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m • • ——————; i ==———• —____—_______s____- a3tt .-' ' -_____________________" B. HALE &" C 0.. •*- <■"* SAIL, TENT, TARPAULIN, FLAQ, HORSE COVER AND OlLSEffl CLOTHINa M-JSUFAGTUBEBS AND ROPE AND TWINE MAKERS CASHEL STMEgT, CTBISTCHURCH. ' HORSE COVERS (from liTSd to 3ss) HORSE COVIRg TI7"E beg tocaU the attention of Farmers and Others to our Celebrated Ma_ -i *** rfcp ' -* «SM TA,_Rl?__Ul_l_Nrs FARMERS should never be without a T_mu_o, and particularly so at Th-M_t-_. ccecute orders on immediate notioe. *»«-*«_ ov, we«aa 1 M-_VCX____INS^BI-TrN I Having been appointed Sole Agents for the Sale of F. REDDAWAY A m« Proprietors and others, that we keep a large stock _w__ <__S* ■rom-imtoan. Alao, Leather Belting of aU sixes in "* *—** I MARQUEES ON HIRE, OF VARIOUS SIZES. 1 Orders by Post or Telegraph Forwarded per First Train or Steamer. I WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. __tßft* Cheap boot and shoe db_?ot" ■Mtfyfrr- ■ COLOMBO STREET, CHRISTCHTJ-CH. » OHN GOODMAN tf AS the pleasure to inform his numerous ou-tomers that, HAVING -Ann XX SATISFACTORY ARRANGEMENTS RE EXTENSION OF LEASE, helriU be glad to see his numerous constituents, when they wfll FIND THE GOODS CHEAPER THAN EVEE. JOHN GOODMAN, COLOMBO STREET, CHRISTOHUROH. I*9 8782

Election IVotleea. I AVON ROAD DISTRICT. -ttb-USBY give notice, in pursuance of ■ a * & **°_■**_■S, f «*• »«d Boards . Act, 1882, and the Regulation of LteS Elections Aot, 1876, that an ELECTrmr of ONE PEBSON'to repwseSttoeN-l Ward on the Avon Boad Board, in tho ■ Place.of Mr Walter Wray, who retires ty rotation, but is eligible for re election. THUESDAY * the 7th_y • I Also, 1 That an ELECTION of ONE PEBSON • » r^_? Be °. t r*__*°* , 2 w «d on the Avon Boad Board, m the place of Mr Albert M. Philpott, who retires by rotation, but is sI?J?SUf?FJ je^le<J tion, will be held on ' THURSDAY, the 7th day of MAY, 1885. , Also, That an ELECTION of ONE PEBSON w» represent the No. 4 Ward on the Avon j B°ad Board, in the place cf Mr James Jackson, who retires by rotation, but is : Sifi?4?-l? r -J 0 - el&e -ion, wUI be held on THURSDAY, the 7th day of MAY, 1885. , Nominations of candidates, whioh must he in the form prescribed iv the Second Schedule of the Regulation of Lccal Elections Act, 1876, and addressed to tha Returning Officer, must be deUvered at the . Office of the Avon Road Board b.fore 12 j Nocn on WEDNESDAY, the 29th day of , API(IL, 1885. EOBFRTHOWE. > 4-23 2833 Returning Officer. AVON ROAD BOABD ELECTIONT" MR THOMAS WILSON being th» only Candidate nominated for the r No. 1 Ward, I hereby declare him DULY [ ELECTED. MR ALBERT M. PHILPOTT being toe > only Candidate nominated for the No. 8 I Ward, I hereby declare him DULY . ELECTED. MB EDWIN BLAKE being the only ■ Candidate nominated for the Ao. 4 Wan), , I hereby declare him DU LV ELECTED. ' ROBERT HO WE, Returning Officer. 4-30 3130 . . ! SPBINGS ROAD BOABD. IN accordance with t <- provisions of The Road Boards * R-183-, »nd its amendments, and The riegulation of » Local Elections Act. 1876, i hereby give . . notioe that an ELECTION wi 3*» held at the Boad Board Office, Sr. C.iton, oa , THUBSDAY, the 7th day of _&Y,JBft£ i for the purpose of electing TH__B PERr bONS to fill the Vacancies caused*? tbe retirement of Messrs Ghamheriai*****?**'-!*, •-;-*■ > mack, ahd Derrick. - _a,--eithw"' t NOMINATIONS of Candidates Wwttef.,,-'- ---. made in the form pre? ciltwilrr—tr €ohvjutSi • to mc on or before Noon of FRIDAY, MAY 18T, 1885. Forma can be obtained oa ap- '.■ 3 pUcationto , , PETER SINCLAIR, t Returning Officer, Springs Road District. Spnnsston, 21at April, 1885. 