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PwMte W«Cfio— ~.1 CHEAP BOOT AND SHOE DEPOT COLOMBO fITUQBT. QgBISTOHUBOB. JOHN GOODMAN Br AS thesleaeve t9 inform hlaseuerou ctstomers that. HAYiHS BU bis , L SATBMCTOBY ABBANeSMSHTS SB B3OTJSIONC&MUBAiIL se clad to ne bJratKefOU oouiitae&ta, whea they .«ffl a« wm FIND THE GOODS CHEAPER THA* -BV|& JOHN GOODMAN, COLOMBO BTBHHT. OHBISTOHUBGB ■• ■-••■• - Mil A DERANaSMBBTT OF THB LIVBR THE CAUSE OP DISEASE STOMAGHrKIDNEYS JSTEBVOUS SYSTEM. IXEk J7 HATDOCK. The Livef has toenknoim as the great blood-maker and Uood-rarilet o< the Circulation. From its size and spongy etraetwe, it plan s moet important part is the animal economy, as regards assimilation and nutrition. Food taken in the moVrth and acted upon fey the digestive organs of the stomach is converted into glaooaeaM peptone, and in these forma enters the porta* vein. Here, by the action of the liver, these substances are converted into a form of sagar, and «ass o»t of the liver by a large vein, oalled the hepatic vein, into the general circmlation. The new material mow formed serves two purposes, viz.* the maintenance of heat ia the body and is the oell growth of the system. Or. Mvrohißon says, "The composition of bile and its secretion is very complex. If is oonatantly 'being secreted by the liver, and, isoreasinf suddenly before eatiag gradually decreases as soon as the appetite is satisfied and eeoing ceases." Now/v this most important organ of the body becomes torpid, or the passage of bile interfered with, emaciation and disease ensme. I note eight marked peciliarities that bow ooou and which we all know of »— 1. The patient complains of a feeling of weight and fsilntss of the etomaoh. 8. Distension of the bowels by wind. 3. Heartbmrn. 4. A feeling of wearineen, pains in the limbs, and great sleepiness after seals. 5. A bad taste in the momth, especially in the morning, and fmrred toag^ft. 6. Coaetipation, with an occasional attack of diarrhoea. 7. Headaohe in front of head. 8. Depression of spirits and great melancholy with lassitude and a dispodtioß V leave everything for to-morrow. All of the above eymptoma go to show fmnotional derangement of the liver i and Bo» oemes the great importance of any error made asto the condition of the patient. H* ahoald immediately provide himself with a LIVES STIMULANT, the most coaraos form of which is a Pill. Paily espeneoce ehoira that thai, when the Pill ia oompomada* properly, is the readiest mode of lnoitang and promoting the action of the Liver, and oae be almost always relied on. I have devoted many years of my life, as "»wiy of yon no« before mc know, to compounding a Fill that will act readily and systematically aa t BilioHß Eemedy. Ido not believe in great pmrgattves, andltherfore have made a Pil) one of which is an active and thorough dose. I have called it Or Hayflocit's New Liver PfH (Sugar Coated* One FiU is a Dose! One Fill is a Dose 1 One Fill Is a Dose. oftfJSfS&4KSSSSk2' Heydook ' e NewLiwPflta -••■-fc* — For Female Diseases, Nervoms Prostration, Weakness, General Laaaitmde, Waat oi Appetite and Sick Headaohej JDr. Haydook's New Liver Fills will be found anßfeet** Eemedy. They are uivenal in their eXeota, and a cue can almost always be guaranteed. Bach vial oontainß Twenty Pillfl-One Pill is a Dose. Prioe Twenty-flve Cents. «_ MlI FOB BALB BY ALL DBUGeiSTS. BveryPfllisSmgarObated. U yomr Draggist does not keep them, we wffl amß the* ftree to any address on receipt of Scents. Five vials for ldoL BUY AT ONCB. DC NOT DELAY. CAUTION—To eeomre the Genuine Hatboox*b Vtllm, observe that the (dgaatue o> J. H. Franoie. Agent for the United States, is written on every dosen paokages. Fu» ohase nose without this. ' Aa Dr. Haydeok's Liver Pills are entirely different from the SIS kinds now ia t*u market, any soeptio can have a sample bottle sent him free on receipt of his name W address. W«MB BAYDOCK * CO. New York,U.S.

