. At the last meeting of the Borough Council, •upon the Surveyor's report, it was decided? to pay for the" cartage of timber from "a vessel below the bridge to a store on the up Btreani*sidfi rather thah attempt to open it. AL_iGED M the Ashburton R.if. ", Court Michael _ —Icahy was. brought up charged -with haying _—aulted and beaten John Smith. On the application of tha police he was remanded till to-day. The two men had been living together at Tinwald. "Smith was knocked about a good deal, and. was token to the Hospital, but, his are In itowise serious. •■■■,.•■" ;

~ QesAanairßAL Pjoahtiko. -- Eecently a block of fortyrtwo acres,: which has irom time immemorial' been, looked ■ upon as wgste and barren land; to the north of the : the Kaiapoi Domain, has beep taken up by j Mr G. H, Wearing, who hast much experience in the planting of the Domain, and he has laid out a plantation of 17,000. trees of ail kinds- In a few years it should form a decided improvement to the locality. ' » l__AiJai:cJL_.T-_fr H. N.'-Abbott, the \rel£__own proprietor of the Opera House, Auckland, has arranged for a series of companies to, pay a visit to Zealand during the ensuing fewmonths. The fjrst of. these, F. Ml Clark's AU,,e,tar Variety Company, will open at the Theatre Royal oh the 4th October for two weeks. Mr Abbott passed through Christchurch on Tuesday for Dunedin, to meet the Company, which has arrived from Melbourne, and will accompany them during the—" tour North wards to; Auckland; ~ Saltj .of _.Ad_ 'Pbivilkges.—-Mcbsts J., Mundell and Co. submitted, to auction at their rooms, Geraldine, yesterday, the various privileges in connection with the forthcoming meeting pf the Geraldine facing Club. The following' were the pur-chasers-—Games, J, Hay t ' £3 lajajhorse yards, J. Loach, £Q; refreshment booth, L. Tombs,. .£8 15s; grand stand booth, R. Taylor, £,24 ■, No. 1 booth. J. Anglaad,,£l7So.?booth, T. Markham, JB9; people's stand, G. Fox, £2 2s. The gates and cards were withdrawn for private sale. ~ I#pobtAnt Pbopebtt Same,—An important sale of freehold properties, situate at Temuka, Wjaichester, Albany, Wairaataitaiand Arowhenua, is to be held by Messni Milesp Archer and Co., in con- ! junction with Mr X: F. Gray, on Tuesday, October Sn l , at the Volunteer Hall, Temuka. Full particulars will be found in an advertisement in another column, which is well worthy the' attention of investors, and of persons desirous of acquiring small freehold properties in so favored a district as South Canterbury. ~ . ' Wkebon School Co_Ki*ra_i.~—_ meeting pf this Committee was held on Monday evenmglasis," Present— Messrs T. Gudsell (Chairman), 3s. Thompson, P, Marion, and A. Bell.' The Ground Committee reported that they Sound the school and out-build-ings in a very clean and tidy state, which reflected great credit on the persons who hacl them to keep in order. Also that the fences wanted cutting, which was authorised, Mr Thompson agreeing to do them for 12s It was also decided to award prizes to the children after the next examination. The Chairman waa instructed to write to Mr M'Carten, the Chairman of the Library:.Co*_mifctee, tjo ijee if anything could be done towards getting a readingroom built. Several other small matters in connection withthe school ware dealt with,. and the meeting;< adjourned till the last in' October. ..".;■

Chubch oy Cmis!!.—A Band of Hope entertainment,« over by Mr' T. Manifold, "wag i^ : ,fhe ojuich tf .Christ, Durham street, oh Monday last. -here wm a very good attendance. The programme, which consisted of .songs, recitations, readings, and an address, was both long and interesting. - Bongs were nitfeiy'gfven' by Mini, Tickle, Miss Cfckley, and Mrs Brockett. Two'duets were creditably sung by Miss and Mr- G. Manifold. Miss ,-dft Taylor favored the audience with a; vjql—i. ,solo. Some excellent readings by Messrs Marsh and Biordan were highly r appreciated- The chief feafuj-eof the evening was an addreis by M* -I. W. Shepherd on " The publican's mission, as explained by one o £. them," which was well received. Miss Taylor presided at the organ.

