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LIVE STOCK, &c. REPORT. Messrs Matson and Co. report on the live stock market for the week ending Thursday, August 30th, 1888, as follows;— For yesterday's Addington market the entry ot fat sheep was rather larger than for several weeks past, the bulk coming to hand by rail, and a considerable proportion from north- The quality on the whole was somewhat below the average, crossbred ewes, light-weight mixed crossbreds, and merino wethers predominating. Among the wethers on offer there were several lines of really prime sheep, but these were the exceptions and not the rule. Althongh just a fair demand existed for export, the market opened a little easier than last week, exchanges up to the middle of the sale taking place on lines of a drop of from 6d to 9d: per head. Towards the close competition became rather more general, and the slight falling off in values was leas marked—in fact, one or two of the best lines of sheep sold almost up to last week's quotations, notably Messrs Gould and Cameron's crossbreds; but on the whole trade was a shade quieter, though not sufficient to disturb late quotations of 3d per lb for the best lines of wethers ; other classes 2Jd to 2Jd. Messrs Gould and Cameron's ewes as above mentioned we placed at 15s 4d and 153 10d for crossbreds, naif breds at 13s 8d to 15s; account Mr W. A. Adams, merino wethers at 11s 6d to lls 10d; account Mr R. Daley, crossbred wethers at 14s 10d to 15s 2d, half breds at 13s 9d to 14s 9d; account Mr Mason, crossbred wethers at 13s 9d; account Mr Jno. Dtans, a small pen of extra heavy weight ewes at 21s; account Mr H. McConnell, crossbred wethers, 14s 4d to 14s 9d; account Mr S. Smart, crossbred wethers at 14s 9d to 15s 6d; account Mr E. Feather, mixed crossbreds at 14s 9d to 15s 3d, halfbreds at 15s; account Mr J. Ballantyne, half bred Down two tooths at 12s to 13s 3d, &c, equal to quotations per lb as above. The supply of store sheep was confined to three or four small lines, medium class hoggets selling up to 8e 10d, crossbred, in lamb, at 8s 6d, crossbreds of mixed ages at 8s 9d to 10a Id. At the latter price we sold a small consignment for Mr Badford, as also merino wethers in forward condition for Air Adams at 7s 10d. Yesterday was the inauguration of the fat lamb season, Mr M. Ryan being the first in the market. His lambs were certainly very prime, although early, and exemplified, the fact that they must have had a lot of attention at the hands of the owner. They sold at from 13s to 15s, and were well worth the money. There was another pen on offer, which also sold up to 13s. In the Ashburton district extensive transactions in sheep are taking place, as proved by the following exchanges, which hare been brought about by our local agent there, MrD. Thomas:—Account Mr D. Morrow, 645 crossbred wethers at Bs, 350 merino wethers at 15s ; from the Westerfield Estate, 2200 mixed crossbreds at a price withheld; account Mr Lyatt, 1200 fat crossbreds, price withheld; account Mr J. Kemp, 800 fat crossbreds at 16s 6d; account Mr J. McDonnell, 700 crossbred ewes in lamb at lls 6d; account Mr Saull, 1900 merino ewes in lamb at 6s 6d; account a client, 800 merino ewes at 6s 10d. We are also informed that the demand is very active. Store Cattle—The yards were fairly well filled, but the general entry was made up of odd cows and heifers, with here and there a pen of young cattle. We had a large entry, nearly all of which changed hands at fairly satisfactory prices :—Three-year-old steers, £3 15s to £4 ss; eighteen months old cattle, 30s per head. A large number of odd beasts at various prices. Dairy Cattle — Large entry; slightly better demand. Good cows, £6 to £7 10s each; second qualify, £3 to £4 10s each. Private Sale—Privately 132 head of two-year-old steers at a satisfactory price. Also several lines of