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Election Notices. Ssf AVON KLECTIOIT" — th. of n^t^™?& v i I shall with pleasure address vnn L variouscentres as early as rSalJle Ut 1 have the honor to be cnlJlt - Gentlemen, Yours voryfftithfullj., Belfast, irth June. ISB7 U)WIN _ ——___liei FE^r^t^Fei^? l^ tho following PERSONS hkvo?wSJ^ n , o % c <*«■ NATED as CANDIDATES to Su N0B ? 1 " in tho Morough <'onncilofS y d"nnam J^l!? ,^, the retirement of Councillors Tnn^i" 8 ? , h T Bell. Robert Crowley, James William Sherlock. Joseph T '«l»r. Thomas fthvurd . ni s™to>< William Junior. A POLL for tho Election of Throe nf »i.-above-named Cnudiilates will bt» v ken *t Borough Council (Chamber, nowen * J5? Sydenham, on THURSDAY, u \o &h A™H Dated this lat day nf s t >ptcnibrr ISS7 ~ rn CHAS. AU.lsdx, Jr., ~ Returning Otllrar. kaiapoi iioitouuii ilouNciLT —' ANNUAL COUNCILLORS. "VTOTICK ia hereby given, in purstmnrn of theprovisiim.iof Urn Regulation of Local Klections Act. 18715. that the followiiiß have been dnly nominated as Candidates to fIU the vacancies in tho Borough Council of KaxnpoKCreatcd by the rotlreinont of Con™ cUiors Oram, May and Bright ing. who retire hi acconianeo with tho IMth section of tho Municipiil Corponvtions Act. 18SG. namely •_ Anderson, Llugh lJntf, James Bnrnet, Thomas James Foldwiek. Edwin May. William Richard Oram, Charles A Poll for tho KIJiCTION of Thruo of the above-named Candidates will ho taken at the Borough Council Chamber. Kaiapoi. on THURSDAY, theSth day of September, ISS7. between the hours of 9 a,in. and 0 p.m. Dated Kaiapoi, tho AWh day of August 1887 G. JOHNSTON WICBSTRU. ~J2H Returning Officer. HAICAIA ROAD BO Alia * EXTRAORDINARY VACANCY. t HEREBY give notice, in accordance with tho Road Boards Act, ISS2, and the Keini lation of Local Elections Act, IS"!!, that tho Election of One Member to till the vacanpy on the Rakata Rotul Board, caused by the resignation of Mr Richard Westeura, will bt helrt at tho Rakaia Road Board Ottlce on Thursday the 20t h day of September. 1887. Nomination or candidates must be in the form set forth in tho second schedule of the Regulation of Local Elections Act. 187U, and must bo addressed to tho Returning Officer and delivered at tho Rakaia Road BoanlOtltcc, opposite Hororata School, Hororata, boforo noon oa Salnrday, the 17th day of September. 1887. Nomination fornix can be oblaiued from the und'jrHigned. W. BAKER, Ret urning Officer. Hororata, September 7th, ISB7. ' 764J Business Notices "MyfTlS WOODROUGH, Bclgravo House, S Irl Victoria stroet, bogs to inform her numerous customers tho First Arrival ol Spring Goods aro now to hand. An early Inspection solicited. A specialty made of Ladies M3urniutf »ad Dross Ctvpti, Fancy Aprons, &c. DR. SPEERS , "ORIVATE DISPENSARY, PormanonUy IT Eetabliehod. For tho ScientiDc and Speedy Cure of Ohranlc. Nervous, and Special Diseases. The expert Specialist, Dr. Spettr, i» a Regular Graduated Physician, educated at Harvard College, U.S. Ho has dovoted a life time to, and is acknowledged to bo the most Expert Physician in his speciality in the United States. Young Men and Middle-aged Men who sutlbr from Nervous and Physical Debility Loss of Energy and Memory, Eruptions on the Faoo, MentarDoprossiou, Kidnoy and Bladder Troubles, &a, &c, will do well to consult Dr Spoor. Hospital Experience:—Having been Physi oian in ono of tho Loading Hoepltala of tho U.S. cniibloa him to treat all troubles with excellent results. He wishes it distinctly understood that ho does not not claim to perform lninoaafhiHtioe. Ho claims only to be a skilled and successful Physician, thoroughly informal in his speciality—Chronic Diseases of Men and Women. All applying to him will rocdre his honest opinion of their complaints, no experimenting. He will guarantee a positive oure in every oaeo ho undortakoe. or forfeit £200. ConsoltAtloa In oflloo, or by letter, Free. Charaoe moderate. Bxaminatlon and Advice Free. Call or Address—Dr. 11. J. Spoor, Goneral Poetrofflco, Wellington. N.B.