Tbmuka Fabk Boabd.—A special meeting of the Temuka Park Board was held on Tuesday evening, to consider the report of the. Cojajnittee applied, to jraggeafc im--3E*r__ae__.-b __Ce&__-*-_. <_S-a-a,y (C__a__ri__s__i), <i____LZ_, -_c__l -__-rp______L. __*__•_ sub— Oor_k--iiiittee. r J-E&vti-tr-rt ancL ___>p_r__wll, reporiid that they had visited tne ground,

. and their suggestions were embodied in a i reportj which, would Toe read to them by Mr Gaza, who'had' pflßp-ffld i plan and esti_i—ate of same. Briefly they consisted i— • I improvementa to the cricket g*round, pre-: a—j—Hon of two at ! jj—i*fe tennjs courts, the > removal of 'the pa—_to_ from its present' .site to the west end of the ground, and the • general levelling and preparation of the at - p>ueen¥-' -wasteP' por— an. It -—• _— o sag*ge3te4. to fences around the ten-; _l_» The'estimate for the whole of: >. the work amounted to about £50. After ai little discussion it was decided to expend —80 at present, and Messrs Gray, Hay-; bnx?tj .and AgpinaU were appointed —| %oqn4 $jM*' the work carried* "but. Oh the motion of—r Qninn, a hearty! - vote of thanks was passed to Mr Gaze fori the trouble taken by him in the prepara-f ; tkra plab t >AA. buai-j Hess wis* tra-iacted, ana the meeting ter-f iSWflft&i_. lC .: )

de„vere«E afc the Papanui Prasbytutoi Church to-night by Mr S. C. Jo-nrai descriptive of an e_c_r„on to the Wert Coast.

Football Matches.—On Saturday afternoon, football matches will be played he. tweed the C.J.C. Second and _'<__3__ First, at Eiccarton; Albion and Kaa&noi School, at Kaiapoi; and Sydenham JayL nile Druids and Rich—tond Juniors North Park. ~ ' ™ Social Gathebino. —The E Battery of Artillery celebrates its annivfcrj&ry „» holding a social gathering in Hobbj* Buildings this evening. The Commitfc_ in charge have made arrangements to ~i va their patrons a pleasant evening's enter, tainment.

Annual Hobse Parade.—The annual ' parade of stud horses under the auapicea of the Canterbury Atrriaulfcural ajidfjE*. toral Association will take place on. {_£ grounds of the Association on the 2*3* l. instant. Entries must be made with- tin Secretary on or before September 27th.

Fisk Jubilee Singers.—The Papangt Fisk Jubilee Singers will give an eat—, tainment this evening at the Y.M.CjL Hall in aid of the funds of tho Association A very good program _c has been arranged for the occasion.

Aid fob Evicted Tenants.—Mr This, O'DriaeolL of Timaru, local Hon. Secretary to the Committee for raising funds for tha' evicted tenants of Ireland, forwarded »' cheque to the Secretary, Dublin, yesterday for —100, being a first instalment from friends at Timaru.

Personal.—A niarriago, which attracted considerable attention, was oalebrated.ia the Roman Catholic Church, Kaiapoi, terday morning, the bride was Miss __*•• Lynskey, second daughter of Mr H,-'« Lynskey, clerk to the Bench for several of the' northern Courts, and. the bride. :> groom Mr J. Leahy. Hokticultuhal Sooiett.—What pro. mises to be a very successful show of spring flowers takes place to day, under the auspices of the Christchuroh Hortica*. ■ tural Society. The locale of the show wi_\ be the Art Gallery, over Messrs Simpsojr an<l Williams' shop, High street. wSfc a view to adding yet another attraction „ that of a display of flowers the Committee through the kindness of several of our best known amateurs, have been able to arrange N for a very good program_te of ««ss£ ; shi» will take place in the, evening;? _a _._& doubt there will be a jgoodJjr.JiJlßibe&of