fat sheep for export. Fat Cattle—Entry not so large as the previous week, several lines of prime steers and heifers being yarded, which met with good competition at up to 20s per lOOlbs. Our principal sales are as follows :—On account Mr Wm. Birdling, 14 prime heifers—4 we sold privately at £10 10s per head—by far away the best heifers that we have had the pleasure of selling for some considerable time; the balance of this consignment we sold as follows :— 3 at £710s each, 3 at £617s 6d each, 2 at £717s 6d each, 2 - at £8 5s each; acconnt Mr Harrison, 8 heifers at £6 as each; account Mr Green, a line of heifers from £4 to £517s 6d each; account Mr Edward Farnham, 20 heifers as follows, 1 at £6 ss, 4 at £517s 6d, 1 at £7 12s 6d, 1 at £7 ss, lat £8 2s, 5 at £5 7s 6d, 4 at £5 as, 2 at £4 to £4 7e 6d each; account Mr Scott, heifers at £4 each; account Mr Hicks, heifers at £5 ! 10s each; account Mr T. Dawson, cow a£ £710s; account Mr Barnett, cows at £6 5s each. ! Yeal —Aboiit 20 calves yarded; fairly good demand; best, 183 to 25s each; medium lots, 8s to 10s each. Pigs —The pig market at Addington i yesterday, which by the way, presented j out a moderate entry, was easier in tone, cu,rers having now become apathetic ! though the lateness of the season. All - lots were cleared, but prices were certainly I more in favor of buyers, and as fat lambs become more plentiful so will the demand for porkers fall off. and the curing season soon come to an end. Our lines were cleared as under:—2 at 465, 2 at 355, 1 at 655, 4 at 483, 5 at 26e, 6 at B»6d, 4 at 255, t> at 265, 2 at 245, 5 at Bs, &c. The totals yarded for the day comprised 4712 sheep, 304 head of cattle, and 132 pigs, of which our entry included 10z2 sheep, 162 head of cattle, and 42 pigs for Messrs Gonld and Oameron, W. A. Adams, E. Feather, Rowley, S. Smart, F. Mason, Jno. Deans, Hv. McConnell, J. Ballantyne, E. Radford," T. Slattery, J. Patchett,P. Kilbride,M.Ryan, W. Brick, W. Oliff, R. Tomline, H. GloVer, J. Gaskin, T. Earnshaw, R. Nesbitt, J. Ross, G. Partridge, T. Turnbull, W. Bird ling, H. Harris, J. Green, E. Parnham, .7. Scott, F. Hicks, T. Dawson, J. Eaglesome, F. Ashworth, H. Smith, J. Green. A. Grant, W. Gilmour, G. Dickenson, J. Griffiths, Field Bros., D. Moorhouse, J. Sparks, J. Gorman, P. Kerry, T. Higham, F. Brown, C. Jcbson, F. 3fc"!voe, C. Nelson, A. Scott, J. Morrison, M. Foley, W. May, R. Tubman, E. Burrows, W. Wright, Jno. Wright, A. Cadbury, C. Ware, W. Wails, L. C. Gardiner, F. Thrower, J. Gunn, F. Keogh, and others. Canterbury Horse Market—For our last Saturday's Tattersall's sale about 52 horses came to hand, chiefly light sorts as of late, with one or two small consignments of draught stock. The sale opened fairly well, most of the special entries—in fact, nearly all the more useful classes—being sold, prices being about on a par with late ruling rates. The inquiry for draught stock, however, is still by no means ex tensive, and under these circumstances there is no material improvement; in values to record as yet. This is certainly due in some measure to the second and third rate description of the horses coming forward for sale, and we have no doubt but that a better class of stock would bring about a more healthy and general demand. On Saturday aged plough horses brought £10 to £12, light horses of a very medium stamp £S to £10, inferior £4 to £6. In unbroken colts "we sold a useful three-year-old colt at £16, besides disposing of a fair proportion of our general entries, both in horses and goods, at current ratfis. Wool. Sheepskins, Hides, Rough Fat and Tallow—On Thursday last, at our Canterbury Wool and Grain Stores, we held our usual weekly sale of the above. There was a full attendance of the trade present, and with good brisk competition we cleared the ■whole of our catalogues at most satisfactory prices. Our entry for the week comprised 3679 sheepskins, 59 bags rough fat and tallow, 76 oxhides and calfskins. In sheepskins prices ruled higher all round. Best butchers' crossbreds brought from ss, 5s 4d, 5s Bd, 5s 8d 6s, 6s Id, 6s 2d, 6s 5d to 6s 8d each, second , quality 4s, 4s 3d, 4s 6d to 4s 10d each; best butchers' merinos 4s. 4e 3d, 4s 6d to Sβ Id

