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B. HALE & CO.. ~ ■ SAIL, TENT, TABPAULIN. FLAG, HOESE COVES AND OILSKIR CLOTHING MANUFACTTJBEBS AND BOPE AND TWINE MAKEBS, CASHEL STREET, CHBISTCHUBCH. - , TAEPATTLINS V%/ E beg to call the attention of Farmers and others to our Large Stock of TAB T? PAULINS of different qualities, which we are Selling at reduced pita*. Speciality-CLOTHS, for Bound Bides, 32« 6d. wnoefc We have also a Good Assortment of BINDING TWINE, comprising Manilla. Fh»~ and Hemp, suitable for all machines. REAPER and BINDEB APRONS and ELEVATOBS kept in Stock, and all Una. of BEPAJOUNG done <m the premises. _ aufiafc MA.CBDnSTB3aY BELTINGHavuur been appointed Sole Agents for the Sale of F. BEDDAWAY & GO'S PATENT COTTON BELTING, we beg to inform Manufacturers, Mill Ow£L* Threshing Machine Proprietors and others, that we keep a large stock always on hSSr from 2Jin to Bin. Also, Leather Belting of all sizes kept in stock. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. 134 Wj» CHEAP BOOT AND SHOE i3EPO^ COLOMBO STREET, CHBISTCHTJBCH. JOHN OOODMAN HAS the pleasure to inform hie numerous customers that, HAYING HCASB SATISFACTORY ARRANGEMENTS BE EXTENSION OF LEASE, be glad to see his numerous constituents, when they will FIND THE QOODS CHEAPER THAN EVER. JOHN "GOODMAN, COLOMBO STREET, CESISTCHUBCB. TADDY'S HIGH CLASS SNUFFS. GUARANTEED PURE. 130 YEARS' REPUTATION FOB EXCELLENCE AND QUALITY. FINEST SCENTED SCOTCH SNUFR GENUINE PRINCE'S, MORTON'S, LATAEXA AND OTHEB BAPPEEB . Of the Finest Quality, with the most Costly Scents, In Sib., lib., and fib. Jan. SOLD EVERYWHERE. TADDY & CO., LONDON. ESTABLISHED 13 TEABS.

β-aaat Insurance Companies. mHE TTNION , FIBE AND MARINE INSUBANCB COMPANY OF NEW ZEALAND. , Hbbifobd Stbhht, Cheistokdbob. CAPITAL SUBBCBIBED ... J^W/M RESEBVE FUND" Z ." *$$» nriHIS COMPANT, the ONLY inatiJL tution of the kind having ite HEAD OFFICE and MANAGEMENT in Christohurch, ie prepared to effect PIBE AND MAEINE INSUBANCES Of every description, AT OUBBENT BATES. W. DEVENISH MEABES, y. General Manager. List of Canterbury Agents in Saturday* £ issue. ' - mHE TTNION TNSUBANOE HEAD OFFICE, NOEWICH, ENGLAND. EstabUahei 1797. AMOUNT INSURED, ... £200,009,000 LOSSES PAID... ... JMJMjm Claima settled with liberality and ■ ; "' ■promptitude. J. M. HEY WOOD 4 CO., Cathedral square, Christohuroh, 104 5337 Agents for CanterburyTHE EQUITABLE* INSUBANGS Affltf CIATION OF NEW •HEAD OFFICE... ... DUKBDHf, XS now prepared to ACCEPT PIKE aal ■ JL MASENS INSUBANCES of every description at LOWEST CUBBENT BATES. , l ' " F. J. HIBELL, t -.s. Manager for Canterbury, ' - ' 175, Hereford etreefc • THE COLONIAL INSUBANCB COM- ; - PANY OF NEW ZEALAND. : i... Capital ... ... ... .£1,000,000. •'■■:, TTNLIMITED LIABILITY of 8HAB»- /,' r * U HOLDEBS. , „-- Fire and Marine Bisks taken at Lowest v Current Bates.* - ■- -~ B. WALTON, " * -17 Manager for Canterbury. ' *- ALLIANCE MABINE ABBUBANOV , COMPANY, LIMITED, ' OF LONDON. Founded 1824. Capital One Millk*. Incorporated by Act of Parliament. The above Company are now prepares to accept Marine Bute at Lowest Cineat Bates. Head Agency for New Zealand, GABD%EB & PICHEBXNGt, 161 Hereford street. Chrietoharek 4-288281 CeoTeyaneee. MOUNT SOMEBS AND METHVEHT BOYAL MAIL COACH. ON and site* January Ist, 188$, tbg Undersigned will BUN a COAOff each TUESDAY, THUB&DAY, and SATOBDAY, starting