4-22 87» PORT VICTORIA ROAD BOARD. . IS HEBKbY GIVEN ia J3I accordance with the Road Boards A ct, 1832, and the Regulation of Locii Elee- . tions Act,lß76,thatan ELECTION of three members of the Port Victoria Road Board, in the place of Messrs R. R. Bradley, Wm. Deans Uebbie, and Harvey Hawking, I who retire, but are eligible for mf election, will be held at the Road B—ad i Office, Governor's Bay Bouth. on TIIUBS- \ DAY the 7th day of MAY, 1885. • Nominations in the firm prescribed ia > the second schedule of the Begulation « • Local flections Act, 1876, must be delivertd ■ > to or left at the residence of the retiu—ag • officer on or before Monday the 27ch day ef April, 1885. W.GRAY, e-16 2548 Ret_rnmg Officer. J [ __ LITTLE RIVER ROAD 80-J-D. X HEREBY give notice that MESSBS . X WM.COOP and GEORGE EDMONDS ' have been NOMINATED as MEMBEBS of the Little River Road Board, aud not b_agin excess of the number requuite to.Form - . said Board, I declare them. DULY ELECTED. T. QUEALY, Returning O-C-?. . . April 23th. 1885. A-SO «» [ WEST EYRETON ROAD BOABD. , THE foUowing Gentlemen have beta DULY KOMINAThD to fill the Three Vacancies in the West Jfyratas Road Board :-Vie, JOHN ADDINKLL, • 1 STEPHEN SHEAi', and JOHN SMira. „ ' I therefore declare JOHN ADDINELL. STEPHEar SHE AT, and JOHN SMITH : DULY ELEC TED Members of the West [ Eyreton Road Board. ROBERT WRIGHT, Returning Officer. April 28th, 1885. 4-30 3 „ ELLESMEBE ROAD BOARD. NOTICE is Hereby Given, in purm-SB*-of the Regulation of Local EteetiM* Act, 1876, and the Road Boards Act, 188»----i that an ELECTION wfll be held fotiur. 3 Boad Board Office, Leeston, on THUBB--l DAT, the 7th day of MAY, 1885. f« J* purpose of ELECTING THREE, MEMBERS to serve on the Board in the -lace , of Messrs F. Overton, G. C. Waby,an_ Wm. WatsoU, who retire by rotation. - NOMINATIONS wfll be received at the i Boad Board Office, Leeston, up to noon en - FRIDAY, the let day of May. 1885. s WILLIAM G. LUNN, Rett——iag 0_»—• Road Board Office. ,__#". Leeston, April 17th, 1865. A-29 306* s OXFORD ROAD BOABD ELECTION. IHEBBBY GIVE NOTICE, vmder tt; 15__ section of the Local Klegg? f Act, 1876, that ABCHIBALD WOfHfW* ; BPOON has This Day WITHDBAttHM* his Name as a Candidate for a Seat os tas . ■ above Board. j JOHN DOBSQN, 1 Iteturning o®*%. Oxford, 29th April, 1885. 440 »_» _ ELLEBMERE ROAD BOARD. I ' -LECTION. • EXTRAORDINARY VACANCY. - , , is Hereby Given to pnr.u_n» ! J3i of the Regulation of t I Act, 1876, and the Road Beards Act, «*_ / tbat an ELECiION wfll be hdd aM**' Road Board Office, Leeston, on T-tU_& DAY, the. 7th day of MAY, 1836, tojg the seat vacated by Mr John BoHW* Campbell. . i ___ NOMINATIONS wfll be received** 1 ' noon on FRIDAY, the Ist day of MA** ~ 1885. WILLIAM G. LUNN, ■? 4-29 80S6 Returning Q**^, . . Fro-ißce. ~; DAIRY PBOUUCJfc. fTtHB UNDERSIGNED ate ___§#' JL ._____» ef BUTTER, GRaSS:' . «By ia any quantity; at Highest J***"??, j Dealers _ad Butter __akm _f«_l«»£ j proper tabs for the expor-tfon« \*f>£s__ "•' male Better, thereby seoarisg W*** \ values. _ "I ; PwvtoSfew*-** 1 l&Ouhel street, C-ri_-hKtti*„ g, l

NOTICE. ALL RATES now Due on the HORORATA WATEB RACE, and not paid to SATURDAY, 16th MAY, 1885; wfll be SUED FOR without further notice. By order. K. WILSON, Caretaker, 4-21 2745 Hororata Water Baco. HEALTH FOB ALL. HOLLOWAY'UPILLSANDOINTM-NT mHE PILLS Purify the blood, oorreot JL disorders of the Liver, Btomaoh, Kidneys, and Bowels, and are invalsable in all complaints incidental to females The OINTMENT Isl the only -©liable remedy for Bad Legs, Old Wounds, Sores, and Ulcers. For Bronchitis, Diphtheria. Coughs, Colds, Post, Rheumatism, and all Skin Diseases, it has no equaL Sold by the Proprietor, Thomas Hollo* way, 78 New Oxford street London, and by aU medicine **endors throughout the werld T-3 JS I_and Transfer Act Ifotleea. V. _&fi_G_B_L RNOTICE is hereby given that theseveral parcels of land hereinafter described wfll be brought under the provisions of the Land Transfer Act, 1870, unless caveat be lodged forbidding the same on or before the 23rd day of May, 1885 -— 5618. Dan Gbifvithb.—2 acres and 22 perches, part of Sural Sacti v 311, Borough of St. Albans. < ccupi-d by AppUcant, Richmond and John Foster. 5624. John -bedebich: Wachshann.—lo acres 1 rood 3 perches, p-rts of Bural Sections 533 a and 566, Chrißtchurch District. Occupied oy Applicant. £625. David Stbbi, and Joseph Steel.