each, second quality 35,13 s 3d to3s6d each. A large number of country skins in, which sold well at up to 5d per lb. Factory skins —Privately we have sold several large lines at good prices. Rough fat—Brisk competition, all sold at from lgd to ljjd per lb. Hides at last week's rates. Merchandise Sale—On Tuesday last, at the Colonists' Hall, Lyttelton, we had the pleasure of conducting a sale of Japanese manufactures and art productions, on j account of the Director of the Museum of i Art and Manufactures, Kobe Hiogo, Japan. The catalogue comprised 427 lots, all of which were sold at what must be j considered fairly satisfactory prices. j Furniture Sale—On Monday last, under instructions from Mr Elliott, we conducted a sale of the whole of his household furniture and effects. A large num- j ber was present, and, with good competition, we cleared every lot at most satisfactory prices. Messrs Miles and Co. (per J. T. Ford) report en the live stock market for the week ending Thursday, August 30th, 18SS, as follows.—The stock sent forward to the Canterbury Saleyards, Addington, on Wednesday, 29th inst., comprised 304 head of cattle, 4712 sheep, and 132 pigs. Of fat cattle tbe entry was not so large as usual, but on the whole of better quality, which had the effect of causing more spirited competition and a shade better prices. Beef may now be fairly quoted at from 17s to 21s per 1001b. The store cattle pens were better filled than formerly, and all forward-conditioned cattle met with ready sale at fair prices. Good cows and heifers for dairy purposes met with a ready sale, while, for middling and inferior, only nominal prices are obtainable. The fat sheep pens were well filled, the entries being principally fair quality medium weight sheep, with fat ewes from medium to heavy weights. Of really prime fat wethers there were only a very few pens. Of merino wethers there was a fair supply, bat none of them of really prime quality. Aβ there were but few buyers for export, prices were easier in comparison with former sales, this vras especially noticeable at the commencement, but prices rallied a little as the sale progressed, and a clearance was effected, with a decline of from 6d to 9d per head. The entry of pigs was much smaller than usual, with a marked falling off in the competition for those brought forward, and sales were effected at much lower rates. Oar entries for the day comprised :—I2OO fat sheep and 35 pigs, and our sales were as follows : —On account of the Culverden Estate, mixed crossbred twotoothed sheep at 14s 3d each, and four and six-toothed fat merino wethers at lls 9d and 12s; on account of Messrs TJpton and Russell, mixed crossbreds, good quality light weight sheep at 13s, 14s 3d and 14s 4d; account of the Levels Estate, heavy-weight crossbred ewes at 16s 3d, 16s 9d, 18s 3d, 19s 6d up to 20s each ; for Messrs D. Henderson and Sons, mixed crossbreds from 15s to 16s 3d each; for Chas. Ensor,_Esq., mixed crossbreds from 15s 3d to 15s sd; for J. C. Wason, Esq., mixed crossbreds 14s 3d to los 9d ; for E. G. Wright, Esq., crossbred wethers 15s to 16s each ; on account ol the Cashmere Estate, 24 pigs at 13s 6d, 16s 6d, 17s, 17s 6d and £1 los each. Tinwald Saleyards, Tuesday, August 2Sth. The salutary change from heavy storms to bright clear days had the effect of inducing vendors to bring forward their stock, and the yarding for the day's sale was much heavier than has been the case for weeks past. There was also a large attendance, many of them buyers from the North and