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•'—- — Yesterday's Pabwambkt.—The P* ceedings in Parliament yesterday w foraal character. The Gisborne B*«*J Bill and Mokau BUI passed their B»J stages. Parliament formally for a week, and in the meantime tbJFJ rogation will take place by proclaim**" the Gazette, Li «t» Fabchls PosT.-The G*Temm^ trying to arrange with the etevaliC panics for a parcels post between *%££ and the colonies. Snch an * n *rjV £> would be a great convenience, *?<**L to be hoped the Government will b *'*\£f a l ;arry the negotiations to a issue. We understand that the jompanies are prepared to afford t m very te/me-, , - FBKioHTS.-One of the e^ 1 panics received a telegram yesterday stating "Bates of freign«»" _^. [orise. Bates of freight are Brhere." We presume *? bhe language arisea from tne w< words have been need to caarej v» iage.

Rjmiton * Clifton, wi« "° tittiaff wiU not Uke hotel, • The Shades," has WA place of ® fofsomeyears noon. Th< *°Uoinn«r Brown, transelection of »^£2^d KiSSi thai Councillor Prndhoe will come forward for w^ecfamj 1 jJffljtffi&K the Hon. Treasurer T!sri£down his balance-sheet, which will £!!2«ented at the annual meeting of the ifJtoWrow night. It is report*!that of this club are in a very state, and the prospects for the eaninjr season most encouraging, KOTTAimrast.-Mr E. YT. Seagergave «n entertainment on Wednesday evening 2*the Hospital, which was very much appreciated by the patients. It comprised a jSof diLlvingViews illustrate oa tonr through Roland, Ireland and ScotI descriptive lecture. The beds *a the bedridden patients were so arranged lat they could both see the views and Sr the lecture. Mr Seager has kindly evented to give a second entertainment '*sen!m2L Allowakcm to School CoM«TT«KS.-The Building* Committee trf the North Canterbury Education Board Km had this question under consideration, v> Penman presented a list of the charges which should come within the meaning of meJdental allowances, and its approval w deferred pending the decision of the Board iteelf. Owing to the quantity of ZZZt business, the Board was unable to fiusss the return, which will probably be joe of the first items at the next«. eeting. X MsJJf Trick.—During Wednesday a«At Mr Jas. Hayward, of Kaiapoi Island, losta portion of a plough which had been Sk m the paddock. When hia hands went toitart work on Thursday morning they JißcoTered the theft, and ploughing for flat day was suspended, as it became necessary for a man to visit Messrs Duntan and eet another piece cast. Wβ are informed this is not the first time that article* have been removed from Mr Hayward'e paddock. i lUselO&A HoBTICTTLTTTBAIj SOCIETY. — ■The annual meeting of the members of tins Society was to have been held on •Wednesday evening, but in consequence of tie small attendance, only five persons ban* present, it fell through. Much less interest than usual waa manifested in tne Society last year both by exhibitor* and the general public, and unless some energetic people take it up the probabilities are that the Society will remain in abeyance for the season. StrraxxE Codet.—The civil sitting of the Supreme Court was resumed yesterday norning, when the case of Bruntonv Clifton ■ad the N.Z. Loan and Mercantile Agency Company was commenced. The plaintiff ionghtto recover damages for he alleged breach of agreement on the part of the defendants to allow him to take rabbits cm the clarence run for food for a number 'of ferrets plaintiff had contracted to feed for the purpose of clearing the run. The aae was heard before his Honor and a Special Jury of four, and was not conjluded when the Court rose. ' Lutsk Box at Bangiosa. Bjltlway Station. —A receiving box has been placed it this station, which, it appears, is cleared % wjinntp before the departure of the trains, md the letters are then taken to the local poet-office before being forwarded. Thus, «letter posted for Christchurch at this receiving box at 2 or S p.m. will be taken fromthe box to the office at 6.10 pjn., and forwarded to the City by tie first train in the morning. The recommendation of a sorrespondeat to have a letter box on the

