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BfcigyUag. shipping. fc32N £€&3few jgHAW.SAVILLAin! Jin ALBION COMPANY TP I^, monthly line 1 HI « FAST PABBBNGEB ST«**rßiM Ha fiew Zealand Shipping all posts and Oompany's Royal Mail The following new, et»ei-b«iit vw»r— <* " StoepacaieeeppoiatedtoleeTefor LONT4«a rtf Shumflni DON DIBECT a* follows :— yae 01 Oteamerß. (Final Port as arranged.) ~iutf» contract with the New Zealand ~ — '-''"«*si=fc. VJiTill be despatched Steamer. 15 §* Commander. Deptrwith Her Majesty's £ _ *"*** for LONDON, via Bio *Doric M 1744 SOW J. w. Jemißga Sept.ts dM » : fflr=Bßf:BSSS». JS?s|if»ii«i Boat Js£r. *£mw?* "■**• »Law* Wefflagton. f Leara Lytttelo£~~ ffti ■"*■ -"— ■" r ——— .T* lß Axawa and Tainui toe new steamers d i^rteame»l oa io t Do ri o, «m Tmfirfa WeDington Nov. 19 and Coptic will be conducted by the fflSSfc-«M i&S^ 1 - Di &J? maoaeers of that line, who faavemadetheir fc—dui «M» iSwet m JeaTi* aarvioe the most oorofortable and popular gKSHpafgj " j**-** Surgeon will accompany Pseeafe money—Saloon, from 60 guineae „ .irL- Kn,-w mpwarda»Second Cabin, 46 guineas i SteexBμ «J»w aie an new eteamere, enflt age, from 18 to 20 guineas. Jrfafy to toe bade, and commanded by Circalara riving can be Sea of i*eet experience, had on application. The length of paagage fay tae_ Company's .CARGO CABBIED AT LOWEST teamen averages under forty days. CUBBENT BATES. • fSessffUnoney—Saloon, from 60 guineas __ Ww**» I ««gng saloon, 40 gnineae ,- steer- For rurHierparticulars apply to I«,ftomlßpjmeae. JOHN UTOLIS, «c EDWARDS, BENNETT A CO., THE HEAD OFFICEB, ggg NATIONAL M. & A. COMtoti ;fc) -PANT, MMTTBD, Googaay&KXighout the colony. DALGETY 4 COMPANY (Lnnran), - 'M»a» 8-19437 ChrißtchnrchandLTtteltan. "^^SLJF&i^TSi 1 ** 11 "* SHAW, BAYILL AND ALBION ~OOMCOMPANY'S LINK. ■ ~ ' PANT, LIMITED. £&3iv "R M i-?w«TT«» FtThE Magnificent ""*_ X White Star Liner 4474 Toss Register, <BlSgllMMy DOBIC, 40» T Horae-power, Pl Tone Register; W. 0. Gwtchmt, RJS.B., Commander, amA Horse-nower E&.H* ISrafSSihSS* lfwfSsS»w. Commander, lilffflf at 800 de Janeiro ana Madeira, on t_ i» taava SEPTEMBER WELIVg^F^LONDON, At 4 pan. ON BEPTEMBKB 25th, Ittadbr passant are invited tom- <***** ■• MO J? B i^^^>Plane, ehowinif the accommodation prorf modern naval f O r_paß^ ? era, can be aeen at the er&tM^^ a tte^BTOFDEPABTUBEFREBOF FoTfurther partioulare ac to rates of «eOTa,eewiralareonaeck,aU have perfect paßsaee money, Apply to There are- a lar»e number of SoLIS if*2?^th!^^te^ U^« 1 iS m i EDWARDS, BENNETT * CO., egttWHmefanfrroome, besides two large THB NATIONAL MOBTGAOB AND , mS B j- *xn, AGENCT COMPANY OF NEW 4 ZEALAND. LIMITED. \3gt6B3HcBBB. 9-3 7490 Christchurch and Lytteltoa. ' • ~ &^&t a S£^%^ a %££ FOB ADELAIDE DIBEOT. tert liberal. _ ~"~ ■ She whole Paeeenfer Aooommodatioa_ is AJ^wV^tr " $?£s** ° gY m 3l£S££^Shor^tScSfewel- % 4?IBST VESSEL FOB AUCKLAND. being engaged, prompt appB- •:• —. cation for freight is requested. • - * rpHE SCHOONBB KAYE & CABTBB, Agenfa, A ZIO B, Lyttelton and Ohnstchnrch. TtlnK3K> Will load for above Port and 8197 FOB AUCKLAND DIBECT. t«B29S CPFFAGBAmM. mffota.'fcl!ijIION STEAMSHIP OOMPANY OF -L%*t JL FBEETBADEB, OTW ZEALAND CLIMITBD) Captain McAbthcb, . WiLINGTONTiICTON, and NBL, SS^SS^SS^SST^ yV SON - PENGUIN, SATURDAY SAl ii for the above Port at an Early Date. NEXT. Paseengere by 8.15 p.m. For freight. &c., appty to^ T „_„ train. Cargo tall noon. ._„__- JAMIESON & MALCOLMSON, .jreHßMsßßffltfKß -^- T** , ©Jγ NEXT. Paesengere by 2.40 CHINA NAVIGATION COMPANY j*, TMu. train. Canro fcUll T S?S£- ON __ (LIMITED). - MOBBOW, poB HONG KONG*,SYDNEY, AND. FBIDAY. PasaenKere