South, upwards of 5000 sheep were penned, and the bulk of them sold at full rates. Our entry comprised about 2000 sheep, which we sold as follows: —On account of John McLean, Esq., fat merino wethers at 13s 3d each; for C. J. Harper, Esq., fat merino wethers at lls Id; for Messrs Crowe and Lysaght, fat merino wethers from 9s 10d to 10s 6d, forward conditioned two-toothed crossbred wethers at 13s each ; for Mr W. Chisnall, fullmouthed crossbred ewes, in lamb, 9s each; for Mr Cree, crossbred lambs at 9s 8d; for Dr. Trevor, crossbred lambs at 8s 6d; and' on account of a client, four-tooth crossbred ewes, in lamb, lls 6d each. Skins, Fat, &c—We held our weekly sale on Thursday, at our Colombo street stores, when we submitted a catalogue of 1047 skins. There was a good attendance of the trade, and biddings showed more animation, with the result—a most satisfactory sale. We sold butchers' crossbreds up to 5s 10d for a lar«e line sent forward by Mr A. S. Bull, butchers' merinos to ss, country do to 4s 6d, do crossbreds to ss, factory skins to os 7d. Fat—ld, l|d, and per lb, according to quality. Hides at late rates. Ths New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Co., Limited, reports on the live stock market for the week ending August 30th, 1888:—Totals yarded at Canterbury Saleyards, Addington— Sheep, 4712; cattle, 304; pigs, 132. Fat sheep—The yards were well filled, but the quality generally was only medium, there being a fair proportion of both crossbreds and merinos. The attendance was good, and local competition keen, but the demand for export was only moderate, and values were easier throughout, the decline being more marked at the commencement of the sale. Mutton may be quoted at 2M to 3d per lb. We sold, account Mr H. Wolff, nice quality crossbred wethers 14s to las 10d; for Mr W. Elraslie, mixed sexes, 13s to 15s 4d, one pen seconds 12s; for Mr Jas. Wright, mixed crossbreds 12s 4d to 13s 3d, seconds 10s; and for other owners at lls 6d. Transactions were a 9 follows: —Prime heavy crossbred wethers 15s to 16s 9d, mixed sexes and heavy ewes 14s to 15s 9d, light weight and inferior lls 6d to 13s, prime merino wethers 10s to 12s 6d, one pen exceptionally heavy crossbreds made 21s. Fat Lambs —A few pens came forward* marking the approach of another season. They were of good quality but small, and realised 9s 6d, lls, 12s, and up to 15s apiece, the novelty causing considerable competition. Store Sheep—These found only a light entry. Those to hand met a good demand, which is fully borne out by private inquiries. Very indifferent crossbred ewes in lamb (brought Ss 6d, small crossbred hoggets 8s 10d, and mixed crossbreds mostly ewes 10s Id. Pigs—A moderate number forward, and a marked decline in values, owing to the near approach of the close of the curing season. Baconers 32s to 445, porkers 18s to 2Ss. For Mr F. Murray we sold well finished porkers 21a and 2tss. , Cattle—ln thejfat pens there was an average supply, including some excellent quality. The demand was good, and prices were firmer with an upward tendency. Prime heavy bullocks made £7 10s to £910s (one exceptional beast £12), lighter sorts £6 5s to £7; cows and heifers, prime heavy £7 to £8 ss, ordinay £5s to £Glos. Beef was worth 17s to 21s per 100 I lbs. In the store pens there was a small entry, with somewhat improved business, j We sold springing heifers for Mr J. Taylor at £312s 6d and £3155. Private Sales—During the week we have placed several lota of crossbred wethers for export at current rates, and, in com junction with our Ralcaia agent, 1200 merino ewes, in lamb to longwools, at 7s. At Tinwald Yards on 28th inst. there were large entries of sheep. The attendance was beyond the average, and a good demand was manifested. Fat crossbred wethers made 15s 3d, mixed crossbreds 12s lid, merino wethers 10s 6d. In store sheep, small four-tooth