— 24 perchea, part of Rural Section 113, Christchurch District. Occupied by AppUcante. 5626. James McDowell. — 390 acres. Rural Sections 1505, 1506, 1507,1508, and 8246. Bangiora Survey District. Occupied by At pUcant. 5627. Adam Bbalby and Bamu_lßhal_y —2 acres and 4 perches, B«ctions-6-0 to 6tf inclusive. City of Christohurch. Occupied by Henry Horsfoid Prins. 5628. William White.—2B acres 2 roods 16 perches, part i-f Rural Sections 3273 and 5689, Pigeon Bay Suivey District- Occupied by Applicant. 5629. Samuel Millbtt Hitchins. •—-20 acres, Rural Section 673 d, RoUeston Survey District. Occupied by AppUcant. Diagrams inspected at this Office.. .. . ,-"i " . ■ '''~- *?l:Dated this 17th day of April, 1885, at the Lands Begistry Office. Chnstehuroli. J.M. HArHAM. 4 29 3078 Diflfaict Land Registrar. Blectlon Xntlces. MANDEVIULK AN«> BANGIORA ROAD Bk/ARD. IN pursuance of the provi-ious of the Road Bo rds Act, 1882. Amendment Act, 1883, and the Bt-golation of Local Elections Act, 1876, I hereby give notice that an ELECTION of I BRKE PERSONS to fiU the vacancies on the above Board, caused by the retirement of Messrs C. Dampier Croseley, Malcolm Duncan, and George Edwards (who are eUgible for reelection), wfll be held at the Mechanics' Institute, at Woodend, on THURSDAY, May the 7th, 1885. Nominations of Candidates must be addressed to the Returning Officer, and deUvered at the Mechanics' Institute, at Woodend, not later than noon of Saturday, May the 2nd, 1885. JOSEPH B. SHEATH, 4 23 2824 Returning Officer. MANDEVILLE AND BANGIORA ROAD BOABD. IN pursuance of the Boad Boards Act, 1883, and the Regulation of Local Elections Act, 1876, I hereby give notioe that an ELECTION wfll be held at the Mechanics' Institute, at Woodend, on THURSDAY, May the 7th, 1885, to fill an extra*ordinary vacancy on the Board, caused by the non-attendance of Mr John Stevenson. Nominations of Candidates must be addressed to the Returning Officer, and delivered at the Mechanics* Institute at Woodend, not later than noon of Saturday, May 2nd, 1885. JOSEPH B. SHEATH, 4-23 2823 Returning Officer. LAKE COLERIDGE ROAD BOARD. ELECTION OF MEMBERS. THE have been duly NOMINATED to fiU the vacancies on the Lake Coleridge Road Board:— Mr W. Gerard. Mr J. Murchison. _, __T.A.Phi_ipß. The above gentlemen being the only candidates nominated for the three vacancies on the Board, I hereby declare them duly ELEC I ED members of the Lake Coleridge Road Board. a . • GEO. BAKER. Returning Officer for Lake Coleridge *-29 Road Board. »85 EYRETON ROAD BOARD. ' MESSRS HUGH ELDER, GEORGE . . BAILEY, and THoMaS PASHBY being the only Candidates NOMINATED to fill the Three Vacancies on the Eyreton Boad Board, I tnerefore declare HUGH ELDER, GEOBGE BAILEY, and THOMAS PASHBY DULY ELECTED. ROBERT WRIGHT. Beturning Officer. _ April 29th, 1885. 4-30 3138 OXFORD ROAD BOARD ELECTION. r_IHE following CANDIDATES have X been PROPOSED for the Office of Members of the above Board, viz.:— * Englebrecht, Henry Gorton, J.. B. McGratb, Thomas Pearson, W.F. Wotherspoon, Archibald. A POLL wfll be token on WEDNESDAY, the 6th day of May, between the hoars of 9 a.m. and 6 p.m., at the Road Board Office, for the ELECTION of TH-ÜBE of the above-named Candidates. JOHN DOBSON, Beturning Officer. Oxford, April 27th, 1885. 4-23 3022 ABHLSY ROAD BOARD. ELECTION OF MEMBERS. r_V—_ following PERSONS have been X duly NOMINATED for ELECTION to f-Sshe on the Board for the above d__ict t— Armstrong, John Brown, John Higg—is, Daniel NichoUs, Walter Charles. A POLL wfll be taken for the Election of Three of the above-named Candidates on THUBSDAY, the 7th day of May, 1885, a£ the following places, viz.:—Boad Board Office, Loburn; School-house. North Loburn, between the hours of 9 a.m. and 6 I ' JAS. DUTHTE, Beturniag Officer. 1 April 29th, 1885. 4-30 3183

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Press, Volume XLI, Issue 6120, 30 April 1885, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 7 Press, Volume XLI, Issue 6120, 30 April 1885, Page 4