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Business Notices ■pROPERTIES TR OR CALE, HV H. L. BOWKER, MARKET PLACE. LINWOOD-I am instructed to disposo of tha unsold Sections in this favorite subftrb ; tbo prices n_d uru oxtremely moderate, and tho terms can be made to suit buyers. Now ia tho timo fur those desirons to bnlld to avail themselves of tho Very low price of building materials and labor. Never before In tho history of thi3 province could — good a houso bo erected for „ ttlo money ; but with our West) Coast Hail way a certainly, and the expected flow of Victorian capital to New /.ealand, a few mouths may alter this, nnd a eon- > aldcrablo rise lake place, both in land and buildings. Tho _ who neglect to seize the opportunity of buying ia the prose ut, low markeo will revtret when the rise comes \ that they did not avail themselves of the opportunities that wero ! open to , Sections Nos. 3 and 3, Armagh street, I-uere and 6 perches, £-0 — eh. Section No. 6, Armagh street, J-acre and 5 i perohes, £75. 1 Sections No. 16, 19, 20, and __. Withers » street, uontalnluK from i-aere and 8 perches to i-acro und 20 perehee, __ en eh. Sections _ o_. 33 aud 3_, lloUcslon «u-eet-cach l-acrc, £do and iKS each. Sections Nos. a_ ami aJ, St. James sire—, £Sooach. Seotions iS. -J. 30, and 31, Can— Reserve, £70 to £7. each. Alto, that Grand Corner Portion, nbou.4 1 aero in extent, opposuo tho rosidence of \Y, P. Cowllshaw, Esq* and having f rot,tug eto tho Riv«r, Canal Reserve, and St. Jauu_ street—a maguiileont site for a residence: *_t). PAPANUI RUAU—Seotuton Sections; only ■ of these sections remain unsold, four j-aeroa iv one block, having frouuigo to Fiahor street) over! chains; i-acro corner —ay „ roud ond Worcester Btreet, ono i-acro Tomes -Uoet. Terms, —0 cash, balaucu can remain, or pay ' for tbo section, aud the money will be advanced to buihl. LINWOOD— Fronting Tuaiu strott; 1 BccUun, M links frontage, £U">; ju.t otf Tuaiu street, two Section- each 7.5 links frontage ; ono a corner £30 and £36 each; und 1 lohh, each (JO links frontage, __~ _tf, i_, £_i each. TO GARDENERS—Or any one in search of an investment eotnbi_u_ prof— «uid pleasure, 1 have for sale, distant about ]_ miles from the City, nearly 3 acres laud, having frontage to road and river, all in garden aud orchard, full-boaring fruit trees of every description in abundance, two vineries (COft X lGft aud UOft by l.'it), two euoiunbei* houses, with tanks in each; house 5 rooms, built on concrete foum't—ona. iron roof, verandah, water supply by rani to houso and vinery, utaliU*-trapbou-O, aud two sloroi-ooinS. The prico I am instructed to soil this magnidc.nt property—r ia a. ridiculously low one. Price, cards to view, aud further particulars, on application. SYDENHAM-King street; Section SOft frontage, fenced with macrocarpa, house 7 rooms, verandah. Iron roof, water and gas laid on, *-, re„_«r3 aud range, bath. Sec, i'rice, _<X>. OXFORD TERRACE. EAST—Next Forest*—' Hall; Section with 2-storey house, 8 rooms, iron roof. Prico, _—. NORTH BELT—.-Acre, In garden, scrubs*, and fruit trees, first-class house of » rooms, scullery, wo*h-bouse, stable, loft and harnoss-rootu, Sea. The house is fltted with every convenience. For cords to- view apply at ottlce. ST. MARTIN'S—Near Wilson's Bridge .2| Acres in paddock, gArdan, &_., houso containing 8 rooms, ylastered, ami allcouvouieu.jes, stables, &c. £775. - , -, TUAM STREET EAST—Just below Lake* Boot Factory; i-Acro leiiso, from Church Property Trustees, about) *_ years to run ; ground, runt .ill'S per annum, on, wliich ore erected a houses of G, 5, and 3 rooms each, it-La/Sing in Us, and Us, respectively. , £173, WOOLSTON—J-Aero, close. to Station, fenced. food garavna!-— .-.'orchard, house rooms. £800; £6. cash. TO BAKERS—Country Towuahlp, Wc3t Coast) road _ J-Acre, on which is erected a concrete and brick houso. uf 11 rooms,' 2 registers and range, stable and chatf-house, cart, shod, granary, and loft, btjckovoa anbakehouse, £360; most easy terms, MONEY TO LEND "ON." -- . * Xb'du—e'nt Rates. __ Cton TByanee.. ~ _ j._ v. _ j i . . . . —■-—..