by 2.40 p.m. QUEENSLAND POBTS, VIA WEL- »' - tfein. Cargo tall LINGTON. r",-*.WAIBABAPA, THIS DAT, A WH4MPOA, THUBSDA.Y. 1750 tons register>Bop «Hda. Caifo till noon. _ _JESi«fe» H-P-* wfll leave Lyttel-,T\WEDlN-SOTOBUA,THISDAY, £<S for "c above porta on or abont lIVTI—ABAWATA, from Auckland, plgx particulars apply to JC about September 21st. CHBYSTALL * . • - _— - - Lichneld street. "tw BKswwasK'ia i c»s?:«.hbtwoo D *oo. BLACK DIAMOND LINE. . Ml 35 "UnSaLllffeTON and AUCKLAND— The vesaelleavee the wharf at 9.30ajn., ff TAUPO, THIS DAY, THOBS- BETUBNING SAME DAY. DAY. Latest train, 12.10 P.m. . Andfor AKABOA DIEECT every WED.XtfELLINGTON, NAPIEB, GIS- NEBDAY, on arrivalof the 2M pjb^ BMn t, ff BOSNE, TAUBANGA, and faom Christchurch, retorninirttie foUowini r ~ AUCKLAND — OHAU, TO-MOK- day in time for the 7.20 pan. train. * BOW.refitDAY. September 25th. Farea-Single, 15e j Betnrn, 21a. _ Cargo—lOa per ton, may be sent down OS - 'ff TUBN TICKETS to WELLING- Tneedays. . Aar^A »» TON at Fingle Fares . Thisiavorite steameru wdl adeptoa M* paxceie received at Cnrirtehweh oanying. excursion to Bags g -HOfts*. the Pemnisala, and SPECIAL ABBANCMs- . *en»e»l»Becnredat(3hßStchweh. MENTS forKcnio Parties can be made. Mancheater and Caehel GABWOOD ft CO., Afcwoe. obient Lyt^tonandChnstchnrcn. TOsSTHollowgromdßaßoraandStem -- * andlie JD Amuat jjto BosisTe, Caehel street - IInSFIC COMPANY will leave Sydney WT ; ;f»* Xelbonrne on the undermenfioned g~- iO &eS rfIUBNJCI *rt« for London, via AdWaide, Diego {£ J. -finda (at steamer's option). Sues, ana 1W h*bmobj> sxanrr, OmunoHunoH , (Next B.M. Morten's new b«ldingß). From Sydney. From Melbourne. —, : John Elder ... c'ct 10 ... Oct. 16 GSNEBAL STATIONEB .Antral ... Oct 24 ... Oct. 30 avd a And fortnightly thereafter. Dxpot iob Fikb Aβ* Matboau. ~ '* Sew Zealand passengers may connect —. **Mu. John Elder, at Melbourne, per Importer of POONAHPAINT6 *Wih*Bai«, trom Lyttelton, on Tuesday, jjewman'e LUSTBENE, and Wineor a» •<aOetoWr. Newton's Arßsta* Materials of every dc ■ Through fatee to London jBSa to jW»- soription. „ . _ __ . . -■ laawagera secure epcciaJ advantages by r^ e teantiful art of Poonah and Lmstrc Mddng through, from N-sw Zealand. i evm Fainting is accessible toaUbeeani ~ class paesenifera by Orient steamer their simplicity. Call and see epeoimet *c provided with e&loon paesages to fthework. _ .|Wney or Melbourne. , Choice Bfe»diee in Oil and Water Cok "PASSAGES FSOM LONDON.—Special tent by the week. . -fWßtwe afforded for bringing out Friends and otiier writings. DUnmnatioe " »na Relatives by pre-p&ymentof the pas- *. execmted with dispatch. , •R'aoneyhere: ~ Uoenaed to cdl stamps. _ t SPECIAL EETURN TICKETS, avail- M-WB4 I 'iSS 6 *« twelve mc»ntha, are issued at the _____.. T TBlf iiu l-~ tvloOowing ratee: ABTIFICIA£> XJuPXU. though to London at *■ ' *~~" &as he toeowjpaceparea to maxeagj '•* SPECIAL NOTICE. FICJAIi TSBTHatthe foEowina:redmo * -Fast Passengerssecnre β^fcnml*. *■*£*& advantages by booking through p p«n Upper «|« w « r l 5 eto ' from *** •"StenewZeUaal, as they will be charged Single Teeth, nomiue.^^^^ l SfJ the B * me i l3 * Bß *» "° m Melbourne Bestmate«tols^Wneea.^^ ,«nd Sydney, beine proyided with saloon Address, Mβ BoB»moB*«, to Australia Free of Charge. street. "* M7I ZEALAND, f^Jffi&gS, &SS*S*W«

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Press, Volume XLII, Issue 6245, 24 September 1885, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 Press, Volume XLII, Issue 6245, 24 September 1885, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 Press, Volume XLII, Issue 6245, 24 September 1885, Page 1