g t» EMOVINQ THIS MUD BANKS It* Tl tt AVOW. § City was I yesterdas>e_ t-ore_oval of I [the mud banks in the Avon below the bridge, by means of &1 uicinig. Tha iDelugo steam fire engine has been' ■brought into requisition, and from it». [powerful jet of water brought to play oa sthe outer edge of the deposit of mud, ithereby forcing it into the stream, by hvhich it is carried away. The operation |seeius to be fairly successful, but the work hvould be greatly . expedited if there were S_lore cun-ent in the river, and the redistri. | gbution of the mud over a greater length of f tthe bed would also be attained. " | \— The— evening f consisted of readings and criticisms by j members. The President, Mr Lonargan, i opened the proceedings by reading with good effect, "The Last Days of HarcU" laneum." The rev. chaplain (Father Briand) read an essay on '.'A Page from Macauley's Criticism on Milton." Thi s paper defined very cjearly the nature of v true poetry, described different styles of ver« sifieation Zand the mode of poetical opastraix tion. The essay, which was UttlelfiM thau" a poem in itself, was listened to with marked attention, and greatly, appreciated by the. members. Mr Milner read some selection* from "Paradise Lost," giving the speech of Satan to his legions in good style. —r McCauloff recited a poem of Longfellow's, and Messrs Chase, Holland, and Pope gay« readings from Shakespeare. ■DBAt7Girt'sMATcu.--A draughts match HM

played last Monday evening in the pre*"" mises of the Christchurch Working Men's Club, between a team from Messrs Light*' band, Allan and Co. and some members' of the Club,- ten players on each side. Hi* result left the Lightband team w_ineraby 8 games.—A match was played on Tuesdsf evening at Lyttelton between the lfo_ , j fc „ I Men's Club and the Eanche F*ttas-» when a very .exciting contest re^al—d ja a victory for the V.M.C. by 14 games to 11. - —Tne following will play for tne Christ* church Bicycle Club in their draughts match with the Caledonian Society Is the room • f tho latter to-_igat:—Messrs Alpe," • S. ; Bi„cliff; A. Billcliff, Bej*y> Osborne, Nankivell, Painter, Pickfordi Rowley, Spencer, and Woolf..