train would enable a letter posted at Baneiora in the train at 6.10 p.m., to be placed En the private boxes of the Post Office at i p.m. the same day. larTXßKtrcriNe ths Dhbatb.—During the continuance of the hail-showers that fell last evening, the noise made by the stones beating on the roof of the library at Christ's ( ollege, when the meeting of the XHocesan Synod was taking place, was such as to prevent the members in po&sessiqn of tiie floor from continuing their remarks. A little diversion was also caused by the efforte of the gentlemen sitting at the centre table to shelter themselves from the tuuLftonea that found their way into the building under the ridge cap. Later ois eatne the shock of earthquake to further diversify the proceedings, but this did not in any way disconcert the Very Bey. the Dean, who happened to be addressing the SyßodV Tot Chttbchof Exglakd CisamtßY. — l k notice of motion was given last night at tiri Synod bj Mr G. Mclntyre to the effect that the tonra parishes should be asked to M6md tibe monies wrongfully paid to them to* the Ceaetery Board, or failing their Ifliliiyraio so to arrange with ike Board to treit the menies as held by them on loan «t atweet Mr Mclntyre will further BKnre that ther cemetery belongs to the dnjstdmreh district, and thai the tshole tf the funds at the disposal of the Ceme tery Board from time to time should be fpl'ed only to purposes direclly con Meted with the cemetery and its main .tetaooe antil otherwise ordered by the -Srnod; jbe motions are set down for conUriffajion to day. .^Cjcuho.—Tne annual meeting of the raoeer Bicycle Club was held last night. Awwfing to its report, it possessee eighty'J™** active members, and has a credit M*Bce on the ordinary account of .£l2O 9s W«- 3tn the course of the evening Mr A. *e*ry« the retiring captain, was presented *fth * handsome gold chronograph. On ttecptgide of the front case Mr Lowry's ■neogram had been engraved, and inside **f the inscription, " Presented to Alex. **wry by the members of the Pioneer Bicycle Club in recognition of past aerWoe. Christchurch, N.Z., 1888." During

Bx lovry'e term of office, first as secretary yd then as captain, the Club has risen ■Oβ a scare of members with a debit «aaee to over four score, with the credit ••toted above. : Jtaiiv^K.—Monday last, 27th. inst., was *pwatedior the Storm-water Committee oftheA&burton County Council to visit *■» Methven district, which haa lately ••wed heavily through storm-water. JJWy Messrs Holmes and Brown attended. «ey were accompanied by Mr H. FriedWfler and the County Engineer. Though »j«Mic notice had been given, there was *WRe attendance of residents in the district, Bnder the impression that there was £fee a meeting to consider the question of eamage, whicn iras not the case, the afterbang foUy ocenpfed in visiting the F*«awhere the chief damage takes place ABeetrGg of ratepayere has been Sailed iJW^kS 5 y **• Chairman of the MountHuttKoed Boarf, b> prepare resoluBSSSPeaw

