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CBMAP BOOT AND BIIOE DEPOT OOLOMBO aTKBBT, CBEfBTOHD-OH.' -* : **4\ „JOHN GOODMAN J^|U^„ h _-f e . be tlad to see h_ asau—as ooaatftueßte, waas they wffl *T*. , -..-... nND.'t-OB GOODS CHEAPEN T_LO. 1V«^; A JOHN GOODMAN. / COLOMBO BTBIBT. OHBISTOHUBOH A WR-JIgBHSIT OF THB LI7BETHE CAUSE OT DISEASE STOMACHr , KIDNEYB • an* JKTERVOTJS SYSTEM. JThe Liver has been known as the mat Wood-maker and Moo&purifer of _»• Ciro—ataon. From its rise and spongy structure, it plays a moot inlportentwtia —* animal economy, as refawte ssrimflition aad nutrition. Food taken in thsroosttaS; acted upon by the digestive organs of the stomach is oonverted into gwooas__a peptone, and in these forms enters the porta* vein. Here, by the action of the lhsu» these substances are oonverted into a form of sugar, and «•_ out of the Uver by a b_s»■ vein, called the hepatic vein, into the general circulation. The new materialam* formed serves two purposes, via., the maintenance of heat ia the body and e_tar_Tfe i the oell growth cl the system. **4 Dr. M_ehison says, "The composition of bfle and its secretion ia very complex.' fit" is constantly being secreted by the liver, and, increasing suddenly before eats* a gradually decreasesi as soon as the appetite is satisfied and ee_ng ceases. 0 NowTfl this most important organ of the body fcaoomes torpid, or the passage of oils Jhtetf_—*> with, emaciation and disease ensu©. I note eight marked peculiarities that new om_!." and which we an know of»— -w 1. The patient complainsofa feeling of weight and fullness of the stomach. ' 8. Distension of the bowels by wind. 8. Heartburn. " 4. A feelhig of wearinesa, pains In the Bmbe, and great sleepiness after meals. 5. Abadtaete —r_emomth.espec—lly in the morning, and furred tongas. X 6. Comrtapation, with an occasional attack of diarrhma. Sf. Headache in front of head. 8. Depression of spirits and great melancholy with lassitude and a dkamttfaa _'i leave everything for to-morrow. , AH of tie above symptoms go to show functional derangement of the lives i and asu' comes the great importance of any error made as to the condition ot the patient. Ha? should immediately provide himself with a LIVES STIMULANT, the mostootaiuSr form of which is a PiBI. Daily experience shows that this, when the Pfflu oompofclSff* properly, is the readiest mode of —citing and promoting the action of the Liver, aaaO—3 be almost always relied on. I have devoted many years of my life, as many of you 23s before mc know, to compounding a Pill that will act readuy and systematicallj «tf < Bilioms Bemedy. Ido not believe in great purgatives, and therfore nave made a Hfeone of which ia an active and thorough dose. I have called it __. ; ! Dr Haydoc-'s New Liver PHI (Sugar Coated): r One Fill is a Dose! One PiU is a Does! One PiU la a Dose. i For aU Diseases of the Kidneys, Dr. Haydock's New Liver Pills are a perfect ana - One Pfll wiU satisfy the most soeptioaL For Female Diseases, Nervous Prostration, Weakness, General Lassitude, Warn l at' Appetite and Sick Headache, Dr. Haydook'a New Liver PUIa will be found anßtastaSL Bemedy. , They are universal in their effects, and a owe can almost always be guaranteed. l r - Bach vial contains Twenty Pills—One PiU is a Dose. Price Twenty-five Cents. FOB SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Every PiU is Sugar Coated. If your Drtiggfrt does nob keepthe_we will l awQ &». free to any address en receipt of 88 oenta. Five vials for ldoL BUY AT ONCE. B3 not, Delay. - .. CAUTION—To secure the Genuine Hatoock's Pons, observe that the atgaatsre atJ. H. Francis, Agent for the United States, is written on every dozen paokages. Fs> chase none without this. As Dr. Haydook's Liver Pilla are entirely different from the 818 Hnda now In fe* > market, any soeptio can l_ve a samptesottte sent him free on receipt offals name atm address. - , -rfta s&_ ' Wawnnrnr ann v» —~>v — a

