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Accident at Rangiora.—An accident occurred at the Cam mill, Bangiora, on Saturday, by which a son of Mr Smith, the proprietor, lost several fingers and his thumb.

AsEtxET County Council.—The following candidates have been nominated and elected for the respective ridings of the Ashley county on Saturday last: —Mandeville, Messrs W. Buss and G. Wallace; West Eyreton, Mr H. J. Horrell: Oxford, Mr J. R. Gorton; Waipara, Mr J. D. Lance; Kowai. Mr W. A. Benn. There were no candidates nonnnated for either Eyreton or Cust ridings. The Holidays.—As there appears to be some misapprehension respecting the forthcoming holidays, it may be stated that the arrangements are as follows: —Wednesday, the Prince of Wales' Birthday, is a public holiday, when the oanks, public offices, &c, will be close-. The banks also announce that Tuesday and Friday will be observed by those institutions as special bank holidays. On Friday the principal retail shops in the city will be closed, that day being observed as a special holiday to celebrate the opening of the new Show Grounds. Freehold Land Association. — The Canterbury Co-operative Freehold Land Association have, as will be seen by notification elsewhere, placed some more sections of land at New Brighton on the market on very easy terms. Tbe land is said to be of good quality, being level and well grassed. This, ccmpled< with tbe low price and easy terms of payment, should ensure a rapid sale, as there is a prospect that the tramway will be extended at no distant date in the direction in which it is situated.

Somneb : Town Board.—An ordinary j mce_ing of the Board, was held on Tuesday . last, + All the Commissioners were present. Telegrams and letters were read fron. Mr F.-.Tones, re the Sumner Public Works Bilk The Chairman stated that he had had the Bill advertised again, according to'Mir Jones' suggestion, and had forwarded it to Wellington. Approved. He further stated that he had telegraphed to the Hon. the Premier, asking him to put the Christchurch unemployed on the formation of the Sumner Hallway, as tbe work was situated so near to town that the men would be able to return home at nieht, and further that the Railway Commission had reported that this line wonld be a v.cry remunerative one. He had received a reply, asking him to have a petition drawn up and signed pointing out the advantages of the work. This had been done, and the petition was forwarded to Wellington on Monday last. The C!_t__rman was thanked for the trouble he had taken herein _nd his action was approved. The Works Committee reported—l, That they had expended the money voted at last meeting for that purpose in erecting fourteen seats on the esplanade; 2,That they had appointed Mr J. A. Bamford, as Rautrer. The appointment -was approved. The Treasurer's statement showing credit balance £6 17s was read. After passing accounts the meeting adjourned. COM__ERCTA_ TEAVELLERS* RIFLE ____. —A meeting of those interested in the formation of a Commercial Travellers' Rifle Club was held at Warners Hotel on Saturday evening, at eight o'clock. The business consisted in the election of Captain, sub-Captain, Secretary, Treasurer, and General Committee. After several matters in connection with the formation of the Club had. been discussed, the meet-, ing adjourned till Wednesday. -Jov.mber tt__u_. *• " b. • ' -

CtcX-NO. -—' The weekly run of the Pioneer Club on Saturday was to Templeton. Mr Field, of the Nelson Club, who is at present visiting Christchurch, accompanied the cyclists. The roads were in tolerably good"condition, and the run was very enjoyable. Sub-Captain Bowles was in command.

Erratum.—By a mistake in our Court report on November 3rd, Thomas Mitchell was represented as having received seven days for using obscene langnage. This was a mistake. No such sentence was inflicted on Mitchell.