—All, medicines neoeaaary fora complete oure can be sent secure from obeervfttion on reoeipt of symptoms. Dr. gpoor Ls tho only Gazetted Medical Man in Mew Zealand who advertises as Specialist. £or oon> flrmation see Gaaatte Taimarv aiHt. 188 H. MM CONSUMPTION CURABLE. Mn Gr. T. Congrkvk, CONSUMPTION v AND ITS SUCCESSFUL TREATMENT. Showing that direful dinoaee to be curable Iα all ite Btagoe ; with observations on ASTHMA, CHRONIC BRONCHITIS, ftc Sbrpenoo (poet free), or Largo Edition (cloth), Iβ3d; from the author, Coombo I^odge,Pee»bam, S.E.. and Elliot Stock, 62 PaferbMttr Row, E.C. From tbo" Christian Herald.'March 81st, U». "MrG. T. CONGRKVE'S TREATMENTS CONSUMPTION and OTHER CHEST ESSEASES continue to bo mode a great bk«d«g to suflfeiere, far and wide in ovory part of UP kingdom. , "The world and we oursolvos owe nun ft. debt of gratitude. Not long since we placed »■ young lady undor his caro, who has rocovereo . hew health, and wo nood only point to tho caeee CMr Congrove is publishing one every woeW, many of which had been given up as past e» bopo." •- " There can be no donbt that for consumption and other chest complaints, Mr Congroyo w» specialist of the first order and stands ÜBrivallod. Certainly thero has bdbn no otner dlsoorery in merlical science from which toe consumptive patient may gather bo much bofe as from, hie." "The ono hundred and thirty-throe «ac» which aro recorded in MrCongrcvee bookew,a most convincing testimony; bat what wt* been long a marvol aro tho cases of cure wUloe, have boon publlehod for several yearn mltifl: tho weekly .lournala (our own included), oneevery week. (The reader Iβ roferrod u> tee "Christian World." "Christian Age." "Christfeft Globe, Sco., &c) :JTho Author hae been urgently mako known hia treatment in all tho Britttß Colonlee. . - Tho Book is published by BIMPBON AND WILLIAMS, High Street, Christchurch. U9 JUST LANDED, FROM LONDON, PER S.S. DORIC, In splendid condition, A FKKSH OF -M-EW CHE!)* Plea<?e call early and get Borne ot the Specialities. Country Orders promptly attended to. N.B.—Coontry Storea~mippllod. and balance of unsold Seeds taken back. My t«rma W» aa favorable as any other seedsman. Also, a largo reduction will bo made on ttw balanco of my Nmeory Stock for throe weeW. Push on and plant quickly, oxtra care *«',2 taken to onsuro growth; and nil treoe plaotea now will do well. . Also, 10.000 Asparagiis Roots, IfI.OOO Bhnbin* Roota, Soon SeokaloßooU. Cabbage. OuiUflower. Lettvo* Cacumber, Tomato, and otoer Plante. .- '■':■: 1C.8.-Only a few dozen more of CMOfIUfM loft from the shipment. ' - Romember the Old Shop— '! - UO COLOMBO STREET. W. GIMB LETT.,.. e

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Press, Volume XLIV, Issue 6850, 7 September 1887, Page 8

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Page 8 Advertisements Column 8 Press, Volume XLIV, Issue 6850, 7 September 1887, Page 8

Page 8 Advertisements Column 8 Press, Volume XLIV, Issue 6850, 7 September 1887, Page 8