merinos 6s 3d, crossbred hoggets Bs, 9s Bd, 10s 6d and up to 12s for an unusually good lot, two-tooth mixed crossbreds 10s 7d, merino ewes in lamb 8s Id, forward crossbreds 12s 4d and 13s 3d, four and six-tooth half bred ewes in lamb 13s. At Dunsandel Yards on 27th inst. the entries comprised cattle, pigs and sundries, and business was quiet, sales being effected at rates equivalent to those ruling at other markets. Mr F. C. Tabart reports on the live stock market for the week ending 30th August, as follows:—The total number of stock yarded at the Addington yards comprised 4712 sheep, 304 head of cattle, and 132 pigs. Fat cattle —A smaller entry than usual, but better quality generally. In consequence of the snort entry prices remained firm at last week's quotations. Best bullocks made from £7 10s to £3 10s; exceptionally heavy weights and prime quality £9 and £12 respectively; lighter weights £5 upwards. Cows and heifers —A few head of very prime quality made £10 10s; ordinary from £6 to £7 10s, and light weights £4 upwards. A good clearance was effected. Store catties —A moderate yarding. A good many changed owners at last week's rates. Business generally dull. Fat sheep—Not quire so many as the previous week, nor were there so many lines of prime quality. There was good competition throughout the sales, and last week's values were firmly maintained, but in the absence of heavy weights there are no high prices to quote. Best crossbred wethers made from 15s to 17s, lighter weights 13s upwards; fat crossbred ewes, 15s, 16s to 16s 6d; a few extra heavy weights, 20s to 21s ; merino wethers, lls, lls 6d, 12s, 12s 6d to 13s. Store SheepThere was but a small entry, which met ■with a keen demand, and every line was cleared at full values. Pigs—A smaller entry than usual. The demand was not quite so keen as previous, but all lines were cleared at fair values. Sheepskins, Rough Fat, Hides and Calfskins—My sales for the week comprise

2758 sheepskins, 1 85 bags and packages of roagh fat, and about 54 hides and calfskins. There was a fair attendance of fellmongers and fat buyers. Competition was barely as keen as last week, and prices realised were below the average of last week's sales. Batchers' best crossbreds made 4s 6d, 4s 9d, 5&; 5s 3d, ss6d, 3s Bd. and for two small lines 6s 5d and 6s 9d respectively ; medium and inferior, 3s 6d upwards; merinos, 4s, 4s 3d, 4s 6d to 4s Sd for the best, medium 3s upwards. Country skins —Merinos, good quality, 4s to 4s 6d; early shorn, Is 6d upwards; crossbreds ranged from 4s to 5s for the best. '■' Rough fat, l£d to IJd for best country fat, Id for inferior. Hides and calfskins at the usual rates. Messrs James Wixkh? and Co. report on tbe local markets for the week ending 30th inst. as follows:—At Addington, on Wednesday—Fat cattle—there was not such a large supply on offer, but the quality was superior to last week, and prices were very firm. Best beef brought up to £10 10s, inferior from £3 upwards. Store cattle —There was a fair supply on offer, for which there was a good demand. Dairy stock—The ordinary quantity and quality submitted; prices very uneven. Fat sheep—There was a full yard of fat sheep, but nothing of very superior quality. Prices were good, bat, if anything, a shade easier. Store sheep—Very few to hand, for which there was a good demand. Pigs—A small entry ; prices remain firm. Sheepskins, Hides, Fat, &c.—At the New Zealand Wool Stores we held our usual weekly above. There was a fair attendance of the trade and biddings were fairly brisk, but prices were a shade easier. Our catalogue for to-day consisted of 583 sheepskins, 29 bags and pkgs fat and 112 oxhides. The following is a summary:—Butchers' crqssbreds,large,ss, 5s 6d, and 6s ; do 'do, medium, 3s Bd, 4s 3d and, 4s lOd; do do, small, 2s 6d to os 6d; do merinos, 3s to 5s Id ; country do, 2s 3d to 4s 3d; do crossbreds, 2s to 5s Cd. Fat, sound, ; shop trimmings, inferior, to lgd. ' Hides, 601b and over, 4d per lb ; 591b and under, 3d per lb; calfskins, 4d per lb; cut and damaged hides and calfskins, IJd per lb; bulls' hides, 12s 6d each, Messrs Bennetts Bros, report on' the lire stock market for the week ending Thursday, 30th fast., as follows :— The yards at Addington on Wednesday were moderately well filled with stock— 4712 sheep. 