"Prksentation* at Sefton.-—The members of the Presbyterian choir at Scfton on Friday evening presented Mr and MrSloan, of Lobum school, with a handsome marble clock and album, as a token of their esteem and gratitude for Mr Sloane's kindness in coming weekly for tbo past twelve months to teach them music gratuitously. Miss Maggie Banna made a fow appropriate remarks, and presented Mr Sloaue with the clock, and Mr John Sutherland did the same in presenting Mrs Sloane with the album. Mr bloane thanked the donors. Rev. R Tout and others spoke as to tbe benefits the congregation had derived from Mr Sloane's instruction, and expressed their thanks for his renewed offers of assistance. Parcels.-—Those who use the parcel post should he careful not to include in the parcel writing of any kind. If they do so the whole parcel is considered by the postal authorities to be a letter, and will be charged for as such. Two cases have come under our notice where the persons to whom the parcels were addressed were compelled to pay the sums of 19s end 30s for their parcels, these being charged as letters in consequence of written communication- being contained in them. We aro requested to state that the regulations on this point are very strict, and are enforced in all; cases that come to the knowledge of the post pffice officers. j Mount Somers Limb.—Mr A. E. Peache, who has recently returned from England, is about to erect lime kilns on his pro••perty, about three miles above the ])_ount ' Somers township. There Is a large supply of stone that has been estimated to give 90 per cent, of lime. The deposit is close to the coalpit tramway, and consequently, when the fcllns are erected, there will be no difficulty in conveying the lime to the Mount Somers railway station at a very trifling cost. Mr Peache intends to ran a branch tramway both from the limd k: jus and his stone quarries, to connect? with the tramway recently opened to Mr E. P. Wright's coalpit. Kaiapoi Rifles.—A parade, counting :as daylight drill, of this company and the Cadets, was held by Captain Whitefoord In the Drill Hall on Friday last. There were fifty-three of the senior company present, ana forty-seven cadets, under their respective officers. The companies were exercised in company movements and rille exercises. On Saturday twenty of the cadets, under Lieutenant Alexander, had their first experience of ball firing at the i targets. A few money prizes, subscribed for by gentlemen In the town, were awarded in proportion to the six highest on the list, viz., Corpl. C. Oram, Scrgt. Howes, Private Hoskin, Private C. Wragg, Sergt C. Wood, and Private Simpson. W_i__t_.—Our correspondent writes under date November sth:—At a Committee meetingof the Waimate Caledonian Society held on Friday night, it was decided to offer for bayonet competition (at the annus! sports, December 20th), a prize the value of ten guineas, the conditions being that no corps shall enter more than one squad, three entries or no contest. The money prizes offered for competition in the various events amounted to over _100, For tho past week shearing has been in fulLswing in the TV aimato district, A start was made with the dry sheep at Waihaorunga on Monday, and up till Friday, when the rain retarded further operations, about 3000 sheep had been released of their fleeces. Shearing commenced at Studholme's on Thursday last. Accident ____b Spb_s:gfie_d. — On Thursday last Mrs Nuttall, of Annat, met with rather a dangerous accident when returning home, via Russell's Flat, from Springfield. After driving in a trap about a mile on her journey both shafts suddenly broke short off, and the trace chains being connected by hooks to the body, the horse startled by the now swinging shafts and bumping trap bolted, placing Mrs Nuttall and her child in a precarious position, and she was thrown out a mile and a half from where the accident commenced. She was , partially stunned, but her sole anxiety seemed to be for the little one, who was senseless, but soon ..covered. Though severely shaken and bruised, mother and child are now doing well In the evening Mr John Butterfleld was thrown from his horse by it shying at the broken trap, which was lying on the roadside, but he was not badly hurt Land Board.—The Canterbury Crown Lands Board held its ordinary meeting on Saturday. Present—Messrs J. H. Baker (chairman), D. McMillan and G. L."Lee. The lease of deferred payment section 23, 2a, reserve 14., Waimate, was granted to Mary Keane. Tenders were accepted as under: R. M. Tnrpln at lan annual rental of £26 13s perpetual lease of section 50.127 a 3r2p, reserve 1371, Rangitata ; W. J. Beattie at I7s 6d per annum, a seven -years' lease of resereve 2759 of la ; J. J. Herrick at £11'5s 4d, seven years' lease of part of Little River railway reserve 17a Ir 3p; J. Kennedy at £15 9s lUd, r part of section 35823, of 89_- at Waitaki north; the executors of the late Michael Studbolme, at £57 14s: run 99, of 1416 acres, Waimate; J. M. Ritchie, at £5 12s 6d; 28 acres of reserve 2447; and same at £8 6s, 58 acres reserve 2448. Educationai. Institute.—A meeting of the Canterbury Midland branch was held on Saturday in the Normal School, Mr Opie, President, in the chair, Correspondence of an interesting nature was read by the Secretary. The Manage-1 ment Committee were instructed to draw up'a reply to the letter from the Board of Education re direct payment. The Secretary reported that fourteen new mem-1 bers had ioined the branch since last j meeting. The President remarked that it was very gratifying to see that some of the new members were not teachers, thus showing that the sphere of the Institute was extending. It was resolved that the members of the Board of Education and the Inspectors of Schools be invited to become honorary members of the branch. Mr Granger was appointed a second delegate to the kelson Conference. The Management . Committee were requested to arrange for date of next meeting. The usual vote of thanks to the chair clo*'ed the meeting. . Waikaei.—At a meeting held in the hall on Thursday evening, the 3rd inst., it was decided to hold the Waikari Athletic Sports in the second week of December, the programme to be almost exactly the same as-last year. The balance-sheet showed a credit balance of £1116s Id. Mr Tonkin was re-elected Secretary. The Hallway Department has been asked to run a cheap excursion from Christchurch and back early in December, and the sports will he held on that day. Messrs Benn and Co. intend holding regular quarterly auction sales here, the first sale to be on tbe 9th or 12th of December. This movement deserves oil local support, and should prove a boon to the district. In the Great Northern Hotel on the Ist inst. a meeting of the Rifle Club was held. A statement of the accounts showed :— Liabilities, £112s 9d; assets, cash, _M Is 3d; rifles, target, ammunition, &c., £25. The annual subscription was reduced to ss, andthe entrance fee to ss. The following officers were elected.—President, J. D. Lance, M.H.R-; Vice-Presidents, Messrs J. Little and J. Douglas; Captain. J. Gray; Treasurer, J. Glendlnning: Secretary, J. -T. Fryer; Custodian, J. G. S. Tonkin. Tho next meeting will be held on Friday, 2nd December,.-at 2 p.m. Members are reouested to attend practice on the range on Saturday, 12th inst., at 2 p.m, Papanui D_sTbict School.—The annual entertainment in aid of tbe prize fund of the Papanui district school was held in the local 1 Town Hall on Frldav evenintr. A _rst*_iss tea, provided by the ladies of the district, was held prior to the entertainment, and to which a large number of pers__s sat'_own. Mr J. Andersen, Chair- > man of the School Committee, presided at the entertainment. A lengthy programme was opened with a pianoforte duet oy Miss Phillips (mistress of the school) «nd Miss Lever-edge, after which followed the New Zealand National Anthem sung by tbe elder children. The infants, under the leadership of Miss Friar, infant.mistress, sang a number of little songs very nicely, andseveral gave recitations, two of which, , "Rob"-ie*sHappyNewYear,*"byJen_ieLow, j and H Meddlesome Mat-tie," oy Ada Low, \ being especially worthy of notice. Among j the pieces sung by tbe elder children, "Lordly Gallants" was rendered In excellent time, and "Bells" was very pleasingly §ive__ "The Voiceless Chimes." recited y Emily Finlay, and "The Fireman's Wedding." by J. Kichards, were deservedly applauded. A dialogue, " Wanted, a general servant," was given in conclusion. Miss Amy Hughes played the arcompaniments throughout—a good performance for so youxu. an instrumentalist. The entertainment was one of the best held in connection with the school, and the jjerformances. of tha.,. children reijeeted. [ credit on the teachers who, had trained •"'ta-em. " -'• ' ■•*-.■■■ """ ■■■'■'■