—■!■- him -i--_r HOT SPRINGS, HANMErPLAIIfa a COACH will Leave COOPEIi'S CU_ A VERDEN HOTEL EVERY SAT U ItBAY, on arrival of the Midday Train from Christchureh. Returning on MONDAY In time to catch the 2.-5 p.m. train for Christchureh, until further notico. Return tickets are i-suoa at Ghr_.t_mr— Railway Station every (Saturday, to Include coach and railway faro. First Class, 30a. Tickets available for return for four weokflj from Monday after date of Issue. FOR WAIAU. A Coach will Leave Uooper'a Culverden Hotel EVERY WED-——>aY, on arrivalot Train iroim Chris teh urch, return ing on THURSDAY in \ti_uo to catch tha'A* p m. train for Christchureh. ; Return Fores, 10s. In connection with the abovo coaches I hasve Saddle Horses and Buggies, always to bo hfl<l on Hire at a Reasonable Charge. Paroela and Telegrams attended to. W H. COOPER, 7524 ' Proprietor _■ HOT SPRINGS, BANKER PLAINS AND WAIAU. BY ROYAL MAIL COACH. A COACH leaves Culverden Every Tuesdaf oaarrival of mid-day Train from Christ, church, returning on Thursday in tilde ta catch tbe -.15 p.m. Train for Christchureh. Through Return Tickets are is—ed at Christchurch Railway Station Every Tuesday; — include Coach ahd Rah way Fare. l-tST CLASS .-,„.. - ■-„ Tickets available for Return for FOUR WEEKS from Thursday after date of issue. FOR WAIAU. '" A COACH leaves Culverden for .Waiau every Monday, Wednesday, Thursdaj* and Saturday on arrival of mid-day Train from Chrbtchuxch, returning on Mondays, XU—dajfs, Thi_f—lays and Fridays, leavim. v **lwi at 12 noon, In tune to catch the 2,15 p.mTraia for Christchureh. .. In ooa—otioa with thp. above line 1 have Sne-ial Coaches, Donbio and Single B-ggi— and Wagijon'ette-, and Saddle Hontosoa yon** diate hire. Orders... th— ugh post or Wife ' —soaiv» prompt, attention. Special attention given to passeuKere, and parcels forwaraeilfft/ aeuverywrooaa-. THOS# DERI _ETf, 924_ "• Proprietfflf. GaYBIINOR'S BAY COACH. A BTKR MAX -oth, until carther notioe. A* DAY-COACH Mil GChi TLIK__AY3. T -ItIDA-S, and SATURDAYS, leavtog Lytteltou StaUon at. 9.30 a.m. and 4.J0 p-n. —*ving Governor's Bay at B.*»a.n_.and 3.1 a p.m. W. R. T'-AJrl-, , Mitre Hotel. Lyttelton; - - 9204 , ""' or -ovetn-rirl-a^^ LONGBEACH ROYXI MAIL .OACH, rfAHE above Coach __,yes Long—ach Dailjr t (Sunaays excepted) fos Asnourtoo, ivtUU aan.; Wat—ton, &__,_.; Ashtan, -._> a.-o_; WheatßU*ne, *_>4a aaa,; arrtvnig. at AahO—toa In time-f—the exprese train from Chriainh-rch to Timaru and Dunedin. The Coach leaves the PostOtilc. Ac 4.50 pj_, arriving at Long—aoti at 7.30 p.m. All parcels entrusted to the Pro-nripU-r will be promptly delivered at their variousdestlnatlc-— Pa_enger f-_*ea—ThWvah nlnc-la fia: retUTU, B~> b-_h{iu,«i. ioiu--. BOND, Proprietor. and "__-u--~ao___3 RAILWAY. MOUNT -WMKR-TaND ROY AL MAIL COACH. _ THE above COACH LEAVES HocdVßobd for Caveßdiah _ulway Station EV__t MUR-UNQ and EYiiNING. meeting; eaoh train. '•' ■■"> '■• -'1 i Parcela and Orders «111: receive every attention. Horses and Bustdes oo Hire. MOUNTSO__i__l AND METHVEN ROYAIf MAI— I'QAt'H. A COACH RUNS each TUESDAY, THUR* DAY and SATURDAY, starctog ac _oan crom Ho—'• H—«L Mount aonwjra, for Springburn aud Alford Forest, thore connecting wl _ DnlTa Coach from Methven. re_rnloS W evening, . FA-Uca: Sp irta«l_—, —: te tm ra __ AU©—Sara-*, 4>; return ---j. "Inj-NTUNN-aTi^-^.'jjw^^ l ! j * MA_.C<— A whisUe House and __m WS -tDA¥ ««»4__» even attradedto. . nIEBIU-TT. • w ..*■'.' :..- .:•?» ** *7__prlei—.Coalgab^,

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Press, Volume XLV, Issue 7142, 1 September 1888, Page 7

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Page 7 Advertisements Column 5 Press, Volume XLV, Issue 7142, 1 September 1888, Page 7

Page 7 Advertisements Column 5 Press, Volume XLV, Issue 7142, 1 September 1888, Page 7