PxBSOKAXt,—Mr Crombfe, Deputy Commissioner of Property Tax, is at present on a visit to Christchorch op, business connected with the Department. He will leave for Ashburton and Timaruby the express to-day. IweracTOßa , SAiAKise.—Thfr Education Board this afternoon decided in favor of the Inspectors receiving in salaries the sum of .£450 a year eaoh. School foe Xkw Beichton. —An application for a school near the New Brighton beach has been deferred by the Education Board pending information from the Government a3 to any grant for school buildings. Peopkbtt Tax Assessobs. — The appointment of Property Tax Assessors for die various Eoad Board Districts and |tn Board Districts in Canterbury appear elsewhere. Those for the boroughs ia*e not yet been appointed. Draughts Match. —The following will epresent the City Gnarde in their match gainst the C.B.C. this evening in the com of the former:—Sergeants Lavery nd Willis, Privates Whitford, Harris, J. Wright, Hodgson, McGinaty, and BeHfes. . Diocesas Synod.—The most important rosiness transacted by the Synod yesteray was the consideration of the Primate s notion for the appointment of a Committee to consider the matters in dispute between the Church Property Trustees and the English debenture holders. After a lengthy discussion the motion was carried without dissent. Eaintall. —The rainfall at tne KanCiora High School for the week ending Thursday, August 30th, was .517 in, made up as follows:— Friday, 24th, .08in, wind NE to N.W.; Saturday, 25th, .013 in (bail and rain), wind W.; Tuesday, 28th, 265 in, wind S.W.; Wednesday, 29th, ,022 in, wind S.W.; Thursday, 30th, .137 in, wind N.W. to W. (snow and rain): The measurements are taken abont 8.45 a.m. Note The rainfall for the 24th inst. is only approximate, as the violent gale overturned the rain-gauge. Inqubst.—An inquest was held yesterday on the body of the boy Jas. Gibson, who fell from and was run over by a dray on the Eacecourse road on Wednesday. The inquiry was held at the Hospital, be fore Mr Beetham, Coroner, and a jury. A verdict of "Accidental death" was re turned, Members Rbtubotsg.—By the s.s. Penguin, from Wellington, yesterday morning, the following members were passengers:— Hone. G. McLean and W. H. Reynolds, M.L.C.'s, Messrs A. P. O'Callaghan (Lincoln), E. M. Taylor (Sydenham), E. J. Seddon iKumara), T. Duncan (Waitaki), W. D. Stewart (Dunedin West), E. J. H. Beeves (Inangahua), and J. McKenzie (Waihemo). Goo© 1 kmplabt. — The Good Intent Lodge, Rangiora, held an open meeting on Wednesday evening, when there was a full attendance, W.C.T. Bro. T. Mardon, presiding. After the usual ceremonies the doors were thrown open and visitors admitted. Songa, recitations, and speeches were the ordei' of the evening and to the latter the Eevs. A. Peters and J. Smellie each contributed. A pleasant evening was spent and the company broke up in good time and in good spirits. I The Weathse. —The weather in Christchurch yesterday was very cold and squally with frequent showers of hail. Last evening one or two exceptionally fierce squalls passed over the town, and the ground was white with hail. Very heavy rain fell in Ashburton during Wednesday night, and the weather was exceedingly cold and boisterous yesterday. There was a further fall of about three inches of snow at Mount Somers, while over towards Alford I'orest, Mount Hutt and Methven there was an unusually heavy fall of snow. Workup- Men's Cittb. —The members of the dramatic class of the Working Men's i lub are to be congratulated on the success attending their production last night of Pettit and Conquest's sensational drama of " Neck or Nothing." The plot of the piece is well worked out, the main incidents turning on events taking place in the Crimea during the Eussian war. The piece was excellently staged, and Mr A. Ingleson deserves very great credit for the really good scenery painted for the occasion. Though here and there the voice of the prompter was heard in the land, the various parts were well sustained. Miss T.4lin.« Carlyle made a good Nadine, but was somewhat lacking in spirit in her acting, particularly in the scenes with her lover. Miss Sarah Porteous as the Countess Woronzoff was good, as was also Mrs German in the character of Mrs Bull. Mr F. Norton ecored a decided success as Paul Davenant, acting throughout with much spirit and effect. Mr German was exceedingly funny as M. Grenouille; a Frenchman whose knowledge of idiomatic English is very slight. Mr Davidson as Colonel Egerton was appropriately military, and Mr Ingleson made a good deal out of the part of Mr Bull. The remainder of the characters, especially Mr Wykes as Mr Davenant and Mr Askey as an Irish soldier, were well filled. By special request the performance will be repeated in a month's time. Notice to Jurors.