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B, HALE & C 0.. V SAIL, TENT, TABPAULIN, FLAG, HOBSE COVEB AND OILSKI CLOTHING MANUFACTUBSBS AND BOPE AND TWINE MAKERS. s\ CASHEL STREET, CHBISTCHUBCH. /h T A. R 3? A. TJ LIXB WE begto call the attention of Farmers and others to our Large Stock of TAX PAULINS of different qualities, which, we are. Selling at reduced prioaiL Spooiality-CLOTHS, for Bound Biota, 88a 6d. *™ c, * We have also a Good Assortment of BINDING TWINE, comprising Manilla, Ffa. and Hemp, suitable for all machines. w BE APES and BINDEB APBONS and ELEVATOBS kept in Stock, and all kiirf. of BEPAIBING done on the premises. att MACHINEBT BEIiTHSTQ. Having been appointed Sole Agents for the Sale of F. BEDDAWAY A CO»e • PATENT COTTON BELTING, we be* to inform Manufacturers, Mill Oram? Threshing Machine Proprietors and others, that we keep a large stock always on hatS* from2iintoßin. Also, Leather Belting of all cues kept in etock. Wi * WHOLESALE AND BETAIL. 12-1 yjjg CHEAP BOOT AND SHOE JDEPO^ COLOMBO STBEET, CHBISTCEUBCH. JOHN (TO ODMAN HAS the pleasure to inform his numerone customers that, HAVING MADS SATISFACTOBY ABBANGEMENTS BE EXTENSION OF LEASE, hewfli be glad to see his numerous constituents, when they will FIND THE GOODS CHEAPER THAN EYEB. JOHN "GOODMAN, COLOMBO STBEET, CHBISTCHUEOB. _?37€2

PEBSONS are CAUTIONED againet Purchasing a Brown Betriever DOG from a lad aged 12, named Albert Otten, the said dog having been stolen; and I, the father of the boy, hereby tradesmen from supplying the boy with any goods, &c., in any person's name, as I will not be responsible. HENBY OTTEN, Carlisle street, Sydenham. February sth, 1885. 2-10 57 HEALTH FOB ALL. HOLLOWAY'SPILLSANDOINTMENT ffTHE PILLS Pmrify the blood, oorreot I disorders of the Liver, Stomach, Kidneys, and Bowels, and are invaluable in au complaints incidental to females. The OINTMENT is the only reliable remedy for Bed Legs, Old Wounds, Sores, andUloers. For Bronchitis, Diphtheria, Coughs. Colds, Goat, Bhewnatism, and all Skin Diseases, it has no equal. Sold by the Proprietor, Thomas Hollowat, 78 New Oxford street London, and bj all medicine Tenders throughout the werld 7-8 8j Insurance Companies. qpHE TT NIOM "* FIEE AND MAELNE INSUBANCE COMPANY OF NEW ZEALAND. Hkeefoed Stbkkt, Chkistchtjboh. CAPITAL SUBSCKIBED ... £2,000,000 PAID-UP 100,000 HESEBVE FUND 60,000 THIS COMPANY, the ONLY institution of the kind having its HEAD OFFICE and MANAGEMENT in Christchurch, is prepared to effect FIEE AND MAEINE INSUBANCES Of every description, AT CUBBENT BATES. W. DEVENISH MEAKES, General Manager. List of Canterbury Agents in Saturday , issue. • THE EQUITABLE INSUBANCE ASSO CIATION OF NEW ZEALAND , HEAD OFFICE DUNEDIN, IS now prepared to ACCEPT FIEE and MAEINE INSUBANCES of every description at - LOWEST CUBRENT BATES. F. J. HIBELL, Manager for Canterbury, ! 175, Hereford street. THE NATIONAL FIEE AND MAEINE INSUBANCE COMPANY OF NEW ZEALAND. Capital ... Two Million Pounds Sterling. Paid up, Je97,508. Eeserves, J8300.918. "T7|TITH UNLIMITED LIABILITY of ■\ v large body of Shareholders resident in New Zealand. Fire and Marine Eiaks of all kinds accepted at Current Bates. •• . < ALEXANDEB CAEIiICK, Manager. Comer of Caelicl street and High street. ,10-4 THE COLONIAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW ZEALAND. Capital ... .T~" ... J81,000,000. TTNLIMITED LIABILITY of SHABEU HOLDEES. Fire and Marine Biske taken at Lowest Current Bates.; . ■■■ B.