gAXijOC- as CO. New York,UJb ■__ - STNQBAM. 8.D.8., BNwS. ~ • A DENTIST, 186 Caahel stmt, Christchurch, Upper Booms, opposite HoVv day's. - "■<«■ upper or lower set Art. Teeth, the veay: - beatrmade, £5| part sets, per tooth, MStf common, upper or lower, £6j stoppings, 2s6di extraction, Is. -. <■ 11-11 Chßdren's teeth regulated. «3f • HEALTH FOB ALL. s HOLLOWAYS BILLS AND OINTMENT mHE PILLS Purify the blood, cons* JL■•'■alldisordera of the Liver, Stoiaaai Kidneys aad Bowels, and are invaluable Ja a_opmn_into inddentsi to females. <„, The .OINTMENT is the only reliable remedy for Bag Legs, Old wounds, Sett*' and Utoers. For Bronohitis, Diphtheria Coughs, Colds, Gout, Bheumatism, and ift j Skin D& Bases, it has no equal. <* Soldijy tbe Proprietor, Thohab HaZX«* \ war. 78 New Oxford: street, - London, and \ by aU ; -iodic—e vendors throughout Usa \ world . ■ - J t ' ■y- r ..,' " ; ;.; ",y ' ',', vst ■ _e~a«>9. .'•; j fBIENDBBS are invited for the EBfOi : . A TION of a CONCRETE SBEsT * DIP for the Executors in the Will of ~ttf ' lato T. H. Parkinson, Kaituna. Bpedi lttr--tv l tions and plan to be seen at the Pith *• ! > Officss, Tai Tapu and Little _psst Tenders not later than MABUH 6m. _ , -; ; '; ______ 2-1S 400 PENINSULA BACIHG CLTJB. „ . ritENDEBS are invited for the foilowii» ' A PRIVILEGES at the Babbit laU^L Baces on March sth :— IF > i PoSlicau's Booth '. » *- i, Befreshment and Confectioner's Sootktf,' , ' separately or combined :* i Band,4c. ■>-••(• ' Ui . Tenders not later than February 84ttt> - ; j addressed— _ ?•"* ? r ■$*.sTJjmYj£a*ajan: IltU ~ . . . Blleamere Anna Hotel, Taffajfey,, , f .... ■ TENDEB3. " FOB LABOR * HARBOR BOl_iD STOEKB If ' ,-■ LYTTELTON. . >%»'^ THE Lyttelton Harbor Board fsMaf TENDEBS for the LABOR reqoiE* j [ in Discharging, Stocking,: and- LmbW- <" j . Grain, Merchandise, Ac., at the Bashdj < > Board Stores, in Lyttelton. ;: .-it-3- ---> A specification of the work reqnhredfote . ■ done,-may be seen at tbe Harbor Bcsfj l Office, in Lyttelton. '' __I - 5 t Sealed Tenders, endorsed "Tenflwif; "* > i- Labor—Storage of Goods," must M>*_ \ • dressed to the Chair—an, and deHvsrsdw I I the Harbor Board Office, JnCftrisMhßflfcr I . not later than 1 p.m. on TDJ™Mj|~ I , NEXT, the 23rdinst. . K M\ I ' The lowest, or any Tender not necesfaplp* I ,|M B?orir.---- : - ;: -'- -^1 O. HOOD WILLIAMS, I Secretary and Treasurer LytteltslE, 1 ■ : Harbor Board. ■J i ®?> 1 ■■ Harbor Board Office. :■-■-..-■ -«?i J»vl Lyttelton, 16th February, 1888 '.*j||p= J , ~'".. —' ~,' ] "'" ,f'..' - i -rli-f I i > ..,.-. . -' .s»&#| '. ; —. .. . ..„ ~ , ' . ■ — ___%$ J TINWALD AND MOUNT SOMSBftf? j ; , ■~ BAIL WAIT. .. "y^l j' "MOUNT ; BOMi^A ! ' fXiHB above COACH LEAVES I____W' K 1 1 A-Hotel B—lwayj»gl| I EVBBY MORNING - and EVBSBW 1 1 meeting each train. ■; • :i >* %i ** ' I 1 atParce— and Orife—-wfll mwhvsjßW* I '< | tehtion. Moraas and Bumfes##»& '•'% | i-io aan john hooQp.x/ 1 ■■■-*■■.■ j - *. i mil <~tf- I i, ■._ ;'; BUMMEB SEASON, _». _~j , tt- \ HAYWABD" COACHES ____%*' 1 DRAGS will BUN to and tg__m I JU-erry Bridge DAILY on arrival of _****_. > 1 L-vinßCathedral muaio at imjnW* | a.-, i 5.10_-d6.10p.-.'-- " | ■Coaches Leaving. Sumner at ?.%<U*r 3 1 10.30 a-„ 1.8,1~3,440.6.10 and64B»%i, | Sundays—Leaving Cathedral sgaapptjp • | 820,11.0 aan., 8.0, £80 and 6.0 son. ,^fe,„| at Bi»> ILIT a~* I - : -' 1 drags, baggies and CMriagasfeff,'. 1 private hi—, at shortest notice. ' • ;; . '.' CONVBYANCB.. - | GOVEBNOB'S BAY | T SAVE Governor's Bay DsUy, BJ^f^^l JLI 445.' ' »+-4ttjvS Lyttelton Bailway Station, 9.80 and*?! Z * 1 SUNDAYS". - .I* J <! .Leave Governor's Bay, B.4sand A4B__ , _*? ) »3 Leave ItftteisoßßaflwayStattonManfti* \ /I ■ ■. • FABKB— . ' Beturzi,Bs Single, 2s. .Families,ss »~4^3 Bireement. . . _^%_f^M ■ Ordera, Telegrams, or Parcels, «_s____* Mm Mftee Hotel, -Me—rsGarforth Lyttertog.careof W.Thaps. , V^^ HOT SPBLNGS, rrm _ f s C| HANMEB PL|-fB, AMTOI. -1 NELSON PBOVINCB., _t___t^i XVB-OT^ColiM-NICATION_gJ_S|| JLf Coach evory»i_»day, «__S____K'i Est team from Cnriatoh—«h, rstagaui-yj every Thwetto monang, ia time w«?SA.j lartte—aforC—ristetordhu _______,j**f . T, DE__iTT. ProWPWS_j,r,s