A.O.F.—The usual fortnightly meeting of the Court Star of Canterbury was —i— on Monday evening at Oxford Terrace, under the presidency ol Bro. J. R. Davidson, CR. The S.C.B. BW*Ranger wag absent fjorn illrieis, and Tfith the consent of the meeting Bro. S. Samuels, P.C.ft,, occupied the vacaptpoßiiaondr-* ing the evening", the minutes oi thf previous meeting woto confirmed, wit_f the exception that the Courts deck sion "respecting the new' issue - of the Friendly Societies' Journal WM again deferred till the ensuing' meeting in- , October. The Woodwards' report on the sick was received, the minutes of the J/LQimeeting in September confirmed, and t*9 candidates were duly initiated into ti» mysteries of Forestry by the C.E. Sfißjl discussion took place respecting thft tion report lately received by Cow) during which the treasurer and secret—J - gave* some interesting Information M" garding the early history of the Coo** - ! and it was resolved, on the motion of Bro. vVafcts, seconded by P.C.B. WeaMeyttiw the report be printed and circtiWW among .the members closed the. proceedings. j_y«Mags J** ceipts,.£3o. ■.. , v ■ ' -'~',■ Social Eeunion.—Messrs J. BtOlafltyM and Co. gave their\ annual Bddlal ■'*»;.• employes on Monday evehii ifc, m °»= Michael's schoolroom. The Mm P*_; numbered about 200, most of •whom t«* part in the opening item, viz.," The grara march and quadrille," which, ttopt to* stage,-was a pretty sight. The progtaaasa . consisted chiefly of dancing but was inter* spersed with some good _i—lie **j* Spires and Messrs Freeman and Bowlw gave songs, which were highly appreciate* and some first?rate glees were rendered v I a very able' nianner by" Messrs H. «j 1 Johnson, W. fl. Roberts, W. S. Smi&«* J. H. Johnson. Mr Eowley very imfl i played some fine flute uoM, Iby his daughter, ■ #e»ars T. <"»Jr - Fleming provided the insfaHwe»t« »*■*"* in their inimitable' etyle, ana » jag *j Freeman; refreshments, which ~e w*jj scarcely say were vrtM patroniw* - * ioom was very prettily decoratea, ferns .kindly lent by Mr E W. W adding "greatly to <jhe .<#*** Bagatelle and games Were provided wr «r younger harids and the ** ho ]? f_j anangements reflect great credit <>» **" Committee. ~ Vi?B. Queen's Own Looaii, No. 36, ?-V_, ' —The quarterly summoned mM held on Monday evening, Bro. J- ***J_s W.M., in tbe chair. There, w*» *#": attendance of meinhaja. was received from Bro. D. Barrett, r-~* Melbourne; No. 25 Lodge, Dunedin^ ""* a letter from Royal Standard Lodge, sy«£. ham, acknowledging receipt of to attend social meeting. The bos^ waa xxe-rly -ITS* a. ro-_-9 cWfIC-f.^ no Biekness a—<a tlu> S—_<iin« VSE", x—it—£e I—win(j no report "to * 3a *^__—,,« " wi-Jw--_Mi>!ir. attendance of members, and requWW» better attendanca afc the or * i « varTl,, a as ho m m* J& greater interest. "He also P°!r_gtt out that many good mem**-* _jthey get out of work, and mJL able ,tp -iaar tv„r, subscriptww*. *■££ away/ 'ah- get tinnnanc-J; M cases if they would info W the og**)^ would get help, if found vrortny._r. brethren were enabled to *^P_?*L M J_a during the past quarter by havip^ r been T . holding the social gave in which was most satisfactory; several who have kindly promised " T£g • V part were read out, and thoseP 1 ® 6 " 6 !-* evidently satisfied that a treat »_f\ ■ j*for them, as they loudly a J?E waa resolved to hold the 800-4 o_**_i!_| of October. The Lodge was _«*<• »""' o'clock. '

«&£Christian emperance Union S^-3yesterday. MrsPackeaskedf or for the steps tairen !___ Option £ill had now pecoi-» *_ B the general meeting of I gSwS- -S\-Lbers_of the Club and g_s| r^«r_r /his nnva-aog courtesy. sport-n-nUke demeanour having 'Tv-ltfield. the of Uie Eighteenth, Century gKtion," „_ie subject ofatecfcre a the Primitive Methodist Churchf Cambridge_tfirrace, to-night, by Jr. _g T w J. Williams, President of the w«r Conference. -The lecture i_l ooi-me-ce at half-past seven. The of the lecture will be devoted to thY Canterbury Methodist preachers X1 _ Services.—A large gatherin- assembled last -evening in St. Peter's ___fcrterjan Church, Ferry road, for the L-ri^-n g service of the JEvangehftjp Mi-ion, c^nd-cted by Bey. D. McLennan.. *j_ttHT-est and most a-propriate address S_Tgfve_ from the, words, "As-for mc __d»*iy 'h ooae, we will serve the Lord. 15. Tne services were thi~a~_WClse¥r ''appreciated, as well as being accompanied with importaut results. Law- T-nrms Club.—The annual meeting of the T-naru Lawn Tennis Cluo was held yesterday afternoon. The report and balance sheet were satisfactory, the Club starting tbe Reason with a fn __PcrediC Mr G: S. 5 Mathias was mMßimmd, re-elected Ste_d_—o, Guinness, Black, and Morrison Committee. T_e«pe_i_g games are fixed Nrr i_J—sd Protection 3.ssdciAbos.—The usual weekly meeting of the Committee of the above Association was held on T—eeday evening. The t resident occupied The chair, and there was a good ilfrldjllHTrf -fr"" 1 """ Ahirge amount of correspondence was read and disposed sgf-- __ae_fßß the * letter from Mr T. Kennedy Macdonald.the pre—dent of the Industrial Protection L_agf»e. ef New Zealand, informing the C_l—tchurch branch lhat' the rules of the League would be tefiy for distribution to ihe several br—iches" u1 about a week, when . _jey_-ould be" forwarded for their ap-?f_bli-•'^__n-tl<)nswere ; -f-keh for -the 3_*rs and Committee ipr the ensuing year. The draft report or the Committee, prepared by the Secretary, to be submitted to the annual meeting, which takes place __#**«_> of. The meeting then adjourned. D—iTH of Mr J. GFebbik. —Besidents of ("_iterbui— v will regret to hear of the death of Mr John Gebbie.'of Gebbie's j Valley, which took place suddenly from heart disease yesterday. Mr Gebbie was - bw_'_i_B4o i_ -here his parents had arrived a few months before, being among the earUest oolonirtfc A yea? or /two afterwards Mr GebbfisV"f-ther came to- Canterbury, and j —aa manager of Mr Deans' estate, at ] Biccarton. Mr John Gebbie took up the ITOk-irte*)ihwr» bis.. name,*i ; _*bb«*s Valley in 18*4 or 1865, and subsequently became widely'_ tnowh in the district! on account of the interest he took in public matters, and his many sterling qualities as a goo4.colonist. He was a Director of Company, Chair--Mtttf t>« Jocal School a _«___■ of the Little Elver 'Road Board,