- WALTON, -17' Manager for Canterbury. ALLIANCE MABINE ASSUBANCk COMPANY, LIMITED, OF LONDON. Founded 1834. Capital One Million. Incorporated by Act of Parliament. j The aboVe Company are now prepared to accept Marine Bisks at Lowest Current Bates. ...-,.•-•.:.-• Head Agency for New Zealand, * PICKEEtNG, 161 Hereford street. Christchurch 4-28 i»3l '. : ' -.. '.. .■ Jjxutual liiFE Association OF AUSTBALASIA. Established ... . ... ... 1869 And Incoepohatbd by Aot of Pasliamknt. The Second OLD E S T Mutual Life Office in Australasia'; the First to Issue Policies free from all restrictions: AND THE ONLY ONE Established within the last 35 years which has declared a Bonua upon an ABSOLUTELY POBfi PEEMIUM VALUATION. . pbincipal" office : George and Wynyard streets, Sydney. CANTEEBUBY DISTBICT AGENCY On and after MONDAY, 2nd FEBBUABY, 1885, The Association's Business in Canterbury will be conducted at its New Office, 158 and 160 HEIiEFOSD STEEET, CHBISTCHUBCH, . Under the temporary charge of Mr M. F. Bainsford, pending the appointment of a successor to Mr Charles Tipple, who has resigned the position of District Agent. TtfE ASSOCIATION'S FUNDS NOW • EXCEED <^400,000, Of which a Large Amount is Invested in this Colony. . : Its Policies are INDEFEASIBLE FBOM OATE OF ISSUE, and NON-FOB-FEITABLE while the Surrender Value -lasts. ■ • ••. '-; .. .. ■ CLAIMS ABE PAID immediately on Proof of Death and title ot claimants. BONUSES become Vested Additions when Policies have been ONE Year in Force. ! THE THIED QdLVqUENNIAL BEPOBT, together with the Proceedings at General Meeting, will be supplied on application at the office or at any agency; as also TABLES OF KATES and full information on all points of interest to intending Asenrants. I By order of the Board of Directors, J. C. BEMINGTON, Secretary. Canterbury District Office, | , 3Ut January. 1885. 2-5 9878 Ijtceneinie Aloticee. "IidnCEHOF APPLICATION FOB - i TItANSFEB OF LICENSE. IGEOBGE B. WILLIS, of Sheffield, j y being the holder of a publican's license in respect of the house and pre-; mises situate at Sheffield, and known as the Bailway Hotel, do hereby give ' notice that I desire to obtain, and will, at the next Licensing Meeting to be holden at Sheffield on the fifth d»y of March, 1885, apply for a TBANSFEB of the said. LICENSE from myself to EDWABD BTONE DANN, of Sheffield, notelkeeper, my appointee. Dated the ninth day of February 1835. G. B. WILLIS. B. D. Thomas, goKeiterj Chrietchuteh. 2-10 32

CASH CHOUSE. I TIT HOOKEB'S Iron Bedstead, Bai. 1 Tl • ding, and Fmrmtue Wueaotat* I Manchester street, opposite Edwards, hSU 5 nett. Goods of my own manafaictaresmA » oheaper than prices usually otamdia m Christohmrch. Inspection invited. Bed. roomfamished oomplete, 48 18b 6die*k.i tinr*oom 41017e 6d. MNgj Produce. - J TO FAEMEES. WE are BUYEBS of all Kinds of FAEMEES' PEODUCE at mX Bates. Sacka and Twine supplied at exceptionally low rates. EOUNTEEE 4 CO. . I Cashel street, ■ 2-7 9942 ChriatohuxeL I DAISY PBODUCE. """"* I fTTHE UNDEBSIGNED are OABR. I X BUTEBS of BUTTEB, CHEBBIL S *c, in any quantity, at Mfgtajj s Bates. . 8 Dealers and Batter Makers are lest tkt l I proper tabs for the exportation of aewb* I made Butter, thereby seeming higstgi - 1 values. 1 CANDY, STEEDS * CO., . , E Export, Produce and Provision Merobastß. 8 UKCashel street, I ♦•» Bt 1 Hotels* B PIGBON BAY HOTEL, 1 A. P. BRIDGES ' I HAS the honour to inform the public If of the Peninsula and Canterbury ' B generally that a new and commodious - ■ FIBST-CLASS HOTEL S HAS BKBK Si OPENED AT PIGEON BAT. B WELL-PEOVIDEIT APARTMENTS. ' 1 Ladies , Waiting Boom. B GOOD BjTa BLINO i ! Steamer from Lyttelton three times par B week. - B NONE BUT BESTJJIQUOE3 KEPT. I Hot and Cold Baths. Hfm A. F. BBIDGES, vB 12-17 7965 Proprietor. S BOTHEBFXBLD HOTEL. • » 3 ; , ."'