o-w sow Q "m/TANNING ft ' * LIMIT—D have nsr stock: KHiDBBKINB, Containing Eighteen Gallons, BSPECIALLT SUITED FOB FAMILY USE, OF— L . -XI MILD ALB A.K. LIGHT BITT—B ALB XXII STBONG ALB a r,A_m___J. ■'. ■ A JL. LIGHT PJTTBB ALE -' _nd DOUBLE BBOWN STOUT (Bottled in Quarts and Pints). OHBPJTOHUBCH BBBWEBT, mT ULI A N, M.H., PBOFESSOB OF MEDICAL BOTANY 63 OATHBDBAL SQUABE, CHBISTCHUBCH. N.Z. THE BUCCEBBFQL SPECIALIST ■'"IK - : NEBVOUS DISEASES. ■ Please read the following evidence, of my ability to treat successfully CHBONIC DISEASE. Copies or Cbett —catss. CHBONIC DIABBH<EA. " Colombo street, Christchurch, aoa January, 1880. "Mb Julian, ' "Dear Sir,—l wish it to be widely known that your treatment for Chronic Diarrhoea is successful in my wife's case. She suffered for twenty years. Several Doctors attended her from time to time, but their remedies were of no use. She now enjoys such health, as was denied her for twenty years, and she is quite grateful for the benefit of your treatment. Language is not powerful, enough to express her gratitude.—Yours faithfully, "Jak*B Mil—i." SIGHT BESTOBED. " Woolston, January 18th, 1888. " Mb Jtjliaw, : "Dear Sir,—Two years ago my little daughter's eyes began to —name. The inflammation increased in spite of medical treatment, tillsbe became TOTALLY—md. She was under medical treatment for more than a year, at the end of which time the Doctor who attended her pronounced her QUITE BLIND; her bodily condition generally was very weak. After that I tried Sax treatment, and, after six months, I am ppy to say the inflammation has disappeared s her SliBT is BESTOBED, and her health is all that can be desired. 1 give you this testimonial, ia the hope that those who axe similarly afflicted, may take courage, and apply to yon for relief.— Yours respectfully, ',', _ ''J.Babt." EPILEPSY. " Hazelden road, Addington, "July 29th, 1885. "Mb T. Joxxaw, " Dear Sir,—l have had one of my daughters under your treat—.ent for Epilepsy, wit— which she has been afflicted for about THBEE YEABs. Medical men did her no good, and I was afraid she would get dropsical, or INSANE. At last I thought] of apply—gt_you>_ndl am happy to state _at afterFlVß WEEKS' treatment she 1 is of bright intellect, without recurrence of fits, and in good health. I have every confidence that under your treatment she will ba FEBFECTLY BESTOBED in a short time. You may make what use you please of this communication.—Yours gratefully, . Wabo (late H.M. Customs)." These testimonies! are true. Sorutiny is invited. I have other certificates quite equal to the foregoing. Persons interested may sea them on request. My speciality ia the treatment of Nervous Diseases in every form. I claim to have the ability to treat successfully all forms of Nervousness, from whatever cause arising, it may be from one's own faults, or from one's misfortune, mental or physical, hereditary or acquired. Ido not pretend to cure every case however bad, although many so-called hopele— cases have been cured, but I will gladly give my opinion tree to those who conenlt mc personally, and on receipt of a stamped and directed envelope, to those who consult mc by letter. Patients may rely npon strict integrity, proved ability, and reasonable charges. Medicines securely packed, and delivery guaranteed. My standard Herbal Bernedies for acute attacks of disease, are hard to beat. Sure cure for Neuralgia, Is tid and 2s 6d per bottle. Herbal Lung Balsam, for diseases of the throat and lungs, 2s. Koromiko Dysentery Syrup, for Diarrhoea, &c, 2s 6d. Sure Cure for Corns, 1b 6d. Begulating PiUs, for constipation, sick headache, biliousness &c., Is per box. Ask your Grocer for these articles. If he values your custom he will supply, you, if not, I will send them, post or carriage pre-paid, on receipt of I?rioe ' T. JULIAN, M.H.. 62, Cathedral square, Christchurch. S. NUTT, BAKES AND GENEBAL BTOBEKEEPEB, WHOLESALE AND BETA—i, TAI TAPU. Mail Carries L_cola to Tai Tapu, AGENT for WEEKLY "PBESS:", Subscribers in this Distriot are requested to apply to Mr Nutt for their papers; 1-188018

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Press, Volume XLIII, Issue 6370, 18 February 1886, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 7 Press, Volume XLIII, Issue 6370, 18 February 1886, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 7 Press, Volume XLIII, Issue 6370, 18 February 1886, Page 4