304 head of cattle, and 132 pigs being yarded. The supply of fat cattle was, in point of quality, much above the average, a few really splendid lines being offered. We had the pleasure of offering a grand line of steers and heifers on account of Mr John Ferguson, the wellknown breeder, of Halswell, brought to hand in the very pink of condition, and being of superb quality they elicited keen competition. Th« pick' of the bullocks was secured by Messrs Hopkins and Co. at £12, another at £9 10s went to the same firm, and another at £8 15s to Mr S. Philp. The heifers were very prime, and sold at from £6 15s to £8 ss. We also sold for Messrs Burke Bros., 14 steers at from £5 10s to £6" 15s per head; for a client we sold 5 heifers at £4 per head, and for another client; a very nice line of fat cows at from £0 2s 6d to £7 2s 6d per head. The price of beef ranged from 17s '6d to about 20s per hundred. The store cattle market was not heavily supplied. A fair enquiry was shown. We sold lines of twenty-one-months'-old heifers at £2 is and £2 3s Gd, a line of yearlings at 17s. Dairy cattle of second quality were oiFering. Business was, however, dull. The supply of fat sheep :was a'.xairly heavy one, of pretty even quality throughout. The market opened about on a par with last week's rates, and continued with but little variation throughout. We placed a fairly large entry as follows:—For Mr A. C. Truscott, a line ol 2-tooth Tialfbreds at 10s 10d; for Mr Stevenson, 93 crossbred ewes at 12s to 13s 8d; for Mr Frampton we placed 185 crossbred ewes and wethers at from 14s 10s to 16s 9d per head, and 67 at 12s Id; for Mr W. B. Clarkson, 195 crossbreds at frOm 133 8d to 14s od; We also sold 75 mixed crossbreds 15s to 15s 6d, 61 at from 13s 6d to 14s 9d, 84 at 14s 7d . and 79 at 14s 3d. The price of mutton ranged at from about Mid to, 3d per lb. A fair number of store sheep met with a keen enquiry; recent values -being well sustained. We placed the greater part of the"entry as follows.:—33 mixed half tyreds at 8s 9d, 335 ewes in lamb at Ss 6d, a line of 309 hoggets at 8s 10d, and a line of 303 crossbred wethers at 14s. Privately we placed 364 crossbred ewes. at 11s, 302 hoggets at 8s 3d, ; and 100 merino ewes at 4s 3d. The pig market was a light one, and values were easier. Baconers sold at up to 48s 6d. porkers 20s to 28s. The first of the fat lambs hand ..yesterday. We sold, on account of Mr Preece, 2 at 13s, 2 at'l2s, and 2 at 9s per head. Our entries comprised 1816 sheep, 117 head of cattle, and 4b'pigs, on account of Messrs Frampton, A. C. Truscott, J. Preece, J. Muir, F. Curtis, J. Kinley, W; Stevenson, Burke Bros., W. Bell, S. J. Hullins, J. Carr, F. Beannan, A. Bennett, W. Hubbard,A. Lee, T. Candy, W. Matthews, W. Turner, W. Hellewell, R. Carter, J. Johns, J. Crewes, T. Pickering, W. 3, Oliif, J. Walters, T. < Scptt;. W. Allen,' T. Forster, T. Carter, W. Brice, W. Early, 'the New Zealand Government, Jas. Gregg, J. Muir, T. Sutton, J. Kennedy, W. Stone, G. Baker, A. F. Bennetts and others. Sheepskins, Hides, Fafc, Tallow, &c. — At the New Zealand Wool Stores this day we held our usual weekly sale of above, submitting a large entry. There was the usual attendance of fellmongers, and competition was good, late values being improved upon. Prime crossbred skins sold at from 5s to 5s 10d; medium, 33 6d to 4s 6d; merino skins, at from 3s 3d to 4s 9d; country skins, from 2s Id to 4s Bd. The fat market was