at Noon free Hood's Hotel, Mount Somers, for bpggebnrri and Alford Forest, there conneetafiff with 'Duff's , Coach from Methven,retuml«f . r same evening. ' ' Fabxs : Springburn, 2s; return 3s. Alford Forest, 4ej return 6a. ;___■ MO 8670 . T. HIX.. HAYWABD'S GOACHJBS will BUS W and from the Ferry Bridjreero \ Stunner 3MILY, on arrival of Trams fro» ~ Christehurch— , „ „ ,«<» T i Leaving: Cathedral equate at 8.50, V>» 11 a.m.7T.8,3.30;, 5,15 p.m. - Leaving Summer at 7.45, 8.45, IQMJkM* IJO. 3.30.4,10,5.10 p.m. _ .- ■ . Special trip on Saturdays—weana* Chratchurch at 1.50 p.m.; leaving Stnaaet , - at 1.50 p.m.i ", * Sundays—Leaving Cathedral wjtiar* w 9.39,11.0 a.«n. 8.0,4.80,0.0 p.m. ' '-- Leaving Stunner at 9.80, 11 J) ajn.i *•>• i 6.0 pan. _, _ ~ Beturn tiokete, Uβ i single, Iβ. Tα *• . j» obtained from goarde of trwn or coosn. ■ ■- Coaches, drags, and carriages for pnvaw hire. ' i J - HOT SPRINGS, m%t HANMEB PLAINS, AMUEI, NELSON PROVINCE. DEBECT COMMUNICATION U. *X Coach every Tuesday, on oxnmot first train from Christcburch, Sβ* >-'< every Thursday morning, in time to caw» * -« last train for Christchuroh. . , I ~ T. DEBEETT, Proprietor. %^ — >—: — ■ ■ —~T %i TELEGBAPH LINE OF BOYAL MAU* * ', COACHES TO HOBUNUI AND WAU"- ~ v I riOACHES leave"waikari for Hnriom '. V/ on the arrival of morning and , day trains from Christehurch and Huruna* every morning at 9.30 a.m. and 9L«P» r Also to Waiau every Monday andTliure» day, returning on Tuesdays and .*»* days in time to catch the 4.10 p.m. tram w> -*\ Christehurch. ' . . ■ T. DEBiraTT. Proprietor- _

HEALTH FOB ALL. HOLLOW AY'SPILLB AND OINTMENT rfIHE PILLS Purify the blood, correot X disorders of the Liver, Stomach, Kid* neys, and Bowels, and are invaluable in all complaints incidental to females. The OINTMENT is the only reliable remedy for Bad Legs, Old Wounds, Soxes, and Ulcers. For Bronchitis, Diphtheria. Conghs, Colds, Gout, Bheamatiam, end all Skin Diseases, it has no equal. Sold by the Proprietor, Thomas Hollowat, 78 New Oxford street London, and by all medicine "endow throughout the we rid . 7-8 8» ONE WOBD! Dβ ab Fbuhds,— We have some hesitation in addresiing you in the manner following, but hope that it will not be looked, at in any invidious light, when we state that it is only our regard for your health that causes Uβ to do it. Wβ have been a Firm of Analytical Chemists for many, many years, and have in the long course of. this time manufactured certain Medicines that being based on scientific formula and abeolute care and precision in manufacture, have enjoyed a popularity far in advance. of any other Pharmaceutical Preparations of the day. How successful we have been in this is only to note the extraordinary amount of the sales of out Haydock*s New Liver Pill. .Wβ ha-73 the pleasure te state that we nave sold 28,089 VIALS OF DB. HAYDOCK'S NEW LIVEB PILLS. The reaeon of this demand is because we find in ___ HAYDOCK'S NEW LIVES PILLS A wonderful and extraordinary combination of concentrated medicine. The Victories of Science—Electric Telegraphs, Steam and Printing—revolutionised the whole system of the globe, and made man-. kind wisetand better. So, although there are countless pills used for diseases and claiming much as to their merit, the remarkable discovery of Dr. Haydook has eclipsed them all, and has founded a NEW MEDICAL SYSTEM. The Doctors, whose vast