I SLAUGHTER LICENSE. I T WILLIAM KENNEDY, of Bangiora, 11 9 do HEBEBY APPLY for a r Sr.AUQHTEE LICENSE on park of B.S. t 269, White etreet, Bangiora. r 2-5 4237 W. KENNEDY. I O TtyTANUING * fWMFANY . XJMITIO I HAVE lIST STOCK S ft > Containing Bighteen Gallons, f BBPBCIALLY SUITED FOB FAMILY J USB, OF- * XXX MTT/n AT.B ? A.X. LIGHT BITTJBE ALB 1 XXXX STRONG ALB r . . Also, [ A.K. LIGHT BITTUt ALB * And P DOUBLE BBOWN BTOUT J (Bottled in Quarto and PUta). 0 OHEIBTCMUB(JM BBBWBBY. 1 i^OMFOBTINQ. > BPPS'SJJOCOA. BBBAKFABTt r "Byethoroßehtnowledseef tlien»t««l i laws whioh covers the opentions of difeer Son and nvoition, and lay a careful appli* x cation of the fine properties of well-eelected T ooooa, Mr Sppe hae provided omr breakfast , tables with a delicately flavored beverage r which may save v many heavy doctors - bills. It 18 by the judicioae rase of enoh . artiolee of diet that a constitmtien may be r gradually bvilt up until strong enoruh to c resist every tendency to disease. Hvnareda - of eubtle maladies are floating aroand «• r ready to attack wherever there is a weak I point. Wβ may escape many a fatal shaft r by keeping oerselvea well fortifled with 3 pue blood and a properly nourished - frame."—See article in the "Civil Service s Gazette." i Made simply with boiling water o» uHk.l L Sold in Hb packets, by Grooere, labelled L thnß~* I JAMBS SPPB ft CO. I Homaopathie Chemists,! i LONDON. ENGLAND. r 8. NDTT, [ BAKEK AND GENEBAb STOBEI KEEPEB, WHOLESALE AND EETAIL, TAITAPU. J Mail Carrier Lincoln to Tai Tapn. AGENT for the DAILY and WEESXY "PfiESS." Subscribers in this District are requested ■ to apply to Mr Nntt for their papers, r J ni-l» 8018 ■ Q TNGH A M. &.D. B.i ENGL. . O* JL 186 Caahel street, I Chrietchorch, Upper Booms, opposite Hob. i day's. l upper or lower set Art. Teeth, the very ■ best made, £5; part sets, per tooth, lOsi t common, upper or lower, »*i stoppings, ; 2s 6dr extraction, Iβ. ! 11-11 Chfldren'steetiiregnlated. 6638 ! DBirnSTBY.—SPECIAL NOTIOI. ; Mb 8. B. Sbymoub, SUBGBON DBNTIST, [ 179 Girouoasra Bream, Cbbhtohttboh. ' Mr SBYMOUB has engared the services , of an Bsperienoed Assistant, who has J«at . arrived from England, and is now enabled [ to supply ABTIFICIAL TEKTH to those . who may regsire them, at the lowest , possible ohaxgesand shortest notice. , Patients from the coantry can havfe their . wania attended to in one day by sending . notice by letter of their intended visit, . thereby saving; the inconvenience of re* , peated viaite to Christohmroh. , The greatest care ie takes that only , ssbstanoal and satisfaotory servioea are < rendered to patients. ' Mr Seymoarorhis representatives will , visit the principal towns in North Canterbuy at an early data, die notice of which will be given in local papers. Mr Seymovr's charges are refalatedto nit the severe commercial depression th+t, existß at present. P.S.—ASpeoiaUtariemade of SAYING the NATURAL T3BTH (when indicationsol decay appear) by FILLING or other expedient treatment- 4-3 SQS9 Public Companies. THB CANTBBBUBY BUILDINe~ SOCIBTY (PBBHANBNT). OSoes-71 CatLedaal eqmare. TT OAHS GRAlTrlFin ANY BTJMB Oβ iraBHOLD SBCUBmse. o «„--■■■■■ G - B. HALE& » 4W6 Manager. * THE "PRESS" ia an authorised GAZKTTE for all Notices under the Debtor and Creditors Act.

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Press, Volume XLIII, Issue 6371, 19 February 1886, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 Press, Volume XLIII, Issue 6371, 19 February 1886, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 Press, Volume XLIII, Issue 6371, 19 February 1886, Page 4