—The common jurors summoned for Monday next at the Supreme Court will not be required to attend. North-East Ward.—The ratepayers of the above ward will meet at the Siar and Garter to-morrow evening, to consult upon the desirableness of selecting a fitting candidate to represent the ward Iα the City Council. Wakato Gold Mixing Company.—A meeting of the shareholders of the Wakatu United Gold Mining Com piny will beheld at Warner's Hotel this evening, Dα meet Mr Reeves, the IdSCTUBB.—A lecture wOl be delivered this evening, at the Sydenham We&leyaii School, by the Rev. C. H. .Bradbury. Concert.—The concert in aid of the prize fund tt the West Chrietchiirch School will take place this evening at the Oddfellows' Hall. A verygocd programme has been arranged for t"h& OOCA3iOn. St. Albans Bokough Schools.—There will be a concert this evening at the Main School. piven by the scholars attending; the main and aide schools, and at its conclusion prizes -mill be given to all scholars who successfully passed tne examination conducted by Mr L. B. Wood, Inspector for the Board of i£ducation. Tne pioceeds of the concert will be devoted to the prize fund, and the Committee trust that every parent will be present, and show that they take an interest 'n tixe ■welfare of the ! school. J Acknowlkdgmkxt.—Mr Herrick desires to acknowledge tho following donations daring the week for the Mission Homo:—Mrs Kd. Williams, sonp; Miss Hastings, parcel clothes; no name, parcel clothes: Mr Fisher, men's clothes; bread from a friend; Mr Gimblett, Colombo street, vegetables and apples; "Bread Company, bread; Mr Grubb, hats: Mise Grigj, clothing; Mrs Gibbs, jam: Chrystalland Co., bag sugar; Messrs Cooper. Hopkins, and Lane, meat; Mrs L. B. Ward, parcele clothes; anonymous, parcel (V.M.C.A.); anonymous, do women's clothes; confectioner, scones and pies : Mrs Willcox. children's clothes. For Chilblains Pains, Baxter's Anodyne Liniment id unequalled. For Chapped Hands, use Baxter's Dettergent and Emollient. For Throat and Chest Complaints, use Baxter's Lung Preserver. As a Blood Purifier, Baxter's Alterative Elixir is unequalled.—{Ad vr.l Strakge ComciDEHCE.—The Emperor William's age at the time of his death (91) vas exactly that of the united ages oi his son Frederick 5(3), his grandson William 11. (29), and his great grandson, the present Crown Prince (6) —a curious coincidence, which, has seldom, if ever, been equalled. A MoKBTDt op the Drkp.—The crew of a Peterheadboat, Morning Star, recently had a strange tale to tell on their arrival at Lerwick from the fishing ground. The boat was fishing at Cullivoe Tell, and it appears that when about 25 miles North ancl West of Flusrga Light, Unst, the crew observed a strange looking monster on their bow. Ihe description the men gave of this monster is as f qjlows:—The animal was about 4Qft long, and had a hump abont the size of a barrel on its shoulders, which sometimes took the form of a horse's head, and again looked like three horns, and displayed all the tints of the rainbow. The monster had a fin about amidships and one close to its tail. It aopeared to be as afraid of the boat as the men were of it, for it gradually drew away, plodding its way slowly through the water with head and tail sunk, until it vanished out of sight. Such is the latest description of the great sea serpent. It is a curious fact that this fabled monster has greatly decreased in stature since it last appeared on the Shetland coast six years ago, when it was stated to be 150 ft long. Now it is only 40ft. On that occasion the fiahermen said that it made for the boat, which it could easily have taken into its immense mouth, and was only prevented from taking the choice mouthful by a charge of email shot which waa sent down .its throaft

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Press, Volume XLV, Issue 7141, 31 August 1888, Page 4

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NEWS ON THE DAY. Press, Volume XLV, Issue 7141, 31 August 1888, Page 4

NEWS ON THE DAY. Press, Volume XLV, Issue 7141, 31 August 1888, Page 4