more animated than of late. We sold a large entry as follows :— best rough fat at l£d and lgd per lb; second rate quality, l&d to ljd. Hides at late rates, with immediate delivery, J. R. King and Co. report for the week ending August 25th on the live stock and produce market:—On Saturday we had a very large attendance of buyers and sellers. The entries in every department were very heavy, and the ■ prices realised evidenced no great : change from previous week. Possibly the. exceptionally large entry of poultry caused a slight depression in their values, but this was more noticeable in the inferior stock than in the better class of entries. On the whole it was a fairly good market The entries for pigs were considerably in excess of the last two markets..' Every line sold r well/, and fetched highly satisfactory prices, many buyers refusing to operate in consequence of the high rates ruling. Horses and cattle were not so well represented as usual." "Cows In' full "profit an* in demand, as are also horses of a desirable class. Calves—The entries were fairly good, and sold remarkably well. Goats'—A larger number than usual yarded, and were all sold at fair values. In grain and produce a much firmer tone prevails. Wheat especially has increased in value, and recent cables from the Home market may cause prices to still harden. Prime Tuscan is worth 2s 10d to 3s, f.0.b.; chickwheat sells remarkably well. During the week we have placed several lines at 2s 2d to 2s 3d per bushel. Oats are in good'request. Prime milling is saleable at 2s to & 2d. Good feed finds purchasers at-Is 10d to Is lid; medium sorts, Is 9d to' s ls 10d. Barley -* Choice seed parceis are worth 3s 3d to 4s, and feed samples ars worth 2s to 2s 6d per bushel. Peas—Prime is worth 2s 9d to 3s 3d per bushel; feed samples, 2s to 2s 6d; beans, 2s 6d to 2s 9d pet' bushel. Rye grass is in:, request. Duririg L tKeWeekwe nave placed a dumber of parcels, from 2s 6d to 3s per bushel. Cocksfoot, for really prime, 3£d: to 3fd is obtainable. There is little or no demand for inferior sorts. Onions are wanted ; supplies of very good samples are very limited. W& have had to refuse orders for prime samples; inferior kinds are still 1 plentiful, and are worth £2 to £2 10s per ton, for the better kind £4 to £5 5s is obtainable. Carrots 15s per ton. Potatoes, £2 los to £3 5s per ton. Honey is asked for, and there is but little in the market. It is worth 3Jd to 4d per lb, casks extra; beeswax, 7d to 8d; cheese, 2fd to 3d per lb. Pigs—Suckers, 6s 6d to 10s 6d; small stores, from 11s to 16s; porkers, 2os to 325; baconers equal 3£d to 4d per lb. All classes of pigs are in request just now, and sell freely at full values. Sow pigs are in considerable demand, and fetch nigh prices. We.havesold a line at 49s 6d each. Poultry—Mixed fowls, from 2s to os per pair; pullets, 2s to3a6dper pair; roosters, 2s 6d to 3s 3d ; ducks, 3s to 4s per pair; geese, 5s to 6s 6d per pair; turkeys, Ss to 12s per pair; pigeons, Is 3d to Is 6d; rabbits, Is 6d to 2s 3d; ferrets, 3s to 6s 6d each. Our furniture sales attract a full number of buyers. Large clearances are effected, and satisfactory figures are obtained. Good house propertise are saleable, and many clients are waiting to be suited. Farms are also in request, and we have- purchasers waiting both for occupation and investment. An estended lease of lite may be obtained by use of Wolfe'3 Schkapps. Avoid imitations.—[Advt.] Wolfe s Schxapps is an excellent specific for indigestion, rheumatism, and gout. Obtain Wolfe s. accent nothing else.—[Advt.l <

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Press, Volume XLV, Issue 7141, 31 August 1888, Page 4

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COMMERCIAL. Press, Volume XLV, Issue 7141, 31 August 1888, Page 4

COMMERCIAL. Press, Volume XLV, Issue 7141, 31 August 1888, Page 4