•RAMlPief *hp .*«»* Jjery Licensing Co*nj m—tee. For a few years he was a member of _-___*» County Council, and aiso of the Lake Trust. He was also a life member of the Agriemt_ral and Pastoral AssopjntjT The end came somewhat suddenly-; _SF<Se-biß was apparently-rh -awnt hw usual health on Sunday, but on Tuesday, as he was evidently a_ing; medical assistance was, obtained. It , was, not then thought there was any Imminent danger, but yesterday Mr Gebbie became worse, .- *nd died. The token by, Stondish and Preece so-? acknowleuKed to be the most bese«___swi4ri. the Papanra Lodge intend to celebrate their anniverss—y by a social dance in, the Town Hall, Papanui, to-—enow'evening, "When, if fine, a pleasant evening should be spent, . ~ Ac_Ne*t*__job—bjw. — Mrsiipe— btendent T—-ton wishes to acknowledge with thanks the receive*.aisbetiu* top£f ss from .Mrs Jones, tor services rendered by the brigade at the fire an her premises on Monday. Th_ P—stou—l Finance Trust and Agency £amgASY, Umjtep,— Notice is drawn to the r *_t__v_-tl6ement of the pcospacH- .of tic above Company in the issue of the Pbess _ Wednesday-in each week, aad in eachissue »t the " Weekly Press." Acland, Barns and Co-agents.

at WowiiG-rrfEhe K——i_B of Mrs Flora Lindsay Ritchie, the wife -«t Mr David O. Mta_&j PeHow and Tutor of Jesus College, who died at Oxford recently, have been cremated at the fbsildiigfif w» Cremation ociety of J¥g__d at Woking'. This was in accordance tfffrtte 4eo__ed lady's epacial deai-i. "Prior to _— body_l>ei—g ta-frf - to the cre__—xi—n there was a service at Mr Jrtekjf'l )vm, whish waa.atUttM.hj about fifty friends, including the Master of $fcUM <E_iessor JEowefct},: Jgrqfessor Max Mper, Frofessor Rhys,'Dr. _.. H. Man%y;Ac The co— covered with »wreato (t of the choicest flowers sent by l-W_Cia<i __eag them was one frbm &te "-embers of the Oxford Women's Liberal Association, of which Mrs Ritchie was the ■Mrsteett_yi In conjunct-— with MHs MaadonalA * -

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Press, Volume XLV, Issue 7158, 20 September 1888, Page 4

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NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume XLV, Issue 7158, 20 September 1888, Page 4

NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume XLV, Issue 7158, 20 September 1888, Page 4