.' ''-.'/M ffiHH Proprietor solicits* the favor of ft {I JL visit. The Liquors will be found to < » be of a quality unsurpassed anywhere. Th» . m Table supplies the Best One ShQHnjr 1 Dinner in Christohuroh i and the Stable § will be found conducted by "Fred." M B they ought to be. 1 12-15 3408 A. DUNBAB,Proprietot. | HEATHCOTB ABMS HOTEL. - I . FEEET BBIDGJT TO SUMNEB. . . I Tk/TR COUGHLAN begs to inform tbt •■] I ItJL Public and Holiday Seekore 4 f| Christcnureh that he has <, m TAKEN OVEB THE ABOVE HOTK* , M Andhaahadit - f THOBOUGHLY BENOVATED AlffD 1 BEFITTED. • I Mr and Mrs Coughlan trust that their , 8 experience as Steward and Housekeeper of '-! - 1 the Christchurcb. Club for the pail sot '■*; I years will be a sufficient guarantee thai ';, 1 the requirements of the Public will meet S with strict attention. ,5 GAEDENS FBEe"tO THE PUBLIC, ' I And all kinds of : 1 BEFBESHMENTS AT THE SHOBTEffP " f 8 POSSIBLE NOTICE. - ,- ! 1 TEA AT ALL HOUES. A Boom exclusively for Ladies sod- - =*> Gentlemen waiting for Tram or Coach, with separate entrance from publio part or '' HoteL The Cuisine is under the personal superintendance ef Mrs C. Booms en suite, with accommodation for Single Boarders in search, of health. An Alcock's Prize Billiard Table. » ■ WINES AND BPIBITB OF THE BEST ONLY KEPT. Messrs Vincent and Co.'s Bright and Sparkling Light and Strong Alas. : 8-H ■ CANTEBBUBY HOTEL. METHVEN. .» ' . WJWUSE bega to inform the ■ ■*• • and the inhabitants of Uethvea ! and surrounding districts that he pra* , pared to offer first-claos actsommodatue* with every convenience and comfort, ftt tne above newly erected and comnsoaww hotel. All the rooms are light, airy, «» furaishedin a superior style, and the r*eprietor spares no pains or expense to make th» CANTEBBuBY HOTEL tte oe» hotel in the district. There ie a fest-obg BILLIAED BOOM, with one of Alcocirt best tables. All wines and beers supplied are of the best brands. Good stabling, and horses and buggm °» hire. 8-13 7445 W. BOUSE. Proprietor. . . CT I C T O B I A N HOT BL. V Colombo street, Chriatchuroft. Having again taken possession of the &&>** well-known old-established and: favowgr Hotel, having been thoroughly renovaww and refitted, will now be found reptow with every convenience, no expense oßnm bees spared to ensure the oomfort ot vis* tors. The reputation of my management ceeoe BO OOOUQXOQb* P. BT7BEE, Late «f the Southern Cross Hotel, 840 7800 Adduurton. QUILL'S HOTEL. ASHBXnBTOS Opposite the Bailway Stafikm. nnHE Propjdetordesires to notify to Cobk \_ meroial Travellers, Fanuues abb VMtorafchat the above Establishments** tobe excelled in the celony. The Pww Apartments are speoially designed for coe oomfort and privacy of families. W*2~-f Commercial Boom «« exoellent lasxvts -, r , large Sample Boom, Billiard '-] rooms, Ac. Al| Wines and Beers eap»ae» ■•* are of the best brands. The Bftttwag Befreshment Booms, &» »nftwfljM>*"frt of the Propruw* -c&J of QuUl'e Hotel. ; THOM4S QT7ILL Proprfeb»« 6148 .--.

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Press, Volume XLI, Issue 6054, 10 February 1885, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 7 Press, Volume XLI, Issue 6054, 10 February 1885, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 7 Press, Volume XLI, Issue 6054, 10 February 1885, Page 4