k^S2 J^r c fl_& d p ß * - to Frear's slungl. pit ._»*«* question at to whidfoould mi* lt &■ shingle m eight hours for the w___ c "?<** On the amount of work b,*?™ ""■**•-* "-V Mr Piper waß found °_S,avSW aßa ** opponent by four yards M fi knight of the cleaver a nd mW" 818 * well knownboniface Mr *&* U_. Gas Comp.jixv.—Owlnu to th« „„im discount period of l_o^*3__*Vl»- J *^ npanj- will be extended until *«,„ the Hth inst. m * P* ,D - °n -!o__? Cm. .ten Work Society —Th_ „ -'■' ™ onal meeting i„ will bo held to-morrow. T_n Sw- 10 ***»*» Holy Communion will tak?S£« _i h-tSO a.n,., and evening wil? bo 'i -'_? <** o^^(^a T^Jt7^^^ with thanks, the receipt of £1 fr__T__7r"ft?_ Addington Lodge, as a donation toi£o_*? Jubiloo "Memorial Fund. wu «v>lß„i,', fS &«•*•* spi-.r* Uetctord s^«« Rough on Catarrh corrects offe__T»2, at once. Complete euro of worst c_ro_„2_> also unequalled as gargle for __h_-«s_ •** throat, foul Anvr.l v " pnHuaJ *». *« "Rocon ox Pl__3."—Why BU fl* er og _, . mediate relief and complete cure Ask for "Rough on Hies.*' SufS*? l bieedillß> or r< *s

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Press, Volume XLIV, Issue 6902, 7 November 1887, Page 4

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NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume XLIV, Issue 6902, 7 November 1887, Page 4

NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume XLIV, Issue 6902, 7 November 1887, Page 4