doses of four or five pills enfeeble the stomach and paralyse the bowels, must give way to the man who restores health and appetite with, one or two of his extraordinary Vegetable Pills. One or two of DB. HAYDOCK'S NEW LIVEB PILLS suffices to place the stomach in perfect order, creates an appetite, and renders the spirit light and buoyant. If the Liver i& affected ite functions are restored, and if the Nervous System is enfeebled it is invigorated and sustained. . ■■ • TBANSLATION. | Aykab, Province of Burmah, 8.1. Honored and Learned Physician,--The unworthy one who dares address you and come before you humbly in the dust, begs for his people (caste) that you would deign to look upon their ignoble miseries and cure them with your Live-giving grains (Pills). Illustrious one your most potent medicine is life to them and their children, and all the Drug Bazaars are empty and your Soul is not in them. This humble petitioner, although, he is ignoble and unworthy to be in your high presence, prays that you will graciously permit your Life grains (Pills) to come to Aykab. To the moet learned and wise Physician Haylock (Haydock) of name. Native to the States of America, united in the North America Country. ••■■•••■ Servilely signing for himself and twentythree others, this Petitioner places his ngn, Tnail FanajbxbbbJlncibl. ' Carmi, EL, April 2nd, 1884. Dβ. J. Haydock. : Dear Sir,—l received your Pills a week ago. I have tried them, and must say that I never had so much good done by anything as they have mc. I have Buffered for years with biliousness, and have been so sick at tunes as not to care to live, but your Pills have cured mc. One aged man here has taken from mc only two of your Pills, and I wish you could see him. He has had no appetite for five months, and to-day he ate a dinner such as a ploughman eats. I had to check him, but he laughed, and said he was treating his stomach to a new sensation, for it really was hungry. I hand you with this four dollars. Please send at once, as below, your Pills. Mbs Sabah Mahkzbs, Carmi, Illinois, US. We would fatigue you if we were to go on with them, as we very well could do, but the above must suffice. - HAYDOCK'S NEW LIVEB PILLS Are the true grains and essence of health, and the greatest blessing that Science has given to the world. For Nervous Prostration, Weakness, General Lassitude, Want of Appetite, and I Sick Headache, Or. Baydock's New Liver Pills will be found' an Effectual Bemedy. Each Vial contains Twenty Pills. Price, Twenty-five Cents. For sale by all Druggists. Any sceptic can have a vial of Pills SENT HIM FREE on receipt of hia num and address, for a triaL Send a postal card for copy of pamphlet —"THE IJVEB AND ITS MYSTERY." It furnishes valuable information to aIL HAYDOCK 4 CO., New York, U.S. CAUTlON.—Druggists are desired t» notice that the name of J. H. Francis, Sole Agent, is wzttten across each dozen packages of Haydocf c Liver Pills. All without this are counterfeits. Sole Agents for New Zealand—" ~ P. HAYMAN 4 C 0. ,, *" yiw^tfliff 1 ?' street, Christchurch.

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Press, Volume XLI, Issue 6053, 9 February 1885, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 7 Press, Volume XLI, Issue 6053, 9 February 1885, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 7 Press, Volume XLI, Issue 6053, 9 February 1885, Page 4